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Bonjor to all. Can any one tell me how to make Vodka please! We have a glut of Potatos and a stil, and many willing workers. I will of course keep well clear of it just providing the info, and do some testing! Is it the same as for the rice whisky?

What must we add to the spuds? Thanks

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pip...I'm with you on this one as vodka is hard to find where I live and the local 'whiskey' <deleted> is to intoxicate pigs before being brutally slaughterd...

c'mon you crusty dudes that used to work in Saudi...give us a clue...


Great to hear all that, with over one ton of spuds need info fast? What to do? youlla

welcome to the taste, but no Russians around here, only a few Krauts (sorry)

We could make scnapps, or the spirit of Life? I wonder if that Guy from DK, Hieni

knows something?


:D Yes yes serious help is the right phrase, they begin to smell like a barrack room on sunday morning already, Are there any Micks out there? they know a thing or two about spuds.

Old English saying

Roses are Red, Nuts are brown

pettycoats up, trouser down! :o


I think you will end up with something like Irish Poteen which is great stuff - rumoured to cause temporary blindness. If you search the web for Poteen there are a few recipes about.

I was in Saudi for 4 years so I know a little. Basically you need to make an alcoholic mixture out of your potatoes - simply by chopping or crushing (without skins) then adding some acid (limes, tea, lemon etc.) sugar (a lot about 1 kilo per gallon of liquid), a large amount of brewers yeast or bread yeast. Let that baby ferment until it stops bubbling probably around 6-8 weeks. Be careful to keep it covered to avoid it turning to vinegar. In Saudi we used the big water bottles with a condom over the top to keep bacteria out, of course the condom needs a couple of holes to let the CO2 out. In Saudi this was the main method for a drink called Jeddah Gin. Its probably very similar to the process for rice whiskey.

Anyway once this has all finished you then need to extract the alcohol by distillation which is something I have never done, our Jeddah Gin was between 10-15% alcohol so that was powerful enough. I believe that alcohol evaporates at 60 degrees C so you will have to maintain this temperate to maximise your production.

After all that effort you will have some kind of pure alcohol, that should then be cut with spring water until its near 40% alcohol. It can also be used for running your car, cleaning paint brushes and poisoning weeds. Should you choose to drink it be prepared for the mother of all hangovers and such a high level of dehydration you could easily drink a swimming pool.

Good luck.

Great to hear all that, with over one ton of spuds need info fast? What to do? youlla

welcome to the taste, but no Russians around here, only a few Krauts (sorry)

We could make scnapps, or the spirit of Life? I wonder if that Guy from DK, Hieni

knows something?

Hmmm ... :D Danzka... From DK - ask him! Forget the krauts /sorry too/ - there's Schnaps... And morning head ache :o

marto...whassamatta which you?...russians don't make vodka , they drink it...good and cheap...muh fuh...

:o huhhh... And if the final result of Pipchatel's spud attempt is beer... :D

Pipchatel's Bud????

I was in Saudi for 4 years so I know a little. Basically you need to make an alcoholic mixture out of your potatoes - simply by chopping or crushing (without skins) then adding some acid (limes, tea, lemon etc.)

sugar (a lot about 1 kilo per gallon of liquid),

a large amount of brewers yeast or bread yeast. Let that baby ferment until it stops bubbling probably around 6-8 weeks. Be careful to keep it covered to avoid it turning to vinegar. In Saudi we used the big water bottles with a condom over the top to keep bacteria out, of course the condom needs a couple of holes to let the CO2 out. In Saudi this was the main method for a drink called Jeddah Gin. Its probably very similar to the process for rice whiskey.

Anyway once this has all finished you then need to extract the alcohol by distillation which is something I have never done, our Jeddah Gin was between 10-15% alcohol so that was powerful enough. I believe that alcohol evaporates at 60 degrees C so you will have to maintain this temperate to maximise your production.

The potatoes have their own sugar content, you do not need to add so much.

Ethyl alcohol boils off at 72.3 degrees Centigrade (I think - many years since I distilled anything). Working for a major Swedish outfit, we made our own stainless steel boiling vat, fractionating column and so on, with accurate temperature control.

It is necessary to control the temperature very closely when distilling, because methyl alcohol distills off at just under the ethyl temperature. Meths can kill. If you do not have access to an accurately controlled boiling vat, use a pressure cooker, with a copper tube (micro-bore) attached (brazed) to the escape valve hole. (After removing the safety valve). Make this into a coil, about 15cm diameter, about five complete turns and a down-spout at the end. This will act as condenser.

Cook the mash (potatoes, sugar, yeast, water) slowly in the pressure cooker, at low temperature (do not let it boil). You will get a liquid dripping slowly out of your copper tube. When you have boiled off your first batch of mash, do a scond, and a third. Collect all your distillate, put that through the same process. Do this a third time.

