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A strange restaurant experience

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About the same level of service you get at a 99 baht breakfast dive.

The dive I go to for my 60B breakfast actually gives very good service. They even smile.


I don't see the problem here. The other tables were 5 seat tables. They didn't say you could not sit there but understandably you would have had to move if a bigger group arrived. Then new people arrived and logically the manager didn't tell them, sorry you cannot eat here today because we have only 5 seat tables left and it's just the two of you. So they were seated where it was possible and that's it. I am not sure about the next part when you said that they were not moved when bigger groups came. If bigger groups came and other big tables were available then there was no need to move. If there were no more big tables then they would have no choice but move.

Getting up and leave as an other poster suggested is a dumb protest that would not solve the problem. You go there to eat but decide to leave so you are not going to eat. Doesn't make sense. As for any restaurant, they don't care. There would be twenty other people to take your seat pretty quickly.


I don't see the problem here. The other tables were 5 seat tables. They didn't say you could not sit there but understandably you would have had to move if a bigger group arrived. Then new people arrived and logically the manager didn't tell them, sorry you cannot eat here today because we have only 5 seat tables left and it's just the two of you. So they were seated where it was possible and that's it. I am not sure about the next part when you said that they were not moved when bigger groups came. If bigger groups came and other big tables were available then there was no need to move. If there were no more big tables then they would have no choice but move.

Getting up and leave as an other poster suggested is a dumb protest that would not solve the problem. You go there to eat but decide to leave so you are not going to eat. Doesn't make sense. As for any restaurant, they don't care. There would be twenty other people to take your seat pretty quickly.

You missed the point....the other tables were filled with couples then bigger groups arrived and these couples were NOT asked to move.

That's what pissed off my gf the most.


I would have left when I saw 290B for one pizza.

I had a very nice Margherita this evening for 76B at Pizza Pizza at the Avenue, and my table was nowhere near the toilet.

Yes but what about the poor buggers who were sat near you?


I don't see the problem here. The other tables were 5 seat tables. They didn't say you could not sit there but understandably you would have had to move if a bigger group arrived. Then new people arrived and logically the manager didn't tell them, sorry you cannot eat here today because we have only 5 seat tables left and it's just the two of you. So they were seated where it was possible and that's it. I am not sure about the next part when you said that they were not moved when bigger groups came. If bigger groups came and other big tables were available then there was no need to move. If there were no more big tables then they would have no choice but move.

Getting up and leave as an other poster suggested is a dumb protest that would not solve the problem. You go there to eat but decide to leave so you are not going to eat. Doesn't make sense. As for any restaurant, they don't care. There would be twenty other people to take your seat pretty quickly.

You missed the point....the other tables were filled with couples then bigger groups arrived and these couples were NOT asked to move.

That's what pissed off my gf the most.

He missed the point because what you said made no sense. You said that you were seated by the toilet and that the tables you requested were 5 seaters. The other couples sat at the 5 seater tables. Larger groups came in and sat at 5 seaters. That is the only information you gave. If there were other tables available that were not 5 seaters, why didn't you sit there?


I don't see the problem here. The other tables were 5 seat tables. They didn't say you could not sit there but understandably you would have had to move if a bigger group arrived. Then new people arrived and logically the manager didn't tell them, sorry you cannot eat here today because we have only 5 seat tables left and it's just the two of you. So they were seated where it was possible and that's it. I am not sure about the next part when you said that they were not moved when bigger groups came. If bigger groups came and other big tables were available then there was no need to move. If there were no more big tables then they would have no choice but move.

Getting up and leave as an other poster suggested is a dumb protest that would not solve the problem. You go there to eat but decide to leave so you are not going to eat. Doesn't make sense. As for any restaurant, they don't care. There would be twenty other people to take your seat pretty quickly.

You missed the point....the other tables were filled with couples then bigger groups arrived and these couples were NOT asked to move.

That's what pissed off my gf the most.

He missed the point because what you said made no sense. You said that you were seated by the toilet and that the tables you requested were 5 seaters. The other couples sat at the 5 seater tables. Larger groups came in and sat at 5 seaters. That is the only information you gave. If there were other tables available that were not 5 seaters, why didn't you sit there?

Its fairly obvious that all the other tables free were five seaters.

Try to keep up!


I don't see the problem here. The other tables were 5 seat tables. They didn't say you could not sit there but understandably you would have had to move if a bigger group arrived. Then new people arrived and logically the manager didn't tell them, sorry you cannot eat here today because we have only 5 seat tables left and it's just the two of you. So they were seated where it was possible and that's it. I am not sure about the next part when you said that they were not moved when bigger groups came. If bigger groups came and other big tables were available then there was no need to move. If there were no more big tables then they would have no choice but move.

