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Thai National Parks ordered to charge foreigners tenfold


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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

I did, and commented on it a couple of times :-)

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I'm replying very laye in the thread,but this is old news. The increase was supposed to happen last year but postponed inthe Thai marine parks which westerners day trip to a lot. I was told that atmy favorite park, the rates were going to 500 per five days (and every five days). I've not been able to return, so I dint know. I have a friend camping now and will know next week.

Its basically 500, is 100 a day plus 80 each day for the tent. Thai will pay 80 per visit and 80 per night tent fee -yes, one shated tent is 160.

I told the wife its getting to the point that a its as much as stating at a bungalow. I'm very unhappy with the 20% increase. The feesalready too high.

Thai parks cannot by any stretch be compared to US parks. Besides in US you can get an.annual pass for a car load of people. The best parks camping only 500-600b per night, two tents, two cars, six people.

Who cares, just stupid farang...shut up and give monnee now.

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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

i disagree with most of your post.

In particular with your final sentence

Edited by Bluespunk
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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

i disagree with most of your post.

In particular with your final sentence

Well I guess with nearly 6000 posts to your name you have nothing better to do than always have the last word... ;-)

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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

i disagree with most of your post.

In particular with your final sentence

Well I guess with nearly 6000 posts to your name you have nothing better to do than always have the last word... ;-)

Hmm, judging me now are we?

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The increase there and at other parks was made in response to an announcement from the National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department that admission fees for foreigners should be made consistent throughout the country as of Sunday.. should read as.. admission fees for people should be made consistent throughout the country. Seriously is there any other country in the world where foreigners are required to pay more to visit an attraction than residents ??

Each country has their own policy on what it charges. There have been/are in place for New Zealand where a 'rates payer' can get discounted rates for certain entrances. This in turn seems fairly fair as far as Public areas are concerned as these are the people that have helped pay for such areas within their rates payments.

Personally I hate going to these Thai aeas with my Thai family and having to pay more being a Farang. I am working in Thailand and should be treated similar to any Thai that is paying taxes.

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When will people realise that bad media comments will keep people away. Hopefullt 'Thai' won't suffer a loss of income for these areas as people stay away. Better to have a reasonable cost 'for everyone' and more profit from more people visiting, resulting in positive 'word of mouth'.

100 khun @ 400bht = 40,000 plus bad comments about price.

400 khun @ 100bht = 40,000 plus happy customers and positive words, resulting in continuous future visitors.

Keep the 'user pay' system for Hong Nam/restroom and more income for the food salers must result in a better outcome.

In the mean time I won't gp out of my way to visit an over-priced event.

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.

Most countries have "ladies night" where ladies get drinks for half price or whatever. Discriminations?

Most countries have discounts for senior citizens. Discrimination?

Justify it however you wish, but dual pricing is in most countries. Try Myanmar. Everything is blatantly dual priced. It is a surcharge for foreigners (not farangs, foreigners). Or a discount for citizens. Why complain. If you disagree, just do not visit that particular venue.

It is not like Thailand invented this system.

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.

Most countries have "ladies night" where ladies get drinks for half price or whatever. Discriminations?

Most countries have discounts for senior citizens. Discrimination?

Justify it however you wish, but dual pricing is in most countries. Try Myanmar. Everything is blatantly dual priced. It is a surcharge for foreigners (not farangs, foreigners). Or a discount for citizens. Why complain. If you disagree, just do not visit that particular venue.

It is not like Thailand invented this system.

Ladies night? Senior citizen discount? If they are open to all, regardless of nationality, race, creed, culture then I have no problem.

You did read my post I take it, you know the bit where I said basing prices on nationality.

Or maybe the bit where I said it doesn't matter who is discriminated against, read that did you?

Or no doubt when you read all the posts prior to this one where I made it clear that I feel this sort of discrimination is wrong no matter where it happens.

Read all them did you?

Perhaps you should before having a pop.

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Ah, the irony of it all.

I fail to see why you are calling my post ironic, the facts are that it is accepted world wide that to treat a disadvantaged group the same as a non disadvantaged group is discrimination.

and that is the crux of this discussion, we have the relatively well off farangs arguing they should be charged the same as the obviously not so well off Thais because to do otherwise is discrimination, yet their own home country's laws disagree with them and in fact say to charge the same would be discrimination.

