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Jordanian pilot burned alive by IS


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Barbaric indeed. But Jordan seems to have a suitable response, they have said they will execute all ISIL prisoners at dawn today!

Hopefully the will do it the same way as their prisoner died!

Hopefully not. To reduce themselves to that level of barbarism does not help the cause. In fact, don't kill them. Lead by example and hopefully it will turn Muslims away from extremism.

Unfortunately the only way to defeat savages is by savage means. This is why the west will never win with its current mindset. It's not a case of reducing ourselves to their level its a case of winning by what ever means are required.

In WW2 mass fire bombing of civilians in Germany and Japan as well as nukes in Japan were used because it was deemed necessary to defeat the enemy. WW3 will be won by those who use what ever tactics are required to win.

Never forget that war is the enevitable result of failed politicians.

Einstein famously said (and I'm paraphrasing) that he did not know what weapons would be used to fight World War III, but that World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There;s nothing left to say, the pussy footing has to stop and radical actions call for radical solutions.

It's time for an all out assault on ISIS from every possible angle in whatever form it takes.

Any Brit or other nationality flying the ISIS flag, or going to fight with them or any other jihadist group should receive at the very minimum a mandatory 25 year prison sentence! The same applies with hate speech from the Muslim clerics.......25 years minimum with no parol.


Gloves off and poisoned knuckle dusters on.

The video is ISIS propaganda but will certainly backfire....it's propaganda to fuel the West and the rest of Islam and the world.

Beheading is bad enough...burning alive is beyond atrocious.

Total obliteration of ISIS is the only way.

A special punishment should be reserved for captured fighters, and our own propaganda should make this known that we will fight fire with fire.

You seem a bit confused Seastallion. If you are prepared to use poisoned knuckle dusters, there will be no captured fighters.

Until the west, or any opposed coalition force adopt this policy, nothing will change.

Fire with fire is the way, but bound to be damped by today's PC beliefs.

The fire of this conflict needs to be fought with both fire and water.

The only way this will be resolved is if Muslim's turn on ISIS and their pool of recruitment and money dries up resulting in implosion. I think ISIS just made their first big mistake in burning a Muslim to death in a cage.

Right now the gloves are off. But jet fighter sorties and bombing runs are not going to solve this. Executing ISIS prisoners is not going to solve this. In fact, these failing tactics play straight into the hands of ISIS recruiters.

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Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

To use on London? Paris? Berlin?

Fair comment. The enemy in our midst. Only way to deal with this is either changing mindsets or internment camps . . . or mass deportations.

Not looking too good is it?

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Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

To use on London? Paris? Berlin?

Fair comment. The enemy in our midst. Only way to deal with this is either changing mindsets or internment camps . . . or mass deportations.

Not looking too good is it?

Therein lies the problem. There just aren't too many card carrying Muslims with I am a whacko Islamist extremist printed on the card. Eventually, need to stop the Visas and start deporting those committing felonies or suspected of terrorist ties.

In fact, deport if not gainfully employed and not receiving one penny in Government aide after one year. Perhaps our next President won't be such a wuss.

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My Grandfather was the squadron leader who led the fire bombing of Dresden et.al.

I agree that tactics will win. But right now the tactics are wrong.

Your grandfather was a great man, if I knew him the drinks would be on me........forever!

He was.

But you understand what I'm saying about tactics? It's easy to kill the man. But so difficult to kill the ideology. Choosing the easy option simply isn't going to work this time. Yes, ISIS terrorist all need to go, but until you change the mindset against Islamic extremism this will just keep rolling on down the same old road.

Get rid of them all and the dangers they pose and then worry about changing the mindset (IMO)

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My Grandfather was the squadron leader who led the fire bombing of Dresden et.al.

I agree that tactics will win. But right now the tactics are wrong.

Your grandfather was a great man, if I knew him the drinks would be on me........forever!

He was.

But you understand what I'm saying about tactics? It's easy to kill the man. But so difficult to kill the ideology. Choosing the easy option simply isn't going to work this time. Yes, ISIS terrorist all need to go, but until you change the mindset against Islamic extremism this will just keep rolling on down the same old road.

Get rid of them all and the dangers they pose and then worry about changing the mindset (IMO)

. . . and there will be more . . . and more . . . money and recruitment need to be primary targets.

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

Sorry to say, nothing will end the debacle - of sadistic Sons-of-Dunes. Perhaps surgically installing a lambs' brains in each extremist's skull, might work, but it would take a lot of bloody lambs.

Sorry that Jordan is sucked full tilt in to the battle. It can only get worse for Jordanians, because they're right in the thick of it. It would be like being stuck in a large dark multi-room basement over-run by bubonic plague carrying rats, and taking a stick to try and kill all the rats.

Edited by boomerangutang
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Could this be the spark which ignites a proper full scale middle east war? One where the west sits back and watches as the savages tear each other apart?

