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Americans in Thailand, how do you feel?


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...especially the Brits who seem to be the scum of the earth...just look at their incessant bleating and thai bashing here on bitterexpat dot com.

Please don't judge us all by the standard of a small but noisy minority of losers.

Now no offence Soi, you seem like a reasonable and likeable bloke. But you know, I joined a Philippines expat forum, and on the whole they seem a whole lot nicer than here, less inclined to bicker. I just figured with PI being farther away from Britain than LOS, there are just fewer Brits that make the trek, and hence a lower ratio of them on the PI forum.

edit: spelling

We certainly do seem to export some of our worst. I just wanted to make the point that we're not all like that.

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I was told flat out one time that I could NOT be part of the dive shop's staff STRICTLY because I was American. It had nothing to do with my instructor skills, rather that I was from the U.S. Primarily a brit-run shop with an Irishman and a Keewie thrown in for good measure.

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I was told flat out one time that I could NOT be part of the dive shop's staff STRICTLY because I was American. It had nothing to do with my instructor skills, rather that I was from the U.S. Primarily a brit-run shop with an Irishman and a Keewie thrown in for good measure.

That's it then - the Brits, the Irish and the Kiwis all hate the Yanks. Problem solved, it's not the Muslims. Allahu Akbar.

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I doubt that government-government relations and international political issues hold much sway with the typical Thai. Most Thais I've talked to (indeed most Southeast Asians it seems) regard the US as a sort of promised land ... if they had a chance to live overseas, that would be the place. Of course, this speaks to the effectiveness of US propaganda: year after year, surveys come out showing that there are much better places to live (Canada, Scandinavia, Australia, etc. ... see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where-to-be-born_Index#2013_rankings, for just one ranking). So I really doubt you will see much of a change in this in the near future, even if the politicians are bickering.

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We all share the same planet. Who cares which bit of it you happened to be born on?

This is more like it, the whole patriotism thing is very overrated.

It's there for people who are generally incapable of independent thought and are easily lead by someone who's probably 'waving a flag and carrying a cross'.


I'm Scottish, and I'm certainly not patriotic, how can I be when the majority of the people have not got the guts to run their own country. This does not apply to the majority of Glasgow people.

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The USA needs to stop pushing other countries to the their way of "thinking" if you can even call it thinking. If that does not change Americans will become less welcome than they are now.

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What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page. Lack of humility? Where the hell do Aussies and Brits get off bashing the USA and then not think they lack humility? Some of them on here are the most gawdawful xenophobes I've ever run across.

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What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page.

Apparently not. Can you provide links to them?

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...especially the Brits who seem to be the scum of the earth...just look at their incessant bleating and thai bashing here on bitterexpat dot com.

Please don't judge us all by the standard of a small but noisy minority of losers.

You're right, I probably painted with too broad a brush, seems as the mods thought so. Anyways as I was saying Americans have a lot to worry about in regards to what our .gov does but how we are perceived by the Thais is of little concern.

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I live in Nongprue and I would guess that most Thais here don't care what goes on politically between the USA and Thailand. I have lived here for 4 years now and I really like it, a fantastic area to live in.. I treat all Thais with respect and they are very nice to me.. I worked with the U.S. Military as a contracted logistics specialist here in Thailand for 7 years. My work involved a lot of interaction with Thai military personel which included attending a lot of joint US and Thai social events and there was never any hostility or even much discussion concerning US policies towards Thailand. The OP obviously out of touch with Thai people and their culture of sabai sabai which means very little concerns them outside of their little world... They do what they have to do to get by and spend the rest of the time relaxing.. I am sure they do not give much thought concernng international politics and certainly would not waste any energy bashing Americans or anyone other nationality.. The Thais are kings of relaxation, they worry very little about anything.. A trait to be admired by those of us who have been raised in a culture where you are taught from an early age that must achieve...get good grades, be the best athlete, study hard, work hard so you can more succesful then the previous generation... And instead of being proud to be an American or British or any other nationality why not just be proud of the type of person you are... Assuming you can be...

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Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

well screw them anyhow smile.png they are only jealous.

jealous, of what may i ask,,

Presumably we're all jealous of these unspecified situation that the locals treat them better than us in.

