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Thailand to Face the Worst Drought in over a Decade

Lite Beer

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Thailand might have to start introducing rules covering water shortages, like in the out back of Australia you never have a shower any longer than 10 mins regardless of the water situation, start introducing water restrictions.coffee1.gif

Wow! Who showers for 10 minutes?

Single are you?

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Thailand might have to start introducing rules covering water shortages, like in the out back of Australia you never have a shower any longer than 10 mins regardless of the water situation, start introducing water restrictions.coffee1.gif

Maybe have to impose new laws..

The first on my list is "share a shower" biggrin.png

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Thailand should not have a problem if the activists, opposition parties and the friendly courts do not put obstacles to the water and irrigation projects. Coups are of no help too as it disrupt continuity of the projects and re-set the tasks.

Activists - would that be those concerned with the environment, effects on peoples lives and the veracity of plans that had not been through any EIA impacts surveys, public meetings or any transparency in the selection of suppliers? The activists Plod, the PTP grandee called "garbage" and warned would be arrested if they dared to request things be done properly?

Where did that emergency budget for water management go? Never been much publicity on how it was spent. pictures of improvements etc.

And K-Water. The Korean company who seemed to think they'd got the contract, before the environmental studies and subsequent tenders were carried out. But Dr. Thaksin was welcomed at their facilities in Korea. Strange they welcome a fugitive criminal who can't / dare not go to his own country, and perceive him to represent the Thai government that happened to have his little sister as PM.

Corrupt governments controlled by a criminal are of no help in major projects - too much is skimmed off the top, rules and processes are not followed and contracts awarded for inappropriate reasons.

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Looks like they will have to cancel Songkran this year clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

I was in Samui at a time when they said it was the worst drought (there) in 20 years.

The reservoirs were at 25%.

Songkran commenced full bore the next month.

Thais told me the celebrations would bring more water. blink.png



i really have to believe it that a Thai buffalo is smarter than...... (fill in yourself) whistling.gif

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"Thailand could face its worst drought in more than a decade...The funds will be used to install water pumps and provide mobile water tanks in affected areas..."

Only forgot one little detail. If it's the worst drought in more than a decade, where will they get to water to pump and fill the water tanks? blink.png

They saved it from last years floods.

I have often wondered why they do not build large reservoirs on some of the worthless land and create large enough reserves to get through "drought years".

It seems that every year we have floods followed by droughts..every year!

It would require some thinking and planning ahead.........,and this is Thailand.

Mai pen rai?

Pen rai mak mak!

Which district in Isaarn should be declared worthless land? What if it happens to your in-law?

I do not expect much would change in the attitude of the country folks. They all expect handouts without the need to do something themselves.

If you live in a house where the pipe supplying you water can run dry for 4-5 days at a time, would you install adequate storage tanks to tide over the crisis?

So why would a farmer not have a water collection pond equal to 4 inches of rainfall on his land to tide over the late arrival of rain?

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"Thailand could face its worst drought in more than a decade...The funds will be used to install water pumps and provide mobile water tanks in affected areas..."

Only forgot one little detail. If it's the worst drought in more than a decade, where will they get to water to pump and fill the water tanks? blink.png

They saved it from last years floods.

I have often wondered why they do not build large reservoirs on some of the worthless land and create large enough reserves to get through "drought years".

It seems that every year we have floods followed by droughts..every year!

It would require some thinking and planning ahead.........,and this is Thailand.

Mai pen rai?

Pen rai mak mak!

Which district in Isaarn should be declared worthless land? What if it happens to your in-law?

I do not expect much would change in the attitude of the country folks. They all expect handouts without the need to do something themselves.

If you live in a house where the pipe supplying you water can run dry for 4-5 days at a time, would you install adequate storage tanks to tide over the crisis?

So why would a farmer not have a water collection pond equal to 4 inches of rainfall on his land to tide over the late arrival of rain?

PPPPP - Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Not a formula familiar to Thais.