Apparently the UN says the same thing.

so just to clarify , this affects 2 groups of people

1. Thai nationals ( majority earn less then 20,000 Baht a month)

2. foreign no residents ( by law have to have either a heck of a lot more then 20,000 Baht or be earning significantly more then 20,000 Baht a month)

are these 2 groups equal?

no, one has far greater earnings and capacity to earn

so to charge them both the same price (400 Baht) would be disadvantaging one of them

you STILL don't get it - you're now advocating a means test to justify pricing ????

I sir am not advocating anything. I am nearly explaining what discrimination is to a bunch of privileged people who are screaming hard done by and by doing so have turned themselves into racists by world definitions.

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We also should charge Thai who come to make a pic of the eiffel tower 500 baht.

I sure won't go to any national park in Thailand, and if i don't go then my family/guests also won't go. We will go to Malaysia or Singapore where they also can speak english and don't extort us for being white.

go on then but be sure to leave a forwarding address so everyone knows where to send a postcard when they give a rat's backside that you are gone.
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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.

OK so you are ignoring all my posts explaining the world rulings and why it is not discriminatory so how about you stop posting and go look it up for yourself. Your argument is racist because it disadvantages Thais.

I know you think you are arguing for anti-discrimination but in fact you are being racist.

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.


How would I have guessed that you would wriggle out of answering the question......

Regardless of whether or not you think offering cheaper prices to tourists to encourage them is a 'ludicrous situation' it speaks volumes that you duck answering the question..

If there was such a case of what you perceive as discrimination, would you still be so vocal in opposing it if it was YOU that was benefiting from it?? So much so that you would either refuse to enter the place or insist that you also paid the full amount?

It's a rhetorical question now really, as by your ducking of the question the first time, it is quite clear that you would be only too happy to abandon your highly principled views if you were the one getting the best deal.

If you were indeed as highly principled as you come across to be, you would have immediately answered that you would either refuse to patronise such a place or you would gladly pay the higher rate!

Good night.

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All the sanctimonious egalitarian posts in this thread. rolleyes.gif

Nobody has noticed that in every country in the world, the more you earn, the higher your tax bracket.

The average income of foreign tourists is demonstrably higher than the average income of Thais, so 2x for foreigners would be fair.

Note we're talking about tourists here, which is surely where the policy is aimed. If you want a different pricing policy for residents - take it up with your MP and good luck.

I think that puts a lid on the whole argument. whistling.gif

I would exept up to 3 times the thai price as I posted in another topic about double pricing before.

This act can only do incompetent, greedy idiots, this is the best way to destroy the tourism more.

Som nam na

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.


How would I have guessed that you would wriggle out of answering the question......

Regardless of whether or not you think offering cheaper prices to tourists to encourage them is a 'ludicrous situation' it speaks volumes that you duck answering the question..

If there was such a case of what you perceive as discrimination, would you still be so vocal in opposing it if it was YOU that was benefiting from it?? So much so that you would either refuse to enter the place or insist that you also paid the full amount?

It's a rhetorical question now really, as by your ducking of the question the first time, it is quite clear that you would be only too happy to abandon your highly principled views if you were the one getting the best deal.

If you were indeed as highly principled as you come across to be, you would have immediately answered that you would either refuse to patronise such a place or you would gladly pay the higher rate!

Good night.

I answered your question, several times actually, but you don't want to see that.

I have consistently said two tier pricing is wrong. I have been clear on that.

I oppose all forms of discrimination.

No one benefits from a society that allows discrimination to happen and in fact actually supports it.

You know nothing about me, yet you effectively call me a hypocrite and imply I would support discrimination if it benefited me.

I can't say what I think of you for that slur, it would get me banned and I won't give you that satisfaction.

I would never support any organisation/company/institution that supports and encourages discrimination.

I despise all forms of discrimination and prejudice.

Likewise those who defend it.

Make of that what you will.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I'm amused by those who stubbornly maintain this is no big deal (i.e., the "it's-only-400B" club). In less than 3 days, 26pgs & 648 replies. For TVF, that represents a fairly intensively viewed & commented topic. 'Pretty naïve to assert that this policy targeted at foreigners won't be without its repercussions...

