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Hello again, this is the OP.

I've been asked to address a couple of things and would like to address a thing or too I wasn't asked to.

Mostly, to the question " Have I had any bad experiences with Thais or Thai government due to recent changes in political relationship between the countries.

No, not yet.

My dealings with immigration, police and other government agencies have always been and still are without problem.

I have seen others have problems, at immigration for example, but it always seems to be a result of their bad attitude. Only one of these was an American, and he was just so old he couldn't understand why he should have to wait his turn in line and became very rude, the rest were non Americans with a very arrogant attitude toward the immigration officers.

I have always found that if I was prompt, organized and courteous, I was treated well.

The point of my thread was to ask if any Americans thought that if the relationship between the Thai government and American government deteriorated further, for instance the US steps away and communist China is the new big buddy to supply military and financial support to the Thai government, will Americans be treated with less respect and consideration than we have in the past?

As I stated in my original post, because of our countries long history of friendship and support, Americans have received preferential treatment in some cases in Thailand. Some posters have pointed out that it is much easier for Americans to own a business here as an example of this.

Again, things with the government are still o.k.. Just wondering if that may change.

I should have stated in my first post that as an American, I have never had a problem with Thai people. I have a large Thai family and many Thai friends who are wonderful and I am sure will always be close to me.

I am also very active in the local community and I am very well known by the local people. I treat everyone with courtesy and respect. I am treated well by just about everyone and feel that they do respect me.

I do not expect my personal relationships to ever change with the Thai people I know.

Last, I want to comment on how disappointed that the thread I started to ask fellow Americans what the feel about the current situation in Thailand and it's possible implications for the future has morphed into an American bashing thread for non Americans.

Naturally, Americans have responded by poking and jabbing back at the offenders in self defence. It is our nature as Americans to stand and fight when attacked.

This thread was for Americans, about Americans but has been sucessfully hijacked by intruders with nothing better to do.

Oh well!

There are still a few replies and comments relevant to the original questions slipping through.

This post is an attempt to address a couple of questions from those poster,.

and to state how disappointed I am in how some disrespect our right to discuss something that may be serious topic to us.


Have you ever felt the joy of the Thai kingdom united in their support of their country against their rivals in any sporting occasion?

I was delighted to watch Thailand beat Malaysia at the Army Stadium, and again at Kelana Jaya in Malaysia. Do Americans take the same pleasure in Thailand's sporting success?


How can anyone speak for all Americans?

Myself, I could care less! whistling.gif

That reminds me of a bullfight I watched in Madrid.

The bull lost.

I've never felt that bullfighting was a serious sport, since it was so assymetric.

I think that the USA could do so well against the traditional rugby nations is great, but apparently some Americans don't care about their national sporting prowess in international sports. Perhaps you prefer your own parochial World Series, or Supper Bowl.

Since when has watching men play with their balls had anything to do with anything important.

The whole concept is rather perverted I think!


Have you ever felt the joy of the Thai kingdom united in their support of their country against their rivals in any sporting occasion?

I was delighted to watch Thailand beat Malaysia at the Army Stadium, and again at Kelana Jaya in Malaysia. Do Americans take the same pleasure in Thailand's sporting success?


How can anyone speak for all Americans?

Myself, I could care less! whistling.gif

That reminds me of a bullfight I watched in Madrid.

The bull lost.

I've never felt that bullfighting was a serious sport, since it was so assymetric.

I think that the USA could do so well against the traditional rugby nations is great, but apparently some Americans don't care about their national sporting prowess in international sports. Perhaps you prefer your own parochial World Series, or Supper Bowl.

Since when has watching men play with their balls had anything to do with anything important.

The whole concept is rather perverted I think!

Judging from the fervor that Association Football attracts, you seem to be n the minority

  • Like 1

Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

You seem to have too much time on your hands. A ridiculous rant, and the generalizations you made were positively juvenile. You would be better off using your sharp critical skills elsewhere, like perhaps becoming a film critic?


For the avoidance of doubt, and the benefit of our local co-posters who may be tempted to attend, the USA Sevens will be at the Sam Boyd Stadium, Las Vegas, next weekend.