Unfortunately the west can't just sit back and watch. Any offensive will be backed by the west, whether overtly or covertly.

never mind the west,its time for the real world to UNITE.

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This is why the West doesn't win wars. This is what went wrong in Korea and Vietnam and later the ME. It isn't that we can't win, it is that we refuse to win.

In WWII the allies bombed Berlin mercilessly 24/7 without regard for civilians. The war was with the Germans including the people. The goal was to get the people to want need the war to end. The goal was to get the people to turn against the leaders and want surrender.

None of the allies would do that today. It wouldn't be PC.

Now we know how to kill these people, but to get the ants out of your cupboards you have to kill the nest.

Describe the nest.

The nest is extreme Islamic indoctrination.

Kill that and you've won.

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My God, what a bunch of psychopaths. Do they have a school that they attend to learn cruel and demeaning ways of killing people?

They have a book; it's all they need.
They learn all about hate, vengence, vindictiveness, cheating and lying from their parents and teachers. And, when they rape one or more young girls and make children of their own, they'll pass the same garbage down the tubes to subsequent generations.
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This is why the West doesn't win wars. This is what went wrong in Korea and Vietnam and later the ME. It isn't that we can't win, it is that we refuse to win.

In WWII the allies bombed Berlin mercilessly 24/7 without regard for civilians. The war was with the Germans including the people. The goal was to get the people to want need the war to end. The goal was to get the people to turn against the leaders and want surrender.

None of the allies would do that today. It wouldn't be PC.

Now we know how to kill these people, but to get the ants out of your cupboards you have to kill the nest.

Describe the nest.

The nest is extreme Islamic indoctrination.

Kill that and you've won.

To do that you need to infiltrate the Mosques.

Mosques are one division of their propaganda and recruitment machine.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

Hahahahahahaahahahahahh laughable at best hahahahahaahahahah

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Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

What strategy would you suggest?

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Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

What strategy would you suggest?

My strategy would be hated here on this forum. Let me just say this. Let those bastards try their stuff in my neighborhood in the US. End of.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is why the West doesn't win wars. This is what went wrong in Korea and Vietnam and later the ME. It isn't that we can't win, it is that we refuse to win.

In WWII the allies bombed Berlin mercilessly 24/7 without regard for civilians. The war was with the Germans including the people. The goal was to get the people to want need the war to end. The goal was to get the people to turn against the leaders and want surrender.

None of the allies would do that today. It wouldn't be PC.

Now we know how to kill these people, but to get the ants out of your cupboards you have to kill the nest.

Describe the nest.

The nest is extreme Islamic indoctrination.

Kill that and you've won.

To do that you need to infiltrate the Mosques.

To stop the "home grown's" you need to close the mosques. As in their own countries of origin reference religion.

As a minimum, those known to affiliate with the terrorist groups would be a good first step.

I personally am in favour of freedom of speech, but when that same freedom becomes a threat to our societies, then restrictive standards should be set. However, without giving government absolute control, an extremely difficult task setting guidelines.

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Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

What strategy would you suggest?

My strategy would be hated here on this forum. Let me just say this. Let those bastards try their stuff in my neighborhood in the US. End of.

Still won't work, it needs fire and water.

Now, Jordan vows to avenge pilot's death, as IS 'execution' video emerges . . .


There should have been an "earth shattering" response to ISIS from day one. Where's the planning? Where's the strategy? Is there a strategy?

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Well, well. Up until today I've been told that attacking and killing them makes them worse and helps with their recruiting. I've been told that allied actions in the ME caused this jihadist behavior. I've been told that they are really peaceful and that pointing at them is "Islamophobic." I've been told I must be "inclusive." I've been called a bigot.

I'm a bigot. Where are those carpet bombs?

Is the present strategy working? I would say not.

I've no problem carpet bombing insurgent positions, but having only this tool in the box doesn't seem to be doing the job.

What strategy would you suggest?

My strategy would be hated here on this forum. Let me just say this. Let those bastards try their stuff in my neighborhood in the US. End of.

Still won't work, it needs fire and water.

Now, Jordan vows to avenge pilot's death, as IS 'execution' video emerges . . .


There should have been an "earth shattering" response to ISIS from day one. Where's the planning? Where's the strategy? Is there a strategy?

My strategy would work on the streets of London and Berlin and Paris. I'm not nearly as worried about what happens in the ME as I am about Western cities, short term.

We can't carpet bomb our own cities. We have to pick them off one by one.

In WWII we went into France and killed them where we found them. At the same time we bombed Germany relentlessly. We won the war against the "religion" of the Nazis.

Why is this any different and why aren't we at war?

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^^ I don't think the general populous of these European countries is yet aware we are at war and it's unclear who the enemy is on the ground and it would be very easy to turn modern Europe back 75 years.

Thank you MI5 and MI6 for the exceedingly effective job you are doing.

Tricky times.

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