You have now, hopefully, cleared away all the methyl alcohol.

Run the leavings through a carbon filter (tube about 1 metre long, filled with activated charcoal, standing vertically) and you have something that you may care to drink. Before doing so, pour a little into a teaspoon, set light to it, watch it burn with a clear blue flame. There should be no deposit left on the tea-spoon.

This is probably safe to drink. WARNING !!! You need to cut the distillate by at least 50% with water before you put it through the carbon filter. (I forgot that part!!)

Working with the Swedes, we would wrap a bottle of this stuff in itchen foil, leave it in the freezer for forty days (and nights) and then drink the syrupy concoction that resulted. Excellent!

There should be a web-site called the Blue Flame, or similar, set up by expats in Saudi for just this purpose. But it is years since I was there.

The 11% to 15% alcohol content is achieved by brewing, not distillation. It is purely a natural process, placed on this earth by God's good grace. Anything above that percentage and the alcohol kills off the yeast microbes that make the alcohol. So there is a balance. Man has disturbed that balance by discovering the distillation process. Nothing lives in alcohol.

Me, I prefer draught Chang.

Try this site ......... http://www.expats.org.uk/features-theblueflame.html


Throw away the potatos. Buy Ethyl Acetate (easy) add equimolar amount of Sodium Hydoxide (Lye, Caustic soda). What distills over under 90 degrees is pure ethyl alcohol. Dilute.

I think you will end up with something like Irish Poteen which is great stuff - rumoured to cause temporary blindness. If you search the web for Poteen there are a few recipes about.

I was in Saudi for 4 years so I know a little. Basically you need to make an alcoholic mixture out of your potatoes - simply by chopping or crushing (without skins) then adding some acid (limes, tea, lemon etc.) sugar (a lot about 1 kilo per gallon of liquid), a large amount of brewers yeast or bread yeast. Let that baby ferment until it stops bubbling probably around 6-8 weeks. Be careful to keep it covered to avoid it turning to vinegar. In Saudi we used the big water bottles with a condom over the top to keep bacteria out, of course the condom needs a couple of holes to let the CO2 out. In Saudi this was the main method for a drink called Jeddah Gin. Its probably very similar to the process for rice whiskey.

Anyway once this has all finished you then need to extract the alcohol by distillation which is something I have never done, our Jeddah Gin was between 10-15% alcohol so that was powerful enough. I believe that alcohol evaporates at 60 degrees C so you will have to maintain this temperate to maximise your production.

After all that effort you will have some kind of pure alcohol, that should then be cut with spring water until its near 40% alcohol. It can also be used for running your car, cleaning paint brushes and poisoning weeds. Should you choose to drink it be prepared for the mother of all hangovers and such a high level of dehydration you could easily drink a swimming pool.

Good luck.

On another thread someone was having lots of problems with soi dogs, a few jars of this stuff the bloody dog problem will go away. Some for the dogs, some for the disturbed farang ... mai mee pun har :o


Well Up2u I must bow to a greater authority, your knowledge of the process is obviously far superior to mine. I have heard of the blue flame but was not sure which was poisonous.

When I was in Saudi the rumour was that there was a book called the Blue Flame which was originally issued to British Aerospace employees showing them how to make alcohol, so that they didn't poison themselves, I don't know if its true or just an urban myth.

I didn't do any distillation because I lived in the centre of Riyadh so it would have been too risky, but strangly enough I also worked for a Swedish company - ABV Rock.

Anyway I would agree totally, stick to the Chang and sell the patatoes to make chips.

:o Hello all and just to thank you for your time to reply. I must admit deafeat the weather gets hotter, the spuds get more high. I left it too late really and should have done more research. So maybe next year you will have some Vodka, but I must say I dont like the sounds of it at all, mostly the Condom bit turned me off! Thanks again Pip :D
Well Up2u I must bow to a greater authority, your knowledge of the process is obviously far superior to mine. I have heard of the blue flame but was not sure which was poisonous.

When I was in Saudi the rumour was that there was a book called the Blue Flame which was originally issued to British Aerospace employees showing them how to make alcohol, so that they didn't poison themselves, I don't know if its true or just an urban myth.

I didn't do any distillation because I lived in the centre of Riyadh so it would have been too risky, but strangly enough I also worked for a Swedish company - ABV Rock.

Anyway I would agree totally, stick to the Chang and sell the patatoes to make chips.

