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Skip sex and enjoy a special meal for Valentine's Day, Thai teenagers urged


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Interesting how each culture appropriates things from other cultures and changes it through it's own lens of perception.

Example: America has taken yoga, which is a whole pseudo-religious lifestyle in India and interpreted it only as a exercise for physical health.

In India, yoga means you don't eat garlic and onions, just to give one small example of that lifestyle.

In the West, Valentine's day is an expression of Love, but Thais seemed to have interpreted that as go out and have sex. Even if you have to rape someone or pay a prostitute.

Very interesting...

No onions and garlic, no wonder I always thought yoga was a complete waste of time. Back on topic, can teenagers have sex on the 13th or 15th without running the risk of a another press release?

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I'm looking forward to the new law that says that you can have sex only between 11am and 2pm and 5pm and 11pm

the powers that be in my home say I must make written application 28 days in advance and The app fee is non refundable Edited by chooka
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83 per cent of Thai teenagers plan to have sex on Valentine's Day," Moral Promotion Centre's director-general Sin Suesuan said ….

Well, guess a guy named Sin would know.

Maybe a Sin tax would stop such activity--

No, wait, that would be a bar fine, and that only encourages it.

Never mind.

Barfines are almost DUBBLE on Valentines day!

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Um, let me think, a plate of Pad Thai or giving a pretty young thing a good old Rogering. Why do they make this so hard, oh well looks like a big hearty breakfast to get me through the day.

I think the boys would rather be giving the girls sausage as opposed to Pad Thai.

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