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Mosquitos Ruining My Life - Am I Crazy?


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For the first time of my 10 years (on and off) in Thailand we have started living in a house.

One of the things I knew would happen is that there would be more mosquitos than when we were living in an apartment.

However I did not really expect it to have such a huge impact on my life. It seems like every waking moment in the house is spent on tender hooks looking for, chasing and trying to kiil mosquitos (we have 2 young children so repallants etc are not an option at the moment). Then of course before bed you need to spend half an hour making sure there are no mosquitos in the room!!

I have tried all methods to stop them but no matter what you do there will always be mosquitos and I am cretain the problem is far worse in a house.

As I have discussed with my wife, surely this is no way to spend your life? Surely at no matter what cost we need to not be in a situation where every waking moment is spent worrying about or trying to kill mosquitos?

How do others feel about this?

I want the whole family to move out of the house and into a high rise apartment in order to avoid this problem. I think it is critical.

Am I being crazy??

May I respectfully ask for opinions on whether I am overeacting or being crazy and not on how to get rid of mosquitos.

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I think you are over reacting, not crazy. we have the same problem at our house sometimes. Early evening is the worst time. My wife had dengue fever last year but so far the kids have been okay and we have lived in the house for 11 years.

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I have lived in a house where it was bad.. Screens on windows, being conscious of open doors.. Pain in the arse..

Lived in other homes no issue..

I wont live happily in apartments so thats a non starter..

You need to look for water sources nearby, living near rice land is a no no.. Breeding sites of standing water can make it very unpleasant..

There are mossie traps.. Releasing CO2.. Not cheap tho.. The blue / UV lights do nearly nothing for mossies..

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This is a really bad time for mosquitoes in TH. Things should get better as the weather warms up and we get further away from rainy season. In the meantime, obviously there's screens, but go a step further and put some curtains over the windows too. Then try you best to keep the lights down in the evening, as mosquitoes are attracted to it.

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You would be surprised where mozzies can make a home, for example last week I noticed thousands of mozzies living in my hoover, it was quite enjoyable watching them all fly out directly into my modified electric tennis racket which zaps them nicely,

I have also found lots of them living in the dogs bed, under the sofa even in my computer monitor!, they get everywhere people think its just stagnant water but they will live anywhere, I would suggest going through your items and making sure they are mozzie free, I tend to get rid of them with a combination of the electric tennis racket and those smoke coils, the smoke coils take a good 20 minutes to get rid of them and it isn't great having to breath in the smoke from them plus a hassle having to light them every-night... I find the lavender scented ones work best,

You might want to go to homepro or look online at those mozzie catchers, I have heard good things about the dynatrap outdoor traps but I think they are quite expensive, your never going to fully get rid of them but since my son was born last month I have made our front room where he stays pretty much mozzie free all the time by keeping the doors/windows always closed,... problem I have is I always have to leave the back main patio doors open for the dogs to come in and out, so the room they stay in gets filled with them, I usually light a smoke coil just outside the door and a few dotted around the garden they go within 20 minutes, any that stick around get zapped by me

I share your frustration but I think with the right tools you can get rid of most of them

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Screens over windows or keep them closed

"May I respectfully ask for opinions on whether I am overeacting or being crazy and not on how to get rid of mosquitos"

you are underreacting:

mosquito nets over the window 90 % of the problem fixed.

hanging net over the bed, 99 % of all night problems fixed

try to find any open water close to your house and take out the water

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Wow i had never thought they could come through an open door or window.

And a basic search on Google did not bring up the standing water thing which i never knew about and never though to get rid of.

What is fogging and what are the black hole things?

I used to lie there with the doors and windows wide open and let them bite me but now I will change all that.

Thanks so much and glad I asked.

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Wow i had never thought they could come through an open door or window.

And a basic search on Google did not bring up the standing water thing which i never knew about and never though to get rid of.

What is fogging and what are the black hole things?

I used to lie there with the doors and windows wide open and let them bite me but now I will change all that.

Thanks so much and glad I asked.

my pleasure......

with that method we have approx. 3 mosquito in the house per day, and 1 in the bed room.

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Screens on windows and doors for sure if you want to have them open. AC in the bedrooms at night will stop them flying if you have it set low enough. Get rid of breeding sites such as standing water, screen over any floor water drains in the house. Non toxic sprays such as citronella can help. Mosquito nets over the beds. A fish pond which will encourage them to bred in helps as they breed there and the fish eat the larvae.

I trick I discovered: I had a large empty black bucket sitting outside on the balcony in a dark protected corner. I noticed that each morning it was full of the little buggers, a quick blast with mozzie spray into the bucket each morning and the population reduced significantly over a period of a couple weeks. I also noticed that laundry left outside over night attracts them as well.

Instead of killing the wrigglers, feed them to your fish if you have a tank, bowl or pond.

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