USA ranked second in their pool behind current series leaders South Africa, should be in with a good chance of making the Cup Quarter-Finals again in this round.



I am in th camp that relations can turn sour in an instant, if the USA doen't stay out of Thai politics, and doesn't control the people at the state department that run their mouths to the camera's.

If things are going poorly in Thailand, that can happen,

but that is a long shot with all the FDI coming in from China, above and below the table.

If the idea of a Panama canal ever gets started in Thailand, funded by China, things can get interesting, but for now,

the US Air Foce controls Thai airpspace above 35,000 feet.

and the US Navy controls the water.

With Vietnam edgy about China, and Japan beginning to get serious about it's own self protection

It isn't likely that anyt Thai gov't will get too vocal about the US,

but the man on the street can feel it, (more) if the police are told it is open season on Americans.

I feel, it's the opposite, that they are told to leave us alone

but again, until the passport comes out, they cannot spot us for American, particularly, if we have European roots.

That's likely 90% of the non military traffic to Thailand from the USA, and, I have mistaken French, Dutch and others, for American in Thailand. so, I don't know how any Thai can do it


this makes me laugh, the yanks going on about history,

hasnt it just cost the american teaching orthities millions to have to re right there history books as they had the wrong dates in about ww1

if they dont agree with it they will make a movie about it and change it all so they all believe

Still jealous after all these years smile.png

please tell me why you think im jealous of you or america, were do you get this from, why would i be jealous of you or america,

im proud of england what it has done for the world, what it has invented for the good of man,

and as for me being jealous of you,

please read my posting history,

there have been pics of me my wife my children in te farming section, it says on my profile im from wangnamyen, so if anyone ever wanted to meet pigeonjake, they would onlt have to get to wangnamyen and ask for the big falang pig farmer,

im not some keyboard warrior who sits behind a keyboard talking crap, im real myfriend, and someone who has a very very good life here in thailand, very good,

so as for being jealous of you,,,

dont make me laugh,,,

now run along,,


Don't bother attempting to have an intelligent debate with someone that is as dumb as a bag of hammers... He is American and unfortunately reflects the epitome of the ugly American, superior to thou and he <deleted> doesn't stink sub-culture so prevalent in my home country...


I am in th camp that relations can turn sour in an instant, if the USA doen't stay out of Thai politics, and doesn't control the people at the state department that run their mouths to the camera's.

If things are going poorly in Thailand, that can happen,

but that is a long shot with all the FDI coming in from China, above and below the table.

If the idea of a Panama canal ever gets started in Thailand, funded by China, things can get interesting, but for now,

the US control Thai airpspace above 35,000 feet.

and the US Navy controls the water.

It isn't likely that anyt Thai gov't will get too vocal about the US, but the man on the street can feel it,

but again, until the passport comes out, they cannot spot us for American, particularly, if we have European roots.

That's likely 90% of the non military traffic to Thailand from the USA, and, I have mistaken French, Dutch and others, for American in Thailand. so, I don't know how any Thai can do it

What point are you trying to make with this rambling?

  • Like 1

So, after close to 400 posts on this thread, have you guys figured out whether the Brits or the Yanks are the bigger pricks? I thought not... coffee1.gif


So, after close to 400 posts on this thread, have you guys figured out whether the Brits or the Yanks are the bigger pricks? I thought not... coffee1.gif

After reading through all the posts on this thread, I'm convinced that only Iowans are the only sane people.

KFC anyone?


This thread was for Americans, about Americans but has been sucessfully hijacked by intruders with nothing better to do.

If you only want Americans to take part in a discussion, go and find a forum that's exclusively for Americans.

If you start one here, expect any member who wants to take part in the discussion to join in.

  • Like 1

Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

NeverSure, I think most of what you say is a wee bit brutal and if anyone sounds bitter in parts, it`s you. But the parts of your post I have highlighted you are spot on, sad to say.

True, especially regarding Britain, where the heritage has been eroded over the years, I doubt that many Brits these days can feel patriotic. Strange actually, because in Thailand I am proud to be classified as a farang. I am perceived as a white European and it`s not considered a taboo subject describing myself as a white European whereas in my home country being proud of who and what I am is discouraged. I think that if I had to return to my country it would prove a huge reverse culture shock for me, I very much doubt that I would be able to fit in there now.