Edited by hawker9000
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Thailand has a huge tourist industry, but it is totally lacking in "welcome" or "customer service" - and then they wonder why their customers are the world's dregs

I wouldn't say that it is totally lacking in welcome or customer service, when I used to come as a tourist I was always very impressed with those aspects. Maybe that was because i used to stay in 4 \ 5 star hotels, (for the same price as a very average 3 star back home) Or maybe the low paid staff on the front line delivering these services are just getting sick and tired of dealing with rude, offensive and often drunk foreign visitors, constantly moaning that "things aren't done like this where I come from"

I suspect that the main reason Thailand attracts the dregs of humanity is, ironically given the theme of this thread, is that even taking into the extra travel cost, you can still have a verrry cheap holiday. And of course the infamous reputation of it being great for sex tourism. Thank God for the time being at least that football is confined to TV screens in bars...

People seem to think that customer service is something you PAY for - it makes me think they don't fully understand the concept of customer service...A towel twisted to look like an elephant is NOT CS, neither is someone parking your car....or running up to your room with a lass of champagne. CS is the ability to empathise with your customer and solve any problems arising. like fixing the air conditioner when it fails, not having building work around the site without informing customers before they arrive, offering discounts or better rooms when they have let down a customer - a proper lost property system all these things relate to honesty and straightforward dealing - the Thai philosophy so often stops once they've sprinkled leelawaddee petals on your pillow and the cheques gone through - the number of stars doesn't seem to affect this attitude.

As for "where I come from" - that doesn't enter into it - Thailand is offering a product - tourism - to the world and there are generally accepted standards - people aren't comparing "home' - they are comparing other countries they've stayed in and time and again Thailand displays a truly dismaying lack of concern in this area.

I felt that compared to 10 years ago CS in Thailand is actually very slowly being dragged into the 21st century, but since the junta, they seem to have turned the clock back, which seems to be confirmed by tis outrageous pricing policy.

"Service" is also the hidden charge (along with VAT) that they sometimes try to hit you with in restaurants in spite of the fact that this is not mentioned on the menu.

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In reply to Shadychris post # 587 on 06 Feb - utter garbage! By that premise you are saying that whatever you buy - from an airplane ticket to a bottle of beer, the price you pay depends on how rich or poor you are?

Well I didn't actually go that far...... but wouldn't it be good if it could actually work like that!

Oh boy...

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Sooo much self righteous indignation being stirred up over a measly 360 BHT difference in cost for admission.

I wonder.... Lets imagine a different scenario:- Hypothetically, tomorrow it's announced that all Thai residents will pay 400BHT entry to NP's and tourists will only pay 40BHT in a bid to attract more visitors,

How many of the sanctimonious ones currently whining about discrimination and racism will still be moaning so vocally then?? How many of you will turn up at the NP's and say that's not fair - I must insist on also paying the full 400 baht that locals have to pay because it's still only a small amount of money for me.?

I suspect very, few if any at all - because you will see yourselves as simply getting a good deal and instantly abandon your highly moralistic views on discrimination or racism.

Why would your frankly ludicrous scenario make any difference to the issue here?

Two tier pricing based on nationality is wrong.

It doesn't matter who is discriminated against.

Discrimination is always wrong, no matter who is being discriminated against.


How would I have guessed that you would wriggle out of answering the question......

Regardless of whether or not you think offering cheaper prices to tourists to encourage them is a 'ludicrous situation' it speaks volumes that you duck answering the question..

If there was such a case of what you perceive as discrimination, would you still be so vocal in opposing it if it was YOU that was benefiting from it?? So much so that you would either refuse to enter the place or insist that you also paid the full amount?

It's a rhetorical question now really, as by your ducking of the question the first time, it is quite clear that you would be only too happy to abandon your highly principled views if you were the one getting the best deal.

If you were indeed as highly principled as you come across to be, you would have immediately answered that you would either refuse to patronise such a place or you would gladly pay the higher rate!

Good night.

I answered your question, several times actually, but you don't want to see that.

I have consistently said two tier pricing is wrong. I have been clear on that.

I oppose all forms of discrimination.

No one benefits from a society that allows discrimination to happen and in fact actually supports it.

You know nothing about me, yet you effectively call me a hypocrite and imply I would support discrimination if it benefited me.

