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Israel intercepts Gaza-bound shipment of materials for weapons making


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You might have expected an air of disappointment from some of our esteemed members seeing as an arms shipment was intercepted, however they have soon gone back to the infinite loop of discredited generic talking points that we get in ANY thread concerning Israel.

?? What arms shipment? I didn't read anything about arms. A bit of a sensationalist exaggeration there.

I for one am not disappointed, but I am highly skeptical of many points in the story. I suspect the lack of glee from some of our esteemed members is for the same reason.

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When I read the headline, I thought, "Hmmm...Was it school books? Crayons? Nutmeg or dried dates? They're all prohibited under the security blockade as if they can make bombs from dates...or was it something more sinister like (harmless) aluminium tubes that convinced the American public to allow Bush to send 3000 US soldiers to their deaths?"

No, it was fibreglass resin for boat repairs.

Very doubtful these captured men confessed so quickly, if they did at all.

When is Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress? Very convenient event this, and I hold doubts as to the "confessions".

You do not actually have any information that the materials were intended for boat repairs.

The incident took place three weeks ago, enough time to conduct an investigation (other reports suggest that the smuggling was followed for hours, and that these sort of smuggling attempts are a regular occurrence).

No issues whatsoever with Egypt closing its own side of the border and clamping down on smuggling operations?

Hardly anything to do with Netanyahu's speech, this is no major incident. You hold doubts regarding investigation and confessions because you have information to the contrary?

Seem to recall someone on another topic berating posters for believing in OP according to political views....

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When I read the headline, I thought, "Hmmm...Was it school books? Crayons? Nutmeg or dried dates? They're all prohibited under the security blockade as if they can make bombs from dates...or was it something more sinister like (harmless) aluminium tubes that convinced the American public to allow Bush to send 3000 US soldiers to their deaths?"

No, it was fibreglass resin for boat repairs.

Very doubtful these captured men confessed so quickly, if they did at all.

When is Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress? Very convenient event this, and I hold doubts as to the "confessions".

They have apparently held them since 19th Jan.

'During the investigation the three perpetrators conveyed detailed information on previous weapon smuggling activities and on how Hamas intended to utilize fisherman and smugglers for future smuggling attempts, the iDF said.'

The 'investigation' (torture, until you give us the answer we want) presses all the right buttons. 1. Hamas continues to be demonized. 2. The IDF are seen to be protecting the population. 3. The sea blockade is continued. 4. Propaganda coup for Netenyahu. 5. Gazans drive boats and cars with holes in them. 'Self-inflicted', of course. whistling.gif

And you as well - no real information that there was torture, and obviously the boat in question did not have holes in it. No one claimed anything about "self-inflicted" other than you.

No need to demonize Hamas, they're doing a great job by themselves.

Nothing much to pin on the IDF in this case, bet it must be frustrating.

The sea and land blockade continues, and is upheld by Egypt as well.

Very little media value as far as Netanyahu goes, hardly a major headline.

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Oh I see Shin Bet said it was "material was meant to be used for manufacturing rockets and mortars" so it must be true then..

Best bomb a few schools and and hospitals then to teach them a lesson..

It's a dual use material at best. Considering who it was for, less doubts.

This was three weeks ago, there were no attacks on Gaza. Hyperbole much?

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Oh I see Shin Bet said it was "material was meant to be used for manufacturing rockets and mortars" so it must be true then..

Best bomb a few schools and and hospitals then to teach them a lesson..

It's a dual use material at best. Considering who it was for, less doubts.

This was three weeks ago, there were no attacks on Gaza. Hyperbole much?

"They admitted during an investigation that the shipment was destined for a military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement, said a spokesperson with the Shin Bet" .

It took Shin Bet 3 weeks to get that out of them?

If you believe the Shabak then you are easily fooled. The very fact they say it gives me doubts..

Hyperbole? well they havn't used phosphor bombs or missiles on schools in the last 3 weeks, but lets not forget The al-Fakhura School in Jan 2009, or the Jabaliya refugee camp school last summer.

School children were murdered!

Support that if you like - its not for me.. for me it's the action of a sick nation bent on ethnic cleansing!

Edited by MrTee
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Fiber glass rockets and mortars? This can't be serious.

It's restriced as it is always used to make their mortors and never to fix their motors, just like cement which is also banned, is always for tunnel building and never for rebuilding their city following Israeli airstrikes.

The reason they banned books, candles, crayons, clothing, cups, cutlery, crockery, glasses, light bulbs, matches, musical instruments, needles, sheets, blankets, shoes and mattresses in 2009? Anyone?

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When I read the headline, I thought, "Hmmm...Was it school books? Crayons? Nutmeg or dried dates? They're all prohibited under the security blockade as if they can make bombs from dates...or was it something more sinister like (harmless) aluminium tubes that convinced the American public to allow Bush to send 3000 US soldiers to their deaths?"

No, it was fibreglass resin for boat repairs.

Very doubtful these captured men confessed so quickly, if they did at all.

