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why do they like to rub my beer belly


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Wow .. how many do you think have real Gynecomasila and how many are just fat ? Percentage wise I think my assumption wins out most of the times.

Being a bodybuilder and having read one or two things about hormones I know that gyno can be treated too.

Yes, you being a body builder and constantly using steroids explains your true ignorance. Thanks for explaining. Clears it all up. Time for another shot, isn't it?

What an idiot remark on me using steroids, knowing about and using are 2 different things.Did you even read wwhere i said that I READ about steroids. I prefer to know what I am doing so I studied steroids and way back when I was younger I used it once.Now not using, the only juicing I do is home made vegetable juice. You show your ignorance more then me. Do look at my other post where I explain why I doubt the guy got real gyno. He opened a topic where he says he is getting fat and his wife is overfeeding him.

Lot of insecurity here from you mate.

Edited by robblok
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Gawd...robblok...talk about being an energy vampire and sucking the levity out of a post.

My "overfeeding" post was tongue in cheek. I've had man boobs all my life, even when I was rail thin (6'3"/170 lbs). I'm comfortable with my body, and can joke about my man boobs without having a sexual identity crisis.

We get it: You're an alpha-male he-man gym-rat, and all the rest of us are spineless little girlie-boys.

I'll leave it to others to decide whether you suffer from 'roid rage, but next time please try to remember that smiling and laughing exercise important muscle groups too.

Edited by Gecko123
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Count your blessings.

I can't get my wife to stop grabbing at my man-boobs.

Very annoying.

Then just loose them if it anoys you.

It's LOSE for god's sake.

You are right mea culpa. But I am not a native English speaker I make some errors once in a while. But the message is still the same if you feel your fat then its up to that person to do something about it and not moan about it.

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Gawd...robblok...talk about being an energy vampire and sucking the levity out of a post.

My "overfeeding" post was tongue in cheek. I've had man boobs all my life, even when I was rail thin (6'3"/170 lbs). I'm comfortable with my body, and can joke about my man boobs without having a sexual identity anxiety attack.

We get it: You're an alpha male he-man gym rat, and all the rest of us are spineless little girlie-boys.

I leave others to decide whether you suffering from 'roid rage, but please try to remember next time that smiling and laughing exercise important muscle groups too.

Gawd mate, my apologies if you are really suffering from this affliction. However your overfeeding post put me on a wrong foot. i am not a mind reader and this affliction is relatively rare.

My point is that if one is fat its up to him / her to change that. I was once overweight too and lost 25 kg. I don't like people who moan and don't take charge..t hose are indeed girlie boys. However anyone fat or or in shape who is putting in effort will get all the respect there is from me. We are all limited by our genetics but effort counts in my book.

As for the roid rage remark, I could go into that debunking it with scientific proof but that would derail the topic. One of the perquisites for roid rage is the taking of steroids. Its kinda hard to get without taking them. So that makes it impossible for me to have roid rage (if such a thing would really exists and scientific community is not sure about that one.)

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Count your blessings.

I can't get my wife to stop grabbing at my man-boobs.

Very annoying.

The girls always seem to grab my ass. Not annoying.

Thank you for helping me get my daily exercise by laughing a little.

Hey look! I think my boobs are getting smaller too!!!

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Same reason I like to rub their breast is my guess.

Try a mischievous grinning smile, slow wink with either eye, and follow quickly with an uplift of both eyebrows, think 'bright eyes' while doing this. This makes them feel attractive, disiarable, and instills fear of the lercheourse falang.

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Many years ago an old railway worker made the following statement after someone commented on his beer gut

"You can't drive a nine inch spike with a tack hammer son!"

Similar to the Dutch saying "Good tools need to hang under a piece of roofing"

But seriously if you cant see your own tools because of your fat gut its not something to be proud about.

