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White Temple temporarily bans Chinese tourists for potty misconduct

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The Golden Toilet is part of the sculpture -- it isn't a functional toilet (if I read the article correctly). And all Thai National parks are racist -- Ferang now pay 10 times what Thais pay, or pay a fee where Thais pay none -- like at the Royal Palace in BKK and this Sculptured Temple..


Has anyone actually been to their public toilets? Are they golden? It would seem to me that the toilet that got pooped is not the same as where the average Joe goes to take a dump.

Can anyone answer this?

That is the toilet pictured in the article. Notice the golden colour? White temple is white.


The Golden Toilet is part of the sculpture -- it isn't a functional toilet (if I read the article correctly). And all Thai National parks are racist -- Ferang now pay 10 times what Thais pay, or pay a fee where Thais pay none -- like at the Royal Palace in BKK and this Sculptured Temple..

The toilets are fully functional and open for use by visitors. The issue was over some misplaces used toilet paper not the fact that the toilets were used at all. Who would make a non functioning toilet and what for?


These must be the quality tourists that Thailand is trying

very hard to encourage,to come here.

regards Worgeordie

Worgeordie, worgeordie, worgeordie you of all people should know how worn out that quality tourist remark is getting. Give it a rest.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

These must be the quality tourists that Thailand is trying

very hard to encourage,to come here.

regards Worgeordie

Worgeordie, worgeordie, worgeordie you of all people should know how worn out that quality tourist remark is getting. Give it a rest.

Sorry I will edit mine .

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Post #20.

Yes many of us been embarrassed by our countrymen and may have caused some embarrassment ourselves but this thread is only about one particular antic.

Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.
  • Like 1

These must be the quality tourists that Thailand is trying

very hard to encourage,to come here.

regards Worgeordie

If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls.

Or the Brits that go to Mallorca? The Germans on Ibiza? The Aussies on Bali? That sort of stuff?

What a kind of nationality are you!!???

I guess you still cleaning your ar$e with the left hand as usual after poo poo, then probably washing the hands, when there is water available.


I still remember the times when almost no house in germany in the country side had bath or toilett in the house.

We had to cross the backyard, beside the animal stall was a toilett every shit and pee was going in the same hole(Mistloch, Jauchegrube or in bavarian Odlgrubn).

The hole $hit was before the winter carried onto the fields or in the in the backyard garden and in the springtime ploughed under.

Very good vertilizer and for free, this is how is was over 50 years ago and not only in germany.

PPL tend to forget. giggle.gifsorry.gifpost-4641-1156694606.gifofftopic2.gif


Or the Brits that go to Mallorca? The Germans on Ibiza? The Aussies on Bali? That sort of stuff?

You seem to know a lot about the toilet habits of the international community. A sort of hobby is it ?

I think hanno was referring to the line - "If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ?"............not the toilet habits.

And I think I know what he means as I am embarrassed by the antics some of my countrymen get up to when they travel overseas.

The Question is not what Hanno mean, but what he write, he pick a few nationalities and blame them in general. post-4641-1156693976.gif

I guess he is a german native speaker.

If he is not able to tell somethings in understandable english, then maybe he should better use a german forum to avoid misunderstanding. whistling.gifcoffee1.gif


Mainland China has to have Mandatory Tourist Classes, an Embarrasment...

And the Thai kid who added his name to the Great Wall of China?

Whats the solution there?

He copied only what millions of chinese ppl did before him.


Mainland China has to have Mandatory Tourist Classes, an Embarrasment...

And the Thai kid who added his name to the Great Wall of China?

Whats the solution there?

And the Canadian tourist that broke a statue here in Angkor Wat? Or the Russian that tagged the Colosseum? And then there is, of course, the Full Moon Party where <deleted> flannes from around the globe gather.

There is only 1 solution all over install enough CCTV and get them before they leave the place and punish them and not coins 10,000THB + costs for the damages. Publish it in the press and making lists with photos of them and the punishment.

Hang this lists on all entries and in the websites, this will works.


Mainland China has to have Mandatory Tourist Classes, an Embarrasment...

And the Thai kid who added his name to the Great Wall of China?

Whats the solution there?

"Leroy was here" that GI who defaced so much of Europe after WII was never brought to justice either.


