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Park entrance fees to increase for foreigners nationwide?


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There's a report in the other newspaper that the entrance fee for an obscure national park is to rise to 400 Baht for foreigners (from 200 Baht). The justification is that the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department has mandated that park entrance prices for foreigners be consistent across the country.

400 Baht to visit each of the mediocre parks in the land? I think I'll pass on that.

I did, however, smile when I read that the increase wouldn't have much of an impact on the number of visitors to the park - they get less than 100 foreigners a year.

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Just use your Thai Driver's license...that works fine. So far, not a problem. Tourists will definitely get swindled.

I just stay in the car, and my gal drives. The last 3 parks we went to, my wife would just pull over to the side of the road, walk to the ticket office, and purchase two local tickets. To tell you the truth, they never looked in the car. Another park we go to, they block the entrance, but not the exit...as it does not open until 7am. We just drive in free, using the exit as an entrance (probably for overnight campers). I keep a running log of the money I could have/should have spent, for those times when I am overcharged. I am still far ahead.

Edited by slipperylobster
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