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"Thailand could face its worst drought in more than a decade...The funds will be used to install water pumps and provide mobile water tanks in affected areas..."

Only forgot one little detail. If it's the worst drought in more than a decade, where will they get to water to pump and fill the water tanks? blink.png

They saved it from last years floods.

I have often wondered why they do not build large reservoirs on some of the worthless land and create large enough reserves to get through "drought years".

It seems that every year we have floods followed by droughts..every year!

It would require some thinking and planning ahead.........,and this is Thailand.

Mai pen rai?

Pen rai mak mak!

Which district in Isaarn should be declared worthless land? What if it happens to your in-law?

I do not expect much would change in the attitude of the country folks. They all expect handouts without the need to do something themselves.

If you live in a house where the pipe supplying you water can run dry for 4-5 days at a time, would you install adequate storage tanks to tide over the crisis?

So why would a farmer not have a water collection pond equal to 4 inches of rainfall on his land to tide over the late arrival of rain?

The owners of the land needed should and could be fairly compensated for their land.

Reservoirs can also generate a lot of income.

Generating electricity ( instead of buying it from other countries and maintaining the infrastructure needed to transmit and distribute it if from far distances)

Fish production


These can all be accomplished in the same reservoir at the same time.

This is a vary viable solution.

It was implemented by the Bureau of Reclamation in my country decades ago and it works.


In response to your question about farmers collecting water...

Decades ago a very wise and respected Thai man who I can not name, who I believe has a degree in engineering among other degrees, introduced a plan to farmers.

I believe it was called the 30-30-30-10 plan.

30% of your land should be for your residence

30% for growing the crops you sell

30% for thing you grow to feed your family, Like fruit trees, vegetables and livestock.

and 10% of your land should be used to store collected water.

It is a good plan and has worked well for many.

Now that many own large farms, not located where they live, it can be difficult to do.

Many farmers have been collecting water for use in the dry season for many, many years.

Edited by willyumiii
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"Thailand could face its worst drought in more than a decade...The funds will be used to install water pumps and provide mobile water tanks in affected areas..."

Only forgot one little detail. If it's the worst drought in more than a decade, where will they get to water to pump and fill the water tanks? blink.png

They saved it from last years floods.

I have often wondered why they do not build large reservoirs on some of the worthless land and create large enough reserves to get through "drought years".

It seems that every year we have floods followed by droughts..every year!

It would require some thinking and planning ahead.........,and this is Thailand.

Mai pen rai?

Pen rai mak mak!

Which district in Isaarn should be declared worthless land? What if it happens to your in-law?

I do not expect much would change in the attitude of the country folks. They all expect handouts without the need to do something themselves.

If you live in a house where the pipe supplying you water can run dry for 4-5 days at a time, would you install adequate storage tanks to tide over the crisis?

So why would a farmer not have a water collection pond equal to 4 inches of rainfall on his land to tide over the late arrival of rain?

The owners of the land needed should and could be fairly compensated for their land.

Reservoirs can also generate a lot of income.

Generating electricity ( instead of buying it from other countries and maintaining the infrastructure needed to transmit and distrub it if from far distances)

Fish production


This is a vary viable solution.

It was implemented by the Bureau of Reclamation in my country decades ago and it works.

Countrywide water management is to collect water from regions with heavy rainfall and distribute it to drier and drought hit regions.

Each farmer must have their own storage as the country as a whole do face late coming of rain, even in regions with history of heavy rainfall.

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Bankok is allready taking water from the aquafers regardless of a drought or floods and has done for years, as a result, the city is sinking a few cetimeters each year,that combined with the rise in sea levels ,as predicted ,(along with many other coastal cities world wide) will evetually become uninhabitable

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Rational Enquirer

"we didn't see it coming due to over education and stockpiling of wisdom'

Bangkoked Pschitt

"A spokesliar who decliened to be shamed blamed it on thirsty foreigners'

Swampy Cabby Clan leader Mr Watsup Dunnopanic explained many thirsty males were importing the drought by the suitcase load.