Personally, I've always got the impression that the locals find Americans a little loud and overbearing.

Don't forget *Mr Know It All* and the fact that locals think their Arrogant and Cheap Chalies...

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What I find fascinating about Americans is the way that many of them react to any perceived criticism of their country. They tend to react quite strongly, jumping straight to comments about how we're all just jealous of their awesome nation, or losers - without seemingly giving any thought to the idea that it might be what their government has done in their name over the years, the behaviour of some of their countryfolk when abroad, or indeed this lack of humility itself that is to blame.

Apparently you haven't read any of the many OCD American bashing threads on here, page after page.

Apparently not. Can you provide links to them?

All you need to do is just toss a dart blindfolded at the TV board. I cringe every time I see a new topic come up with the word American or US, or America in it as I know where it is going to go.

BTW, my best friends here have always been Aussies or Brits and always get along with each other. Most of the ribbing comes from the language differences. biggrin.png

I can't remember the last time someone asked me where I'm from, it's usually from another foreigner rather than Thai. If I'm in Bangkok and a Thai asks me where I'm from I just say Chiang Mai. wink.png

I have a bunch of friends from US, Aus, UK, Canada and a South African guy. We forever just take the piss out of each other. No malice, just good, harmless banter. No divisions, just people getting on, brought together because of similar circumstances and obviously the language.

It would seem the bitterness here, comes from BOTH of the sides!? (Whatever they are??? biggrin.png)

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You are way overthinking this. I love Thailand and have been shown nothing but kindness since I arrived a year ago. I have spent a fair amount of time in countries that really did not like the US government (Ecuador and Argintina) and was always treated well there too. Governments can wrangle but the ordinary people are still the same.

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You are way overthinking this. I love Thailand and have been shown nothing but kindness since I arrived a year ago. I have spent a fair amount of time in countries that really did not like the US government (Ecuador and Argintina) and was always treated well there too. Governments can wrangle but the ordinary people are still the same.

Several years ago we had a physics seminar held by the IAEA at the university. I went out on the balcony and set down and was joined by a couple of participants. When they asked me where I was from I said the US. When I asked them, one said from Iran and the other from Cuba. biggrin.png Have to admit to having a brief moment of discomfort but passed after we continued talking.

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Because of past good relations between Thailand and the US, I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

Do you wear a big "I'm American" sign on your chest or bore everyone to death by starting every sentence with "In America we do this or that?"

The people who know me well know me as an individual not as an American and the people who don't know me don't demand to know my nationality. The people I know well I know as individuals and I don't segregate them into nationalities who I like more or I like less depending on the latest headlines.

This is another example of farang obsession with face, loss of face, assumed self-importance based solely on nationality and other nonsense. Do you really think your most outstanding or significant personality characteristic is based on the passport you carry? You might want to work on finding some other selling point when meeting people.

Once again, the vast majority of Thais (and other nationalities) don't think of you at all unless you're standing in front of them and then if they judge you it's probably based on many things before your nationality.

I don't know which is worse, thinking that being an American (or Brit or German ,,,) means everyone gushes over you or thinking you've suddenly fallen from your imagined pedestal because of something said by some State Dept jerk.

Edited by Suradit69
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There in lies the problem, the op thinks because he is American that this non physical characteristic makes life more uncomfortable, less safe..Americans always overstate there own importance which is probably the characteristic of any super power..although on the wane..generous people..regardless of nationality any individual who derides their home country is to be avoided..

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jealous, of what may i ask,,

Presumably we're all jealous of these unspecified situation that the locals treat them better than us in.

Personally, I've always got the impression that the locals find Americans a little loud and overbearing.

Don't forget *Mr Know It All* and the fact that locals think their Arrogant and Cheap Chalies...

Wouldn't otherwise stick my nose into an exchange of personal attacks, as I neither believe other westerners are jealous of my nationality, nor think Brits or Aussies are in a position to call anyone else "loud and overbearing." rolleyes.gif

But come on! Americans cheap charlies?? We're known as good tippers the world over, due to being in the habit of tipping 20% in restaurants and a dollar for each glass of beer. Thais especially know that among westerners we're the most likely to tip.