Getting up and leave as an other poster suggested is a dumb protest that would not solve the problem. You go there to eat but decide to leave so you are not going to eat. Doesn't make sense. As for any restaurant, they don't care. There would be twenty other people to take your seat pretty quickly.

You missed the point....the other tables were filled with couples then bigger groups arrived and these couples were NOT asked to move.

That's what pissed off my gf the most.

He missed the point because what you said made no sense. You said that you were seated by the toilet and that the tables you requested were 5 seaters. The other couples sat at the 5 seater tables. Larger groups came in and sat at 5 seaters. That is the only information you gave. If there were other tables available that were not 5 seaters, why didn't you sit there?

Its fairly obvious that all the other tables free were five seaters.

Try to keep up!

As to the larger groups arriving later... they were forced to sit in a lounge area and wait for a table to become free.


He missed the point because what you said made no sense. You said that you were seated by the toilet and that the tables you requested were 5 seaters. The other couples sat at the 5 seater tables. Larger groups came in and sat at 5 seaters. That is the only information you gave. If there were other tables available that were not 5 seaters, why didn't you sit there?

Its fairly obvious that all the other tables free were five seaters.

Try to keep up!

As to the larger groups arriving later... they were forced to sit in a lounge area and wait for a table to become free.

How am I supposed to keep up with your poorly written post that makes no logical sense? This is your information below:

They then seated groups of two at these tables within the next few minutes....and when bigger groups arrived no one was asked to move.

So where were the couple supposed to move to? There were no available tables by your statement. So they were supposed to move to the lounge?

Your information you stated just proves that the restaurant was just in seating you at the 2 seater. According to you the restaurant was completely full before you left.


Please bore someone else with your pedantic nonsense.

Great reply. Your logic makes no sense, so instead of clearly explaining it just throw an insult out there. Maybe next time when you tell a story you should make sure the details make sense.


I certainly would not have been prepared to sit by the toilets, neither would I have been prepared to move mid-meal.

Sounds to me the manager was "taking-the-Michael".

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in general i don't like venues where i am seated. why? because they always get it wrong.

these days i simply walk ahead and just seat myself at the spot of my choosing. i have never been told no when doing this. although i dont frequent top end places where i would not do this, this method works for me and does not really put off the help. occassionally, i have walked past the help to another seat which feels more uncomfortable. many people ask to be seated elsewhere which you can also do.

of course, i usually dine solo. if i had company there is the embarrassment factor and would be less likely to do it.

if you have not received the food i believe you are free to exit at any time, even after you order, but sm not positive it's a grey area.

every situation is different for your particular case maybe ask if those tables were reserved vif no or you dont get a straight response it's worth just walking out because the meal has become uncomfortable and you dont have the food yet.

also its strange for a yhai to be boyhrred by yhr toolet. typical housrholds can be quite small and crowded and you can really hear people talkng leaks. also the never mind attitude does not usually result in these tupes of petty complaints.

was it really uou who were bothered by it? if so, why?


I would have left when I saw 290B for one pizza.

I had a very nice Margherita this evening for 76B at Pizza Pizza at the Avenue, and my table was nowhere near the toilet.

That would be the 69 baht offer Cardboard Pizza. I hope you weren't sitting at the special table for cheapskates who refuse to buy a drink.


in general i don't like venues where i am seated. why? because they always get it wrong.

these days i simply walk ahead and just seat myself at the spot of my choosing. i have never been told no when doing this. although i dont frequent top end places where i would not do this, this method works for me and does not really put off the help. occassionally, i have walked past the help to another seat which feels more uncomfortable. many people ask to be seated elsewhere which you can also do.

of course, i usually dine solo. if i had company there is the embarrassment factor and would be less likely to do it.

if you have not received the food i believe you are free to exit at any time, even after you order, but sm not positive it's a grey area.

every situation is different for your particular case maybe ask if those tables were reserved vif no or you dont get a straight response it's worth just walking out because the meal has become uncomfortable and you dont have the food yet.

also its strange for a yhai to be boyhrred by yhr toolet. typical housrholds can be quite small and crowded and you can really hear people talkng leaks. also the never mind attitude does not usually result in these tupes of petty complaints.

was it really uou who were bothered by it? if so, why?

Our typical household is neither small nor crowded thanks. :D


I would have left when I saw 290B for one pizza.

I had a very nice Margherita this evening for 76B at Pizza Pizza at the Avenue, and my table was nowhere near the toilet.

That would be the 69 baht offer Cardboard Pizza. I hope you weren't sitting at the special table for cheapskates who refuse to buy a drink.

It's 76B when you add on the service charge, so that's the price I quoted. Anyone who has actually eaten it would know that it isn't bad at all, and is significantly better than many other pizzas sold here for 3 or 4 times the price.

Do I order a drink at the absurd prices they charge? No, I don't. Is my table any different to anyone else's? No, it isn't.

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