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Thai politics: A case of double standards, both Thai and American


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This would be a fair analysis IF both sides were equal but they are not as :

The US gives over 100 million US dollars in foreign aid to Thailand every year

The US has ships, loaded with military and billions of baht ,use Thailand fro R & R and while in port

do local good deeds like painting orphanages, tending some medical needs, etc.

The US is a guaranteed PROTECTOR of Thailand

The US is, always, first on the scene of any catastrophe - the 2004 Tsunami for example

The US uses Thailand as host country for Cobra Gold exercises supplying Thai military training &

bring in more billions of Baht

The US has long ago, forgiven Thailand for declaring war on the US,( WW 2 )

The language used, arguably, may have been better but the message, sent by several other nations as well,

should not ignored nor treated as a first time notice. All the above is voluntarily given and can be swiftly withdrawn if any more US representatives are " shown the door " by Thailand. Kicking tigers never, no never, pays off !

What did JFK say?. "He who rides the tiger ends up inside".

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Whether you agree or not with Thai government officials and the Junta in criticizing the USA's recent comments about Thailand politics, there's no denying that intense anti-American sentiment seemed to ramp up suddenly after Russel's visit. Maybe it was the Junta's mantra for the last six months that the USA and the rest of the free world "understood" the Junta's overthrow of an elected government dulled our senses. it was just blatant propoganda - who cared? Even Gen. Prayuth's initial reaction to Russel's remarks was almost blasé.

I suspect this current anti-American blown-up drama might be part of a broader strategy to justify a rash action planned by NCPO that will shift Thailand further from restoration of democratic institutions in the name of national security. Perhaps the leadership will portray the nation as being unfairly beseiged from all Western-styled democracies and further realign Thailand towards nations whose ideologies are more forgiving and supportive of Thailand's oligarchy. This might be manifested in the extreme with foreign forces allowed to be stationed on Thai soil.

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I have many, many disaffections with US and it's foreign policy - and I'm retired from US Marine Corps. Bashing America is a world wide pursuit. But, in the event of a national catastrophe (for example), who do the world's countries look for to get help? (Which is immediate and long term - see Haiti). The current Thai government is simply trying to deflect Thais attention away from what is leading up to be a very long term military dominated rule. Unfortunately, Thais are buying into this. It won't happen, but think about what the consequences to Thailand if the Americans packed their bags and forgot Thailand. Thailand has only one thing that is important to American foreign policy - strategic. If America ever negotiates long term deep water ports with Vietnam, that strategic importance disappears overnight.

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" Columnists praised junta-appointed Deputy Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai for his firm retaliation in summoning American charge d'affaires W Patrick Murphy to hear that Russel's criticism had inflicted a deep wound to the hearts of many Thais."

And nobody has a wound in his heart when criminals rob the country, traffic humans, employ slave labour, destroy democracy, keep the feudal lords in power, brainwash the youths, convict scapegoats, keep hi-so murderers out of jail... And the list goes on. Keyword I think is brainwashing/education. They just don't know better... Sad...

Pushing boats back onto sea with refugees, throwing recognized Lao H'mong refugees over the border to Laos. Just to add 2 to the list.

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Whether you agree or not with Thai government officials and the Junta in criticizing the USA's recent comments about Thailand politics, there's no denying that intense anti-American sentiment seemed to ramp up suddenly after Russel's visit. Maybe it was the Junta's mantra for the last six months that the USA and the rest of the free world "understood" the Junta's overthrow of an elected government dulled our senses. it was just blatant propoganda - who cared? Even Gen. Prayuth's initial reaction to Russel's remarks was almost blasé.

I suspect this current anti-American blown-up drama might be part of a broader strategy to justify a rash action planned by NCPO that will shift Thailand further from restoration of democratic institutions in the name of national security. Perhaps the leadership will portray the nation as being unfairly beseiged from all Western-styled democracies and further realign Thailand towards nations whose ideologies are more forgiving and supportive of Thailand's oligarchy. This might be manifested in the extreme with foreign forces allowed to be stationed on Thai soil.

True criticism sometimes hurts and obviously this Junta can not handle that. In fact, what can they handle?

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Whether you agree or not with Thai government officials and the Junta in criticizing the USA's recent comments about Thailand politics, there's no denying that intense anti-American sentiment seemed to ramp up suddenly after Russel's visit. Maybe it was the Junta's mantra for the last six months that the USA and the rest of the free world "understood" the Junta's overthrow of an elected government dulled our senses. it was just blatant propoganda - who cared? Even Gen. Prayuth's initial reaction to Russel's remarks was almost blasé.

I suspect this current anti-American blown-up drama might be part of a broader strategy to justify a rash action planned by NCPO that will shift Thailand further from restoration of democratic institutions in the name of national security. Perhaps the leadership will portray the nation as being unfairly beseiged from all Western-styled democracies and further realign Thailand towards nations whose ideologies are more forgiving and supportive of Thailand's oligarchy. This might be manifested in the extreme with foreign forces allowed to be stationed on Thai soil.

Excellent analysis. I suspect the junta knows that their tantrums about a reasonable remark will be viewed in the Oval Office by either a sigh of resignation or a collective 'shrug of the shoulders'. That's why they feel able to get away with all this diplomatic nonsense.

It's like the bully at school who knows his victim is above rising to the bait. He can look good to a selective audience knowing he is perfectly safe.

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"Democracy is a dear concept to the USA, which is why the party that has the most money in an election, always wins the presidency. This isn't policy, its just a fact that has occurred in every election ever in the USA".

Before you make statements, you need to make sure of your facts. Your statement is ludicrous; go do your homework.

Do your homework. Show your working out.

A simple disagreement is not a valid argument.

when has a party with less funding won an election in the USA?

How about the presidential race in 2012? President Romney seems to be missing today, although outspending Obama by $131 Million. https://www.opensecrets.org/pres12/#out

Australia doesn't have to say anything. Members of the military Junta still aren't allowed in Australia.

Nice going, Oz. Sometimes actions are more diplomatically advisable than words. Less infringement on happiness..... So too with the EU:

The European Union said [June 23, 2014] it’s suspending official visits to and from Thailand and withdrawing support for the country until democracy is reinstated. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-06-24/thai-dissidents-form-group-to-push-junta-for-return-to-democracy

What, no editorial backlash with this ....?

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