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if the good old U S of A is that good whay are so many here, ? and then moan that the think there not being tret as they think they should be

no one going to kiss there a## just because there american

They aren't in Thailand, Jake. There are four times as many Americans in the world as there are Brits and Aussies combined. Are there four times as many American expats in Thailand as there are Aussies and Brits? Of course not.

I think there are, but they're all hiding because they're scared biggrin.png


There is some favouritism towards Americans in the form of the Amity treaty which dates back to the 60's.

Google it for more information.


The stereotyping of a typical American, a typical Brit, a typical German a typical Moslem or any other nationality or religion is absurd!

We are all individuals, we can all relate, to the fact that there is good and bad in all. We should not be judged by our home countries government. It is not fair to lump us altogether. I am an American, and I am opposed to much of what is currently happening in my home country, just as many of you expats from other countries are opposed to your governments. I have never expected special treatment in Thailand, nor have I ever received it.

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Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

As Samuel Johnson said 'patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel' and having read your ill conceived post I believe he must of been thinking of someone like you.

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To qualify, "it's been my experience" that Thais really don't see nationality when coming into contact with a white foreigner. They see farang. I don't think most Thais give a hoot what some U.S. government official says. Some might, but even those are not going to hold it against he average American they meet on the street or perhaps work with.

The real problem is those damn Englishman!

haha...come on man...don't serious and I mean don't serious.

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I can't say I have ever felt as it I were treated any better or worse than any other falang. Sometimes I think some Thais feel a little better about Americans, but not enough to make a difference in daily life.

Anything good or bad towards us is really coming from the government. Yes, right now I think the government is very unhappy with the US, but I don't think that would translate into taking anything out on US citizens.

What I do feel since I've lived in this country is a lot of hatred from other Western countries against the US and this has...opened my eyes to say the least. This has all been perceived from the comments of many crude and self-important posters on TV who show their own tremendous faults simply by the posts they make. I just try to remind myself that most of these people are narrow minded with limited perspective and education due to their below average IQ's. It's patently obvious by their comments and their willingness to blurt these comments out to the world.

I have no idea what sort of Thais are in your circles, but all the Thais I have associated with and met over the years, including my wife`s family, couldn`t tell one farang nationality from another. We look farang, we speak farang, we come from Farangland and we`re all Christian. It was vice versa for me back in my young days in Farangland, all South East Asians sounded and appeared the same to me.

The only Thais that may have different opinions regarding western nationalities are those who have lived long term in the west or those in authority, regarding relationships between western countries and Thailand, but the average Thai in the street couldn`t care less.

Here, Here! Hear!

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I have been in Chiang Mai, a bit over 2 yrs.....I love the culture of the local Thai and their cultures, King, etc........I came for true love, but so far, still searching :-) A few broken hearts, but all in all.......I have a better quality of life here.......I came from Boston, San Francisco, Honolulu, Hawaii.......a big difference in the cost of living, and food is much less :-) Never have had any problems here and find most Thai's very helpful.......Like anywhere else, you give respect, and you shall receive........Yes, there are many pros and cons here, compared to the US.......however, the pros outweight the cons, over and over......It doesn't matter where you come from, or wherever you choose to live.......show respect in any country, and you should be able to fit in ;-) Amen.......


Really depends where you live in Thailand. I would say that there are still a very large number of Thais that see a farang as a farang.....sad but I would also venture to say that if given a map most of them could not find the UK or the USA on a map.

I have noticed that more Aussies and Brits do seem more down on people from the USA. I have been here for decades. I am from the US. I have no desire to leave here or ever reruen to the States. nor do I ever want to go back to visit the UK. One thing I have noticed.....sadly. Its mostly the Blue collar or the Aussies and Brits who do not have a higher education that are down on the Americans. In most cases.

As for the Thais not liking are starting to develop anti American ways.....look how they treat Blacks and Indians here. They still come here in droves. So no ......I wouldnt worry. Worse comes to worse sew a Canadian flag on evertything you own.

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Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

Don't forget the Iraqi's and the Iranians and the Afghani's and the...................................

Thread's about my experience here in Thailand...though I'm sure you already knew that and just couldn't help yourself.

By the way, since you brought them up: are any of the abovementioned nationalities fans of either the British or the Australians, or of Europeans in general? facepalm.gif

I was also talking about your experience in Thailand, or haven't you noticed that the nationalities I mentioned in my post have quite a presence in Thailand.

Then don't speak of things you know nothing of. Where I live in Thailand there is absolutely no noticeable population of Afghans, Iraqis and/or Iranians.

And you didn't answer my question, so I'll do it for you:

The answer is no, they are not fans of either Brits, Aussies or Europeans in general: Muslim and Christian countries have been at each other's throats for almost two thousand years.

The USA is about 240 years old.

See where I'm going with this?

