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Cops raid Phuket massage parlours in anti-human trafficking drive: VIDEO

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Born 1985 and she is 31?

Which girl, that is forced into prostitution, is going to raise her hand when her pimp stands right behind her?

Where were the pimps?

"The pimps" are at home, in issan, waiting for their monthly payment.

In most cases in Thailand, the "people traffikers" are the sex worker's immediate family, particularly their mother, who, in many cases, was a sex worker herself.


Correct. It's illegal if carried out in a promiscuous manner. Otherwise if between consenting adults, it doesn't come within that Act. That is the beauty of the barfine and the massage parlour - nothing promiscuous.

Your talking enforcement and not law..

Its illegal.. This is why tea money is called tea money.. because the government wanted to tax whorehouses so they called them tea rooms and charged them tea money to operate..

And thats why its such comedy.. They have a law but no one wants to enforce it, they want to perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to pretend they dont have a law, that the law doesnt apply, that they dont need to enforce 'that one' and everything is fine.

Then why does it specifically state "carried out in a promiscuous manner" which implies that non-promiscuous prostitution (behind closed doors) is permitted under the law, and why are the separate references to penalties for underage prostitutes, again implying that for prostitutes 18 and over it is permitted? I do agree it's a grey area, hence the police have many ways of extracting their take!

The UK law is far clearer, with the act of prostitution itself being legal, but much of what surrounds it being against the law.

Promiscuous = the act of having sex with multiple partners.. It has nothing to do with behind closed doors or if its seen or not.

Care to explain how prostitution can be done in a non promiscuous manner ??

Or care to explain why various sex workers rights want it to be legalized ??

It is illegal.. The police simply choose not to enforce this law.. Because those businesses will be paying the police to operate. Or do you really think they dont make payments ?? If they do, what perhaps are those payments for ??

"Care to explain how prostitution can be done in a non promiscuous manner ??" - easy. It's called, "marriage." cheesy.gif


I never feel sad for them, as it is their choice. They could work in the rice fields for 3,000 a month, but CHOOSE the easy path to "riches". In their shoes, I'd probably do the same.

Yeah ! that is a choice ? rice field or prostitution to get rich ! It s called modern slavery...and sexpats or sextourist are those who encourage this kind of slavery...telling the system : "yeah go on, send me more girls, this is the right choice" for the girls.

By the way, once the girls start to get rich, she (or her family) will have a higher level of living....and she will need to go on with this level by never stop having sex with other sextourists... she will need things she didn t need before, like her first Ipad, then after a while, it will be broken, she will need to buy new one, so need to sell her <removed> to an other man....etc...etc...etc...this is modern slavery.


Interesting video.

The girls don't want to be recognized by their family and friends back home in Esan, because the family was told they were working in hotels.

More likely they don't want to be recognized by their foreign sponsors who think they are working in hotels or 7/11 etc

The families will believe they were only giving massages as they still want the money. Their foreign sponsor will cut off the money.


I never feel sad for them, as it is their choice. They could work in the rice fields for 3,000 a month, but CHOOSE the easy path to "riches". In their shoes, I'd probably do the same.

Yeah ! that is a choice ? rice field or prostitution to get rich ! It s called modern slavery...and sexpats or sextourist are those who encourage this kind of slavery...telling the system : "yeah go on, send me more girls, this is the right choice" for the girls.

By the way, once the girls start to get rich, she (or her family) will have a higher level of living....and she will need to go on with this level by never stop having sex with other sextourists... she will need things she didn t need before, like her first Ipad, then after a while, it will be broken, she will need to buy new one, so need to sell her pussy to an other man....etc...etc...etc...this is modern slavery.

Is it "modern slavery" - or GREED?

None of these girls, or they family, are facing death in Issan. They have food, clothing, shelter and companionship - the need of life.

It appeas to me, using your example, they WANT the iPad, not NEED the ipad - so chose to work in the sex trade to achieve their goal of buying an iPad.

I see the point you are making. It's been termed, "consumer redundancy." This is why there is the iPhone 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, for example.

They actually have the technology to make iPhone 8 now, but, they will make iPhone 7 first, sell them, and then iPhone 8, and sell them - thus, making more money.

Some people must have the lastest, and the greatest, and in Thailand, the girls are prepared to work in the sex trade to be able to buy such items, as they are released. They are simply not content with a 900 baht "talk and text" phone.

When you look at it, they can have a hard manual labour job on a rice paddy, in the hot sun, for long hours, and get paid very little, or, they can come to a beach resort area, party every night, meeting people from all around the world, earning big money, without working hard, and possibly have a farang fall in love with them and marry them, instantly making her, and her whole family rich.

