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Junta wants universities 'to refrain from political satire' at big event

Lite Beer

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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

djjamie is also noticeably absent from these threads that show the oppression of this regime.

Even if they did they'd probably spout a load of "but Thaksin this" and "but PTP that". And not actually addressing the issue at hand.

Why does the most popular PM of the last 20 years need to block satire? He is supposed to be Mr Happy Happy isn't he?

Edited by lildragon
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A communique gave a list of officially sanctioned sound effects to be used in place of satire including slide whistles, crashing cymbals and cartoon " double take" noises a la lakorn but recommended that the use of pairs of chubby and skinny Isaan maids and over the top katoeys be limited to no more than 5 persons per 1000 students.

Edited by mca
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What, laughter is now banned? I thought satire was meant to put a smile on people's faces and encourages happiness. Is the happiness meter over heating and about to explode that they feel the need to cut back?

Nothing was banned. You have just built a post based on a false observation and then mischaracterizing that for pete's sake. Speaking of laughter though I never would have pictured you to be the all jolly type. :D
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Thammasart students going ahead - Chula students scrapping their satire plans.

Have Chula students always been so spineless?

Don't go so hard on them... we all know the sad history of student satire and protest in this country and how it can lead to the deaths of innocents.

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What, laughter is now banned? I thought satire was meant to put a smile on people's faces and encourages happiness. Is the happiness meter over heating and about to explode that they feel the need to cut back?

You wouldn't think that, if, instead of reading only the headline, you actually read the full article. The answer to both your questions is "no".

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Thammasart students going ahead - Chula students scrapping their satire plans.

Have Chula students always been so spineless?

Pragmatic,they have just started adult life and will need a career in the future and nobody knows how long the junta will be in power or how long their memories will be. Why be a hero for a little satire that could ruin your academic career. Hero's are either drunk, have a death wish or live in Hollywood.

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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

I'm here......never far away......

I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

What they are trying to do is to mock the current government.

For what?

For stopping the killings of students?

For uncovering the corruption of the previous government?

For reforming the corrupt police?

For at last doing something about human trafficking?


Get over your grief all of you.........this government is to stay, for the good of Thailand.

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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

He conveniently and consistantly, avoids reality.

Last time I saw him he was discussing prices in Mall food courts.


His views are just as pertinent as yours. None of us know the truth, we can only assume, i know what i assume but i daren't write it.

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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

I'm here......never far away......

I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

What they are trying to do is to mock the current government.

For what?

For stopping the killings of students?

For uncovering the corruption of the previous government?

For reforming the corrupt police?

For at last doing something about human trafficking?f


Get over your grief all of you.........this government is to stay, for the good of Thailand.

Just need djamie's repeated list of 1 to whatever of everything Thaksin Yingluck red etc and the thread is complete.

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“The only thing I can recommend at this stage is a sense of humor, an ability to see things in their ridiculous and absurd dimensions, to laugh at others and at ourselves, a sense of irony regarding everything that calls out for parody in this world.”

Václav Havel the last President of Czechoslovakia, and the first President of the Czech Republic

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Proper UK LM satire, I believe the Queen bought a puppet of her spitting image character. Brits have such a good sense of humor, unlike most Thais where unless it's not somebody being hit over the head or endless cock and pussy references, or even more unfunny, mis pronouncing of words it's not 'humorous' You would get 50 years inside for this here:

Edited by dragonfly94
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"But the student source said those preparing political satire for today's event would not be deterred."

I envision a float with the USA Statue of Liberty (in honor of the Chinese) with three fingers (in honor of the Junta) instead of the torch of liberty raised high in the air.

But I could settle for a copy of the Nara Daibutsu Buddhist statue.


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They must feel that they are in such a tenuous position that they cannot allow themselves to be mocked by what are not much more than children

The more they start to feel threatened the more oppressive they will become.

Then the guns will come out again, in 1976 the Army slaughtered over 100 students at Tamarsart Uni, some of the bodies were mutilated and some had the eyes taken out, no laughing matter in the land of smiles. They had a junta then as well! The pretext was LM, now considered a complete lie by the authorities.

That was so sad. I have so many lovely thai friends. Many of them from university. I hope none of them will need to go through this. I hope this can get sorted peacefully.

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Politics is always a sensitive issue; specially if you have no ideas about it!

And if the politic can not stand the satire there is something going wrong in the politic!!!!!!!!and not only politic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What, laughter is now banned? I thought satire was meant to put a smile on people's faces and encourages happiness. Is the happiness meter over heating and about to explode that they feel the need to cut back?

Agreed! What happened the "bringing happiness back to Thailand" thing?

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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

I'm here......never far away......

I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

What they are trying to do is to mock the current government.

For what?

For stopping the killings of students?

For uncovering the corruption of the previous government?

For reforming the corrupt police?

For at last doing something about human trafficking?


Get over your grief all of you.........this government is to stay, for the good of Thailand.

Agree this junta is here to stay.
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Where are you Costas?

Come on justify this?

I'm here......never far away......

I do agree that satire is a good variation of humour and I always enjoyed a good satire.

BUT, mocking is NOT acceptable.

What they are trying to do is to mock the current government.

For what?

For stopping the killings of students?

For uncovering the corruption of the previous government?

For reforming the corrupt police?

For at last doing something about human trafficking?


Get over your grief all of you.........this government is to stay, for the good of Thailand.


...blink.png ...wait...since your darling- general forbid satire and you would surely follow...that means...you are serious????

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