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Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: Prayut

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But.. but... but Mr USA, the charges against Yingluck were not politically motivated, why don't you believe me? it's not personal, it's for the good of the people

Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: Prayut

Big Kim Jong il also said "I am the object of criticism around the world. But I think that since I am being discussed, than I am on the right track". PM is on a narcissism and power trip high. He is even dressing himself as Prem.

" He is even dressing himself as Prem."

Can you explain this comment, please!

I think dear Eric is referring to the Thai style jackets

attachicon.gifThai style jackets.jpg

Rubi, nope and so wrong. I am referring to Prayuth parading before the cameras dressed as Prem in Thai shirt that Prem made famous when PM in the 1980's. Go goggle 'Prem reincarnated'.

I will not bother you with pictures of Ms. Yingluck in stylish Thai style jackets.

Oh btw yahooing 'prem reincarnated' the first few results are thaipoliticalprisoners webpages. Interesting, almost as interesting as eating noodles.

Dear Rubi, focus. Subject about narcissistic and power trip running wild and the Eastern Tiger clique trying to muscle their way and intimidation and will get their dues one day. Never shake the status quo.


"If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go,"

disgusting treatment of the ex-PM

PS Churchill : "In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity"

You have made a very important point with the Churchill reference.The lack of magnanimity is very striking.Churchill could be wrongheaded and selfish but one thing never wavered - his profound belief in the British people and their right to choose their own government.In this he differed from the current Thai government who don't trust their own people.

As far as the noodle embargo threat is concerned ,this is bizarre.If you topple an elected government by force and then with armed force behind you start bullying former civilian leaders this is a matter of shame not something to boast about.

  • Like 1

Maybe the former PM doesn't give a hoot. Time... time is all. Change is the only constant, and she has time on her side. Best not to trip up things whilst the storm blows itself out and the sun comes out in the not too distant future. I suspect she is enjoying the semester break and also enjoying her noodles. All in good stride, I think.


Closely monitoring YingLuck and retroactively impeaching her only brings her sympathy. Add all these crazy statements by the good general and one feels like distancing oneself from the Kingdom.


Dear Rubi, focus. Subject about narcissistic and power trip running wild and the Eastern Tiger clique trying to muscle their way and intimidation and will get their dues one day. Never shake the status quo.

Now your talking and get back on topic. I also believe Ms. Yingluck will get what is due. I mean justice not noodles. All this talk about being stalked, not allowed to eat noodles, house arrest and amnesty is just diversion from an approaching date in court. Rather than having saved answers for that day it would seem Ms. Yingluck doesn't have any.

The PM is correct in trying to keep her here and let her take that responsibility in a transparent way. No more fleeing Amply Rich elite. Ms. Yingluck stated in parliament to be in charge, seems she may now regret having stated that.


from just a couple weeks ago, ...

"Today, have I ever restricted anyone's rights? Have I ever done that?" asked Gen. Prayuth,

It looks like the General is "outing" himself...

Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: junta chief

The good General really is a laughing stock. How could anyone be so dumb?

Besides being a Shin clan thing, this is a gender thing. I have never heard of such treatment of any former male Prime Minister in Thailand, deposed or otherwise. But it's OK to do this kind of thing to a woman.

Amazing Thailand.

A gender thing? Oh the poor little girl, those brutes of males having it in for her. It already started with big brother 'asking' her to run for MP and get to be the first female PM clone for him.


This is not a clever approach by Mr Prayut. The former PM can simply flood his office with tons of written requests for all sorts of trivial things, from "May I call the maid" to "May I go to temple." She could generate a 1,000 a day and the ones that are refused or not replied to can be put on the internet by her supporters. Then if they ban her from putting her requests and the replies on the Internet, the regime will look bad in the eyes of everyone else. All of this would play into the view of Yinluck and her brother as persecuted victims.

Instead of taking on a macho control-freakery approach to someone who is already beaten, he should be magnanimous in his "victory" and simply let her fade from view.


Closely monitoring YingLuck and retroactively impeaching her only brings her sympathy. Add all these crazy statements by the good general and one feels like distancing oneself from the Kingdom.

Don't tell me you feel like taking your yellow boat and be off?