In my opinion, in most cases, it's laziness and greed that attracts Thai girls into the sex trade, not "modern slavery."

I would suggest "modern slavery" is, for example, garment factory workers in India, or, the Chinese factory workers.

iPhones are now made in China. The staff on the assembly line are paid very little an hour, yet, the iPhone sells for hundreds of dollars, all around the world.

For me, that's "modern slavery."

Yes, but no one, except a few moralists, are suggesting the girls in the video are "slaves". However, there are cases of genuinely trafficked women in the brothels and karaoke bars in Thai town that are genuine sex slaves (unlikely to be Thai) and/or underage. This is what hopefully they are cracking down on.


Wow. The Paddy is smoking in Phuket Town. Anyone actually been there? Of course things may have changed but from my now out of date memories you needed to speak a Burmese dialect to get understood in that Soi. And the pimps are not in Issan,; they are sitting on their bike's ass at the end of every Phuket Soi picking their faces in the bike mirror


Born 1985 and she is 31?

Which girl, that is forced into prostitution, is going to raise her hand when her pimp stands right behind her?

I have never seen a Thai girl with a pimp. I have also never seen what looks to be an underage worker in any massage establishment. and... thrid of all, I have never witnessed a girl who says she is forced to work in any massage parlor or even on Soi Bang La or anywhere in Thailand for that matter. I feel most of the women actually enjoy their work and I've noticed on many occasion they would rather work in the nightlife scene than have a standard boring day job. Alot of Thai girls just like to PaRtY and associate with farangs.. I don't think they'll uncover anything of significance with more raids but they may chase away the girls or the clientele if they persist in doing this.


The comedy factor is that prostitution is illegal.. And here you are, with the top cops and media in tow.. Going to places that even the cop doesnt try to pretend is not a place of prostitution, but thats Ok because there was no one underage...

If its illegal.. How does the cop manage to reconcile that HUGE operation happening on his patch (I know.. Rhetorical question)..

It's illegal in the UK. But the wording of the law makes solicitation for prostitution illegal not the act itself. Kerb crawling is different. Massage parlors and escorts advertise in the media and online. UK police forces have varying attitudes. Several years ago West Mercia police had a zero tolerance and you'd find no adverts in the local papers. Step across to the West Midland's police area and it was all over the place in the open. So Thailand isn't the only country to enforce the law regionally selectively.

Sensible countries like Germany and the Netherlands adopt a realistic approach. Sweden and France a more unrealistic one. Seeing this is the world's oldest profession, surely the most important thing is to stop underage, trafficking and exploitation?

Prostitution is not illegal in the UK as long as it is carried out in private rooms and no pimps, unless the law has changed since I was there. However, as you say, actual solicitation ie on the street is illegal, for the customer, not the prostitute. Didn't stop it though. I was propositioned by a very attractive young lady at King's Cross station. I wasn't going anywhere with her, but asked the price w00t.gif ! Thai Gogo/ BGs are cheap at twice the price compared to a mere half hour in London.

"It's illegal in the UK. But the wording of the law makes solicitation for prostitution illegal not the act itself". Obviously not clear enough for you.

England and Wales[edit]

Although previous acts still remain in force, the Policing and Crime Act 2009 (together with the Sexual Offences Act 2003) replaced most aspects of previous legislation relating to prostitution. An important change resulting from the 2009 act was the amendment of the laws on soliciting and loitering for the purposes of prostitution. The main differences involve the shifting of focus from the prostitutes to the customers. Before 1 April 2010, it was illegal for a customer to kerb crawl/solicit only if this was done "persistently", or "in a manner likely to cause annoyance". Today, all forms of public solicitation by a customer are illegal, regardless of the manner in which the prostitute was solicited. The act also makes it an offence for someone to pay or promise to pay a prostitute who has been subject to "exploitive conduct". The law now applies to male as well as female prostitutes because the term "common prostitute" has been replaced with "person". Before 1 April 2010, a prostitute was committing a crime by soliciting/loitering in a public place more than once in a period of one month. Today, he/she commits a crime if he/she does it more than once in a period of three months.


