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Recent visit by US top diplomat strains Thai relation


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He said what the top diplomat said has even strained the good ties which the two countries have enjoyed and it was upset.

it (Thailand) was upset...

how can one 'upset' a country? A country is a political construct and not a sentient being.

Nah, upset were Gen Prayuth, his staff, a selection of Bangkok elites and of course this professor Dr, who all and sundry made themselves synonymous to Thailand and therefore Thailand is upset. Go get a massage.

Btw, Somchai, the food vendor, is not upset.

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Jesus are they still going on about this. Just forget it for christ sake, it was meaningless diplomatic clap trap.

Surely the NLA has better things to be doing than this.

Its as if there is some kind of agenda to intentionally keep this issue going.....

"This was what the chief of the Centre for ASEAN Studies of Thammasat University believed. Associate professor Dr Prapat Thepchatree, director of the centre"

Is this gentleman part of the NLA too?

No, but if you read the OP, you may have noted this paragraph "The National Legislative Assembly’s foreign affairs commission met yesterday to discuss topics to raise when it is to invite the US Charge d’ affaires for talk on February 11".

So the answer was "No".

Did the NLA give you minutes from their meeting yesterday, or provide you with an agenda for their meeting on the 11th?

Do you think the Associate Professor may have a point when he says its normal diplomatic protocols? Don't you think having meetings, discussions, in an open and frank way might be useful?

PTP are certainly trying to keep Yinglucks ban from politics and upcoming criminal trial on the international stage and garner sympathy. Do you think they should find something better to do?

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He said what the top diplomat said has even strained the good ties which the two countries have enjoyed and it was upset.

it (Thailand) was upset...

how can one 'upset' a country? A country is a political construct and not a sentient being.

Nah, upset were Gen Prayuth, his staff, a selection of Bangkok elites and of course this professor Dr, who all and sundry made themselves synonymous to Thailand and therefore Thailand is upset. Go get a massage.

Btw, Somchai, the food vendor, is not upset.

It's an expression. It really refers to the governing body and it's attitude towards something.

When clown Cameron says "Britain disapproves of ............. " he's saying he and his government disapprove. I doubt many of the British people agree with all what he says, or the US all what Obama says. Hope all the Russians don't agree with all Putin says on behalf of mother Russia !

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It only "strained" things due to Thai's notable lack of understanding English, and because they feel it made them lose "face". Russell said the actions of the junta "MIGHT be perceived as politically motivated". Thai need to learn the meaning of "might" before they open their mouths and make even bigger fools of themselves. Get over it, grow up, and try joining the rest of the world in the 21st Century.

Absolutely. Mr. Russell chose his words very carefully and expressed it in an appropriate way.

The government are reacting to their interpretation and to how they think their opponents will spin it.

He did not comment on the evidence, or the rights and wrongs, but on a part of the process.

No doubt the American Charger d'Affaires explained it all again, and again.

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A visit by a US diplomat does not strain the relationship.

It is what the diplomat said that this "professor" objects to.

If the diplomat had have said "I support the overthrow of the elected government", he would have been feted by the professor and the Govt.

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Jesus are they still going on about this. Just forget it for christ sake, it was meaningless diplomatic clap trap.

Surely the NLA has better things to be doing than this.

Its as if there is some kind of agenda to intentionally keep this issue going.....

Christ, they're worse than Malaysia about this. I really like the Thai people but they have to transcend the notion they're God's chosen people above criticism. Btw, do you imagine foreigners in the U.S. never criticize it there? What rows have you heard about that?

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Jesus are they still going on about this. Just forget it for christ sake, it was meaningless diplomatic clap trap.

Surely the NLA has better things to be doing than this.

Its as if there is some kind of agenda to intentionally keep this issue going.....

Ya' think?

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The US is shaking in its boots. Wherever will it buy rice now? Oh wait. It grows rice too.

Thainess at its best.

You are correct again Never Sure.

I studied agriculture in northern California.

Rice is the #2 legal cash crop in California.

Most is exportet to , guess where..Asia.

Surprisingly, cotton is #1 and mostly grown in southern California.

The #1 cash crop in California ( if you don't care about the "legal part) Is marijuana.

And much of that is now grown legally as medical marijuana.

America will never run out of rice!

just to put it into perspective...


Planting rice in SE Asia


How rice is planted in California

Edited by willyumiii
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A visit by a US diplomat does not strain the relationship.

It is what the diplomat said that this "professor" objects to.

If the diplomat had have said "I support the overthrow of the elected government", he would have been feted by the professor and the Govt.

Of course, the professor and anybody else can say whatever they please, so long as they are willing to pay the price if they go off script.

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Diplomacy ... bullshit for those who can't face the truth.

They can thank their lucky stars I'm not the UK Ambassador as I'd tell them like it is in a heart beat and they can shove diplomacy where the sun doesn't shine. Cut the exports, load up a couple of sanctions and Thailand would go bust within 6 months or less.

