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Broke German overstays 4 months

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Ho hum............boring!!!

Will we never hear the end of suckers and local women???

A fool and his money are easily parted.

I guess in order to genuinely love/like someone, you have to be a sucker...or finally end-up as one.


Title should read: Another Alcoholic Foreigner Goes Broke With Bar Girl Now Living On The Streets. Thousands more like him are buying their bar girl a new home and car at this very moment. Total morons. Sorry zero sympathy for these complete losers.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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They are arriving by the plane loads. Thousands and thousands of suckers. Just met one today covered a beaten up looking hooker in gold. dumb as they get.

Ho hum............boring!!!

Will we never hear the end of suckers and local women???

A fool and his money are easily parted.

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Leaving brains at the airport is common for farang when arrive at land of scams. I mean some attractive young thai tells you "they love you"

And some stupid farang believe them,ego alert switched on high.


That story doesn't even make sense.

He voluntarily spent every last satang he had, such that he couldn't even get a room?


It must be a conspiracy right? Certainly a farang wouldn't do anything stupid and accept the blame. It must be that some Thai woman overwhelmed him with her superior intellect.

We all do stupid things and after farang spend much of their lives in a state of deprivation (of one sort of another) back in Farang Utopia, quite a few come unglued once they get to Thailand, but unless you're forced to do something at gunpoint, learn to live with the consequences of your own behavior.

"That story doesn't even make sense"

The story makes perfect sense in the context of the real world, as opposed to the fantasy world where farang must be the victims of nefarious Thais who outwit them ... well the "outwitting" part is probably true more often than not.

You are just one tough cookie eh? "Live with the consequences of your own behavior." To my experience folks with such a cool pragmatic mouth as yours tend to scream like stuck pigs when they have to "live with the consequences" as you put it ;)
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It's the same old story. Youngsters coming to Thailand and thinking that the girls love you for your body and good looks. As you approach older age ( 80 years and up) you realise that is really your worldly knowledge and many years of perfecting your sexual techniques that attracts the young lassies to you. At least, that's what I have been told. Works for me.

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It takes time to adjust to the brutality of some of these woman. Let's be honest not all Thais are like this but if you went to the hooker areas of New York, London or any major city it would be a lot more dangerous, a lot more expensive, more likely to have drugs offered, seedy men around you probably would not be able to take her home and probably not fall in love. Bargirls are not the most educated, or caring members of society or they would be nurses etc. So why do men fall for hookers here, should be sex that's it. Love is totally different.


I have to support the Old Thai law, show your arriving and your exit ticket and 20k bath. Sorry, to many bums land in a place like LOS and cause problems, think of the "HMS BOUNTY",

i know I got busted on a quickie trip from Phuket to Sinapore rather than the exiciting ride in a visa run van. And for 6 hours you talk and some of these Tourist would say hey; I only have 500USD equal to stating Mom or Dad will send, right , not after 30 days.


In Germany EVERYONE gets a pension, even if you've never worked a day in your life. This story is complete BS, there must be more to it.

Sure there is. Another German laughing all the way home with free airplane ticket a bucket full of Satang. No such thing as a fool old "kraut" or young elephant man.


Another one looses everything. When are the old men going to wake up?

Wake up to what ? To being old, ugly, broke, in poor health and unpopular ? Not everyone is a phoenix my dear 1312... (is that your birth year? wow...)

Lots of patronizing posts here, but so far, none that questions what is going on in the West, that makes so many older people rush here where they are easy prey, sure, but where they also meet kindness, respect, and people who don't look at them in utter horror... Yes money changes hands but so what if both parties are happy with the deal ? Doesn't money change hands in the West too, in the complicated field of human intercourse ?

No one questions why Western medical science works so hard on making life longer without wondering how to make it better, ie what old people will have to put into those extra years, if not solitude, despair and bitter anger.

Why the West magnifies youth and physical beauty in such a way that anyone over 40 starts to lie about their age, and spends absurd amounts of money just to look a few years younger ?

Why young people in the West all more or less consider old people to be something of a disgusting inconvenience and are not taught that with age comes experience and possibly a measure of wisdom which deserves respect ?

Yes, there are lots of old fools in Thailand, and guess what, some of them even manage to be happy ! Thank you Thailand for welcoming them.

Good post with some nice logic! " Doesn't money change hands in the West too, in the complicated field of human intercourse ?" Slightly off topic, but reminds me of a film where a hooker approaches this middle aged guy in some American city, and he says "Pay for it! I've never paid for it in my life!" She asks him "Honey, are you married?" He replies "Yes, happily married with a wonderful wife and family!" She replies "Honey, you paying for it ALL the time" (Wonderful line, and oh so true!) clap2.gif

You don't think Thais focus on age have a look on any Thai dating website they are so crude many of them if young show themselves in a bikini or lying on a bed?


More to this story for sure. He should receive a small pension from Germany that would give him enough money to pay for rent and food. Unless he was wanted by the police in Germany.


It's a circle when your young you need Mama and Daddy to take care of you then middle age your taking care of yourself then you get old and become a baby once again. With age doesn't mean you get wiser always


That story doesn't even make sense.

He voluntarily spent every last satang he had, such that he couldn't even get a room?


Not if you're brains are temporarily mis-placed in your underpants !!


sounds like a lie because no german can ever got really broken. thanks to the "grundsicherung" he would get with his age at least about 400 euro every month and money to pay rent for a flat in spite of the very bad hard core capitalistic goverment under merkel, called in germany the bitch of the rich

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