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Video: Islamic State group beheads Japanese journalist

Lite Beer

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Perhaps it's because of wishful thinking, but I can't help wondering; if this psycho is so blood-thirsty, callous and cruel, without any conscience, why do none of the videos show the actual incision/decapitation?

I suspect it is nothing whatsoever to do about conscience, but some awareness (even cockroaches like them appear to know how powerfull imagery is) of the bigger picture being taken into account. All the hostgages are still ending up with their carved off bloodied heads placed on their back for all to see, yes? If the wishfull thinking is that they are infact shot first and 'then' the dead body mutilated afterwards, then yes I hope that happens too but I very much doubt it. I base this on their mass execution of the Syrian soldiers, where I believe every last grim moment was recorded from start to finish then distributed. I reckon the reasoning is some awareness that their global supporters who enjoy this battle from the comfort of their homes and support them in financial ways or working to spread their media to a global audience, could end up 'too' rattled by the gruesome act and make them reconsider. I remember seeing footage of the slaughter of a captivesof al-Zarqawis lot, Eugene Armstrong, back in the day (call it morbid curiosity at the time), and it was sheer visual and audio horror for anyone who happened to see it and soon wished they hadn't embraced that morbid curiosity.

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It makes me angry that the US invaded Iraq based on lies and got > a million people killed for no good reason but they won't put "boots on the ground" in a country that is beheading its citizens and encouraging people to kill Americans, Canadians, Japanese etc. etc. etc. <deleted>?! What other reason do you need?

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Savages, Hopefully we will be able to Crucify this Scum...
Crucify ? So they are not the only savages !

These animals deserve it, the misery they are bringing down on millions.... Crucifixion is too good for them..... I could think of worse things I would like to see happen to them. Sometimes even the most hideous things are justifiable.

If that makes me a barbarian...... Then I am happy with that, but the masses would see me differently and I would feel good in myself.

I guess you are missing the hypocrisy in your thinking then.
I'm sure they believe that their actions are "justifiable" too...

It's a sad world we live in !

Anyone can justify anything. Humans are a unique species, particularly with their large complicated brains. Our species is capable of cruelty beyond any other species, including parasitic wasps which eat their spider hosts. Insects and other species kill for nourishment or to propagate or to protect themselves or their brood. Islamist extremists are the lowest form of human. They would even kill their own children - another trait that no other species shares (except some do it to gain nourishment).

Woooha, humans are just an error made by God, Allah, or whatever The Idiot's name is. Edited by Scott
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It makes me angry that the US invaded Iraq based on lies and got > a million people killed for no good reason but they won't put "boots on the ground" in a country that is beheading its citizens and encouraging people to kill Americans, Canadians, Japanese etc. etc. etc. <deleted>?! What other reason do you need?

'boots on the ground' would only exacerbate the sorts of problems which the US gets into, every time it ventures in to the M.East with guns drawn. I'd like to see every last Muslim extremists exterminated as much as you, but sending in Uncle Sam's boys is not the way. Armed drones, even with their inherent drawbacks (innocents killed), are probably the best comparative way to deal with the sadists who are taking over the sand dunes there. It's like trying to eradicate a wasps' nest with a baseball bat. You'll kill some wasps, but there are repercussions for the neighborhood.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It makes me angry that the US invaded Iraq based on lies and got > a million people killed for no good reason but they won't put "boots on the ground" in a country that is beheading its citizens and encouraging people to kill Americans, Canadians, Japanese etc. etc. etc. <deleted>?! What other reason do you need?

'boots on the ground' would only exacerbate the sorts of problems which the US gets into, every time it ventures in to the M.East with guns drawn. I'd like to see every last Muslim extremists exterminated as much as you, but sending in Uncle Sam's boys is not the way. Armed drones, even with their inherent drawbacks (innocents killed), are probably the best comparative way to deal with the sadists who are taking over the sand dunes there. It's like trying to eradicate a wasps' nest with a baseball bat. You'll kill some wasps, but there are repercussions for the neighborhood.

You make sense. So even if drones are the way to go, why not go all out and do it properly...why this seemingly half-hearted effort. I hope that Japan isn't just talking, that they actually get off their ass and do something. It shouldn't be the US stepping out every time.

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The very latest from the pilot captured: Burned alive in a cage. sad.png

Seriously folks, nuclear bombs were made for pigs like this!!!!!thumbsup.gif

Normal people loves their liberty, money and properties. Therefore when they commit crimes we punish them by fines or prison.

Islamists, or should I say Nazislamists don't care a lot about that. They do love their lands, families, their religion and their holy book, their prophet, and holy places. They also put all their personal values into some dark age version of pride. Therefore...

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The very latest from the pilot captured: Burned alive in a cage. sad.png

Seriously folks, nuclear bombs were made for pigs like this!!!!!thumbsup.gif

I agree with your sentiment, but not about using N bombs, unless there were small ones. What's the smallest N bomb?

Standard N bombs are horrible for the environment. What few creatures still exist over there (rats, scorpions, a few birds), .....will also bear the brunt of a N bomb. People downwind will get residual effects. That's Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan (maybe that's ok), and India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, Nepal and Tibet.

Napalm might be useful, though it has awful lingering chemical/genetic altering effects.

Conventional bombs might help put a dent in the problem, but again, it's like trying to eradicate a termite mound with a tennis racquet. You kill some insects, but the survivors spread out and build other mounds.

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