Time to let the Thais know who the real master is .... ummm but that of course would be China.

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"The recent visit to Thailand by a top US diplomat to strengthen the over 180 years old relations between the two countries was a failure and even strained the relation."

I'm sure it didn't strain the relations as much as Thailand declaring war against the U.S. during WW II. Or was that just convenient amnesia?

There's a story behind that, very well known & in the public domain.

You should look it up.

Then you might have a different perspective of what was really strained.

Which part? The part where:“Thailand began moving in the opposite direction, creating a 'friendship' with Japan and adding to its school textbooks a futuristic map of Thailand with a 'Greater Thailand' encroaching on Chinese territory…." OR the part where: "The Japanese had assistance: Thailand's prime minister, Lang Pipul, collaborated with the Japanese, embracing the Axis power's war goal of usurping territory in China and ruling over the South Pacific. Pipul wanted to partake in the spoils; toward that end, he declared war on the United States and England. In October, he took dictatorial control of Thailand and became a loyal puppet of the Japanese." ? I do have a different perspective now. Very brave when standing behind the bully in order to possibly receive whatever he discards without partaking in the battle itself. No matter what the general population might have wanted, the government, then as now, did whatever it wanted to do. The major difference is that there doesn't appear to be much of an impassioned resistance movement today as there was then.

As I understand it the Declaration of War against the UK was never delivered under the orders of HM. I read that HM told the diplomat delivering the signed DoW to stall for time which is why the UK never invaded Thailand. Another thing the Thais fail to observe is that they were in fact occupied ... of course that never really happened the Japs were just guests for a few days.

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Diplomacy ... bullshit for those who can't face the truth.

They can thank their lucky stars I'm not the UK Ambassador as I'd tell them like it is in a heart beat and they can shove diplomacy where the sun doesn't shine. Cut the exports, load up a couple of sanctions and Thailand would go bust within 6 months or less.

Time to let the Thais know who the real master is .... ummm but that of course would be China.

Get in touch when you are looking for a campaign manager...you have what it takes, the right Suff.

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"The recent visit to Thailand by a top US diplomat to strengthen the over 180 years old relations between the two countries was a failure and even strained the relation."

I'm sure it didn't strain the relations as much as Thailand declaring war against the U.S. during WW II. Or was that just convenient amnesia?

I thought Thailand declared war on USA during WWII (probably to keep Japanese masters happy) but never delivered the formal document (to hedge their bets). US has had relationship with Thailand for 180, and warring against each other could be considered a "relationship". Look at a few marriages for closer to home examples.....

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This "diplomat strains Thai relationship" IMHO is a "false flag" and is meant to blame the US for the new Thai strategy of forming a closer relationship with China...

In any separation/divorce...the party wishing to part ways...always demonizes their former companion...to justify their new love...nothing new here...

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"The recent visit to Thailand by a top US diplomat to strengthen the over 180 years old relations between the two countries was a failure and even strained the relation."

I'm sure it didn't strain the relations as much as Thailand declaring war against the U.S. during WW II. Or was that just convenient amnesia?

Selective and convenient. Not only war was declared to the UK and USA but also a pact was signed between Japan and Thailand, making Thailand de facto a member of the Axis.

Add to that manifestation of Thainess the shameless cash cow Thailand has been operating for decades in Kanchanaburi, the hard labor camp run by the Japanese Army where hundreds of Australian and British soldiers met a dreary fate.

But, but, but, that was a long time ago! The rabid defenders of all things Thai will argue.

Before flaming, research and learn history of that war and Thailand's less than flattering participation

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The US is shaking in its boots. Wherever will it buy rice now? Oh wait. It grows rice too.

Thainess at its best.

You are correct again Never Sure.

I studied agriculture in northern California.

Rice is the #2 legal cash crop in California.

Most is exportet to , guess where..Asia.

Surprisingly, cotton is #1 and mostly grown in southern California.

The #1 cash crop in California ( if you don't care about the "legal part) Is marijuana.

And much of that is now grown legally as medical marijuana.

America will never run out of rice!

just to put it into perspective...


Planting rice in SE Asia


How rice is planted in California

Good post. Great pictures. California could feed and clothe several countries. Driving down I-5 from Oregon to Mexico (800 miles, 1200 kms) It changes from fruit orchards to nut and olive groves to rice and other crops, to cotton and of course in the S. Oranges and other citrus, avocados, and other semi tropical crops. For those who haven't seen it, it's not possible to imagine how big the US is.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Mr Russel may have upset the Dr from Thammassat, a few generals, the NLA and the elite in general but I don't think his comments meant much the to the other 66 million Thais. If all were allowed to air an opinion we may find that a few agree with Mr Russel.

most would... even amongst a few Thais I know who supported the Junta initially their enthusiasm is dwindling.

Mostly, it is worth adding, because they think he is 'rude' not for some 'high ideal' but that's Thainess for you lol

Most Thais I know are still reserving judgement - they still don't believe much will really change for the vast majority of the population. But, they will be very disappointed if as usual everyone, on all sides, escape with little slaps on the wrist.