Acting like the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems is incredibly narrowminded. I know you didn't say as much yourself. I'm simply making a general comment in response to the dozens and dozens of America-bashing posts I've read on this forum alone.

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I first visited Thailand in 2000 when I was working in Shanghai. Visit was for a regional workshop. I was blown away by how unconditionaly friendly and kind everyone was. I visited on and off for a few years, then didn't come back until 2008. 2008 still was blown away by how unconditionally friendly and kind everyone was. Plus the food of course. The atmosphere has changed a bit over the past 6 years that I can feel, there is some fairly overt hostility from some people mostly in cities where there are lots of tourists like Pattaya and Bangkok, but outside these places it still feels as before to me. On the whole, Thailand is still a great friendly place and the food is fantastic, people are good. Now I am hooked up in a permanent way so no matter what happens I am in Thailand for the long haul. Government going thru some changes but I feel pretty confident USA and Thailand will manage to work thru relationship issues and maintain a pretty solid and positive relationship.


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

Don't know about the Brits but Aussies generally like you yanks.

I find I have more in common with the Americans I know in Thailand than I have with those from other countries.

Of course I don't always agree with their country's policies, nor do my American friends. But that is the same with my own country and I don't dislike Australians because I disagree with the government.

Key word being "those," meaning those particular people. Wasn't implying that all, or even most, dislike Americans. Cheers.


Don't forget the Iraqi's and the Iranians and the Afghani's and the...................................

Thread's about my experience here in Thailand...though I'm sure you already knew that and just couldn't help yourself.

By the way, since you brought them up: are any of the abovementioned nationalities fans of either the British or the Australians, or of Europeans in general? facepalm.gif

I was also talking about your experience in Thailand, or haven't you noticed that the nationalities I mentioned in my post have quite a presence in Thailand.

Then don't speak of things you know nothing of. Where I live in Thailand there is absolutely no noticeable population of Afghans, Iraqis and/or Iranians.

And you didn't answer my question, so I'll do it for you:

The answer is no, they are not fans of either Brits, Aussies or Europeans in general: Muslim and Christian countries have been at each other's throats for almost two thousand years.

The USA is about 240 years old.

See where I'm going with this?

Acting like the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems is incredibly narrowminded. I know you didn't say as much yourself. I'm simply making a general comment in response to the dozens and dozens of America-bashing posts I've read on this forum alone.

Well, so far you haven't told us where you live in Thailand, so it was unknow to me if those natonalities are present at your secret location.

Instead you've confirmed your paranoia since you just admitted that the same hostility is against Aussies, Brits and Europeans as well.

You're not trying to bash the Muslim nationalities, do you ?


American here with a family and business in Thailand. To address OP's Question. I haven't felt any difference on a personal level. I have had concerns about where the Thai government is headed and the relationship it has with the US degrading. Should the US ever decide to impose sanctions on Thailand, things would get ugly fast for us Yanks here in the LoS. I don't think that would happen but I do have concerns.

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I have two nationalities, American and British, a right Yanker some may call me, but if anyone asks; I am firmly making my British side the priority and leaving my American passport at home. Even at Immigration I always go as British rather than American.

My guess is that the most despised nationalities worldwide are Americans and Israelis, any countries that bear a grudge it`s usually aimed at them first hand. I think the OP is quite right to have concerns and the way tensions are building in the world, especially in the middle east, I can see the situation becoming much worse before it gets better.

Maybe despised by a vocal minority, but loved by a silent majority. It's probably the #1 place people want to immigrate to. And for good reasons.


The United States has always been regarded as a nation of immigrants. Recently-published figures from the United Nations support this view. More than 45 million immigrants live in the U.S., according to UN figures, more than four times as many living in any other nation in the world.

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I was also talking about your experience in Thailand, or haven't you noticed that the nationalities I mentioned in my post have quite a presence in Thailand.

Then don't speak of things you know nothing of. Where I live in Thailand there is absolutely no noticeable population of Afghans, Iraqis and/or Iranians.

And you didn't answer my question, so I'll do it for you:

The answer is no, they are not fans of either Brits, Aussies or Europeans in general: Muslim and Christian countries have been at each other's throats for almost two thousand years.

The USA is about 240 years old.

See where I'm going with this?

Acting like the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems is incredibly narrowminded. I know you didn't say as much yourself. I'm simply making a general comment in response to the dozens and dozens of America-bashing posts I've read on this forum alone.

Well, so far you haven't told us where you live in Thailand, so it was unknow to me if those natonalities are present at your secret location.

Instead you've confirmed your paranoia since you just admitted that the same hostility is against Aussies, Brits and Europeans as well.

You're not trying to bash the Muslim nationalities, do you ?