I am still patriotic, but prefer to be a patriot from afar, just left with fond memories of how my homeland used to be back in the old days. So yes, you are absolutely right.

Totally agree with you Mr Juice. About 10 years ago, i put up a Union 'Jack' out the front of my house, and got a letter from the Councilwho told me to take it down, or face going to court....i was happy to take it down after that, <deleted> patriotism now, they can stick 'Blighty' as far as they can shove it up their botties...still British, but not proud of it.

Thais like Americans partly because we are the only English speaking people who they can understand.

Just saying :)

Why don't you be even more cocky, and call it American then? It's called english for a reason....

is that the english, that is english,

the english speak english,

the thais speak thai

the dutch speak dutch,

the german speak german

the spanish

shall i go on ?

and you americans speak ,,,,,,,,,,, what ?

go on say what you speak,,

make my day

Nice one, Mr Jake....but now the OP will be pissed at you for hi-jacking his American only thread.....are you worried? Nah, neither am i

  • Like 1

is that the english, that is english,

the english speak english,

the thais speak thai

the dutch speak dutch,

the german speak german

the spanish

shall i go on ?

and you americans speak ,,,,,,,,,,, what ?

go on say what you speak,,

make my day

Nice one, Mr Jake....but now the OP will be pissed at you for hi-jacking his American only thread.....are you worried? Nah, neither am i

How very wrong you are Nigel.

I am not upset ( pissed you would call it) at all.

I understand that some have a need to be the way you are.

I think I made my point yesterday when I acted as an American gentleman and did not try to hijack or degrade the thread that Jake started for his British friends, even when I was encouraged to do so in a couple of PMs.

When I was a young man, the British were well known for being a little stuffy, but also well mannered and courteous.

I guess nothing lasts forever.

Whatever makes you feel good about yourselves boys....keep it up.coffee1.gif

  • Like 1

is that the english, that is english,

the english speak english,

the thais speak thai

the dutch speak dutch,

the german speak german

the spanish

shall i go on ?

and you americans speak ,,,,,,,,,,, what ?

go on say what you speak,,

make my day

Nice one, Mr Jake....but now the OP will be pissed at you for hi-jacking his American only thread.....are you worried? Nah, neither am i

How very wrong you are Nigel.

I am not upset ( pissed you would call it) at all.

I understand that some have a need to be the way you are.

I think I made my point yesterday when I acted as an American gentleman and did not try to hijack or degrade the thread that Jake started for his British friends, even when I was encouraged to do so in a couple of PMs.

When I was a young man, the British were well known for being a little stuffy, but also well mannered and courteous.

I guess nothing lasts forever.

Whatever makes you feel good about yourselves boys....keep it up.coffee1.gif

start your own forum if you want to limit your threads to americans pal.

  • Like 1

Dear OP,

I am an American,

We all see clearly, the problem with people from the UK

first of all, they think their language is English, but in act, derives from "Anglish" and wasn't developed on their cold dreary island.

the second thing, they probably don't know that their Queen is actually German, and a Nazi collaborator.

of course, George Bush's family was too, but they too are born of the same drug dealing, poppy and opium dealing cattle

They likely also do not now that the "city of London" is not a part of England, same as Washington DC is not part of the US, but it is a part of the US Corporation, owned by the Rothschilds, and taken from the US in the Act of 1871

The reality is,

this doesn't happen in real life and in pubs,

the Brits for the most part, go out of their way to be friendly, in real life, because, most of them, are decent, and share the same goals

the problem is,

ThaiVisa isn't representative of the over riding population, of any country

bottom line,

we probably are more attractive to their women,

which, we can live without as,

we drink a lot less, and have a larger pool to choose from,

and, our bodies still work, because, we aren't "pissed" all the time


Dear OP,

I am an American,

We all see clearly, the problem with people from the UK

first of all, they think their language is English, but in act, derives from "Anglish" and wasn't developed on their cold dreary island.

the second thing, they probably don't know that their Queen is actually German, and a Nazi collaborator.

