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Why Did You Come Here?!


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Here's why I came here...

In The West, Homely as the south end of a north bound mule-----In Thailand, Handsome Man

In The West, Donations To The Police via mail -----In Thailand, Donations To The Police roadside

In The West, Everyone Knows Whats Good For You-----In Thailand, Up To You

In The West, Middle class-----In Thailand, Rich

In The West, Lying Politicians-----In Thailand, Well, never mind!

thats a cracker reply my friend and how true is that. :D

exactly why i love los, as i feel the west is a fraud where thailand, its up front with all there activities.

lovely i say.

cheers :o

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Terry ------

MOST of the guys in this forum are not in Thailand if you give credence to the stats from the site that suggest that only about 18% of us are posting FROM Thailand!

thanks for that bit of fine information jd, as i had no idea that it was that large a gap.

really show's how much interest los generates.

im trying real hard to join you lot and hope to be there soon. :D

well done my top man as your there and im in freo. :D

not long and i'll be back in my favorite place, and thats good old los. :D

cheers :o

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I came here for the first time 19 years ago on holliday, went down south to explore the islands, spesifically Koh Samui. Fell in love with the island (this was before they had an airport there, so ferry was the only option) Since my work enabled me to have many and long hollidays (four - five months a year) I just kept comming back. Many years later in 1997 I "toured" Isaan on my way up to chang mai to visit a friend, we had a "stopover" in Surin. I had to get a haircut, so off I vent, to find a hairdresser and there she was, the most beatiful lady I had ever seen. :o Thankfully I'd managed to learn enough thai to hold a sensible conversation in thai, so I asked her out, she agreed to go out with me on the condition that she could bring a friend. I thought why not, and since then we have stuck together. I married her in 99 and she went with me to my country (Norway). We desided to move to Thailand for good this year, so now we live in Pattaya with our two daughters. It has worked out perfect for us so far so we have no regrets. would have loved to live down on the islands, but since our kids go to school it's not an option for us.

And to all those Pattayabashers on the forum, Pattaya consists of much more than soi yodsak and walking street!! :D

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I've really enjoyed reading everyone's replies. Particularly Meadish Sweetball.

I met a Thai girl over the internet, came to visit her thought we loved each other and got married, she came back to live with me in the USA that didn't work out but a second love had emerged. Yep the love of Thailand. Now I love studying Thai, I love the challenge of out smarting the cons and becoming more than a farang on holiday. I do love the women from all walks of Thai life, they are the biggest draw but not the only one. The buddhist attitude, lack of judgement laid back lifestyle and the food these are huge draws as well.

Now I'm living as frugally as I can in the states, just hoping I can figure out the way to make the move. I can also relate to others who have said it fits like a glove, it feels like home, and there are people just as insane as me everywhere. You do feel like you are part of the world in Thailand, at home in California I feel like I'm being brainwashed by TV. Everything seems so much more complicated and pretentious than it needs to be.

I want to wear the shoes I was made to wear and live free as I have always dreamed I could, for me Thailand represents this dream.

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First i came here as a 10 day stop ove en route to Brisbane , than i returned 6 month later to make the IDC/IE in Phuket, after that i met my Wife married and went for a few more Contracts overseas...luckily i can stay now without doing Overseas work.

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Working for the Airlines I came there in the early 90's for a weekend.. One of my pals showed me around BKK, never thought on the way back home he would show me the "exotic" Thermae. We flew i and flew out one experience richer, ehh :o

Could not decide if I liked it or not. I had to go back to find out. I did like it, everything. I guess for me, opposite attracts. About 10 years later, 2001 I got a job in Phuket and met the Sun on my sky. The last contract was in Vietnam and my new family moved along. After finishing this contract, reluctantly I had to return to Scandinavia and wait for a new contract fall in place. I wanted back to Thailand and for the time being there was no openings.

