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Recent visit by US top diplomat strains Thai relation


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The rest of the world are not interested in your internal affairs and to be honest none of them will have been taken into consideration when the statement was read. Externally looking in, a democratically elected government was overthrown by the military. This has to be the starting point. Now if ''you'' would like the rest of the world to take time out to consider the internal reasoning it would not take long to establish that there was a long concerted military approved push by a former MP of the opposition party, who was given a free hand in creating discontent and allowed to amass thousands of people to take to the streets in preparation for a valid reason to overthrow the elected government. As bad as this governments leader was, this is no justification to dismantle the peoples elected government and suppress it from Thai politics. If you have a basket of apples and one is bad you throw it out. Sorry Mr whatever your name is, Democracy in its true form has been raped here and no internal reasoning will cut it in a 2015 democratic world. You crossed the line and if it hurts you to be told this then tough.

And just how do you remove that bad apple (and by the slime oozing out of the bottom there was many more than one) when her brother owns the party and pays its MPs to vote to order? Does it help when the police are in his pocket and the anti-corruption agencies are being starved of funds?

Your obvious answer is by election, by which time the whole criminal government will have legislated their own amnesty, and a huge loan taken to allow the disastrous vote-buying policy that got them elected to continue. Just how corrupt does a government have to be, how many laws need to be broken, how much stolen before enough is enough?

So if that is the case what is there to worry about, call for an election now. Should win hands down now all this you stated is now removed. Food for thought Eh!!!!

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