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Mosquitos Ruining My Life - Am I Crazy?


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There do not appear to be laws in Thailand regarding mosquito breeding containers etc. But my neighbour kept small fish in their ponds and also had 'mosquito sand' which they put in pot plants holding water plants.

Singapore has mosquito police which check for law breakers, and the fines are not a tap on the wrist. Dengue is present all around Asia, but as far as I know, there is no malaria in the cities in Thailand.

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Some mosquito repellents are downright dangerous.

I looked carefully and chose a Japanese one, using Pyrethrum, which is from a flower.

It's safe for people.

TOPS sells it amongst others. Name is: KAYARI. Green can and top.

In Papua New Guinea where malaria is rife, we dipped our mosquito nets in pyrethrum solution, and the mossies were killed, just by landing on the net.

Here is the link to Kayari at Big C


no green can but looks like the same stuff

but Tops has the green can


is it all the same ?

And can you just grow the flowers and get rid of mosquitos that way ?

Edited by BKKdreaming
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I think you're over-reacting.

Most of the time, a mossie bite will be a minor itch, nothing more, unless you live in a known malaria area.

Crikey, my record is 7 blood-filled mossies killed in one slap on my arm. Theyre not that big a deal.

May I respectfully suggest that you are missing out on possible solutions if you reject all suggestions for mossie control. If it is ruining your life so much, look at all the alternatives (such as increase your vitamin B intake as a natural repellant).

Finally - the Op should think about changing his diet, I found eating more Thai Food after a couple weeks, Mosquitos didn't bite me as much - and what's the beef with Chemical Warfare?? Spray the rooms with the kids out and open the windows (with screens in them) at night - The Vitamin B is a good tip - B Complex has us giving off a smell mozzies don't like - in particular B6 (as tested in the US Army Jungle School Panama) Nuther thing - if you live near Paddies, move - and the mozzies may not be mozzies at all, they can be the rice bugs - those buggers can bite!!!

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All I know is one little mosquito buzzing my ear at night will keep me awake until I track down and kill the little lady. As mentioned, screens help, if you do see one flying around spray it, and as much as possible check your surroundings for standing water, but most likely the neighbors won't be doing that. Probably the easiest thing to do is have a fan blowing over you at night, as that does tend to keep them away. Mosquitos are a part of life here, but within your house they should be manageable.

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I live near the top of a high-rise building near the sea and I never see a mosquito either in my unit or on my balcony, at any time of day. I do have screens on the patio doors at night to keep other flying things out (moths etc).

If I could not live above the 10th floor here I would probably have to go and live in another country.

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Some mosquito repellents are downright dangerous.

I looked carefully and chose a Japanese one, using Pyrethrum, which is from a flower.

It's safe for people.

TOPS sells it amongst others. Name is: KAYARI. Green can and top.

In Papua New Guinea where malaria is rife, we dipped our mosquito nets in pyrethrum solution, and the mossies were killed, just by landing on the net.

Here is the link to Kayari at Big C


no green can but looks like the same stuff

but Tops has the green can


is it all the same ?

And can you just grow the flowers and get rid of mosquitos that way ?

HAHA good try. actually the flowers are often grown around some crops as it keeps away cabbage moth and aphids.

But best if you use the TOPS Kayari spray. It's effective and a bit more fast-acting than a pot full of flowers.

2 years back, i rented a house which had 90% screen doors and windows. Strange thinking, and the mozzies found their way in through unscreened doors.

I paid to have the job finished and no more mozzies, flies or moths.

Maybe it's the Thai way of thinking, like using a helmet on a motorbike most of the time but not ALL the time!

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I think you're over-reacting.

Most of the time, a mossie bite will be a minor itch, nothing more, unless you live in a known malaria area.

Crikey, my record is 7 blood-filled mossies killed in one slap on my arm. Theyre not that big a deal.

May I respectfully suggest that you are missing out on possible solutions if you reject all suggestions for mossie control. If it is ruining your life so much, look at all the alternatives (such as increase your vitamin B intake as a natural repellant).

A "minor itch" is not true for everyone. I am allergic to the mosquitoes in P-lok. Every bite causes a hive the size of 2 10 baht coins, it stays red, itchy and hot for 3-5 days. It only takes 3-4 bites to completely ruin my trip there. I spend the time as the OP - scared to death I will get bit and soaked in mossie spray.

I just try to limit my trips to my wife's home town, I don't get that reaction to the mosquitoes in Pattaya...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Screens over windows or keep them closed

"May I respectfully ask for opinions on whether I am overeacting or being crazy and not on how to get rid of mosquitos"

Mozzies are part and parcel of life in any tropical country, so just get used to it.

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I think you're crazy. I live in a house and its not a problem, because we take basic measures to prevent them entering. You don't want advice on that, you just want advice on whether or not you're crazy.

Definitely crazy.

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You would be surprised where mozzies can make a home, for example last week I noticed thousands of mozzies living in my hoover, it was quite enjoyable watching them all fly out directly into my modified electric tennis racket which zaps them nicely,

I have also found lots of them living in the dogs bed, under the sofa even in my computer monitor!, they get everywhere people think its just stagnant water but they will live anywhere, I would suggest going through your items and making sure they are mozzie free

Try leaving a partially open suitcase about - they love to go in there. Then a quick blast with inceticide...

A friend died from Dengue fever at 52. Given the choice, I would resort to chemicals even when there are kids in the house.

Just leave for like half an hour...

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I think your an old woman & your crazy .... if it's only mozzies ruining your life, god help the family when anything serious happens like a dog poops in your yard ..... w00t.gif

That's the best laugh I've had in a long time!
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You're over-reacting.

There have been some really good tips posted here on how to help contain the problem. The dark bucket trick works wonders. Don't leave dark clothes outside overnight, especially not if they're damp. I've been told several times the mosquitos don't like the smell of freshly cut lemon grass. I have't tried it myself, but give it a go. I also leave the fan on in the bed room, facing the bed. That keeps them away from the bed.

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