Trying to avoid a trial in which she can finally give the answers to 'justify' her 'self-financing' RPPS to lose 700 billion Baht doesn't give her much sympathy. Smiling broadly going to eat noodles while being followed by reporters and having it on TV doesn't bring her much sympathy.

Interestingly it seems a part of the population is very happy with cheap meals food corners. It seems they don't need sympathy like Amply Rich women do.


"If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go,"

disgusting treatment of the ex-PM

PS Churchill : "In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity"

You have made a very important point with the Churchill reference.The lack of magnanimity is very striking.Churchill could be wrongheaded and selfish but one thing never wavered - his profound belief in the British people and their right to choose their own government.In this he differed from the current Thai government who don't trust their own people.

As far as the noodle embargo threat is concerned ,this is bizarre.If you topple an elected government by force and then with armed force behind you start bullying former civilian leaders this is a matter of shame not something to boast about.

Interesting indeed, topple a non-existing government. Even Churchill would have a problem with that.

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck had her noodles as she was not forbidden to go get them. Seeing her on TV I must admit she might have had frequent meals the last months. Not to worry though as Amply Rich girl she doesn't have to rely on government provided and controlled cheap meal food corners.

Oh, btw when was Ms. Yingluck bullied?


from just a couple weeks ago, ...

"Today, have I ever restricted anyone's rights? Have I ever done that?" asked Gen. Prayuth,

It looks like the General is "outing" himself...

Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: junta chief

Yes but he is not restricting her movements. Just watching them. So I guess he isn't "outing" himself after all.

Really? ""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday, indicating the military would continue to monitor her movements"

So, was she restricted in her movements? Well maybe, lots of reporters followed her around and showed she went into the 'noodle shop' (it was on Thai TV). Makes you wonder who called those reporters.

  • Like 1

Poor taste... poor form, general sir. No class at all. So much for democracy huh.

What democracy, didn't Ms. Yingluck herself say it died when the NLA had the gall to hold her responsible, had the gall to believe her words when she stated in parliament "I'm the only one in charge" ?

We're still under Martial Law and the NCPO leader has the right thereby to restrict Ms. Yingluck's movements if he thinks that necessary. As Ms. Yingluck's legal team gives various reason's why the case in the Supreme Court can't start yet, it would seem Ms. Yingluck is trying to wiggle out from that charge. Not sure she's a flight risk, but better safe than sorry.


from just a couple weeks ago, ...

"Today, have I ever restricted anyone's rights? Have I ever done that?" asked Gen. Prayuth,

It looks like the General is "outing" himself...

Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: junta chief

Yes but he is not restricting her movements. Just watching them. So I guess he isn't "outing" himself after all.

Really? ""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday, indicating the military would continue to monitor her movements"

So, was she restricted in her movements? Well maybe, lots of reporters followed her around and showed she went into the 'noodle shop' (it was on Thai TV). Makes you wonder who called those reporters.

and maybe she called them herself to make a show of it
  • Like 1

"If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go,"

disgusting treatment of the ex-PM

PS Churchill : "In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity"

You have made a very important point with the Churchill reference.The lack of magnanimity is very striking.Churchill could be wrongheaded and selfish but one thing never wavered - his profound belief in the British people and their right to choose their own government.In this he differed from the current Thai government who don't trust their own people.

As far as the noodle embargo threat is concerned ,this is bizarre.If you topple an elected government by force and then with armed force behind you start bullying former civilian leaders this is a matter of shame not something to boast about.

Interesting indeed, topple a non-existing government. Even Churchill would have a problem with that.

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck had her noodles as she was not forbidden to go get them. Seeing her on TV I must admit she might have had frequent meals the last months. Not to worry though as Amply Rich girl she doesn't have to rely on government provided and controlled cheap meal food corners.

Oh, btw when was Ms. Yingluck bullied?

Give it up with the obfuscation.We all know the sequence of events as well as you.Nobody with an ounce of intelligence believes the practical position was that an elected government was overthrown by a military coup.That's how the world sees it and the world is right.I recall how the usual suspects used to deny that Thaksin was overthrown by a military coup.

I have ignored your sexist trash talk.