Street prostitution is illegal. It is an offence to loiter or solicit persistently in a street or public place for the purpose of offering ones services as a prostitute. The term "prostitute" is defined as someone who has offered or provided sexual services to another person in return for a financial arrangement on at least one previous occasion. To demonstrate "persistence" under the current legislation, two police officers must witness the activity and administer a non-statutory prostitute caution. This caution differs from an ordinarypolice caution in that the behaviour leading to a caution need not itself be evidence of a criminal offence. There is no requirement for a man or woman to admit guilt before being given a prostitutes caution and there is no right of appeal. Working as a prostitute in private is not an offence, and neither is working as an outcall escort. Nor is it illegal for prostitutes to sell sex at a brothel provided they are not involved in management or control of the brothel.[36]


Soliciting someone for the purpose of obtaining their sexual services as a prostitute is an offence if the soliciting takes place in a street or public place (whether in a vehicle or not). This is a broader restriction than the 1985 ban on kerb-crawling. It is now also an offence to make or promise payment for the sexual services of a prostitute if the prostitute has been subjected to "exploitative conduct" (force, threats or deception) in order to bring about such an arrangement for gain. This is a strict liability offence (clients can be prosecuted even if they didn’t know the prostitute was forced).[35] Additionally there exists an offence of paying for sexual services of a child (anyone under 18).

In Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), prostitution itself (the exchange of sexual services for money) is legal,[2] but a number of related activities, including soliciting in a public place, kerb crawling, owning or managing a brothel, pimping and pandering, are crimes. InNorthern Ireland, which previously had similar laws, paying for sex was criminalised in January 2015.[3]

In England and Wales, it is an offence to pay for sex with a prostitute who has been “subjected to force” and this is a strict liability offence (clients can be prosecuted even if they did not know the prostitute was forced).

Throughout Great Britain it is illegal to buy sex from a person younger than 18, although the age of consent for non-commercial sex is 16 throughout the United Kingdom.

A little more complex than most think. You committed an offence by discussing the price for sexual services in a public place. Good luck with the defense you weren't really interested if arrested. Northern Ireland has just criminalized it btw, so be careful there.

Very few countries seem to tackle this subject and have really clear laws. It's easier to avoid arguments about legalizing it like Netherlands and Germany or criminalizing it like Sweden and Norway.


In most of these fishbowl places there are always a group of Thai men sitting and watching the women, and doing nothing else. My guess is that they're the pimps.

Maybe pimps, maybe boyfriends or husbands. But certainly there to kick your teeth in if you step out of line.

Something very sad about seeing a young Thai couple with a small child drive up to Nana or Soi Cowboy on a motor cycle. Mum get's off doled up for the nights work whilst dad takes child home. Seen this a few times whilst sipping a cold one. Their business, not mine, but sad.

Considering that most of the Gogo/ BGs are doing it to pay for their child/ren, that's a strange way to feel IMO. Most leave their mothers to bring up the child/ren in the village, but the majority ( IMO ) have child/ren whether you see them or not.

I never feel sad for them, as it is their choice. They could work in the rice fields for 3,000 a month, but CHOOSE the easy path to "riches". In their shoes, I'd probably do the same.

So you'd have no problem with your children and grandchildren choosing this easy path to riches? Or even driving your wife to a few clients should the financial need arise?

Females here have so many other choices after all the free first class education and opportunities whistling.gif


There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get on my knees and thank the stars above that I wasn't born a Thai.

The on-going news clearly depicts Thailand in all its glory ... yes the land of scams, rip-offs, prostitution and violence crime; mostly perpetrated against any foreigner stupid enough to visit.

The raids came as part of the government̕s drive to lift Thailand out of Tier 3, the lowest grade in the United States̕ Trafficking in Persons Report.

This is NOT going to be anywhere near enough for the US to reconsider its position. Apart from all the underage prostitution there still remains high levels of human trafficking and slavery. Add to this the mix of martial law, the removal of fundamental human rights, the on-going discrimination and the media being effectively forced into silence unless it meets with gov approval and you have the perfect recipe for potential sanctions ... it amazes me to this day how Thailand has managed to escape sanctions over the years.

You could offer me $100 million and I still wouldn't step foot in Thailand ... human dignity has no price; unless of course if you're a Thai and then they'll sell it for 100 Baht.

Apart from all the underage prostitution

That old urban myth! While it may happen in the THAI bar scene, it would be hard to find for the average punter in Thailand for a two week holiday. I have spent many an evening walking from Pattaya Walking Street to the Naklua bars up Second Rd and back down beach Road, and if there were any underage girls, they must have been hidden away somewhere. Certainly not in view.

For the US to criticize Thailand is utmost hypocricy. Prostitution is legal in some states and there is plenty of illegal going on elsewhere. They should deal with their own problem before lecturing other countries.

Of course, I know as much about what goes on in the States from first hand experience, as you know about the Thai scene, which is ZERO.

I do not know in which country you live, but I do know that it has a prostitution scene, so why are you so down on Thailand, ESPECIALLY as you have never been there?

