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Gary Glitter found guilty of child sex offences


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Gary Glitter found guilty of child sex offences

Singer convicted of string of offences in 1970s and 1980s, including attempted rape of an eight-year-old child

Former Glam rock star Gary Glitter faces spending the remainder of his life in prison after being found guilty of child sex offences on young girls.

A jury of five men and seven women on Thursday convicted the flamboyant singer, now 70, of offences committed in the 1970s and 1980s including the attempted rape of an eight-year-old child.

His predatory sexual offences against his child victims, including fans that helped propel him to stardom, went unpunished for 40 years because of the “immunity of fame”, the prosecution said.

However, that vanished after the singer’s fall from grace when the father of three, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was found to have a “voracious” appetite for child abuse images. He was convicted in 1999 of building up a library of 4,000 such images, some involving children as young as two.

Later, in 2012, he was arrested as part of the Operation Yewtree investigation, set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal. It was during this period that his victims, now grown women, found the courage to tell the police about the abuse, although they had previously confided in others.

-- The Guardian 2015-02-05

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Gary Glitter trial: Singer guilty of historical sex abuse

Paul Gadd a k a Gary Glitter in 1974. File photo/Wikipedia

Gary Glitter, charged under his real name of Paul Gadd, was first person arrested under Operation Yewtree

The fall of a rock star

LONDON: -- Gary Glitter has been found guilty of historical sex abuse against three young girls between 1975 and 1980.

The 70-year-old former singer - real name Paul Gadd - was convicted of attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of having sex with a girl under the age of 13.

Gadd, who denied all charges, was acquitted of three other counts at Southwark Crown Court, London.

He was remanded in custody to be sentenced on 27 February.


The court heard one victim was under the age of 10 when Gadd, of Marylebone, central London, tried to rape her.

She said the singer had crept into her bed as she slept and that afterwards she had felt "ashamed and dirty". She only managed to escape by moving away and then wrapping herself in sheets and blankets.

The victim told the trial she had been to the star's mansion a number of times as a child and that after the attack, drunken Gadd had fallen asleep in the bed while she locked herself in a bathroom.

He was cleared of two counts of indecent assault and one count of administering a drug or other thing in order to facilitate sexual intercourse.

The jury of seven women and five men had been considering their verdicts since Wednesday.

Gadd was the first person to be arrested as part of Operation Yewtree.

-- BBC 2015-02-05

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Well, it's finally caught up with him. He was lucky in 1999 to get a short sentence for downloaded porn, as they didn't convict on other offences.

He will get a warm reception in jail tonight , just as he did in Horfield 16 years ago.

"You wanna be in my cell, my cell, my cell.........." And so it went on, all night.

Edited by mrtoad
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All the glamour fades away from Glitter

Gary Glitter guilty of attempted rape, 4 indecent assaults & having sex with girl under 13

Gary Glitter is now barely recognisable from the brash, ebullient star of 1970s glam rock.

In his prime, Glitter had enormous stage presence, his diminutive 5ft 6in given considerable stature with the addition of giant platform heels and inflated hair.

He sold 18 million records in five years in the early 70s and enjoyed transatlantic success with a string of raucous rock hits.

Now he is a disgraced former star, bald and suffering deteriorating health in his old age.

Glitter was born Paul Gadd in Banbury, Oxfordshire, in 1944 and began his search for fame in his teenage years as a singer on the club circuit.

He went through a succession of stage personae over the years, including Paul Russell, Paul Raven and Paul Monday, but somehow he always failed to set the charts alight.

But at the age of 28 he finally did make it.

He got in at the start of the glam craze in 1972 and was propelled to stardom by the Glitter persona he invented.

The name was chosen after Gadd worked through the letters of the alphabet looking for alliteratives, having ruled out Terry Tinsel and Stanley Sparkly.

His breakthrough hit, Rock And Roll (Parts One And Two), reached the top 10 in both the US and UK and in the following years Gadd proved his songwriting and performing talent by returning to the top of the charts.

During the trial at Southwark Crown Court, one of his victims said Glitter had a phobia about people touching his hair.