of course, George Bush's family was too, but they too are born of the same drug dealing, poppy and opium dealing cattle

They likely also do not now that the "city of London" is not a part of England, same as Washington DC is not part of the US, but it is a part of the US Corporation, owned by the Rothschilds, and taken from the US in the Act of 1871

The reality is,

this doesn't happen in real life and in pubs,

the Brits for the most part, go out of their way to be friendly, in real life, because, most of them, are decent, and share the same goals

the problem is,

ThaiVisa isn't representative of the over riding population, of any country

bottom line,

we probably are more attractive to their women,

which, we can live without as,

we drink a lot less, and have a larger pool to choose from,

and, our bodies still work, because, we aren't "pissed" all the time

link to elizabeth's collaboration?


Dear OP,

I am an American,

We all see clearly, the problem with people from the UK

first of all, they think their language is English, but in act, derives from "Anglish" and wasn't developed on their cold dreary island.

the second thing, they probably don't know that their Queen is actually German, and a Nazi collaborator.

of course, George Bush's family was too, but they too are born of the same drug dealing, poppy and opium dealing cattle

They likely also do not now that the "city of London" is not a part of England, same as Washington DC is not part of the US, but it is a part of the US Corporation, owned by the Rothschilds, and taken from the US in the Act of 1871

The reality is,

this doesn't happen in real life and in pubs,

the Brits for the most part, go out of their way to be friendly, in real life, because, most of them, are decent, and share the same goals

the problem is,

ThaiVisa isn't representative of the over riding population, of any country

bottom line,

we probably are more attractive to their women,

which, we can live without as,

we drink a lot less, and have a larger pool to choose from,

and, our bodies still work, because, we aren't "pissed" all the time

link to elizabeth's collaboration?

it's well documented alreadythey changed

their name to Windsor to hide their Nazi past

to the OP,

you had every right to ask your fellow Americans what their experiences are,

the people telling you to go start your own forum, are ignoring the fact that,

starting a thread with a precise topic, was exactly what you did

why they felt offended, is probably alcohol related or some other mood or personality disorder

  • Like 1

Dear OP,

I am an American,

We all see clearly, the problem with people from the UK

first of all, they think their language is English, but in act, derives from "Anglish" and wasn't developed on their cold dreary island.

the second thing, they probably don't know that their Queen is actually German, and a Nazi collaborator.

of course, George Bush's family was too, but they too are born of the same drug dealing, poppy and opium dealing cattle

They likely also do not now that the "city of London" is not a part of England, same as Washington DC is not part of the US, but it is a part of the US Corporation, owned by the Rothschilds, and taken from the US in the Act of 1871

The reality is,

this doesn't happen in real life and in pubs,

the Brits for the most part, go out of their way to be friendly, in real life, because, most of them, are decent, and share the same goals

the problem is,

ThaiVisa isn't representative of the over riding population, of any country

bottom line,

we probably are more attractive to their women,

which, we can live without as,

we drink a lot less, and have a larger pool to choose from,

and, our bodies still work, because, we aren't "pissed" all the time

link to elizabeth's collaboration?

it's well documented alreadythey changed

their name to Windsor to hide their Nazi past

to the OP,

you had every right to ask your fellow Americans what their experiences are,

the people telling you to go start your own forum, are ignoring the fact that,

starting a thread with a precise topic, was exactly what you did

why they felt offended, is probably alcohol related or some other mood or personality disorder

i didnt ask for a link to windsor , I asked for a link to elizabeth personally. c'mon, you can do it!! lol. and they changed their name to windsor long before anyone had ever heard of naziis. where exactly did you study history?? lol

  • Like 1

Dear OP,

I am an American,

We all see clearly, the problem with people from the UK

first of all, they think their language is English, but in act, derives from "Anglish" and wasn't developed on their cold dreary island.

the second thing, they probably don't know that their Queen is actually German, and a Nazi collaborator.

of course, George Bush's family was too, but they too are born of the same drug dealing, poppy and opium dealing cattle

They likely also do not now that the "city of London" is not a part of England, same as Washington DC is not part of the US, but it is a part of the US Corporation, owned by the Rothschilds, and taken from the US in the Act of 1871

