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Why Did You Come Here?!


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you write in a style that tells me you are not sure what you want to do or where you want to be.

you do say that for you the u.s.a. is your preference but you would like to play in los.

this sounds like a sound idea to my self.

I have to dissagree with you there, pal. I'm quite sure what I what to do for the time being.

Nothing wrong with that.

Hey, what can I say, for now and for the forseeable future, I prefer living in America.

i think you could possibly do yourself a favour by concentrating on thailand for what it is and not for female company.

I belive that you misinterpreted my post, Mr. Terry57. If I had wanted to concentrate on female company, I would have said that Pattaya was my favorite place in Thailand...

but the lovely women sure are a bonus if you are lucky enough to meet a genuine one.

los is a magnificent country if you give yourself time to know her.

give it a whirl bro.


Yes, there are many lovely ladies there, and I've met a few genuine women there, but that is not the onely reason why I go to Thailand, if that were the case, I would have gone to Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic, etc...I'm still a young man, so I am not in any rush.

Yes, Thailand is a very nice country, but I don't have all the free time to "know her" right now like what you seem to have....


And then.....

jesus freaking christ narachon,

In the future, Terry57, you should address me as " my Lord and Savior Christ Narachon". Only my close friends and family may call me by my nickname, "Jesus Freaking"...

you have disected my post like you are a queens council lawyer my friend.

Sorry, I have no idea what that is, I'm a Yank after all...


i cant reply to all that as id be sitting behind my computer for ever.

Why not, you have anything else to do in here, besides trying to pick up GracelessFawn ?

look mate ,

ill give you the big tip and that is im a real top shelf aussie bloke.

bit like batman except he's an american, much like yourself.

i have no malice, bad intent or general ill will towards you as that aint my style bro.

It seemed that you singled me out for some reason, dispite similar content in other posts - was it because I said that I prefer to just vacation in Thailand instead of living there?

Anyway, since you say that you are a "real top shelf aussie bloke" , let me write in Aussie , so you'll won't misunderstand what I'm trying to say then...


Im'ma putha dampa onnis two-up yabber so don'na hava bloody blue 'it ya mate an 'at. Up uohmm a lairrikin bloke an' that. Sacked on 'iss, etta 'ava fair go on iss, doncha 'ave a cuppa. Thai Sheilas they 'an a bronzer, but I no gallah 'an that. An I do 'ot o yakka 'ere in Yankland. No time for a long spell, no bludger like you, cobber. Ah barrack LOS lots, butan'na think I 'll go bush in Saim - fair dinkum I will! Buckley's chance 'an that! But 'aybe tommarra...

So let's all be apple's , anna puhtta nutta prawn on'na barbie then.


anyway friend,

you just make sure that you keep on respecting los as thats all thats important to my good self as i truly love thailand.

may be when you have more time you can love her as well.. cheers

Maybe I'll feel the same way when I get to be your age.

But as much as you can love Thailand, no matter how long you stay or Thai women you marry/go out with, you will always be the outsider there.

Just keeping that in mind.

ps you will never know her charms sitting over there in the U.S.A.

its all yours mate.

Worse comes to worse, there is always National Geographic and the Discovery Channel.

Or Fox.

hello jesus freaking

look, no bullshite'ing around, strait up here, how's your mutha sort of thing,

i must tell you, my american friend,

i find you be incredibly hilarious and im starting to like you, :D

do you know how funny i find you jesus freaking ?

i find you, " as funny, as a blow fly on a soi dogs arse. " :D

now my friend,

thats hilarious if you are the blow fly :D but frigging bad news if you are the soi dog. :D


i know you american's can some time lose the plot when it comes to us australians, as you just ain't up with it are you. ? we confuse you a tad. :D

jesus freaking, my top fella, :D

ive been all through america, even N.Y.C. where you live, and i must tell you, i frigging loved it.

but i must be truthful and say that your very friendly people were lacking a tad in knowledge conserning all things australiana. :D

cricky's mate,

your attempt at aussie slang was,

insipid, uninformed, amateurish, luke warm and at best, truly horrifying !!!!

more closely related to mongolian, than true aussie slang. :D

give it a miss mate.


dont you worry to much about looking frigging silly like that jesus freaking, as you did not mean to do it.

you are only a human at the end of the day.

ok back to business,

if you are a real lucky guy you will one day live in los.

im still saving life and property in aussie but one day i will live in the magnificent los.

but im a real lucky guy jesus freaking, as i get to go to los every 3 months, so i feel like i live there anyway.

thats why gracefull fawn is up for a friendly drink on rambuttri st with a my top self.

dont worry about it jesus freaking, you could possibly one day meet a lovely lady like gracefull fawn.

she's a cracker ah !!!!

"queens council lawyer" = best frigging lawyer this side of the black stump.

a cracker bloke, well endowed with a head full of top bleeding brain matter .

not to be messed with at any cost. :D

get with the program jesus freaking !!!

any way mate,

nice talking with you , and i'll give you 1 last piece of missile blasting, top inside infomation since your from N.Y.C.


cheers my friend :o

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