  • Like 1

Just when it looked as though he might be leaning towards a bit of tact and diplomacy in the wake of the Japan visit, he shoots himself in the foot with this nonsense. Whoever is providing his PR advice should sacked, pronto.

No,no.no. They should be applauded. Isn't it a case of him telling us the truth on what he thinks.There is no point in him or his PR team trying to tell us any thing different..........we Know already.


"If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go,"

disgusting treatment of the ex-PM

PS Churchill : "In war, resolution; in defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity"

You have made a very important point with the Churchill reference.The lack of magnanimity is very striking.Churchill could be wrongheaded and selfish but one thing never wavered - his profound belief in the British people and their right to choose their own government.In this he differed from the current Thai government who don't trust their own people.

As far as the noodle embargo threat is concerned ,this is bizarre.If you topple an elected government by force and then with armed force behind you start bullying former civilian leaders this is a matter of shame not something to boast about.

Interesting indeed, topple a non-existing government. Even Churchill would have a problem with that.

Anyway, Ms. Yingluck had her noodles as she was not forbidden to go get them. Seeing her on TV I must admit she might have had frequent meals the last months. Not to worry though as Amply Rich girl she doesn't have to rely on government provided and controlled cheap meal food corners.

Oh, btw when was Ms. Yingluck bullied?

Give it up with the obfuscation.We all know the sequence of events as well as you.Nobody with an ounce of intelligence believes the practical position was that an elected government was overthrown by a military coup.That's how the world sees it and the world is right.I recall how the usual suspects used to deny that Thaksin was overthrown by a military coup.

I have ignored your sexist trash talk.

Terribly sorry and all that, old chap. Completely forgot you dislike elite and their special treatment. Maybe you also do not like cake.

The obfuscation seems to lay in the unclear status of non-existing governments. The length a caretaker cabinet can remain "in place'' after it's PM was forced down by court together with most other members.

Anyway, that has nothing to do with Ms. Yingluck being asked to defend her self-financing RPPS and show how 700 billion Baht loss was not through her negligence even though she stated in parliament to be in charge. Neither has it anything to do with the reminder that she cannot just go about anywhere as she still has that appointment on the 19th.

So, a former PM who was appointed by her big brother has a problem to stand up and defend herself because she's a female who should be shown respect? Makes you wonder what Maggie would have answered to that.


Closely monitoring YingLuck and retroactively impeaching her only brings her sympathy. Add all these crazy statements by the good general and one feels like distancing oneself from the Kingdom.

Don't tell me you feel like taking your yellow boat and be off?

Trying to avoid a trial in which she can finally give the answers to 'justify' her 'self-financing' RPPS to lose 700 billion Baht doesn't give her much sympathy. Smiling broadly going to eat noodles while being followed by reporters and having it on TV doesn't bring her much sympathy.

Interestingly it seems a part of the population is very happy with cheap meals food corners. It seems they don't need sympathy like Amply Rich women do.

Done so already. Had enough. Had enough of watching junta expediency at the cost of real progress. Lived in 8 countries in Asia over 30 years. Not at all stuck in Thailand .

Due process has already been breached; coup, retroactive impeachment ? Please ! It all looks to be a bit whimsical . Charges against her should have been addressed in civilian court, not by a junta backed proceeding.

Your hatred is exactly what is killing the country. Act first, forget due process and deal with the repercussions later.

  • Like 2

Closely monitoring YingLuck and retroactively impeaching her only brings her sympathy. Add all these crazy statements by the good general and one feels like distancing oneself from the Kingdom.

Don't tell me you feel like taking your yellow boat and be off?

Trying to avoid a trial in which she can finally give the answers to 'justify' her 'self-financing' RPPS to lose 700 billion Baht doesn't give her much sympathy. Smiling broadly going to eat noodles while being followed by reporters and having it on TV doesn't bring her much sympathy.

Interestingly it seems a part of the population is very happy with cheap meals food corners. It seems they don't need sympathy like Amply Rich women do.

Done so already. Had enough. Had enough of watching junta expediency at the cost of real progress. Lived in 8 countries in Asia over 30 years. Not at all stuck in Thailand .

