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Thai Army clarifies political situation to foreign military attaches

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Good idea, the briefing. As it seemed only the USA was getting first hand info about the situation. Now 24 other countries have been brought up to speed. Nice for all to have the same info and not the USA only.


Good idea, the briefing. As it seemed only the USA was getting first hand info about the situation. Now 24 other countries have been brought up to speed. Nice for all to have the same info and not the USA only.


What a waste of time.

Thai Army did not say anything new at the meeting - all the same-old reasons for the coup. i.e. all who attended have heard the story a hundred times before during the last 9 months.

Maybe the Thai Army thinks that if they keep repeating the same thing 101 times, people will suddenly "understand".

It'd be amusing to know what the 25 attaches reported back to their embassies.

  • Like 1

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

Seeing as Athens is now overrun by Commies, why aren't you polishing your jackboots? Stop rubber necking with c..ck in hand over the Thai Junta and sort your own mess out first.

I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

Unless you have changed your citizenship and hold a Thai passport and have permanent residency here Thailand isn't YOUR country mate , it's a country where you reside and hope to for he rest of your days but it's not your country it still belongs to the Thais my Greek friend ;-)

Merely living in a country doesn't give you residency status your still a guest who has to follow the same rules as all the other non Thai residents and can be deported at the drop of a hat if the authorities wish to.

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I wonder why the British or American army doesn't invite military attaches over to explain the politics of their own country? Oh, I know!!! It's none of the army's business! They have politicians and a government to do that, and those governments wouldn't invite another country's military to explain it to as it's none of their business either - they would invite the prime ministers and presidents of thosew countries to attend. They would accept too as Britain, America etc are democratic countries!!

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He told a press conference that the meeting was aimed at fostering a common understanding about the political situation in Thailand.

So does this mean that the military has admitted to committing an act of treason and breaking international law by staging an illegal coup? I doubt that very much but the facts are the facts.

The Attorney General is set to file a criminal lawsuit against the former premier with the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions later this month.

So does this mean that when a new democratically elected government is installed the AG will be filing criminal charges against all those guilty of treason for staging an illegal coup? I doubt that very much but there is no legal justification for their acts.

The truth is out there but it's not available in Thailand due to martial law, the trampling of basic freedom, the suppression of human right ... I could go on but you get the idea.

In one word you can sum it all up ... FARCE.

No charges can/will be made. If you recall one of the first actions of the Junta was to award themselves an amnesty.

I doubt the irony was lost on the Attaches who attended - they're probably chuckling cynically to themselves even now

  • Like 1

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

Seeing as Athens is now overrun by Commies, why aren't you polishing your jackboots? Stop rubber necking with c..ck in hand over the Thai Junta and sort your own mess out first.

I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

YOU are NOT Thai Costas, and you NEVER will be!! Thailand is for Thais, this not your country (is the cry of the populace). Wait till something goes wrong and you are pitted against a local then we will see what happens. No amount of sucking up will prevent you from losing (ask ANY farang that has had a Thai pull out in front of them on a motorbike). I was dragged down to immigration for throwing a flip flop at a Thai dog that was messing on my door step and was about to pee on my motorbike (and threatened with deportation). I should have invited him inside fed it and cleaned up the mess it made in my house while saying thank you!!! The dog was Thai, I am not is what I was told, oh and I didn´t hit the dog I was just shooing it away from my $500 wheel!!

Sorry to burst your bubble but I guess life in the ¨village¨ has distorted your view on life, ¨none so blind as them that don´t want to see¨ my grandmother used to say.....


Gen Supakorn said some attaches understood the position of the Army in maintaining the martial law to ensure security in the country.

How does he know that? Was there a surprise quiz at the end? The ones who did not understand, do they have to repeat the course? Were the questions in Thai, or English and was any translation certified by an accredited, native English speaker? What kind of microphone did they use, the regular one, or the scandalized/overpriced one? Why are the table tops red colored? Are they trying to confuse people?

so many questions...please use the correct microphone when answering.