When is Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress? Very convenient event this, and I hold doubts as to the "confessions".

You do not actually have any information that the materials were intended for boat repairs.

The incident took place three weeks ago, enough time to conduct an investigation (other reports suggest that the smuggling was followed for hours, and that these sort of smuggling attempts are a regular occurrence).

No issues whatsoever with Egypt closing its own side of the border and clamping down on smuggling operations?

Hardly anything to do with Netanyahu's speech, this is no major incident. You hold doubts regarding investigation and confessions because you have information to the contrary?

Seem to recall someone on another topic berating posters for believing in OP according to political views....

I have no credible information to the contrary, too.

I guess if they were caught smuggling crayons and candles the headline would change from "weapons making" to "tunnel planning".

Lets make a bet; I'll "suspend" myself from posting this forum (TVF) for a week if Netanyahu does not refer to the smuggling incident in his speech. You, JT, or UG do the same if he does.

Any takers out of you 3?

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Why would we suspend ourselves and why wouldn't he refer to the fact that the Palestinians were caught smuggling arms making materials: Liquid fiberglass, used for rocket and mortar launching tubes? The terrorists were caught red-handed and confessed. Of course he might bring it up.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I am really getting sick and tired of this endless pointless and hopeless bickering between Thai Hermits - foreigners one or another way stuck here in Thailand.

Sure, I am here as well, but I try to live and enjoy every moment of what is left.

Here I see a fight of never to be reconciled groups. One is for Jews, Israel etc. and the other is against Jews, Israel etc.

These two groups will never stop fighting! Not in another 3,000 years!

You guys are all irrelevant! (myself included)

Jews exist! Never mind you like them or not.

Israel exists! Never mind you like it or not.

Want to be relevant? Fine... - Go and sign in with Hamas, or IS, or IDF, or Mossad...

But no! - You prefer this verbal jerk-off - sitting in Thailand and "fighting" verbal fights for the noble cause of your choice.

As far as Jews, Israel, antisemitism, Zionism, Palestine etc. are concerned -

You are irrelevant!

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I am really getting sick and tired of this endless pointless and hopeless bickering between Thai Hermits - foreigners one or another way stuck here in Thailand.

Sure, I am here as well, but I try to live and enjoy every moment of what is left.

Here I see a fight of never to be reconciled groups. One is for Jews, Israel etc. and the other is against Jews, Israel etc.

These two groups will never stop fighting! Not in another 3,000 years!

You guys are all irrelevant! (myself included)

Jews exist! Never mind you like them or not.

Israel exists! Never mind you like it or not.

Want to be relevant? Fine... - Go and sign in with Hamas, or IS, or IDF, or Mossad...

But no! - You prefer this verbal jerk-off - sitting in Thailand and "fighting" verbal fights for the noble cause of your choice.

As far as Jews, Israel, antisemitism, Zionism, Palestine etc. are concerned -

You are irrelevant!

Well, when you and others make the nasty accusation of this group being "against Jews", you will be contradicted for your lie.

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irrelevant...well put. ..member ABCer"..tired of it.

I'm sure most intelligent, well balanced people on thaivisa form are looking for genuine, interesting , informative, helpful news and topics.

isn't it time for the Forum mods..to boot off some/ about half dozen Posters WE ALL KNOW WHO THEY ARE (just search the word "israel or muslim" constantly anoing argumentative posters.

There should be a limit of Just two posts per topic by a member. .This will give everybody a fair chance to contribute their "Wise and unbiased Opinion".After all we are in th land of smiles and carefree joy...anything else well best left back home, with the oppressed, controlled, Brain washed, miserable souls.

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There should be a limit of Just two posts per topic by a member.

I have a better idea. Stop posters who constantly post easily proven lies from posting after they have been caught out a few times. Why penalize members who keep their posts factual and have opinions that they have come by honestly? It would certainly improve the content of these threads and be fair to everyone. All one has to do is make sure their claims can be backed up with facts from a credible source.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There should be a limit of Just two posts per topic by a member.

I have a better idea. Stop posters who constantly post easily proven lies from posting after they have been caught out a few times. Why penalize members who keep their posts factual and have opinions that they have come by honestly? It would certainly improve the content of these threads and be fair to everyone. All one has to do is make sure their claims can be backed up with facts from a credible source.

or just anyone that's posted over 41,000 times 5555 wai2.gif

Edited by MrTee
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Oh I see Shin Bet said it was "material was meant to be used for manufacturing rockets and mortars" so it must be true then..

Best bomb a few schools and and hospitals then to teach them a lesson..

It's a dual use material at best. Considering who it was for, less doubts.

This was three weeks ago, there were no attacks on Gaza. Hyperbole much?

"They admitted during an investigation that the shipment was destined for a military wing of the Islamist Hamas movement, said a spokesperson with the Shin Bet" .

It took Shin Bet 3 weeks to get that out of them?

If you believe the Shabak then you are easily fooled. The very fact they say it gives me doubts..