As for the "Mr. Know it all" quip, and being arrogant: I've been called as much. Always seemed hypocritical to me, though, coming from people who had the cheek to pick a fight with me over my nationality in the first place. Especially from Brits exhibiting that very air of superiority they're stereotyped for, and which was in no short supply while they busied themselves with colonizing the world.

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Neversure, you have no concept of what America is really like, just like most American's in Thailand you grew up in 1 America, 1 that is divided from the rest, the white upper-middleclass suburban America where everything is clean and neat, not the predominantly black& hispanic america where there is high random violent crime.

You say Europe is 'taken over by muslims' the fact is that europe brings all these muslims in for the same reason that america brings in hispanics and asians and from everywhere else-for cheap labor and to keep the economy growing, just a few decades ago the US had half the population it has now and it was much more white anglo northern european than it is now, in 1965 they changed the immigration laws and opened the floodgates to immigrant from the 3rd world, south america, india, arabs, etc. prior to that immigrants came to America mainly from europe, but with rising living standards and low birthrates in europe, the well dried up and the US needed more bodies.. so by your standard the USA is giving up it's sovereignty because it allows so many people in from various foreign cultures like islam.

The reason there are so many europenas here is because with national healthcare and benefits, they can afford to travel, most americans cannot.

I come from LongBeach CA, in the early 90's we had race riots, right about the time the economy was dragging, the problems with race relations and income inequality are getting worse, not better, ie Furguson. In CA we have more people in prison than the entire country of China with it's Billions of peope, and many that are in prison are violent criminals, they have already let out the small time drug offenders, but still the prison population swells. Inside the prisons everything is divided by race, black gangs, hispanic gangs, and white gangs, there is constant tension and violence. Meanwhile the US finances it's standard of living and it's endless wars on the arabs by borrowing money from foreign countries.

For me Thailand has always been an escape. The difference between the US and most other countries (like Thailand, Russia, China) is that if there is serious economic distress, these other nations will hold together, life will get harder in Russia, like it is now, but the Russia is a homogenious Russian society and they have been to hell and back and they can always ride it out, I feel Thailand is like that also, you can have 97' type financial mess and the country will get thru it.

When the economy in the US suffers a little, like in the early 90s, violence and crime immediately rises, I have always been worried when I was there that one day we will have the FINAL economic crises, not a mini-mess like 2008, but a full blown collapse of the dollar and global branded equities as the international reserve currency..I don't think America's multicultural society can withstand that kind of presure seeing what I seen in the past. Historically empires similar to what the US is today, particularly the arab empire(islamic caliphate) and the Roman Empire, have imploded-and that's what I think is in the cards for us, its not a matter of if, it's a matter of when.

Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif

There is another thread where a non-American mentioned how many expats were losers in their own countries.

The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

In 30 years their countries will be muslim due to immigration and breeding rates. They know it. They are powerless to do anything about it because their governments disarmed them.

They actually hate their countries and it shows in a multitude of posts. They have nowhere to go home to. They don't recognize their countries due to immigration and PC governments.

They've given up their sovereign borders to an international group and they no longer can claim patriotic pride. All they can do is criticise those who have an independent country with patriotism and who do have the power to change things. They criticize America AND their own countries. They are lost and broken.

They no longer understand being patriotic and think that those who are have lost the plot when in truth they have lost the plot and have lost their way. They are people without a country. They drink their days away in Thailand realizing that the old saying is true: "Wherever you go, there you are."

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So I guess there aren't that many after all, then.

Got a good chuckle out of that one. Well done.

To answer your initial request though: all the threads from the news stories concerning this diplomatic spat resulted in no short supply of vitriol being slung at the U.S.

I trust you can use the search function.

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I have had the feeling that we were maybe treated a little better in some situations than expats from other counties.

Another from the nanny state with a sense of entitlement complex.

Please tell me why you should recieve preferential treatment, does your $$$ buy more baht than mine.

Head back to Obama land and gives us an update after a few months, I hear Ferguson is a nice place to be these days, especially with an attitide like yours.

If I liked as asanine comments I'd sure love yours. Where does the op state he expects special treatment? Nanny state my ass. You are fully plugged into the 24x7 right wing propaganda machine. Too bad.

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