Those that did not understand were asked to present themselves for attitude re-adjustment......

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

...or called it "Armed Services". It's not only the army involved here, the guys in the Air Force and Navy are also in this.

To be fair to all, the problems in the South would not have just fizzled away; it would have been like a festering sore. Problems would not have been solved with grenades, bombs, rifles.

There's a way to go yet. Part of the recent problems in France have been because one radical group, born and bred in France, didn't understand that following the French revolution in 1789, that country has had free speech and a free press.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning changing out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

  • Like 2

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

I doubt "the whole embassies' personnel" would have shown up. These poor military buggers were trapped and it shows on their faces.

You still don't get it but that's OK.

He wasn't suggesting that they invite the whole of the Embassies personnel................I give up, not worth wasting my time!!!

  • Like 2

What a waste of time.

Thai Army did not say anything new at the meeting - all the same-old reasons for the coup. i.e. all who attended have heard the story a hundred times before during the last 9 months.

Maybe the Thai Army thinks that if they keep repeating the same thing 101 times, people will suddenly "understand".

It'd be amusing to know what the 25 attaches reported back to their embassies.

Were the foreign military attaches required to sign a document that they understood the reasons behind the coup and promise not to criticize the junta before being allowed to leave the base?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

...or called it "Armed Services". It's not only the army involved here, the guys in the Air Force and Navy are also in this.

To be fair to all, the problems in the South would not have just fizzled away; it would have been like a festering sore. Problems would not have been solved with grenades, bombs, rifles.

There's a way to go yet. Part of the recent problems in France have been because one radical group, born and bred in France, didn't understand that following the French revolution in 1789, that country has had free speech and a free press.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning changing out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Which given ther reputation regarding all 3 is ironic don't you think?


You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

Seeing as Athens is now overrun by Commies, why aren't you polishing your jackboots? Stop rubber necking with c..ck in hand over the Thai Junta and sort your own mess out first.

I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

Unless you have changed your citizenship and hold a Thai passport and have permanent residency here Thailand isn't YOUR country mate , it's a country where you reside and hope to for he rest of your days but it's not your country it still belongs to the Thais my Greek friend ;-)

Merely living in a country doesn't give you residency status your still a guest who has to follow the same rules as all the other non Thai residents and can be deported at the drop of a hat if the authorities wish to.

Wouldn't that be the dog's horlicks, if his hero, the general ordered his deportation back to join the commies in Greece.


As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .


As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

What disrespect did the American official show?

  • Like 1

Good idea, the briefing. As it seemed only the USA was getting first hand info about the situation. Now 24 other countries have been brought up to speed. Nice for all to have the same info and not the USA only.

Huh? The 5 eyes (USA, Australia, Canada, UK, NZ) have their own meetings with Australia assuming several responsibilities on behalf of the others. The EU attaches have their own meetings to bring each other up to speed, with close ties between USA and some, and Germany providing key info on the military impact on human rights. Several countries do not have permanent military attaches as there is no need for them. Others have a concern about Chinese expansionism.

There are only 2 key reasons for the presence of military attaches in Thailand. Intelligence and commercial transactions. Let's go back to last June;

Yesterday, the first meeting took place, with local press, such as the highly popular channel 3 morning news, reporting that Germany’s military attache to Bangkok raised the question of why did the Thai military high ranking peopler, visit China right after the coup. A few days before Prayuth’s junta announced the weekly meeting with foreign military attache, a local press, reported the Thai military has a large new acquisition list for weapons.