Due process has already been breached; coup, retroactive impeachment ? Please ! It all looks to be a bit whimsical . Charges against her should have been addressed in civilian court, not by a junta backed proceeding.

Your hatred is exactly what is killing the country. Act first, forget due process and deal with the repercussions later.

The Supreme Court for Political Office Holders IS a civilian court and Ms. Yingluck will be charged there and get the chance to defend herself.

As for 'hatred' well you forgot yourself there I guess. Disagreeing and wondering about the real needy doesn't mean I hate Ms. Yingluck. Just like her I want to see justice done only. Even if that means she's restricted in her movements, in Thailand by the persueing media and not being able to travel outside by the NCPO.


Didn't the army say that we could not use the word dictator. If Prayuth is not a dictator what is he than? A thug?

Try NCPO head or PM, general if you must.


Closely monitoring YingLuck and retroactively impeaching her only brings her sympathy. Add all these crazy statements by the good general and one feels like distancing oneself from the Kingdom.

Don't tell me you feel like taking your yellow boat and be off?

Trying to avoid a trial in which she can finally give the answers to 'justify' her 'self-financing' RPPS to lose 700 billion Baht doesn't give her much sympathy. Smiling broadly going to eat noodles while being followed by reporters and having it on TV doesn't bring her much sympathy.

Interestingly it seems a part of the population is very happy with cheap meals food corners. It seems they don't need sympathy like Amply Rich women do.

Done so already. Had enough. Had enough of watching junta expediency at the cost of real progress. Lived in 8 countries in Asia over 30 years. Not at all stuck in Thailand .

Due process has already been breached; coup, retroactive impeachment ? Please ! It all looks to be a bit whimsical . Charges against her should have been addressed in civilian court, not by a junta backed proceeding.

Your hatred is exactly what is killing the country. Act first, forget due process and deal with the repercussions later.

The Supreme Court for Political Office Holders IS a civilian court and Ms. Yingluck will be charged there and get the chance to defend herself.

As for 'hatred' well you forgot yourself there I guess. Disagreeing and wondering about the real needy doesn't mean I hate Ms. Yingluck. Just like her I want to see justice done only. Even if that means she's restricted in her movements, in Thailand by the persueing media and not being able to travel outside by the NCPO.

Please enlighten us then. Why did she have to be deposed and then retro impeached ? Why could she not have been just impeached ? Some say she was not deposed as she did not have a working government, but we all know that situation was forced upon her in a less than legal manner.

However this may move forward, perhaps to your delight, it will not look good.


Don't tell me you feel like taking your yellow boat and be off?

Trying to avoid a trial in which she can finally give the answers to 'justify' her 'self-financing' RPPS to lose 700 billion Baht doesn't give her much sympathy. Smiling broadly going to eat noodles while being followed by reporters and having it on TV doesn't bring her much sympathy.

Interestingly it seems a part of the population is very happy with cheap meals food corners. It seems they don't need sympathy like Amply Rich women do.

Done so already. Had enough. Had enough of watching junta expediency at the cost of real progress. Lived in 8 countries in Asia over 30 years. Not at all stuck in Thailand .

Due process has already been breached; coup, retroactive impeachment ? Please ! It all looks to be a bit whimsical . Charges against her should have been addressed in civilian court, not by a junta backed proceeding.

Your hatred is exactly what is killing the country. Act first, forget due process and deal with the repercussions later.

The Supreme Court for Political Office Holders IS a civilian court and Ms. Yingluck will be charged there and get the chance to defend herself.

As for 'hatred' well you forgot yourself there I guess. Disagreeing and wondering about the real needy doesn't mean I hate Ms. Yingluck. Just like her I want to see justice done only. Even if that means she's restricted in her movements, in Thailand by the persueing media and not being able to travel outside by the NCPO.

Please enlighten us then. Why did she have to be deposed and then retro impeached ? Why could she not have been just impeached ? Some say she was not deposed as she did not have a working government, but we all know that situation was forced upon her in a less than legal manner.

However this may move forward, perhaps to your delight, it will not look good.

