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Nida Poll says most teenagers reject sexual relation on Valentine's Day

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Nida Poll says most teenagers reject sexual relation on Valentine’s Day


BANGKOK: -- Thai teenagers say having sex with the ones they love on Valentine's Day is inappropriate and untimely and they will reject if are asked for sex.

This is what Nida Poll found out from interviewing 1,250 teenagers under 25 years old of all education levels, all occupations and at all regions in the country during February 9-10.

Of the teenagers interviewed, 58.56% have boyfriends and girlfriends, while 41.44% are singles.

On the topics “Thai Teenager Style on Valentine’s Day”, Nida said it asked them a question if the ones they loved asked to have sex with them on this special occasion of teenagers, 40.88% said they would reject, reasoning it was inappropriate, untimely as they were still students. They would like to wait until wedding day. They also said it was against the Thai culture, adding that having sex did not represent the essence of true love.

However 35.68% expressed uncertainty, saying it depended on circumstances, atmosphere and situation.

But 18.88% said yes and agreed to have sex if were asked for it saying it was an expression of love of two persons. They said they have grown up as adult and have enough consideration for safe sex.

Only 4.56% had no comments on the question.

Asked on a question of how important is Valentine’s Day meant to them, only 6.56% said it was very meaningful to them, while 26.88% said it was rather meaningful, and 45.76% viewed the day meant not much important to them.

But 20.80% said it meant nothing for them.

The poll also revealed that Thai teenagers also thought about roses, flowers when Valentine’s Day comes, and 16.32% thought of their loved ones, 13.60% thought of nothing, and 10.16% said they would be missing their parents, brothers and sisters.

Only 8.56% thought about love and care and giving good things to each other while 8% would think of chocolate, and 8.64,% thought about pink colour, hearts, sweets, dolls, dining, and tourist spots.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/nida-poll-says-teenagers-reject-sexual-relation-valentines-day

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-12


Please "poll" the other one!

Teenagers: under 25s... "sexual relations" that last a day...

Who comes up with this idiotic claptrap? blink.png


Just imagine if the elimination of corruption got as much attention as...............................the elimination of sex on Valentines Day!

  • Like 1

"This is what Nida Poll found out from interviewing 1,250 teenagers under 25 years old"




Missed that.

And BTW, 40.88% does not constitute "most".

They mis-state it all the time in these "polls".

  • Like 2

Teenagers can be 24 in Thailand? The clue is in the word 'teen'. That info was for the benefit of the editor of the article btw.. Nineteen being the last post for being a 'teenager' (one hundred and nineteen doesn't count).

So, if I'm in Thailand and in my forties, am I actually in my twenties?

  • Like 1

Missed that.

And BTW, 40.88% does not constitute "most".

They mis-state it all the time in these "polls".

BTW, bearing in mind that 40.88% was a higher percentage than all the other answers, it does constitute "most".


Missed that.

And BTW, 40.88% does not constitute "most".

They mis-state it all the time in these "polls".

BTW, bearing in mind that 40.88% was a higher percentage than all the other answers, it does constitute "most".


54.56% either said they would or that they would consider it depending upon the circumstances.

  • Like 1

Missed that.

And BTW, 40.88% does not constitute "most".

They mis-state it all the time in these "polls".

BTW, bearing in mind that 40.88% was a higher percentage than all the other answers, it does constitute "most".

What are you babbling about?

most |mōst|det.& pronoun

the majority of; nearly all of:

And a majority would start at anything above 50%.

Percentages. Get it?

You've got a math mind like the author of this story.



"They also said it was against the Thai culture..."

When asked if they would ever lie or cheat, 100% said "Never" since that too was against Thai culture. giggle.gif


There is another thread on here today with the same basic premise and it stated 83% planned to have sex on Valentine's day.

Of course I don't know if the other poll was including 24 year old teenagers, I think they said students. It is probably the old teenagers whom are married and have three kids already, that are not having sex on Valentine's day.

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