The attaches are not there to promote understanding or sympathy. They are there on behalf of their respective countries' interests. Many military attaches report to their department of national defense, but they still must respect their government's respective foreign policy. I doubt the French attache was embracing anyone as the French sent a strong signal last December;
Prachatai reports Thai Lawyers for Human Rights centre wins award from French embassy. The Nation : The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights Centre, which offers assistance to people prosecuted by the military junta, thanked the French Embassy yesterday for a human rights prize to be awarded to them.
We all know what the Chinese and North Korean views are. I doubt the attaches from democratic nations were transformed into junta supporters. If anything I would expect some such as the Indians who are very proud of their elected government system would be thrilled to be associated with support of a military regime increasingly aligned with China, so close to their back yard. India has an ongoing dispute with China and has military clashes and has a stake in stopping China's expansionist policies.

As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

That's ine of the funniest posts I've aeen in ages. Could I have a pint of whatever you're on please?
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"common understanding about the political situation in Thailand"

Junta rules, everyone else obeys. Got it in one. Any questions?

Pickup your military ribbon for coup attendance on your way out.

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An entire room full of people who 'understand'.... whistling.gif

Nothing? Well not about politics. They do only need to know that they serve the government and take their orders from it. Their mission is not to stop corruption or be judges. Their mission is to protect the country from threats outside the country. I have to admit that the implementation of the laws and regulations in this country is poor, but in time it will improve like it happened elsewhere. What comes to Greek it is not the communism anyone is afraid. It is the populism meets reality situation. One think I do not really understand? Is it still about "commies"? Well Thailand is more close to communism now than before. It has the the kind of free market driven economy, which is totally ok and benefits all. But running by a politburo with a support from the army will just increase the anger and widen the gap


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It really doesn't look like a big turnout. I also wonder what Gen Supakorn means when he said some attaches understood the position of the Army. How many is some? Doesn't sound like a lot to me. Also why would the Army need to clarify to the public about the indictment against former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra over the controversial rice-pledging scheme. Wouldn't that be the job of the Attorney General or the Court. or did the military also take over the function.

You're not good at reading, are you?

There were 25 countries invited, ergo it's likely that there were only 25 attache's present. It was a military to military meeting, at which the Thai Military answered questions relating to the situation here in Thailand to the Military Attache's of the invited countries.

This has nothing to do with "the public" and was not a "public" meeting as such.

The current Prime Minster (who happens to be Military and is in the main using people in that self same Military that he trusts for various positions) has no qualms or reservations about directly informing "the public" when he feels they need to know something or if something needs clarifying to "the public", so don't worry about getting your questions answered at one point or another.

excuse me but some countries have more than one military attache in case you didn't know. There is not only an Army Attache, but also an Air Force and Navy US Attache in Bangkok, I am sure other countries have more than one also. Sorry to bust your bubble again.

You are not a good looser.....are you?

Throwing the toys out of your pram again?

In fact I agree with you, they should have invited the whole embassies personnel, so you would be satisfied.

...or called it "Armed Services". It's not only the army involved here, the guys in the Air Force and Navy are also in this.

To be fair to all, the problems in the South would not have just fizzled away; it would have been like a festering sore. Problems would not have been solved with grenades, bombs, rifles.

There's a way to go yet. Part of the recent problems in France have been because one radical group, born and bred in France, didn't understand that following the French revolution in 1789, that country has had free speech and a free press.

Step by step. The Armed forces of Thailand have a job to do, cleaning out the corruption, the nepotism, the collusion.

Internally or externally?


I don't usually answer comments of that nature, but I will make an exception for you.......feel privileged.

Thailand is my country now, that's where I choose to live now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

If you are so much concerned about Greece, why don't you go and help them with their mess?

If he is a citizen of an EU Member State and has been paying tax at any time from 2010 to the present day, he already has.....................

  • Like 1

As military to military , it is important that Thailand commands repect . In view of the recent disrespect shown by an American official , this briefing will help to clarify to foreign emissaries the intent and integrity of the Thai military government .

That's ine of the funniest posts I've aeen in ages. Could I have a pint of whatever you're on please?

I believe Toscano was just being sarky.

On reflection, after another beer, I think so too, but it is still funny.
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