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Thaivisa is simply functioning in a horrendous way for the past 4 days.

When from new content page clicking on the last post in a thread, 7 out of 10 it will get nowhere. Some threads are sometimes not accessible for 15 minutes, while other threads load normally.

Get connection was reset 20 times a day when clicking on a thread or a post or whatever.

Right now I try to read a older PM conversation, and I get in my messenger, but can't open any of the PM's. Get after some time " the connection was reset"

And no it isn't my browser, nor my ips, since I have no problems with any other site for the past 4 days.

Maybe some more ads anyone?

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If you're the ONLY one experiencing these problems then it probably isn't a 'system-wide' issue.

Finding the cause, or contributing factors, requires someone do some diagnostics to hopefully pinpoint or eliminate possibilities.

By trying other browsers, or other computers using the same browser and login account help in the diagnostics, as the cause could be ANYWHERE.

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What browser are you using? Could you try with Chrome or Firefox, so we can take next step to help you?

I'm using Firefox, before I opened this post to reply I clicked on the last post of the below thread in the "my content" page. Page doesn't load and while I'm writing this I see that the other tab turn to "connection was reset" again.

While editing this post I clicked again on the same post, and again get connection reset after about 30 seconds of loading. I reload "my content page" and click on the first post of said thread and get in straight away.

White House struggles with Obama comment on Paris attack in World News

Started by webfact, Today, 07:06

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Edited by Anthony5
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... and when you try loading the same page(s) in other browsers, what happens?

I was suggested that the problem could be that I didn't use the Google DNS servers, but in fact I use them.

I was suggested that the problem could be because I didn't use Firefox, but in fact I use Firefox.

Do you want to suggest now that I should have 15 browsers installed on my pc to be able to open every post on this forum?

Please advise which browser I should use for which particular post.

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Do you actually WANT help, or are you posting this topic just to complain? I really don't understand what you want.

While I do find it odd that one topic post opens fine for you while another doesn't, it could be an external attachment specific to that page.

And, as said, you're the only one posting with the issue. So we'd like to know how the 'other browsers' respond on your system to the same post (and conditions) that your chosen browser seems to has an issue rendering. We are NOT SUGGESTING you must have alternate browsers installed. Not sure why you are inferring it. It's just a TEST. Nothing else.

The people in this forum would really would like to help you ...but only if you actually want the help and are willing to answer some questions and do a couple of test.

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Do you actually WANT help, or are you posting this topic just to complain? I really don't understand what you want.

While I do find it odd that one topic post opens fine for you while another doesn't, it could be an external attachment specific to that page.

And, as said, you're the only one posting with the issue. So we'd like to know how the 'other browsers' respond on your system to the same post (and conditions) that your chosen browser seems to has an issue rendering. We are NOT SUGGESTING you must have alternate browsers installed. Not sure why you are inferring it. It's just a TEST. Nothing else.

The people in this forum would really would like to help you ...but only if you actually want the help and are willing to answer some questions and do a couple of test.

While I do find it odd that one topic post opens fine for you while another doesn't, it could be an external attachment specific to that page.

I think you have just answered your own question, and the answer to my problems which started 5 days ago is in the OP already.

Maybe some more ads anyone?

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I have now all night trying to click on the last post in the thread White House struggles with Obama comment on Paris attack from the my content page. I can not enter the thread that way. Clicking on the thread title in my content page opens the thread immediately, and from there I can go to the last post without problems. You still think it is my browser which is selective about which threads I can access and which not?

I think it's a problem with the TV data base, because highlighting any posters username takes also about 15 seconds at least to show the tabs. Giving a like to a post also takes about 15 seconds before it registers.

Edited by Anthony5
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I am unable to reproduce this issue.

Please try with another browser from another computer and report back how it goes.


George, with all respect, but if I have a problem with a single website, while I browse 50 different websites or more a day without a problem, and the problem started just 5 days ago and continues.

The time the problem started matches with the timing some changes were made to this forum regarding ad policies.

Do you really think the problem then is at my side?

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Step 1: Clear all cookies in your Firefox browser.

Step 2: If step 1 does not solve the problem, uninstall Firefox, then download and install Firefox again.

Then please let us know here if this solved your problem.

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Step 1: Clear all cookies in your Firefox browser.

Step 2: If step 1 does not solve the problem, uninstall Firefox, then download and install Firefox again.

Then please let us know here if this solved your problem.

Today it continues, I have cleared cookies but haven't reinstalled firefox, since I'm on a limited 3G connection so not gonna bother with large downloads to solve someone else problems.

It seems that the problem is restricted to the same thread as yesterday. White House struggles with Obama comment on Paris attack

From within the "my content" page I can't enter the thread by clicking on the last post, though I get in by clicking on thread title and then fast forward to last page.

What I noticed to today is, that from that last page, or the previous pages, of that thread I can't go to " My content". I need to go back to the first page of the thread, and from there I can go to "My content", all other pages of that thread will result in endless loading with finally a reset connection page if I click on the " My content" tab in the drop down menu under my username.

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[...] I'm on a limited 3G connection [...]

...I was wondering when we would finally get to this.

OP, I think you will find that when you connect your computer to a hard-line network these issues will not be present.

And why would that make a difference since the download comes from the same server? With limited I mean limited in data allowance, but my speed is acceptable.

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"acceptable" is relative. With my Dtac connection, I measured speeds of 12 Mbit/s, which I found very acceptable, and 0.3 Mbit/s, which was next to useless, on the same day. At low speeds, Dtac lost my data connection many times.

From the details you have provided and from my own experience with a mobile data provider in Thailand, it looks clear to me that it is your ISP that drops the connection, not Thaivisa's server.

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"acceptable" is relative. With my Dtac connection, I measured speeds of 12 Mbit/s, which I found very acceptable, and 0.3 Mbit/s, which was next to useless, on the same day. At low speeds, Dtac lost my data connection many times.

From the details you have provided and from my own experience with a mobile data provider in Thailand, it looks clear to me that it is your ISP that drops the connection, not Thaivisa's server.

And my ISP drops the connection always on that particular thread, but not on other threads, and also not on other webpages?

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All I can say is that, having seen no report from other members about such problem, the difficulties you are experiencing clearly seem to be particular to your specific setup. On the basis of everything you have posted about it, I see no other explanation.

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