What was my thought when people would ask "why I went their in the first place" Unfortunately the people that asked me this question, only had one thing in mind. Its sad when Thailand only is associated with bars, sex. I felt attacked in more than one way because there was an assumption that I went there only for sex. Almost like you cannot enjoy Thailand to the full unless you try the sweets. I feel sorry for them,, they know little I know a lot and no reason to comment their sarcasm. That would only work as fuel to continue a meaningless conversation. As I said these may not represent all people but the majority at my previous work. Other people had already been there and you were able to talk to them as normal people, share the Experience.

If someone ask me the same question now, it does not bother me. Its a complete destination in every single aspect and I am truly in love with it.

I just wish that everything will be sorted out so that I will get that new contract.

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ah pero (but you have no) vos no tenes ¿¿¿¡¡¡¡¿¡¡ (upside down exclamations!¿¿¡)

:o:D I got made redundant in the UK,decided not to blow my payment and enrolled to be a Divemaster in Pattaya,qualified, fell in love with a Thai beauty, and decided this is home!

Love the life,the cost of living, and its a dam site safer than Reading (no not reading-but Reading as in premier league FA). Anyway been here two years now,and would never return to the UK, unless its for a two week holiday! :D Especially with all the stuff going on over there at the moment-give me Thailand any day!

Hi Clivemh

couldn't agree more about the UK

coming to thailand to live next year in march spent 2 months there and love it

was raised in far east and for the 1st time felt more at home

after spending last 30 yrs all over the world

obviously helps that our money goes a lot lot further than back home

you would not recognise Reading now!

lived just south of there for 18 yrs

and the amount of violence here L.A. seems safer!

whilst in military 3/4 every year away

so many eastern europeans it's unreal

go into some pubs it's like being back in bosnia/crotia prague or poland

with the rapid fire chat that you cant understand

so living in thailand is not any different really except for the smiles

and you KNOW you're getting charged more than the locals

but it doesn't really matter

life is good and the beaches are better

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My oldman, god bless him, took it upon himself to introduce me to LOS.

I had no idea what to expect as I had not travelled much in the past and I had been embarrasingly prone to home sickness before, but I found myself pleasantly surprised as to how much I felt at home by the end of my first trip.

Like many others, I fell in love with not only Thailand but a beautiful girl.

I have since been back many times.

Now when I'm back home in Oz I get my head down and work hard knowing the light at the end of the tunnel will be every bit as sweet as I anticipate. :o

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Terry ------

MOST of the guys in this forum are not in Thailand if you give credence to the stats from the site that suggest that only about 18% of us are posting FROM Thailand!

thanks for that bit of fine information jd, as i had no idea that it was that large a gap.

really show's how much interest los generates.

im trying real hard to join you lot and hope to be there soon. :D

well done my top man as your there and im in freo. :D

not long and i'll be back in my favorite place, and thats good old los. :D

cheers :o

Came on Holiday, came back as a sex tourist, fell in lust, it lasted 4 years,

Fell in love 4 years, stayed bought a place. now 8 years latter, love the place.

and the people, but not to many exprats.


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Like most of us I started out as a Tourist, been coming here since 1985, but mostly with the boys (Nudge Nudge Wink Wink), but always went home to the missis. Then 3 years ago my missis decides to up and leave, guess she had anough of my lads holidays, so decided hec, time to go back to los alone for a holiday. Met a lovely traditional Thai girl (Not the usual Bar Girl type I normaly stay with) travelled a lot, then went back home. After 6 months back in wet and windy England I decided enough is enough and came back for good, minus the trips back home to see the family, brothers and sisters etc. 3 years on, still with my honey, about to marry and start a family, have a very good business (registered and paying tax, work permit, the full monty).

To sum it up, I should have done this years and years ago, nevermind, I'm still young, only 37, but in the UK I am a flying instructor, that is the only thing I miss.


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sweet... think about starting up a flying club?

Hi Kayo

Yes, first thing I looked into, and still on my hit list, but it's going to take time 3 years +, for some reason the Thai gov are very apprehensive about farang starting his/her own school or club.......