Sallie Bennett-Jenkins QC, defending, told the jury that the singer did not shower backstage because he did not want people to know that he was “pretty bald”.

She said: “To have disclosed that would be to damage his public image.

“And so after the show, hot and sweaty, he would always get out of the club quickly, to go and repair the wigs that he wore.”

The glam era was bright but short, and as it fizzled out Glitter found himself divorced, bankrupt and struggling with alcohol abuse. His retirement came as no surprise.

In the 80s and 90s he enjoyed occasional comebacks, cleaned himself up, was referenced by Oasis and enjoyed a measure of celebrity touring as a student novelty act.

Then in November 1997 his laptop computer was serviced and an engineer found thousands of child porn images saved on its hard drive. Glitter was sentenced to four months, serving half.

Suddenly memories of his provocative act and lewd lyrics prompted disgust and horror. Glitter left the country, living off royalties estimated at £100,000 year. He was discovered by newspaper journalists living in Spain and moved to Cuba and then to South East Asia.

He was kicked out of Cambodia in 2003 and moved to Thailand and then to Vietnam.

Glitter was arrested trying to board a flight after allegations that he molested two girls, aged 11 and 12, at his home in the resort town of Vung Tau.

He was convicted in 2006 and spent almost three years in prison.

After his release he returned to the UK in 2008 and has a home in Marylebone, central London.

In October 2012 he became the first person to be arrested as part of Operation Yewtree, the national investigation launched in the wake of abuse claims against Jimmy Savile.

The decision to charge Glitter over a string of historic sex offences was announced last June.

He appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court later that month before going on trial in January.

-- breakingnews.ie 2015-02-05

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Gary Glitter guilty of string of child sex abuse charges
Former glam rocker - real name Paul Gadd - convicted of series of historic child abuse allegations dating back to 1970s

LONDON: -- Gary Glitter has been found guilty of a string of new child sex offences by a jury at Southwark Crown Court.

The 70-year-old - real name Paul Gadd - was convicted of one count of attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one count of sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 13.

Glitter had denied the charges against him and, while giving evidence, firmly told jurors he had told the truth throughout the case and his life - and had no interest in sexually abusing young girls.

But the NSPCC children's charity said his testimony had been "just another performance" as it welcomed the news of his conviction.

Glitter was the first person to be arrested by detectives conducting Operation Yewtree - the inquiry launched in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

He was cleared of two counts of indecent assault and one count of administering a drug or other thing in order to facilitate sexual intercourse.

It was the first time he had been convicted of sex abuse in this country, though he had a previous conviction for child pornography offences in the UK and was jailed in Vietnam in 2006 for obscene acts with minors.

Peter Watt, director of national services for children's charity the NSPCC, said: "Glitter was devious and manipulative throughout this trial. Thankfully the jury has seen through all the fake tears, and his attempts to paint his victims as liars, gold diggers or opportunistic fantasists.

"He tried to portray himself as the victim in this case, as a remorseful, penitent man who had paid for his previous crimes but now faced malicious new allegations. It was just another performance.

"His previous convictions, including those for possession of more than 4,000 indecent images of children and sexual assaults in Vietnam, were indicative of a predatory sexual interest in children spanning decades.

"At the height of his fame, he targeted vulnerable children and subjected them to sickening sexual attacks. Glitter recalled at his trial the screaming fans outside his home and at airports in the 1970s.

"He used the adoration of fans like these to violate young girls and satisfy his perversions, telling one victim that his assault was their 'secret'. The bravery of the women who told the court of their traumatic experiences means Glitter's dirty sham performance is now over and justice will finally be done."

-- telegraph.co.uk 2015-02-05

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After looking up the list of his music there seems to be plenty with interesting titles:

But I suppose this one describes him, "Good For No Good"

Though there was no conviction for actual rape, I expect he will get something like 10 years, at his age (70) that a long time.

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Justice has finally caught up with Gadd..
I hope he does hard time.

But what about all those other abuses that appear to be swept under the carpet..

How long will it take the CSA inquiry to get going? Far more serious allegations that go all the way to the top of Westminster!
Elm Guest House
Underely Hall
Grafton Close Children’s Home..

