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Farang neighbour almost sets house on fire out of crowing rage

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Quite an amusing story. Kudos to the lady for putting up with this ten times and again for not pressing charges.

You have to sympathize with the guy though, those chickens can be annoying and if he lives in an estate, then you would have expected it to be relatively "Barnyard Free".

Most of the villages I believe (even in the sticks) have rules about not keeping livestock in the village, it varies village to village how effective this is. Where I live (sticks) the village has no livestock that I can see / hear, however the next village down (different Tamboen) is rife with pigs, the entire village stinks like a pigs ass, terrible. (It also has loads of chickens).

I live about 500m from my nearest neighbours and the only noise I hear these days is all the Mynah birds doves and a hundred other types of birds that have over the years decided to settle on our land (Since we asked the locals to stop coming onto the land and trapping them)

I am not complaining in the least!

Thank god I don't have to put up with chickens pigs and farangs throwing fireworks!

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The problem is, we are not deaf. Like our hosts!

no the problem is Thais have been trained to not complain and if they do they have been trained to avoid any answer or solution at all costs. Im pretty sure many Thais would love to complain but dont for fear of violence or petty repercussions.

I have heard the most horrendous noises by some neighbours but all the Thais are too afraid to go down bash the door and tell em shut the eff up.

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One wonders what he would have done if he had a karaoke joint next door,

a town dweller i suspect.

regards Worgeordie

Well he has chosen to live in Amphur Muang, which is classed as town.

I think it's really annoying to have that noise next door to you.

Exactly right. It is illegal in Thailand to have fowl in a town or any built up area due to disease etc BUT as is normal here in Thailand, to hell with the laws. I had such a rooster beside me who just didn't crow in the early morning but all day every 3 minutes. It was driving me mad.

I bought 2 speakers that you could plug a memory stick into (tesco sell them for 4000 baht) and I recorded a bull bellowing (downloaded it for free) and placed the speakers on the inside of my house window on her side. When I went to work in the morning at 7:15, I turned on the speakers and left them on until 5 pm when I returned.

She complained to the puu yai, he came to talk to me and the wife (she goes to work also) and she explained about the neighbors rooster crowing non-stop all day everyday. A compromise was reached and the neighbor gave the rooster to her son. Problem solved and the old bitch doesn't talk to us any more. Double result.

When if affects them it's a different story. Fight fire with fire but be nice. thumbsup.gifwai.gif

Did you have a friendly word with the owner first or did you just go ahead with your cunning plan? It must be quite exciting for a 12 year old like you growing up in Thailand.


Numerous polite requests were made but the neighbor declined to do anything. Now try to picture a kid standing next to your ear and screaming into it every couple of minutes for 8 hours straight. Now picture that louder with a rooster! Is your name Richard per chance?

Edited by thequietman
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One wonders what he would have done if he had a karaoke joint next door,

a town dweller i suspect.

regards Worgeordie

Well they are apparently both 'housing estate' dwellers, although one thinks she lives on a farm and the other a Trappist monk monastery.

Noisy birds,noisy dogs, noisy kids, motorbikes, noise in general, all problems where neighbours are concerned.

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I have to agree that farm animals especially the roosters have no place in a residential area, have the same problem at the moment and I live in a condo - the sound is horrendous, people have even asked me when I'm talking on my phone if I live on a farm - there's no place for it in an urban area, where I live is surrounded by hotels and other condo buildings so once it starts to effect business (which it will) money talks - either that or I will acquire a catapult

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I grew up in country Australia and love being woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing, reminds me of home. The little things that people take for granted and the pleasures that those who grew up in cities will never understand. What I hate is city noises and can never sleep, trams, trains,sirens and traffic etc. Give me the peaceful tranquil songs of rural life anytime.

A rooster crowing is I will admit a nice sound - once but not every 30 seconds constantly for 8 hours. w00t.gif

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Quote : Smilingly, Jurirat said she would not press any charge against her neighbour as she understood that he might not be used to chicken crowing like Thais.

