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Siam Paragon bombers could be foreigners, Thai police spokesman says


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Where to start ? 2 small bombs that hurt no one, 2 small bombs that were not designed to hurt anyone. 2 small bombs that were designed to scare people from the affected area.

So ask the shops in that area if they had sacked anyone recently, if yes maybe bring them in and question them.

Now I know something so simple is maybe a tad to much for a Thai policeman to suss out.

Have that one on me boys, buy me a 35 baht cheapo meal if it turns out to be right. Give the 200,000 baht to the boss man and tell him well done.

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Police: Who did you transport in your car?

Taxidriver: Two men, a handsome one an one with a limp ....

Police: A limp ....?

Taxidriver: Yes, we stopped at the Chemist for some blue pills

Police:Aaaah! Handsome and limp ...

Police statement

After receiving information from the Taxidriver and several bargirls we are now looking for 2 foreigners, possibly from Phuket protesting about the loss of their deckchairs

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Why do they have to look for the Paragon bombers and who did it, I know who it was? it was those pesky ghosts, that's why the fingerprints don't match anyone, So check the airport, because there are bad ghosts there that make planes run off the runway, maybe its one of those, 555555555

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Offcourse no Thai could do this terrible crime!

Same at Koh Tao, just find a scapegoat

Prayuth really need to stop themilitary thing. The thai people has always rissen up to that sort, red or yellow.

Now he´s making new laws for everything!

The streetmarkets......many of them banned

Even to have a comforable chair and a shade is prohibited in the new military "LOS"

I hope for elections next year, but I think the military like the power too much.

Amja (With only 8 years in Thailand)

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It would not surprise me at all if they said it could also be aliens who "Most likely parked their ship on top of Siam Paragon then took the elevator up to escape". Reason for action - Frustrated at losing land as it was all in Noi's name.

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The trouble with Thai newspapers is that one day they report something and the next day the person being reported on says something completely different.

The original report says that no finger prints matched so they could be foreigners.

Today the Pol. Gen Prawut (according to Bangkok Post) said that he said that the two men spoke fluent Thai so they could NOT be foreigners.

Pity no one has a voice recording of the first interview.

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I've always suspected the Burmese street sweepers were up to no good, when I saw one of them open up a tree trunk, went downstairs. I followed her.

She went down 50 m under this tree, turned on an ac, sat down at her computer, 5 monitors powered up, she put on her headset and started uploading stuff.

I ran back upstairs shivering with fright at what I saw.

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Why do TV members always assume that the Police blame everything on foreigners?

I think this is just a translation error - he meant they could have members of Foreigner - the 1970's soft rock band.

I have no problem seeing them go to jail for this or anything else...[/quote

But don't you want to know what love is?

No. I'm hot blooded, check it and see.


You are cold as ice!

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Why do TV members always assume that the Police blame everything on foreigners?

I think this is just a translation error - he meant they could have members of Foreigner - the 1970's soft rock band.

I have no problem seeing them go to jail for this or anything else...[/quote

But don't you want to know what love is?

No. I'm hot blooded, check it and see.

You are cold as ice!

That Was Yesterday.
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And all the black shirts were foreigners too. So were the yellow shirts who shut down the airport. Those Damn foreigners cause us so many problems. We are very well behaved. We are essentially a tribal people, and tribes do not cause themselves these kinds of problems. It has to come from the outside.

If it did not we would have to consider why. And introspection has to be avoided at all costs. We might discover something. Heaven forbid that.

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Police spokesman denies saying Paragon bombers foreigners

BANGKOK: -- Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Thawornsiri Tuesday denied that he had said two bomb attackers at Siam Paragon were foreigners.

Prawut said his instead said the attackers were definitely not foreigners because a taxi driver had testified that the two spoke Thai with central accent.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-spokesman-denies-saying-Paragon-bombers-for-30254261.html


-- The Nation 2015-02-17

They were foreigners who have lived in Prachuap or Chumporn of over 10 years. You can tell by the accent. Foreigners are evil by nature. We are good by nature. Ask any Thai detective.

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Just when you think they're getting their act together... i.e. CCTV footage, the nickname of one of the perps, taxi driver account, warrants... and then this. I'm not saying it can't be a foreigner, but no fingerprint matches doesn't mean it's foreigners. The RTP lot is so stupid, it's not just an insult to intelligence, but a prime example of what sub-developed humans are like.

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Give the poor Police Lt. Col. Prawuth Thawornsiri a break. You can tell, by his drooping face and the large airbags under his eyes, that he has lost sleep trying to figure out if the foreigner is a 200 cm American or a 153 cm Burmese who can speak Thai fluently. We already know that foreigners all look alike to some thais.

Nope... the bags under his eyes and the expression on his face is from trying to find his hat... he knows he had it when he left home but cannot remember what happened to it after he got to the office. He has been interrogating a group of Burmese kids and a few Farangs (sited for littering and refusing to pay the fine) as he is sure that they stole it, though they never were in the office before.

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'Braking' News...Los Angeles [California] Police announce that Thai national is new suspect is long unsolved murder of OJ Simpson's former wife, Nicole. Though no specific suspect has been determined, the Thai suspect theory thought most likely hypothesis because re-analysis of voice recordings between police and occupants of white Ford Bronco indicate that English spoken was superior to native Californians and Football players of the era....along with one of the former investigators recalling he had heard a similar accent once when he was eating Thai food at a TexMex restaurant in San Antonio, Texas.

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Thai criminals never arrested/printed. Sounds like a red shirt to me.

You sound like the BIB instead they say it must be a foreigner and thais would never do such a thing. You say it must be a red, I guess yellows would never do such a thing they are all in the temples wearing robes.
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If history is any indication then it is pretty simply who did this.

The same guys that cheers these violent attacks in 2014 is a good place to start.

So says the king of the twisted half-truths.

Both sides were responsible for violent actions in recent years Jamie, despite the way you constantly rework history to suit an agenda.

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