The list is massive and its time to crack on and serve justice before they all die!

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Paedophiles are the lowest forms of excrement there is. Throw him into the general population so he can what his helpless victims felt.

Well said.

I really hope this grub suffers.....hand him over to Isis......wait a second, don't they worship rock spiders ?

Anyway, with a bit of luck he experiences a lot of pain in his final years just like those poor innocent children did. No mercy.

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I never heard of the guy until the allegations surfaced. He wasn't exactly The Beatles or Olivia Newton John, now was he.

What a loser.

Bet you've heard his music though, unless you never used to watch NFL games or even the Super Bowl. Played at ice hockey games too I believe.

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I am not defending GG in any way .yes lock him up but leave his cell open at night for the night prowlers BUT What was a 10 yo doing sleeping in his mansion. Ok a lot of kudos for young girls to be GG friend , but teens hanging around after gigs , not 10 yo girls who find themselves having to lock themselves in the bog. I still think too many people 40 years on say " Oo ,oo I was one give me a grand and I will tell you what happened to me. Just saying.

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"I am not defending GG in any way .yes lock him up but leave his cell open at night for the night prowlers BUT What was a 10 yo doing sleeping in his mansion. Ok a lot of kudos for young girls to be GG friend , but teens hanging around after gigs , not 10 yo girls who find themselves having to lock themselves in the bog. I still think too many people 40 years on say " Oo ,oo I was one give me a grand and I will tell you what happened to me. Just saying"

You wouldn't be "just saying" this if your wife/daughter/sister were a victim of his or his like minded sick ilk.

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I never liked him even during the glory days, and after the scandal in Vietnam, I think he is (probably) guilty ... BUT... I still believe it is very dangerous to convict someone of a crime that (allegedly) happened many years in the past based on (he said/she said) evidence. This is a Pandora's box. With this precedent. anyone could be forced into criminal court to prove their innocence rather than the other way around.

What some nutcase woman filed a criminal complaint against Tony Blair, saying he raped her 25 years ago when she was 12? Would her complaint and testimony be enough for a conviction?

I have no qualms with Glitter going to prison, but I do have a problem with the way it came about.

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"I am not defending GG in any way .yes lock him up but leave his cell open at night for the night prowlers BUT What was a 10 yo doing sleeping in his mansion. Ok a lot of kudos for young girls to be GG friend , but teens hanging around after gigs , not 10 yo girls who find themselves having to lock themselves in the bog. I still think too many people 40 years on say " Oo ,oo I was one give me a grand and I will tell you what happened to me. Just saying"

You wouldn't be "just saying" this if your wife/daughter/sister were a victim of his or his like minded sick ilk.

He's got a point. What was the mother thinking letting her 10 year old sleep over at Gary Glitter's house? ewwwww.

Edited by ChoakMyDee
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I never liked the guy even in his days of glory and after the scandals in Asia I do not doubt he is (probably) guilty in this case, but I continue to believe it is a dangerous precedent to convict anyone for a crime that allegedly happened many years in the past, on (he said/she said) evidence. Actually with that precedent, anyone could fall victim to accusation, and get convicted.

What would happen if someone (a woman) filed a complaint that Tony Blair molested her 25 years ago when she was 12? or any celebrity for that matter or anyone who made enemies in the past.

kind of what happened to the German weatherman Kachelmann a few years ago. I woman (scorned lover) invented being raped by him and he spend about 4 months in remand custody - the court tried hard to convict him by overlooking all the evidence for lies and not questioning the stories and invented evidence from the woman. It seems a conviction did not happen only because of the public interest in the case with bloggers doing the work that the police and the court avoided.

Now he says he will never get into an elevator with one woman only.

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If you have not heard or seen the mockumentary "The Execution of Gary Glitter" you may enjoy watching it on youtube. It is an interesting film that could easily have been the fate of Paul Gadd and may well be the fate of other predators in the future. Hopefully he will be handed down a sentence that reflects the gravity of his crimes and ensure the safety of children who might have fallen victim to him in the future.


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