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Ban on fires proposed for North Thailand

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Ban on fires proposed for North
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment wants to impose a strict ban on fires in nine provinces in the North during a critical 60-day period designated by local administrators, as part of an action plan that requires approval from the Cabinet.

Pollution Control Department deputy chief Suwit Kattiyavong said yesterday Lampang province had already suffered smog this month in excess of the legal limit on forest fire-triggered dust less-than-10-microns in size. Muang district reported 122 micrograms per cubic metre, while Mae Mo district had 127 micrograms per cubic metre.

The smoke and dust problem usually plagues the North from January to April, he said adding that the ministry and related agencies were working together to formulate a 120-day action plan to tackle the problem, which would need approval from the Cabinet.

The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has joined with the Royal Forestry Department in using a GPS technology to find forest fire coordinates. So far officials have found that 30 per cent of such fires are lit to clear farmland.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Ban-on-fires-proposed-for-North-30253723.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-10


"So far officials have found that 30 per cent of such fires are lit to clear farmland"

And the other 70% is from cooking pots ??

Need a ban on selling matches and lighters perhaps?

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Nice try!

Who do they think will respect or enforce this ban?

This is Thailand where laws are often passed, but never enforced.

Good luck with that!


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an Amazing strategy, who thought this up? there really is creative genius alive and kicking in Thailand

PS of course it's all Thaksin's fault

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Why is everything in Thailand left till the last minute,then they

feel a need to do something about it,this is not a new problem

has been going on for years,and every year around this time they

say they are going to crack down,AND nothing ever happens.

Looking out my window in the direction of Doi Suthep,i can see

nothing ,while the government talk and think about what they are going to do.

regards Worgeordie

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Every year the same tired old bullsh!t, why bother re writing it, why not just copy and paste last years ineffective nonsense?

Yup, and that holds especially true for all the predictable derisory comments.....


The government needs to actively encourage farmers (et alia) to re-cycle instead of burning. Composting wherever possible will help the farmers with free natural fertiliser and will then help to reduce their costs and increase "profits".

A simple approach of education and encouragement, highlighting benefits instead of yet another laughable "crackdown" that achieves absolutely nothing.

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"The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment wants to impose a strict ban on fires in nine provinces in the North during a critical 60-day period..."

Great...cough...cough...cough..Idea. Wait, let me clear the smoke in front of my screen so I can finish reading the latest pipe dream (which also causes smoke) that a Thai ministry is proposing. For the past few nights, the mountains surrounding the valley where I live were aglow with fires. If the ones responsible for the burning ignored the King's request to stop the burning, what makes you think they will follow a request by a ministry. The only way is to follow the smoke and fine the owner of the property where the burning takes place. No matter who is lighting the fires. No excuses or passing the baht. 100,000 baht to start, and doubling the fine for every subsequent fire. Or...in other words...When Pigs Fly.

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Saying it again.

Substantial fines for the landowners on which fires are seen to be burning.

It worked almost overnight in another country I lived in after people died from an out of control fire.

The problem here is the landowners , the military etc, are the lawmakers!

Nothing will happen.


What about a nation wide ban all year round , farmland , forrest ,garbage

Even the open air cremations lit with diesel and car tyres.

I don't know what cremations you have attended but it is not lit with diesel and certainly not with car tyres.Best you get out and about a bit.
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Every year the same problem but no one in forces the laws! Thailand will fail until they get the police to in forces the laws the government imposes. I lived here 4 year and every year same problem but no police action. Laws in Thailand if you are Thai is like putting lipstick on a pig!

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