Most think the current PM is a typical career military leader / senior rank in the way he speaks and acts. But a lot of elites are rude like that too - Plod, Chalerm, spring to mind for example.

The reality is there is no real political representation for the majority of the Thai people. Only self interested elites and local power brokers out for themselves.

The way the whole shebang is structured from no rank n file membership and representation to the process of dissolving parliament and recalling elections without military interference, unless there is a concentrated effort in these area's nothing will change and they are so easy fixed, however the top man has to come into the game , not remain above politics.

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The rest of the world are not interested in your internal affairs and to be honest none of them will have been taken into consideration when the statement was read. Externally looking in, a democratically elected government was overthrown by the military. This has to be the starting point. Now if ''you'' would like the rest of the world to take time out to consider the internal reasoning it would not take long to establish that there was a long concerted military approved push by a former MP of the opposition party, who was given a free hand in creating discontent and allowed to amass thousands of people to take to the streets in preparation for a valid reason to overthrow the elected government. As bad as this governments leader was, this is no justification to dismantle the peoples elected government and suppress it from Thai politics. If you have a basket of apples and one is bad you throw it out. Sorry Mr whatever your name is, Democracy in its true form has been raped here and no internal reasoning will cut it in a 2015 democratic world. You crossed the line and if it hurts you to be told this then tough.

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th the previous post regarding the US cutting a deal to get back Clark and Subic bay

thank you for the info,,,I have been looking at relocationg to the Philippines but will not be doing that now

I am leaving Central America due to US snooping into my personel affairs ,,,allowed under the guise of foreign aid which mostly goes into the local politicians pockets

I currently am spending most of my time in Thailand as I am finally out from under the US umbrella

looks like Philippines is opening the door for the US to come in and bully them

when this happens the Philippines is off my list of places to live and it looks lije this recent deal is a good start

seems that the US wants military bases in every country in south east Asia,,,

sure wish thet would stay in the middle east where they have helped so many people and have endeared themselves to the population there

the Philippines must be blind or maybe they will get more foreign aid in return

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The rest of the world are not interested in your internal affairs and to be honest none of them will have been taken into consideration when the statement was read. Externally looking in, a democratically elected government was overthrown by the military. This has to be the starting point. Now if ''you'' would like the rest of the world to take time out to consider the internal reasoning it would not take long to establish that there was a long concerted military approved push by a former MP of the opposition party, who was given a free hand in creating discontent and allowed to amass thousands of people to take to the streets in preparation for a valid reason to overthrow the elected government. As bad as this governments leader was, this is no justification to dismantle the peoples elected government and suppress it from Thai politics. If you have a basket of apples and one is bad you throw it out. Sorry Mr whatever your name is, Democracy in its true form has been raped here and no internal reasoning will cut it in a 2015 democratic world. You crossed the line and if it hurts you to be told this then tough.

And just how do you remove that bad apple (and by the slime oozing out of the bottom there was many more than one) when her brother owns the party and pays its MPs to vote to order? Does it help when the police are in his pocket and the anti-corruption agencies are being starved of funds?

Your obvious answer is by election, by which time the whole criminal government will have legislated their own amnesty, and a huge loan taken to allow the disastrous vote-buying policy that got them elected to continue. Just how corrupt does a government have to be, how many laws need to be broken, how much stolen before enough is enough?

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The US is shaking in its boots. Wherever will it buy rice now? Oh wait. It grows rice too.

Thainess at its best.

You are correct again Never Sure.

I studied agriculture in northern California.

Rice is the #2 legal cash crop in California.

Most is exportet to , guess where..Asia.

Surprisingly, cotton is #1 and mostly grown in southern California.

The #1 cash crop in California ( if you don't care about the "legal part) Is marijuana.

And much of that is now grown legally as medical marijuana.

America will never run out of rice!

just to put it into perspective...


Planting rice in SE Asia


How rice is planted in California

Good post. Great pictures. California could feed and clothe several countries. Driving down I-5 from Oregon to Mexico (800 miles, 1200 kms) It changes from fruit orchards to nut and olive groves to rice and other crops, to cotton and of course in the S. Oranges and other citrus, avocados, and other semi tropical crops. For those who haven't seen it, it's not possible to imagine how big the US is.

I haven seen it but can imagine as I am Australian.
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If Thailand gets into bed with China it coud lose the protection from the US (I'm not American btw). I thinking about the South China Sea. You can bet any 'close ties' with China would depend on Thailand ceasing its exercises with the US. The US has toned them down (although they will still be having them by all accounts) due to the Junta taking power, but the US will not ignore Thailand as it needs allies in the South China Sea.

However, the US will turn its back on Thailand if it gets into bed with China. Thailand should look at what happens to SE Asian nations that cuddle up to China. Look at Laos. Or even look at what's been going on in Africa.

Thailland would be eaten alive by the Chinese, although some would argue that such a thing has already taken place.

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