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chinese New Year with Thai family


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For obvious reasons do not buy a house ,but a condo can be bought in YOU NAME. Oh boy all those stories we hear of ferang buying houses in girlfriends name..Do not do it,there will be tears

I think buying house or condo for a Chinese new years present for a Thai family is a little over the top.

Anyway it's your money and your family, but I shudder to think what they will be expecting for a Christmas present.

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The first time I met my partner's family some 20 ++ years ago, I was told 'do not give them any money." I asked why and was informed that If I do, I will be expected to do so forever. I didn't and I don't and it's never been expected.

It was the smartest bit of advice I have every gotten -- and actually followed.

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Well done, you did the right thing. Give nothing where possible or it'll set a precedent. Best to be a miserable tightwad in the eyes of the extended family than an ATM schmuck. We are also in Thailand, balls to China. I wore black wink.png

You seem pissed that thai people are celebrating a chinese festival. Well the fact of the matter is chinese new year has a very big influence in thailand.

Not particularly a big influence to most Thai people.

My partner's family is part Chinese. They aren't influenced by it at all.

My sister-in-law's husband's family is 100% Chinese descent, they celebrate it but again not as much as they celebrate Songkran or Loi Kratang.

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Well done, you did the right thing. Give nothing where possible or it'll set a precedent. Best to be a miserable tightwad in the eyes of the extended family than an ATM schmuck. We are also in Thailand, balls to China. I wore black wink.png

Well aren't you special. Black is also a funeral color. However, it doesn't really matter, Thais sometimes wear black just because it looks cool. Same with white. Red is the Chinese color of good luck, the Thai color of Sunday, and generally a happy color to wear to a party. Lots of people immigrated from China when King Mongkut was changing the tax system from forced labor to money, so most Thais have at least one Chinese ancestor.

No they don't.In Bangkok possibly that might be true.

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Thanks everyone. I think of them as a Thai family but my gf is quarter Chinese. As said earlier I ended up giving no money instead I gave the children boxes of chocolates and took a bottle of Jamaican rum for the adults. Everyone seemed happy. I feel they didn't expect anything now but I am happy I was able to contribute. It was a great day. I feel this has been a good thread and not only helped me through this day but will make it easier for the future when similar situations arise.

but did you give mama a big smoocher on the cheek .... ? giggle.gif

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Bit of a shock finding out I boom boomed the brothers wife 6 months before I met my partner took my wife to New Zealand and the jealous sisterinlaw phoned her to tell all. I said I had never and showed her a photo of the only gurl id been with. Guess what. I had no idea and never thought this gurl would be seen again Was a bit of a shock. Very careful with rest of the family now.

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