The reality is,

this doesn't happen in real life and in pubs,

the Brits for the most part, go out of their way to be friendly, in real life, because, most of them, are decent, and share the same goals

the problem is,

ThaiVisa isn't representative of the over riding population, of any country

bottom line,

we probably are more attractive to their women,

which, we can live without as,

we drink a lot less, and have a larger pool to choose from,

and, our bodies still work, because, we aren't "pissed" all the time

link to elizabeth's collaboration?

it's well documented alreadythey changed

their name to Windsor to hide their Nazi past

to the OP,

you had every right to ask your fellow Americans what their experiences are,

the people telling you to go start your own forum, are ignoring the fact that,

starting a thread with a precise topic, was exactly what you did

why they felt offended, is probably alcohol related or some other mood or personality disorder

i didnt ask for a link to windsor , I asked for a link to elizabeth personally. c'mon, you can do it!! lol. and they changed their name to windsor long before anyone had ever heard of naziis. where exactly did you study history?? lol

study history?

I was getting out of high school just as the Vietnam War was ending, and we stll had to sign up at age 18, for "selective service"

we weren't studying anything,

we were getting high, and getting laid, and hoping not to get drafted


study history?

I was getting out of high school just as the Vietnam War was ending, and we stll had to sign up at age 18, for "selective service"

we weren't studying anything,

we were getting high, and getting laid, and hoping not to get drafted

then perhaps , given your shockingly inadequate knowledge of history, you should refrain from making statements about historical events?


study history?

I was getting out of high school just as the Vietnam War was ending, and we stll had to sign up at age 18, for "selective service"

we weren't studying anything,

we were getting high, and getting laid, and hoping not to get drafted

then perhaps , given your shockingly inadequate knowledge of history, you should refrain from making statements about historical events?

until 2 years ago, I couldnt place Thailand on the map.

so when people here complain about Americans and America, and even that Thai people wouldntn be able to find America on the map,

I say,

who cares


study history?

I was getting out of high school just as the Vietnam War was ending, and we stll had to sign up at age 18, for "selective service"

we weren't studying anything,

we were getting high, and getting laid, and hoping not to get drafted

then perhaps , given your shockingly inadequate knowledge of history, you should refrain from making statements about historical events?

until 2 years ago, I couldnt place Thailand on the map.

so when people here complain about Americans and America, and even that Thai people wouldntn be able to find America on the map,

I say,

who cares

i expect more from americans . if they are going to bully the world they should at least know where it is


The OP has gotten a good view of the "expectations" of others,


because the Communist Chinese and then Soviets were broken in the wars the rest of the world think the US lost,

and now the USA uses it's might to keep the rest of the world at bay,

is not really a very good reason to "expect" more from US

we really don't want to be bothered and said so with the symbolic "dont tread on me"

Europeans have been killing eachother long before the US was created,

if you ask most people in the US,

we would prefer the rest of the world continues to do so and leaves us alone to pursue our lives.

I choose wine, women and song, could care less about the worlds problems


The OP has gotten a good view of the "expectations" of others,


because the Communist Chinese and then Soviets were broken in the wars the rest of the world think the US lost,

and now the USA uses it's might to keep the rest of the world at bay,

is not really a very good reason to "expect" more from US

we really don't want to be bothered and said so with the symbolic "dont tread on me"

Europeans have been killing eachother long before the US was created,

if you ask most people in the US,

we would prefer the rest of the world continues to do so and leaves us alone to pursue our lives.

I choose wine, women and song, could care less about the worlds problems

lol! no one has attacked america and in return america has done

nothing but meddle in the affairs of other nations since she was founded!!


as you know, my history is not very good,

but, there was a

French invasion from the south

The Spanish Indian wars

The War of 1812,

we attacked ourselves they told us in the Civil War, but that was of course, the British again,

the Nazi's were built up by US banks and coporations and to fight the Soviets

now, new Nazi's are being built up by US banks and corporations to yet again, fight the new Soviets

I don't know about you, but Putin isn't Churchill,

and I just hope when the nukes start flying,

they miss me

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