I know we're not supposed to laugh at bizarre translation but this one is really funny tongue.png

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What does roast bantam taste like ? Forget the fire crackers, black clothing, early morning, sneak over the fence, wham bam, BBQ for breakfast anyone ? No one to know what happened to the wayward chicken. Any foxes in Chiang Mai ? Probably not, their on their way to Vietnam in a cage.

Edited by Mot Dang
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Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

fair point. if you want to live in thailand, in a village then you cant complain about village life. suck it up or move somewhere else.

and to be honest throwing fireworks around is a pretty dumb thing to do. how would the OP feel if the local kids were throwing fireworks onto his property?

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OK the guy's reaction is crazy but I just want to point out that noise (just like cigarette smoke) is a one-way disturbance, ie when you don't smoke or don't make noise, you don't annoy anybody.

People are supposed to be civilized and mindful of their neighbours, but are they ? And when they are not, what exactly can the disturbed party do to make the problem stop ?

When the disturbed person ends up resorting to violence, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are crazy fools, perhaps it also indicates the a society where no one gives a sh*t about causing serious and repetitive trouble to their neighbours is, to say the least, disfunctional ?

Before he started losing his screws and throwing fireworks, I'm pretty sure the enraged neighbour tried to find out if there was any kind of local law that might protect his right to peace and quiet. And he found out that there is no such thing. The lady with the hens probably laughed in his face repeatedly. When there is no 'customary law' because people have lost their sense of social respect, what happens then ?

Violence, that's what.

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Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

Because our will to help these poor bastards is much more stronger than the will to leave....

So on a sidenote,, if you do not like to read about it, why do you not yourself leave......

It is eaiser to move just you, than millions of the rest of us.....



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Never ceased to be amazed by the sense of entitlement certain foreigners have on these forums. Hate dogs, hate chickens, are happy when my Thai neighbours don't talk to me anymore, don't want to speak Thai, can't stand my wife's family blah blah blah and on and on it goes. Must make it a nightmare to live here... in fact if you don't like it so much why not do what most sensible people would do and just move on

Noisy neighbours, and their noisy pets, are a problem for people all over the world, which is why most countries have noise pollution laws. It has nothing to do with Thai/Farang. Thais have plenty of noise disputes too, you just don't read about them on Thai visa. Moving on is not always an option, as selling a house next to a noisy neighbour can be difficult. Just ask the Thais who live next to Suvarnhabhumi airport. They complain about the noise every day, and yet they don't just move as you suggest. Why do you think that is?

Edited by monkeycountry
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Last year in Pattaya in a guesthouse most crazy nabour I have every seen always at 4 o clock morning he put tons of chicken shit in his garden plants mixed with water it smells terrible but nobody sAys a word I think I must visit this place again , with a big elephant that I rent in the zoo before with no food in the stomage that a let out at 4 o clock morning..

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What does roast bantam taste like ? Forget the fire crackers, black clothing, early morning, sneak over the fence, wham bam, BBQ for breakfast anyone ? No one to know what happened to the wayward chicken. Any foxes in Chiang Mai ? Probably not, their on their way to Vietnam in a cage.

My mother told a story that when she was a kid they had a bantam rooster that her mother hated. It strutted around and crowed all the time. One day the rooster disappeared...and they had chicken stew for dinner.

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I am in Nonthaburi and we have dogs that at 4am do a mexican wave howl ...next door to me there are 2 dogs that bark non stop at anything that moves during the night

I got a dog bark control when I was back in Oz and it has toned down the dogs barking next door by half just got to research if there is a better bark control on the market

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So he didn't nearly set the house on fire. He just about set the cloth covering the chicken pen on fire.

Doesn't make quite such a good headline though. And literally everybody has a war story to tell.

This forum is getting more like a village newspaper everyday. What's next, "Mrs Somchai tripped and fell while on the way back from the temple this morning"?

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