My interpritation, which I should stress is IMHO, is we are all drug taking boozers that will only abuse the system and flood Thailand with substances (that are already available, and if you ask me, should be left well alone) that are illigal. To add to that I would like to say, I think Thailand has the right attitude to illiset (spelling) drugs, put all dealers in prison or kill em (either that or make it legal), and if it ever did become legal in Thailand (I doubt 1 million %) I for one will never partake, just happy with my Bensons, Beer and Whiskey..... not that any of my vises are any less a drug, but they are legal.....


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sweet... think about starting up a flying club?

Hi Kayo

Yes, first thing I looked into, and still on my hit list, but it's going to take time 3 years +, for some reason the Thai gov are very apprehensive about farang starting his/her own school or club.......

My interpritation, which I should stress is IMHO, is we are all drug taking boozers that will only abuse the system and flood Thailand with substances (that are already available, and if you ask me, should be left well alone) that are illigal. To add to that I would like to say, I think Thailand has the right attitude to illiset (spelling) drugs, put all dealers in prison or kill em (either that or make it legal), and if it ever did become legal in Thailand (I doubt 1 million %) I for one will never partake, just happy with my Bensons, Beer and Whiskey..... not that any of my vises are any less a drug, but they are legal.....


:o:D L&M´s Beer and Whisky.. :D :D

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Like most of us I started out as a Tourist, been coming here since 1985, but mostly with the boys (Nudge Nudge Wink Wink), but always went home to the missis. Then 3 years ago my missis decides to up and leave, guess she had anough of my lads holidays, so decided hec, time to go back to los alone for a holiday. Met a lovely traditional Thai girl (Not the usual Bar Girl type I normaly stay with) travelled a lot, then went back home. After 6 months back in wet and windy England I decided enough is enough and came back for good, minus the trips back home to see the family, brothers and sisters etc. 3 years on, still with my honey, about to marry and start a family, have a very good business (registered and paying tax, work permit, the full monty).

To sum it up, I should have done this years and years ago, nevermind, I'm still young, only 37, but in the UK I am a flying instructor, that is the only thing I miss.


thats not a story my friend,

its a bleeding fairy tale, :D

your mates must be spewing that you have hit pay dirt, living in los with a top wife and baby coming on.

your a very lucky guy that your ex wife give you the bullet my friend.

as now you are living the dream. :D

top points to you fella, and may you live forever. :D

but to be fair, i can well understand why your ex wife pis--ed you off.

cheers mate :o

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Almost 8 years ago I was on my way for 5 weeks holiday in Australia. My two daughters in Sweden insisted I should stay at least a week in Thailand. So I did, spent 6 days in and around Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.

I was back 6 months later, met a bird in Mae Sai that I met on my first trip, rented a dirtbike and travelled 3000 km up here in the north.

Back in Sweden I told my businesspartner I was leaving two years later so we had to start planning for that.

And almost 5 years ago I left Sweden for Chiang Rai. I met my Wonderful Lady 18 months ago and now we live in a house 15 km south of Chiang Rai.

Been in Sweden two times after and both times after two weeks I wanna go home to Thailand. And now I don't even want to go back to Sweden at all. Rather pay for my daughters to come here with their families.

They have both been here 3 times and I think they understand why I live here.

They had some problems when they found out that my Wonderful Lady is a bit younger than them but I think that they found out now they can do nothing about it.

When they complain about me living so far away I tell them that they insisted that I should go here!

So why did I like Thailand so much that I wanted to move here?

Beautiful country (especially up in the north), wonderful people (most of them), gorgeus girls (some dangerous), fantastic food and very, very low costs to live here.