His members would charge excess as their duty to notional sanook,and sequester excess booty

American charge d'affaires Warron D'Rugs assured the public that they would encourage thai lady to return to moist before Fleet arrives.

Big D and Flotus-Mesco promise Chinese nude year sale of re-humidifiers,these are copies of tuns used in European breweries marketed here as


A Swiss wielding a Dutch Army Dyke said they had mistakennly taken British advice to pull their finger out.

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Thailand might have to start introducing rules covering water shortages, like in the out back of Australia you never have a shower any longer than 10 mins regardless of the water situation, start introducing water restrictions.coffee1.gif

There should be some restriction on building permits for new mega-condos and all the largely unused & mainly decorative private swimming pools and (presumably unrestricted?) endless watering of golf courses in some areas.

I assume the powers-that-be are aware of these increasing burdens on the available water supply even if some people on TV think you have to be farang to understand such issues. Certainly Thailand is not the only place where cyclical rain patterns exist, but politicians (and the electorate) world-wide tend to focus on the short-term rather than the consequences for the future ... as the various economic crises & crumbling infrastructure around the world illustrate.

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this will be nothing if the Lao PDR make a dam to generate electricity

then you will see a problem

PDR are damming the Mekong - with the help of Thailand - it is unlikely to effect drought that much, it is to generate electricity - it is howeve a eco and human disaster - the effects downriver on the livelihood of those who rely on the river for a living has yet to be calculated or seen, and such species as dolphin and giant catfish are likely to bcome extinct.

another example of why dams often do more harm than good

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Riparian Times

'The Situation is Fluid"

Rational Enquirer

"we didn't see it coming due to over education and stockpiling of wisdom'

Bangkoked Pschitt

"A spokesliar who decliened to be shamed blamed it on thirsty foreigners'

Swampy Cabby Clan leader Mr Watsup Dunnopanic explained many thirsty males were importing the drought by the suitcase load.

His members would charge excess as their duty to notional sanook,and sequester excess booty

American charge d'affaires Warron D'Rugs assured the public that they would encourage thai lady to return to moist before Fleet arrives.

Big D and Flotus-Mesco promise Chinese nude year sale of re-humidifiers,these are copies of tuns used in European breweries marketed here as


A Swiss wielding a Dutch Army Dyke said they had mistakennly taken British advice to pull their finger out.

Can you send me a translated version. From the bits and pieces I pick up your comments could be interesting.

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I think this is what I said

No it isn't - you said "if" - the work is now well underway.......

"this will be nothing if the Lao PDR make a dam to generate electricity"

it aint finshed

it aint working

it aint generating electricity

it aint effecting no one down stream

it is an aint and so its an if

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Looks like they will have to cancel Songkran this year clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

If they cancel Songkran I really will celebrate!!!!! Unfortunately I doubt that will happen.
Brazil cancelled carnaval this year because of drought. I must admit I don't understand how this will save water...maybe all this nudity accelerates evaporation?
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I think this is what I said

No it isn't - you said "if" - the work is now well underway.......

"this will be nothing if the Lao PDR make a dam to generate electricity"

it aint finshed

it aint working

it aint generating electricity

it aint effecting no one down stream

it is an aint and so its an if

rthey ARE building it - simple English.... there's no "if" about it, it is not conditional it is a done deal.

If you now want to change your statement you can use the word "when" instead.

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I think this is what I said

No it isn't - you said "if" - the work is now well underway.......

"this will be nothing if the Lao PDR make a dam to generate electricity"

it aint finshed

it aint working

it aint generating electricity

it aint effecting no one down stream

it is an aint and so its an if

rthey ARE building it - simple English.... there's no "if" about it, it is not conditional it is a done deal.

If you now want to change your statement you can use the word "when" instead.

Great, now we can go back to worrying about the problem examples "yet to be calculated or seen" and "likely" (to some).

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