Hyperbole? well they havn't used phosphor bombs or missiles on schools in the last 3 weeks, but lets not forget The al-Fakhura School in Jan 2009, or the Jabaliya refugee camp school last summer.

School children were murdered!

Support that if you like - its not for me.. for me it's the action of a sick nation bent on ethnic cleansing!

The investigation and the court process together took about three weeks. That sounds about right. Not sure what was the point of repeating that. I do not automatically believe everything claimed, and I do not automatically disregard everything claimed. The position that all things claimed by Israel's security services are lies is one I subscribe to.

Hyperbole. As in there were no actual attacks on Gaza following the capture of the boat and the arrest of the crew, despite the insinuation that this was somehow in the cards. Pulling up past incidents does not make them a current reality.

I did not express support for attacking schools or the death of children, merely pointed out that "Best bomb a few schools and and hospitals then to teach them a lesson" does not, in fact, represent something which happened as a result of the arrests. Hence, even more hyperbole.

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Fiber glass rockets and mortars? This can't be serious.

It's restriced as it is always used to make their mortors and never to fix their motors, just like cement which is also banned, is always for tunnel building and never for rebuilding their city following Israeli airstrikes.

The reason they banned books, candles, crayons, clothing, cups, cutlery, crockery, glasses, light bulbs, matches, musical instruments, needles, sheets, blankets, shoes and mattresses in 2009? Anyone?

The Hamas does control materials making their way into the Gaza strip, be it via illegal smuggling or authorized shipments. The main issue with concrete is indeed that it is used for Hamas projects rather than for the benefit of the civilian populations. The Hamas steadfastly refuses to any viable controls over use of construction materials and dual-use materials. Even when such measures are temporarily agreed upon conditions are often broken. The shortage of cement and other construction materials are probably one issue which Gazan's feel relatively free to express their displeasure at.

And yes, many of the items on the banned list make no sense. This by itself does not mean that there are no credible issues with regard to dual-use materials.

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I am really getting sick and tired of this endless pointless and hopeless bickering between Thai Hermits - foreigners one or another way stuck here in Thailand.

Sure, I am here as well, but I try to live and enjoy every moment of what is left.

Here I see a fight of never to be reconciled groups. One is for Jews, Israel etc. and the other is against Jews, Israel etc.

These two groups will never stop fighting! Not in another 3,000 years!

You guys are all irrelevant! (myself included)

Jews exist! Never mind you like them or not.

Israel exists! Never mind you like it or not.

Want to be relevant? Fine... - Go and sign in with Hamas, or IS, or IDF, or Mossad...

But no! - You prefer this verbal jerk-off - sitting in Thailand and "fighting" verbal fights for the noble cause of your choice.

As far as Jews, Israel, antisemitism, Zionism, Palestine etc. are concerned -

You are irrelevant!

Whereas posting on....almost any news related topic is somehow different?

Be it World News or Thailand News does not change the irrelevance of posters and their opinions. Exerting actual influence on current events is not a demand for posting. Indeed, if this was so, most of the OP (especially opinion columns) would have been redundant and pointless.

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When I read the headline, I thought, "Hmmm...Was it school books? Crayons? Nutmeg or dried dates? They're all prohibited under the security blockade as if they can make bombs from dates...or was it something more sinister like (harmless) aluminium tubes that convinced the American public to allow Bush to send 3000 US soldiers to their deaths?"

No, it was fibreglass resin for boat repairs.

Very doubtful these captured men confessed so quickly, if they did at all.

When is Netanyahu's speech to the US Congress? Very convenient event this, and I hold doubts as to the "confessions".

You do not actually have any information that the materials were intended for boat repairs.

The incident took place three weeks ago, enough time to conduct an investigation (other reports suggest that the smuggling was followed for hours, and that these sort of smuggling attempts are a regular occurrence).

No issues whatsoever with Egypt closing its own side of the border and clamping down on smuggling operations?

Hardly anything to do with Netanyahu's speech, this is no major incident. You hold doubts regarding investigation and confessions because you have information to the contrary?

Seem to recall someone on another topic berating posters for believing in OP according to political views....

I have no credible information to the contrary, too.

I guess if they were caught smuggling crayons and candles the headline would change from "weapons making" to "tunnel planning".

Lets make a bet; I'll "suspend" myself from posting this forum (TVF) for a week if Netanyahu does not refer to the smuggling incident in his speech. You, JT, or UG do the same if he does.

Any takers out of you 3?

Claiming that one does not believe the statement by Israel sources is one thing. Outright claiming that the materials in question were intended for other uses, without any support, is another. Some statements are easier to relate to when qualified. As it is, they were not caught smuggling crayons etc. so guesses as to what would have been are nothing more than deflection.

Why would I choose to suspend myself over what Netanyahu might or might not say? Not seeing myself as responsible for his policies or even supportive of them. The point made was that this is did not make much headlines in Israeli or Palestinian press, that's all.

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