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Thais like to touch light skin....and visa versa

same for hairy skin.

sister in law loves to stroke my forearms. and once got courage to stroke my chest, which sent her into fits of laughter

I was having a cold one at a BB when my lady of the day saw a shirtless and amazingly hairy falang on WS. She almost broke me a rib with her sharp elbow poke. '' Look, look, oulang-outang, oulang-outang'' Took me a sec to realize what she was talking about but nearly choked on my beer then. cheesy.gif

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The guy was complaining on his wife overfeeding him and him getting fat.. that is the cause of his MOOBS.. not some rare hormonal disease (or its at least the more likely possibility)

Fair enough, but I do know for a fact that quite a number of guys are struggeling to lose their man tits despite lots of training and a sensible diet. So for them it's a bit more complicated than "just lose them".

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Thais like to touch light skin....and visa versa

same for hairy skin.

sister in law loves to stroke my forearms. and once got courage to stroke my chest, which sent her into fits of laughter

Why don't you suggest she explores further south? That'll stop her giggling (at least I hope so for your sake)tongue.png

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Gawd...robblok...talk about being an energy vampire and sucking the levity out of a post.

My "overfeeding" post was tongue in cheek. I've had man boobs all my life, even when I was rail thin (6'3"/170 lbs). I'm comfortable with my body, and can joke about my man boobs without having a sexual identity anxiety attack.

We get it: You're an alpha male he-man gym rat, and all the rest of us are spineless little girlie-boys.

I leave others to decide whether you suffering from 'roid rage, but please try to remember next time that smiling and laughing exercise important muscle groups too.

Gawd mate, my apologies if you are really suffering from this affliction. However your overfeeding post put me on a wrong foot. i am not a mind reader and this affliction is relatively rare.

My point is that if one is fat its up to him / her to change that. I was once overweight too and lost 25 kg. I don't like people who moan and don't take charge..t hose are indeed girlie boys. However anyone fat or or in shape who is putting in effort will get all the respect there is from me. We are all limited by our genetics but effort counts in my book.

As for the roid rage remark, I could go into that debunking it with scientific proof but that would derail the topic. One of the perquisites for roid rage is the taking of steroids. Its kinda hard to get without taking them. So that makes it impossible for me to have roid rage (if such a thing would really exists and scientific community is not sure about that one.)

Hemorrhoids from all that squatting and straining. What do you think he meant ? rolleyes.gif

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Gawd...robblok...talk about being an energy vampire and sucking the levity out of a post.

My "overfeeding" post was tongue in cheek. I've had man boobs all my life, even when I was rail thin (6'3"/170 lbs). I'm comfortable with my body, and can joke about my man boobs without having a sexual identity anxiety attack.

We get it: You're an alpha male he-man gym rat, and all the rest of us are spineless little girlie-boys.

I leave others to decide whether you suffering from 'roid rage, but please try to remember next time that smiling and laughing exercise important muscle groups too.

Gawd mate, my apologies if you are really suffering from this affliction. However your overfeeding post put me on a wrong foot. i am not a mind reader and this affliction is relatively rare.

My point is that if one is fat its up to him / her to change that. I was once overweight too and lost 25 kg. I don't like people who moan and don't take charge..t hose are indeed girlie boys. However anyone fat or or in shape who is putting in effort will get all the respect there is from me. We are all limited by our genetics but effort counts in my book.

As for the roid rage remark, I could go into that debunking it with scientific proof but that would derail the topic. One of the perquisites for roid rage is the taking of steroids. Its kinda hard to get without taking them. So that makes it impossible for me to have roid rage (if such a thing would really exists and scientific community is not sure about that one.)

Hemorrhoids from all that squatting and straining. What do you think he meant ? rolleyes.gif

As i stated before the user had started a topic about his wife overfeeding him. I just put a logical 1 + 1 = 2. In general people don't have that rare affliction. As for hemorrhoids from squatting.. never heard from it but do enlighten me how that could happen from the exercise. i am sure you can give some references to where you got that pearl of wisdom.

I already apologized to the guy seems that is more as what the average Thaivisa user does and certainly in this case where my assumption was quite logical.

Edited by robblok
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