I can't say what I think of you for that slur, it would get me banned and I won't give you that satisfaction.

I would never support any organisation/company/institution that supports and encourages discrimination.

I despise all forms of discrimination and prejudice.

Likewise those who defend it.

Make of that what you will.


So you oppose and despise all forms of prejudice and disrimination, you think no one benefits from a society that supports it and you would never support anyone or anything that supports or encourages discrimination.... All very highly principled!

And yet in spite of all the above, you still make the conscious choice to work in Thailand and pay taxes, thus supporting a country that by all your previous reasonings and perceptions does allow a system that is both prejudiced and discriminatory..

You claimed above that I was effectively calling you a hypocrite.. Thanks for comprehensively confirming it!

Edited by Shadychris
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Just think of it like this, if Thai's went to the equivalent in our countries (UK, Europe, Canada, USA etc) and the reverse was in place do you think they would say "It's only a small amount" and pay it? Not unless there is snow on Bangkok roads.

For me, if I want to go I pay but the two layer system is wrong no matter how you add it up.

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When many Thais are paid very low salaries and hence pay little if any tax there is no other realistic way of maintaining these places without making up the short fall from foreign visitors.

If you dont want to pay, and I can understand why you wouldnt want to, dont go.

One big thing that gets me, and you cant blame Thailand for, is that Thailand now owns a few football clubs in the UK and I would guess elsewhere. We couldnt do that and they shouldnt be able to. But dont blame Thailand blame the governments of the countries that allow it to happen

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Just think of it like this, if Thai's went to the equivalent in our countries (UK, Europe, Canada, USA etc) and the reverse was in place do you think they would say "It's only a small amount" and pay it? Not unless there is snow on Bangkok roads.

For me, if I want to go I pay but the two layer system is wrong no matter how you add it up.

having taken my GF to Australia for a holiday there is nothing here that was not expensive to her.

The reverse would not be in place because as a group, tourists to Australia, do not earn significantly more than Australians and as such to charge them more would be disadvantaging a group based on nationality and would legally be discrimination under Australian law.

just because you think it is wrong does not mean it is, have you even considered the anti-discrimination laws that I have quoted in previous posts?

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When many Thais are paid very low salaries and hence pay little if any tax there is no other realistic way of maintaining these places without making up the short fall from foreign visitors.

If you dont want to pay, and I can understand why you wouldnt want to, dont go.

One big thing that gets me, and you cant blame Thailand for, is that Thailand now owns a few football clubs in the UK and I would guess elsewhere. We couldnt do that and they shouldnt be able to. But dont blame Thailand blame the governments of the countries that allow it to happen

Well I detest football so must confess to not being the best informed about it but I'm not sure Thailand as a country owns any other football clubs, but some of its people do.

It's well known that Thaksin made a lot of money out of buying and selling Man City a few years back.

I did know also that Leicester City is owned by a Thai guy and according to:- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_football_club_owners

It belongs to Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha who made his wealth through the King Power Group.

I'm not sure why it should be a problem, most big football clubs nowadays are PLC's run as businesses, so its only natural that they will attract interest from foreign investment.

But maybe that is one for a new thread...

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Arrogance of a third world country is astounding.

Arrogance has never been the issue. It is stupidity and greed.

"It is stupidity and greed."

Interesting comment on a forum visited by economic refugees many of whom can't afford to live in their own countries because they didn't plan well for their retirement or who are unqualified and/or unable to find employment in those same countries that are collapsing under debt used to pay for things they were unwilling or unable to fund out of pocket.

If something is priced too high for you, don't use it or buy it. Time for some of the economic refugees from Farang Utopia to move on or stay away ... one more reason to raise prices.

As far as arrogance is concerned, there's plenty of that in Farang Land. Why anyone should expect "third world" counties to bend over and spread their legs to cater to Khun Farang being an excellent example of the vestiges of colonial arrogant mentality.

Why change what was working so well though?

The country and its residents had gotten very good at bending over and spreading its legs for Khun Farang... Hey, its why a lot of the people on this message board came here in the first place...

We people from Farangland expect it of Third World countries because Third World countries brought it upon themselves...

Now stop thinking for yourselves, assume the position and get back to what you were good at in the first place


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