The Golden Toilet is part of the sculpture -- it isn't a functional toilet (if I read the article correctly). And all Thai National parks are racist -- Ferang now pay 10 times what Thais pay, or pay a fee where Thais pay none -- like at the Royal Palace in BKK and this Sculptured Temple..

I guess soon all the parks etc, will be free for Thai's, caused farangs pay tenfold and probably chinese soon 20x. cheesy.gifhit-the-fan.gifwelcomeani.gif

Just asking the TAT, I guess they calculated this in the Tourists statistics for 2015.

They are rocket sienctists in forcast of the tourists numbers. violin.gifguitar.gif


At the Grand Palace, in Bangkok, they provide appropriate clothing for those who are net dressed properly to enter.

Maybe the White Temple should provide diapers for the chinese?

China is Thailand's new BFF.

They should be nice to them.


Post #20.

Yes many of us been embarrassed by our countrymen and may have caused some embarrassment ourselves but this thread is only about one particular antic.

Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.

I was thinking Mona Lisa is still in the Louvre in Paris. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

You naughty brits, if the french find this out, then will be 100 years war again. w00t.gif

  • Like 2

Toilet paper is disgusting, rubbing it back in, gross. What do you think the bum-gun is for? You can leave the facility 100% clean. I haven't bought toilet paper for 20 years.


Post #20.

Yes many of us been embarrassed by our countrymen and may have caused some embarrassment ourselves but this thread is only about one particular antic.

Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.

I was thinking Mona Lisa is still in the Louvre in Paris. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

You naughty brits, if the french find this out, then will be 100 years war again. w00t.gif

Well, I'm sure it was in the National Gallery before. But i suppose the French may have stolen it. That wouldn't surprise me, the French cant be trusted at all.


Sorry to veer of course, but something started me off -

"If these are the quality version, wonder what the riff raff are like ? Maybe they're the ones who go to Hong Kong and crap in the public areas of the upmarket shopping malls." clap2.gif

Getting back to the hideous crime committed in the White Temple rest room, sorry, but after spending quite a bit of time in China over three trips, and having visited many public toilets there, I am now immune to these horror stories. Nothing would surprise me short of them crapping on the moon and spinning it out of it's orbit. biggrin.png

I could write a book about my rollicking adventures in toilets in China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Nepal and India but I would have to publish it under fiction as nobody would believe it.

Thats exactly what they do...they dump in public areas, or changing rooms of luxury fashion boutiques, or in taxi queues. In one case one of them sat over the edge of a moving escalator and did a dump that landed on someones head, in another example a group were spotted doing synchronized dumping in the glass lift of a top hotel. In another example at a Michelin Star restaurant one dumped right into a plate of food and then ate it. So really something needs to be done. And as for the example dumping all over a temple, thats nothing. And there are other countries it happens in too. There was the case where a group visited the Taj Mahal and when they got there they did a mass public dump. Then in London when at the National Gallery they did a dump right in front of the Mona Lisa. It goes on. That visit to see the Pope. The visit to the Dalai Lama. There is just no respect and at some point there will be a major international incident.

I was thinking Mona Lisa is still in the Louvre in Paris. whistling.gifgiggle.gif

You naughty brits, if the french find this out, then will be 100 years war again. w00t.gif

Well, I'm sure it was in the National Gallery before. But i suppose the French may have stolen it. That wouldn't surprise me, the French cant be trusted at all.

Like the brits, they stole half egypt, mumies and a lot of treasure from the pharao graves.

About the french, you are in this case not right, the Mona Lisa is made by Leonardy da Vinci and he sold it direct to the french King Francois I. short time before he died.

I was almost thinking the samesame as you, that they stole it from the italians.

I this case the french a just innocent, I was also really surprised.

Mona Lise was first in Chateau Amboise, then Chateau Fontainebleau and later Versailles, after the french revolution in the Louvre until now.

Anyway everybody should looking at their own country, what they stole from others.

For example: The british museum London, if you take the egypt artefacts out, then you can just close it, there will be not so much interesting things left. whistling.gifclap2.gifofftopic.gifgiggle.gifofftopic2.gifcheesy.gifpost-4641-1156694606.gifph34r.png

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