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The Dude came here on his way to India not realizing he needed a visa prior to boarding the Plane to Calcutta. Had to go to India embassy to get visa, which took 3 days. Got visa but decided to stay in BKK and burn India tickets in ceremonial burning at the Thermae amongst family and friends. Never been to India but been in BKK ever since

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The Dude came here on his way to India not realizing he needed a visa prior to boarding the Plane to Calcutta. Had to go to India embassy to get visa, which took 3 days. Got visa but decided to stay in BKK and burn India tickets in ceremonial burning at the Thermae amongst family and friends. Never been to India but been in BKK ever since

yo dude,

look mate,

you might be a dude, but your the smartest dude i know. :D

you burnt those tickets to india and that was a top move on your part. :D

first trip to india 1988

second trip to india 2001

third trip to india 2003

next trip to india ( never )

first trip to thailand ? 1987 and have never stopped coming back .

not long now, working life is finished and 3rd stage of my life kicks in, living in thailand full time as i love it all.

cheers :o

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Came here for a new adventure. had been going to florida for years in winter. had a friend here working in bkk.

Initially lived the nite life and all the beautful girls. fell in love on a daily basis for the first 3-4 months in pattaya. met a good girl who has captured my heart and now waiting on a visa to go back to the states.

I bought a home, car and motorbike thinking that I loved this place and would never leave, but am missing the beauty of home and don't like the heat, food, and discomfort of any activity outdoors.

I wouldn't say I love Thailand. The amazing thing about it is the human drama of it all. I think that I have experenced more emotionally than I have for many years. After a year of the whirlwind things are settleing down and acutally getting routine. I think I will wind up with some combination of time in LOS and time in the states.

I am very glad I came. the experences I've had have been fantastic and I adore my TGF. I'm looking forward to helping to facilitate opportunities for her and I'm excited to share in her adventure.

Ultimately, everywhere I go, there I am.

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Came here for a new adventure. had been going to florida for years in winter. had a friend here working in bkk.

Initially lived the nite life and all the beautful girls. fell in love on a daily basis for the first 3-4 months in pattaya. met a good girl who has captured my heart and now waiting on a visa to go back to the states.

I bought a home, car and motorbike thinking that I loved this place and would never leave, but am missing the beauty of home and don't like the heat, food, and discomfort of any activity outdoors.

I wouldn't say I love Thailand. The amazing thing about it is the human drama of it all. I think that I have experenced more emotionally than I have for many years. After a year of the whirlwind things are settleing down and acutally getting routine. I think I will wind up with some combination of time in LOS and time in the states.

I am very glad I came. the experences I've had have been fantastic and I adore my TGF. I'm looking forward to helping to facilitate opportunities for her and I'm excited to share in her adventure.

Ultimately, everywhere I go, there I am.

very nice and truthfull story my friend,

you are indeed correct that los is not perfect all the time.

i have found that for myself,

coming back to the western world becomes a little dull after the madness of los.

everything here is too organized and there's hardly any surprises waiting for myself.

in los, you never know what will happen today.

besides that , i never get to see 5 people riding on a honda wave motor bike here in perth. :D

this one of the attraction's for me.

cheers :o

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I am from the Philippines so I came here for a lot of combined reasons........

1 My country is so messed-up politically and financially because of our corrupt politicians who who only look after their own interested. Of course, the people in my country has something to do with it as well. A lot of the people in my country are too lazy to work, always looking for "nice jobs/postions" instead of making do with what's available, and always blaming the government for everything. I didn't want to fall into the same trap!

2 The war between the "Muslims in the Mindanao Region and the Philippine Government" scared the foreign businemen who used to base their businesses and factory in my country, so available jobs have been scarce.

3 Filipino Families are so tightly-knitted that felt, I needed to go away. I wanted a little bit of freedom, and to be independent. I wanted to learn and experience what it's like to live on your own, work, pay for your bills, have your own apartment. It wasn't easy at first. I was used to having someone else do my bed, laundry, food. But when I hit 20, I felt that I've over-grown my "nanny" and that I needed to learn to look after myself, so I left home. (I'm 25 now, and I've been here in BKK for 5 years. I'm independent and happy.)

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