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Iranian man arrested for alleged Pattaya hotel theft

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Pattaya: Police arrested an Iranian man in Pattaya Saturday on charge that he had sneaked into a hotel room and stolen an iPhone 5 from a Chinese tourist.

Pattaya police chief Pol Col Sukthat Phumphanmuang told a press conference that Esmaeil Ali Zaremoayedi, 30, was arrested at the A-One Hotel on Soi 3 off the Pattaya Beach Road following a complaint from a Chinese tourist, Zauying Zhang. He was paraded at the press conference along with the phone.

Zauying told police that someone sneaked into her room at night on February 2 and took away her iPhone 5 and an expensive pair of sunglasses. She was staying in the room No 2639.

Police checked the footage of security camera of the hotel and found that the Iranian man, who was staying in the room No 5809, sneaked into the Chinese tourist’s room. So police monitored him until he was checking out at noon on Saturday before they made the arrest.

Police found the iPhone and the clothes he was seen wearing on the video footage but police did not find the sunglasses.

Sukthat said the Iranian man admitted he had sneaked into the room and stolen the smartphone. Zaremoayedi said he walked around the hotel floors and checked the doors and sneaked into unlocked rooms. He said had stolen several items and sold them for money to visit Pattaya bars.

Police are now waiting for other tourists to file more complaints against Zaremoayedi.


Hotel doors that don't lock automatically... boggles the mind. Every hotel in the world should have doors that lock when they shut.

for alleged Pattaya hotel theft

Lucky that someone notice a hotel was missing

Hotel doors that don't lock automatically... boggles the mind. Every hotel in the world should have doors that lock when they shut.

Yes because no one would be able to figure out how to get around such a high tech device to keep out unwanted people.


  • Like 1

"he walked around the hotel floors and checked the doors and sneaked into unlocked rooms."

What/where was the last hotel you stayed at where...

1) You could leave your door unlocked? I always have to open

mine with a key.

2) A Ferang could walk around the hotel floors, checking the doors

and not stand out like well er..... "a Ferang man in Thailand checking hotel doors"?



<He said had stolen several items and sold them for money to visit Pattaya bars>

two important questions:

is he muslim? did he drink alcohol in the bars?

  • Like 1

The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!



No crime here as this is normal behavior for Iranians along with stoning/beheading people.


Quote: "No crime here as this is normal behavior for Iranians"

.Moderator, remove his post.

Beheading in Iran 2015? Link, please.


The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


Since you ask: def. Iranians but Chinese are doing their best these years to get 1. place


The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


Since you ask: def. Iranians but Chinese are doing their best these years to get 1. place

Yay! A twofer!



<He said had stolen several items and sold them for money to visit Pattaya bars>

two important questions:

is he muslim? did he drink alcohol in the bars?

Third question: Is he married? Fourth: Did he take a bar girl? If yes to both, then he has committed adultery and should be stoned


The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


I like the Chinese in general, and the love of my life was from Chengdu. I would only qualify that with a suggestion that it's a 1950s cliche to claim American tourists are annoyingly loud. The Chinese in their tour groups are FAR louder than "If it's Tuesday this must be Belgium" U.S. tour groups ever were. Oh, and of course Commonwealth lager louts are never loud! But I mean all this affectionately. Especially for that girl from Chengdu.


The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


I like the Chinese in general, and the love of my life was from Chengdu. I would only qualify that with a suggestion that it's a 1950s cliche to claim American tourists are annoyingly loud. The Chinese in their tour groups are FAR louder than "If it's Tuesday this must be Belgium" U.S. tour groups ever were. Oh, and of course Commonwealth lager louts are never loud! But I mean all this affectionately. Especially for that girl from Chengdu.

This is very off-topic and im not judging anyone but during my 2 years in Bangkok my observation is that the chinese talk loudest with people from US taking the second place.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


I like the Chinese in general, and the love of my life was from Chengdu. I would only qualify that with a suggestion that it's a 1950s cliche to claim American tourists are annoyingly loud. The Chinese in their tour groups are FAR louder than "If it's Tuesday this must be Belgium" U.S. tour groups ever were. Oh, and of course Commonwealth lager louts are never loud! But I mean all this affectionately. Especially for that girl from Chengdu.

This is very off-topic and im not judging anyone but during my 2 years in Bangkok my observation is that the chinese talk loudest with people from US taking the second place.

Australians top them all with the F word in every sentence for additional effect.clap2.gif


The problem with biases and prejudices is that they prevent us from thinking rationally and allow us to escape into our built-by-evolution comfort zone of tribalism and vilifying The Other. It requires constant cognitive vigilance to keep these comforting--but in today's world, unhelpful--instincts at bay. And, for some, that's just too much hard work.

The loud Chinese tourists of today are no louder than the loud American tourists of yore. It's just that there are more of them. A certain percentage of any country's people are bound to be bumpkins of one sort or another. X% of 1.3 billion is just a lot more than X% of 300 million. And with social media, 24-hour news and camera phones--none of which existed when Americans first ventured out, the already larger number of Chinese faux pas due to the larger population are amplified further.

I believe it's really that simple. But where's the fun in wailing about dry stats and reason?



Hotel doors that don't lock automatically... boggles the mind. Every hotel in the world should have doors that lock when they shut.

NO.They should all be doors, that do not lock them selves.What if there are children in a room,and a child or the wind closes the door.If you are at home.You make sure you lock your own door.So why not in a Hotel.

  • Like 1

The direction this thread takes depends on the answer to this question:

Who do we hate more--Iranians or Chinese?

Let the blame games commence!


I like the Chinese in general, and the love of my life was from Chengdu. I would only qualify that with a suggestion that it's a 1950s cliche to claim American tourists are annoyingly loud. The Chinese in their tour groups are FAR louder than "If it's Tuesday this must be Belgium" U.S. tour groups ever were. Oh, and of course Commonwealth lager louts are never loud! But I mean all this affectionately. Especially for that girl from Chengdu.

This is very off-topic and im not judging anyone but during my 2 years in Bangkok my observation is that the chinese talk loudest with people from US taking the second place.

The loudness of anyone person is dependent upon the "Look at Me Syndrome" I am cool style y and beautiful and hansum!


Hotel doors that don't lock automatically... boggles the mind. Every hotel in the world should have doors that lock when they shut.

If you check reception in the early hours, those with people coming down in their underwear or sleeping attire, indicate such hotels.

I also put any other lock on........


Off with his hands and some lashes please. The Thais are far too compassionate and tolerant. If this softness continues Thailand may become too western or gasp too 'thai' and who knows where that could lead - an epidemic of jai dee


If I am not mistaken, Sharia Law punishment for theft is to cut the right hand. Then that person is forced to eat with his left hand which is Haram among Muslims.


If I am not mistaken, Sharia Law punishment for theft is to cut the right hand. Then that person is forced to eat with his left hand which is Haram among Muslims.

The reason they cut the right hand is cause the left hand is used to clean the ass when they poop.

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