AS I said, just like Ms. Yingluck I want to see justice served. In this case that seems to mean charging Ms. Yingluck for 'negligence' over a self-financing' RPPS which cost the state 700 bililon Baht. Furthermore she frequently went on record praising the scheme as reaching the 'right' people, talking down warnings, saying to listen to warnings, saying to have taken warnings into consideration, saying to have used warnings to adjust and above all stating in parliament to be in charge and only she be in charge.

With the charge and the proceeding of the case in the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders at least Ms. Yingluck gets a chance to defend herself, to explain, to give all the answers she didn't want to give to the NLA.

That's as near democratic as one could wish for.

Of course, if you think that this move forward doesn't look good you seem to either don't like democracy or you have doubts about Ms Yingluck's innocence.


Didn't the army say that we could not use the word dictator. If Prayuth is not a dictator what is he than? A thug?

Try NCPO head or PM, general if you must.

A pointless exercise.The current government tells us what words may be used to describe those who seized power and established a rubber stamp assembly.This forum for very understandable reasons urges us to be cautious.You in turn suggest we use respectable terms normally reserved for legitimate rulers.Those socialist rags - New York Times,Financial Times, Economist etc - unaccountably use terms like "tinpot dictatorship".Obviously they do not understand Thailand and I suggest we should all write to complain.


Didn't the army say that we could not use the word dictator. If Prayuth is not a dictator what is he than? A thug?

Try NCPO head or PM, general if you must.

A pointless exercise.The current government tells us what words may be used to describe those who seized power and established a rubber stamp assembly.This forum for very understandable reasons urges us to be cautious.You in turn suggest we use respectable terms normally reserved for legitimate rulers.Those socialist rags - New York Times,Financial Times, Economist etc - unaccountably use terms like "tinpot dictatorship".Obviously they do not understand Thailand and I suggest we should all write to complain.

The "tinpot" seems to come from the thaipoliticalprisoners site, not from 'socialist rags'. The single 'tinpot' at the economist site is from a reader's comment (someone identified as "kridd").

PS does TPLAC fit ?


Didn't the army say that we could not use the word dictator. If Prayuth is not a dictator what is he than? A thug?

Try NCPO head or PM, general if you must.

A pointless exercise.The current government tells us what words may be used to describe those who seized power and established a rubber stamp assembly.This forum for very understandable reasons urges us to be cautious.You in turn suggest we use respectable terms normally reserved for legitimate rulers.Those socialist rags - New York Times,Financial Times, Economist etc - unaccountably use terms like "tinpot dictatorship".Obviously they do not understand Thailand and I suggest we should all write to complain.

The "tinpot" seems to come from the thaipoliticalprisoners site, not from 'socialist rags'. The single 'tinpot' at the economist site is from a reader's comment (someone identified as "kridd").

PS does TPLAC fit ?

Wrong again.It was in the FT this week.


A pointless exercise.The current government tells us what words may be used to describe those who seized power and established a rubber stamp assembly.This forum for very understandable reasons urges us to be cautious.You in turn suggest we use respectable terms normally reserved for legitimate rulers.Those socialist rags - New York Times,Financial Times, Economist etc - unaccountably use terms like "tinpot dictatorship".Obviously they do not understand Thailand and I suggest we should all write to complain.

The "tinpot" seems to come from the thaipoliticalprisoners site, not from 'socialist rags'. The single 'tinpot' at the economist site is from a reader's comment (someone identified as "kridd").

PS does TPLAC fit ?

Wrong again.It was in the FT this week.

Ah, the three free articles a month when register ft.com. Checking my archive it seems I did register four years ago and after a password reset I now claimed one of three free articles per month.

It mentions that with Myanmar having elections the title "tinpot dictators" should be more deserving by Thailand. Mind you they did mention "deeply flawed, but still hugely popular Thaksin". Next they'll probably have a similar article with Silvio Berluscone. Also the FT doesn't seem to understand the RPPS was not a subsidy but a 'self-financing' scheme.

There are some aspects in the article which could be deemed LM, so I will skip the rest.


I would have hoped he has learned his lesson by now and stop these metaphors.

Unfortunately I have to be subjected again to the wise opinions of the TVF members.coffee1.gif

Costas, there are some who need to be closely watched in TV and sadly , you are one of them. You are so biased that it at times is pathetic. coffee1.gif

Just your opinion right??

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