The Blue Flame was unofficially issued to Aramco employees, when it was owned by the US / UK oil companies. I don't know why - in Dhahran the Aramco compound was the only place to buy ham, pork and so on, and genuine bottles could be had. (Another time in Saudi I was working on the E/W pipeline for Aramco)

I also built the SSSC headqarters for ABV RG, alhough I personally was based in Jeddah. (And I was not talking about either ABV RG or Saudi ABV in the earlier post)

At an even earlier tour, in Tabuk, my wife and I were invited to the local prince's farm one Friday, where there was a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label and a bottle of gin on every four-person table. So booze was obtainable. (Even in Riyadh, at the Sahara compound, for instance, the internal restaurant served wine with the meal - and not converted Rausch grape juice)(Had to be Rausch, the others were packed wih preservatives that killed the yeast bacteria when you tried to improve the drinkability of the stuff)

What has this to do with Thailand? Get back on track!


yeah, that's funny - what it has to do with Thailand?

and why would ne1 try to make Vodka if it is easily available?

just one hint though: the word Vodka itself is originating from word water in russian. perhaps coz it looks like a water. another version is - that it is often made just buy mixing pure spirit to certain proportion with water. but this might be a mere speculation, although I've heard such explanation few times b4.


Sugar is unnecessary. The starches in potatoes will turn to alcohol.

Boil the spuds in lots of water to cook & sterilise.

Mix both water & spuds with yeast when they are cool.

Be careful with the yeast you use. The wrong type of yeast will produce MeOH (Methanol).

Distillate is best passed through activated charcoal as it leaves the still.

If MeOH (Methanol) is present, it is almost impossible to seperate from EtOH (Ethanol) by distillation or filtration.

MeOH will also burn with a clear/blue flame. This test simply tests for other impurities, mainly heavy metal salts etc.


up2you and aaaaa the subject has a lot to do with Thailand...thais don't drink vodka and I have to drive 30km to the nearest Tesco to stock up as it is my tipple of preference. On offer locally is Master Blend, Sang Som and other poison that I am certain is contaminated with methanol and otherwise smells like excrement.

However, spuds are expensive...I would set up a still using cheap ingredients to produce PGA to mix with coke and the postings on this thread have been very helpful...loada buckshot for the federales when they come to investigate the fat falang hillbilly and his corn liquor...Snuffy Smiff running through the jungle...

up2you and aaaaa the subject has a lot to do with Thailand...thais don't drink vodka and I have to drive 30km to the nearest Tesco to stock up as it is my tipple of preference. On offer locally is Master Blend, Sang Som and other poison that I am certain is contaminated with methanol and otherwise smells like excrement.

However, spuds are expensive...I would set up a still using cheap ingredients to produce PGA to mix with coke and the postings on this thread have been very helpful...loada buckshot for the federales when they come to investigate the fat falang hillbilly and his corn liquor...Snuffy Smiff running through the jungle...

the best quality vodka is always made of wheat, not spuds or potatos. although in worst times ppl said even making distilling it from saw dust and other semi-junk... :o

and as I remember - they don't make vodka itself, they distill 90% or higher volume spirit which is called "Samogon" (means something like self-made or home made) and then from it make Vodka


well, if u r so desperate and so attached to it - hen try to make it yourself if you not get yourself poisoned more then by those thai brands... otherwise may be get stock from some place where the real stuf is avaliable

last time I got genuine best quality russian made Stolichnaya Vodka (not the brands sold in most of ) as a gift for my gf's father on the way to Penang on Padang Besar station in their duty free shop - coz it cost there 35 RM (about 350 Baht) only 2 times less then in Bangkok where it costs about 650-750 up...


aaaaaa...don't know where you're coming from, dude...I'm talking about 'supermarket' vodka like Kermanoff at 230 baht per...sorta like what one gets from Safeway in Cleveland, Ohio...dig my drift? Whatever you like to drink ain't nothin' I'm interested in...


TUTSI; The corn here must be the same shit they grow on Oregon,,it don't wprk well for makin whiskey,Pobly to much astarch and not enough sugar,,you should buy the regular corn likker yaeast tabs that contain an enzime to convert the starch to sugar.

It is sold on the internet and they say they ship in a plain brown wrapper,so should be able to get it,altho my bro in law that has a still and a license to make booze says he can't get it here and he worked a week makin a corn cracker and made some mash,in fact the pics I posted in the gallery is him cookin up the corn mash,and it didn't do worth a ######. :o


kev...the old lady came home with these little cobs with blue kernels that were sweet as pie...ain't no way I'm gonna put that into a mash...but there are other ingredients around in abundance to do a good PGA...

as other posters have indicated there is good guidance available regarding yeasts and etc...just need to look at the net

vodka is a colorless, ordorless drink and regardless of what folks say about the wonders of Stoli and etc...just give me the home brew and I'm together. Better than going up to tesco in the heat of the current season if I can make my own...

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