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(Wife) Need to buy a gun (registered)


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Hello ,

Can my wife buy a gun (any) and get it registered at the police ?

Or do she need to buy the gun directly from the police ?

We just asked 1 police officer and he told my wife that the cost will be 100'000 Baht .

A gun from the internet shop is around 50000 .

Any advice is much appreciated


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TOO MANY "SCOIS" AND SERIAL KILLERS IN OUR SOI !! scary just a question are all these people gun toters ??

Wow your starting early on the Juice today!

most people dont talk about needing a gun until they completely trashed

Im not a tourist and still cant see why i would need a gun . Granted a few soi dogs get on my nerves

I would be more worried my wife has a gun.

Good luck and hope we dont read about you in the near future

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No gun - Wish I had a gun.

Have gun - Wish I knew how to shoot and hit a target.

Know how to shoot - Are you willing to pull out and use the gun?

Shoot suspect - Police come and put wife in Jail for killing someone.

Is having a gun the only option?

What about Mace or pepper spray? Something non-lethal...?

Edited by toybits
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At home, we deeply despite keeping guns..

But regarding the idiocity from people like the OP, that's why we always have some fully loaded... Just in case!!

In Thailand, gun licenses are transmutable from father to kids and licenses need to be shown to buy munitions at a shop usually located behind a mess/officer clubhouse,.

i.e. Dusit next door to the King palace is the place my wife goes for "shopping" as her father was an army officer based on those premises.

But as a foreigner don't even dream (married or not) to be able to put a foot behind the gates.

Here, as an example, is a legal license for a .45:


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It is as easy as 1,2,3 to solve this problem:

(1) Open suitcase
(2) Fill suitcase
(3) Call taxi

Been there, done that, and it worked very well indeed.

I even learned to never create another situation in my life where this conversation would be had.

Move on, and never look back.

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You must prove the need to purchase a weapon to obtain a purchase permit from the Tessabhan, You can not buy from a shop without this. Showing wealth that needs protecting is suitable.

There is an area close to KSR that has many gun shops. Prices for a 9mm sidearm start at around 100K for a CZ model. Beretta, Glock etc are more expensive coming in at around 150K.

Military and police personnel receive 50% discount. Some people have a friend in the services to purchase for them but the downside is it must be kept in their name for a period of 5 years.

On purchasing you need to revisit the Tessabhan to register your weapon and apply for a permit. Cost for permits approx. 7K this allows you to transport the weapon also.

Ammunition isn't cheap, especially from the shops. 9mm Thai Military FMJ can be purchased at military ranges for approx. 800 Baht per 50 rounds.

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Not sure where you live, but try going to the head of the Village, where i live the guy has a brochure, rifles, pump action, glock's, S&W, M4's M16's,, depending what you want your looking at paying over double the price than the US ... stay away from the police unless its a family member...

Maybe start with a Taser before the gun!!!!

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Not sure where you live, but try going to the head of the Village, where i live the guy has a brochure, rifles, pump action, glock's, S&W, M4's M16's,, depending what you want your looking at paying over double the price than the US ... stay away from the police unless its a family member...

Maybe start with a Taser before the gun!!!!

You have to notify the cops when you apply for a firearm AFAIK

You can get conceal carry license from the police in some areas. Military surplus rifles (semi-auto) are outlawed, unless your province was just ignoring it. Pistols are ok though.

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Your wife can apply for a gun. I believe the "True" cost for the permit application is something like 8 Baht - yes, ridiculous. But she will certainly end up having to pay more than that (but nowhere near 50K)

You need to apply at the Ampoe initially, and will need references from the local village headman etc.

I have a friend whose wife got a permit and she has 2 x 12 gauge pump action shotguns (I believe the two cost about 100K)

It is not a quick process, but is easily doable. Goodluck.

Please post if you manage to succeed and let us know the actual costs.

I had a "dodgy" Chinese / Thai pistol that fired 12 bore "00" buck shotgun shells, but had to get rid of it as if caught I believe it can be life in prison, damn thing had a kick like a mule and you had wrist problems for a couple of days if you fired off half a dozen rounds.

The beauty of that thing was the sound when it went off would have scared the living daylights out of anyone within 100 yards without the actual need to shoot them (it couldn't hit a barn door at 20 yards) but would have been an effective deterrent.

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