"I have spent many an evening walking from Pattaya Walking Street to the Naklua bars up Second Rd and back down beach Road, and if there were any underage girls, they must have been hidden away somewhere. Certainly not in view."

Disappointed then?

And inquiring the price of a street whore in London on your previous post.

Just researching of course, no intentions of action thumbsup.gif

Is it a surprise you don't feel sorry for the females working in the sex trade?


The comedy factor is that prostitution is illegal.. And here you are, with the top cops and media in tow.. Going to places that even the cop doesnt try to pretend is not a place of prostitution, but thats Ok because there was no one underage...

If its illegal.. How does the cop manage to reconcile that HUGE operation happening on his patch (I know.. Rhetorical question)..

It's illegal in the UK. But the wording of the law makes solicitation for prostitution illegal not the act itself. Kerb crawling is different. Massage parlors and escorts advertise in the media and online. UK police forces have varying attitudes. Several years ago West Mercia police had a zero tolerance and you'd find no adverts in the local papers. Step across to the West Midland's police area and it was all over the place in the open. So Thailand isn't the only country to enforce the law regionally selectively.

Sensible countries like Germany and the Netherlands adopt a realistic approach. Sweden and France a more unrealistic one. Seeing this is the world's oldest profession, surely the most important thing is to stop underage, trafficking and exploitation?

Which is what hopefully the authorities here are doing.

The act of paying money for sex ( prostitution) is not illegal in the UK, and as long as done in a non promiscuous way, not illegal in Thailand either.

Read the first 2 sentences. Maybe I should have been more clear in how I explained it.

Northern Ireland has just criminalized it btw.

Who decides what is promiscuous? Is that left to the individual officer?


Correct. It's illegal if carried out in a promiscuous manner. Otherwise if between consenting adults, it doesn't come within that Act. That is the beauty of the barfine and the massage parlour - nothing promiscuous.

Your talking enforcement and not law..

Its illegal.. This is why tea money is called tea money.. because the government wanted to tax whorehouses so they called them tea rooms and charged them tea money to operate..

And thats why its such comedy.. They have a law but no one wants to enforce it, they want to perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to pretend they dont have a law, that the law doesnt apply, that they dont need to enforce 'that one' and everything is fine.

Then why does it specifically state "carried out in a promiscuous manner" which implies that non-promiscuous prostitution (behind closed doors) is permitted under the law, and why are the separate references to penalties for underage prostitutes, again implying that for prostitutes 18 and over it is permitted? I do agree it's a grey area, hence the police have many ways of extracting their take!

The UK law is far clearer, with the act of prostitution itself being legal, but much of what surrounds it being against the law.

The UK law reflects Victorian hypocrisy. The amount of additional legislation, direct or indirect, makes it far from clear; as does the different enforcement and interpretations by different forces.

NI are the exception having just criminalized payment for sex.

Either criminalize it or legalize and regulate it. But the fudge of pretense is nonsense. That applies to Great Britain and Thailand.

  • Like 1

The only difference between prostitution in a massage parlor and marriage is the length of time and the price. Marriage is just a longer more expensive version of prostitution. Why do you reckon all the rich actors and businessmen get the best looking ladies?


I hope the press and the police gave the girls a proper apology for filming them when they clearly did not want to be filmed, and the press had no reason whatsoever to film them.

Why is the press even filming? If they had found underage girls, I assume they would not be allowed to publish the pictures of them anyway.


There isn't a day that goes by that I don't get on my knees and thank the stars above that I wasn't born a Thai.

The on-going news clearly depicts Thailand in all its glory ... yes the land of scams, rip-offs, prostitution and violence crime; mostly perpetrated against any foreigner stupid enough to visit.

The raids came as part of the government̕s drive to lift Thailand out of Tier 3, the lowest grade in the United States̕ Trafficking in Persons Report.

This is NOT going to be anywhere near enough for the US to reconsider its position. Apart from all the underage prostitution there still remains high levels of human trafficking and slavery. Add to this the mix of martial law, the removal of fundamental human rights, the on-going discrimination and the media being effectively forced into silence unless it meets with gov approval and you have the perfect recipe for potential sanctions ... it amazes me to this day how Thailand has managed to escape sanctions over the years.

You could offer me $100 million and I still wouldn't step foot in Thailand ... human dignity has no price; unless of course if you're a Thai and then they'll sell it for 100 Baht.

Apart from all the underage prostitution

That old urban myth! While it may happen in the THAI bar scene, it would be hard to find for the average punter in Thailand for a two week holiday. I have spent many an evening walking from Pattaya Walking Street to the Naklua bars up Second Rd and back down beach Road, and if there were any underage girls, they must have been hidden away somewhere. Certainly not in view.