It wasn't my prerogative to say where I lived in Thailand (though if you were curious, you could have just clicked on my profile). The point is, if you didn't know where I lived and with whom I interact, then you had no reason to make assertions. And I stand by my point, even as you grasp at straws attempting to demonstrate otherwise.

As for your question: I objectively stated that Muslims and Christians have shared a bloody history together, and therefore can infer that overall neither are fans of the other's culture.

If you wish to see that as bashing, hey, I'm not the thought police.


i don't need to worry about it. i stopped answering the 'where are you from?' question long ago.

I answer it's just that I say "Lat Phrao" instead of NY


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

As Samuel Johnson said 'patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel' and having read your ill conceived post I believe he must of been thinking of someone like you.

What did they do when they brainwashed you? Did they open a flap in your skull, or just drill holes in it?


I was also talking about your experience in Thailand, or haven't you noticed that the nationalities I mentioned in my post have quite a presence in Thailand.

Then don't speak of things you know nothing of. Where I live in Thailand there is absolutely no noticeable population of Afghans, Iraqis and/or Iranians.

And you didn't answer my question, so I'll do it for you:

The answer is no, they are not fans of either Brits, Aussies or Europeans in general: Muslim and Christian countries have been at each other's throats for almost two thousand years.

The USA is about 240 years old.

See where I'm going with this?

Acting like the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems is incredibly narrowminded. I know you didn't say as much yourself. I'm simply making a general comment in response to the dozens and dozens of America-bashing posts I've read on this forum alone.

Well, so far you haven't told us where you live in Thailand, so it was unknow to me if those natonalities are present at your secret location.

Instead you've confirmed your paranoia since you just admitted that the same hostility is against Aussies, Brits and Europeans as well.

You're not trying to bash the Muslim nationalities, do you ?

It wasn't my prerogative to say where I lived in Thailand (though if you were curious, you could have just clicked on my profile). The point is, if you didn't know where I lived and with whom I interact, then you had no reason to make assertions. And I stand by my point, even as you grasp at straws attempting to demonstrate otherwise.

As for your question: I objectively stated that Muslims and Christians have shared a bloody history together, and therefore can infer that overall neither are fans of the other's culture.

If you wish to see that as bashing, hey, I'm not the thought police.

If you wish to see that as bashing, hey, I'm not the thought police.

Oh yes you are because you, and a few other Americans, claim everyone is bashing your nationality all the time. Whenever we don't agree with your opinion we're considered to be bashing the US, and you have proofed that a few times in this thread already.


Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

well screw them anyhow smile.png they are only jealous.

jealous, of what may i ask,,

Presumably we're all jealous of these unspecified situation that the locals treat them better than us in.

Personally, I've always got the impression that the locals find Americans a little loud and overbearing.

yes if they werent so loud I would like them more


I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

Another from the nanny state with a sense of entitlement complex.

Please tell me why you should recieve preferential treatment, does your $$$ buy more baht than mine.

Head back to Obama land and gives us an update after a few months, I hear Ferguson is a nice place to be these days, especially with an attitide like yours.

Fine, we'll do that and you go back to Rotherham and take part in that travesty.


Then don't speak of things you know nothing of. Where I live in Thailand there is absolutely no noticeable population of Afghans, Iraqis and/or Iranians.

And you didn't answer my question, so I'll do it for you:

The answer is no, they are not fans of either Brits, Aussies or Europeans in general: Muslim and Christian countries have been at each other's throats for almost two thousand years.

The USA is about 240 years old.

See where I'm going with this?

Acting like the U.S. is the cause of all the world's problems is incredibly narrowminded. I know you didn't say as much yourself. I'm simply making a general comment in response to the dozens and dozens of America-bashing posts I've read on this forum alone.

Well, so far you haven't told us where you live in Thailand, so it was unknow to me if those natonalities are present at your secret location.

Instead you've confirmed your paranoia since you just admitted that the same hostility is against Aussies, Brits and Europeans as well.

You're not trying to bash the Muslim nationalities, do you ?

It wasn't my prerogative to say where I lived in Thailand (though if you were curious, you could have just clicked on my profile). The point is, if you didn't know where I lived and with whom I interact, then you had no reason to make assertions. And I stand by my point, even as you grasp at straws attempting to demonstrate otherwise.

As for your question: I objectively stated that Muslims and Christians have shared a bloody history together, and therefore can infer that overall neither are fans of the other's culture.

If you wish to see that as bashing, hey, I'm not the thought police.

If you wish to see that as bashing, hey, I'm not the thought police.

Oh yes you are because you, and a few other Americans, claim everyone is bashing your nationality all the time. Whenever we don't agree with your opinion we're considered to be bashing the US, and you have proofed that a few times in this thread already.

"...and you have proofed that a few times in this thread already."

I've proved it, really? Then show me where.

The extent of our interaction--as in you and I-- has consisted of you making baseless assertions and me correcting you.

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