For the US to criticize Thailand is utmost hypocricy. Prostitution is legal in some states and there is plenty of illegal going on elsewhere. They should deal with their own problem before lecturing other countries.

Of course, I know as much about what goes on in the States from first hand experience, as you know about the Thai scene, which is ZERO.

I do not know in which country you live, but I do know that it has a prostitution scene, so why are you so down on Thailand, ESPECIALLY as you have never been there?

One time when i was in thermae a woman approached me with her 16 year old niece and talked with me. She told me she was teaching her niece how to get into the business and asked me if i wanted to be her first customer. I also met a girl in a chiang mai bar that admitted to being only 17. Those are the only 2 cases that I have personally witnessed.


Can you perhaps explain how to be a non promiscuous hooker ??

Cant see any value there..

If the exchange of money for sex takes place in private no one will know.

And yet at those massage parlours its not in private, its at the counter..

And the exchange of money isnt the clause.. it was before the 'promiscuous manner' that you were using to make it legal but regulated.

I dont see any explanation of how that allows them in a same setup to arrest them in another city.. Which was precisely my point all along, its illegal, so the cop going along and saying "hey everything fine here" is just head in the sand comedy..


Can you perhaps explain how to be a non promiscuous hooker ??

Cant see any value there..

If the exchange of money for sex takes place in private no one will know.

And yet at those massage parlours its not in private, its at the counter..

And the exchange of money isnt the clause.. it was before the 'promiscuous manner' that you were using to make it legal but regulated.

I dont see any explanation of how that allows them in a same setup to arrest them in another city.. Which was precisely my point all along, its illegal, so the cop going along and saying "hey everything fine here" is just head in the sand comedy..

Prostitution isn't prostitution until money is exchanged. If it's happening on the premises it's an offence. I guess it counts as promiscuity.


If it's happening on the premises it's an offence. I guess it counts as promiscuity.

So to flog this dead horse.. In the start of this story.. The massage parlors it happens on site..

And yet somehow you want to call it legal.. When to everyone else its obvious that its simply more police corruption and blind eye.


If it's happening on the premises it's an offence. I guess it counts as promiscuity.

So to flog this dead horse.. In the start of this story.. The massage parlors it happens on site..

And yet somehow you want to call it legal.. When to everyone else its obvious that its simply more police corruption and blind eye.

As you know the police can pretty much do what they want here and I agree with you about the corruption and blind eye. However the law seems clear to me that, as in the UK, the act of paying someone for sex, or privately having sex for money, is not itself illegal in Thailand.


Well I listed the law, and its very clearly not that.. You have to start making leaps like prostitutes are not being promiscuous and trying to redefine what 'is' is to wrangle around it..

While actual sex worker rights groups are campaigning to have it decriminalized. And prostitutes are being arrested in other parts of the country.


Can you perhaps explain how to be a non promiscuous hooker ??

Cant see any value there..

If the exchange of money for sex takes place in private no one will know.

And if the "exchange of money for sex take place in private" and is between an undercover police officer, and a sex worker - how would you explain that one away?


Can you perhaps explain how to be a non promiscuous hooker ??

Cant see any value there..

If the exchange of money for sex takes place in private no one will know.

And if the "exchange of money for sex take place in private" and is between an undercover police officer, and a sex worker - how would you explain that one away?

Has that happened? Undercover police are usually used to bust prostitution taking place on the premises (brothels) or underage girls.


Can you perhaps explain how to be a non promiscuous hooker ??

Cant see any value there..

If the exchange of money for sex takes place in private no one will know.

And if the "exchange of money for sex take place in private" and is between an undercover police officer, and a sex worker - how would you explain that one away?

Has that happened? Undercover police are usually used to bust prostitution taking place on the premises (brothels) or underage girls.

It could easily happen. Why do you think it hasn't?


Well I listed the law, and its very clearly not that.. You have to start making leaps like prostitutes are not being promiscuous and trying to redefine what 'is' is to wrangle around it..

While actual sex worker rights groups are campaigning to have it decriminalized. And prostitutes are being arrested in other parts of the country.

A tiny minority of prostitutes are being arrested in raids on bars/brothels or for streetwalking. But are they being charged with anything? I doubt it. To decriminalise it would be to admit it's happening and is tolerated. Far better to regulate it as part of the entertainment law, as it is now. No gogo girl, bargirl, massage girl (or boys) need to worry. As long as they are 18+ and Thai, they will be able to continue to operate and so can their customers.

This is quite an interesting read and covers the illogicality and, no doubt deliberate, ambiguity of the legislation.


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