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"Orgy-offering" Thai sisters nabbed for preying on foreigners

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Happy the police did something..

To drug and then to rob old people it is more then a dispicable crime

I suggest people involved in it should get an extra long jail sentence...

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My mate got robbed at Jomtien Condo by two Thai ladies , drugged and robbed his laptop , Cash, two mobile phones in 2007 . Was on the paper and news. Could be from the same ladies ?

2007? Now 2015? Do the maths! (Are the mobile phones or laptop still active? cheesy.gif )


i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

done the police report...and thats it

i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

many thanx

Mate sitting back and waiting for the Thai police do actually do something is a waste of time. Go to the station and check these women out and see if it is them at least.

I would be annoying the stuffing out of them, even offer a reward if you want some action....

Sorry, but the moment I read 3 wedding rings I lost interest - is that not illegal?


i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

done the police report...and thats it

i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

many thanx

Mate sitting back and waiting for the Thai police do actually do something is a waste of time. Go to the station and check these women out and see if it is them at least.

I would be annoying the stuffing out of them, even offer a reward if you want some action....

Sorry, but the moment I read 3 wedding rings I lost interest - is that not illegal?

I suspect hes talking about plain gold wedding band rings, its a simple way of buying gold jewellery and plenty of Thais I know have multiple "wedding rings"

What exactly do you call a wedding ring ? any ring can be slipped on a finger or as many as you like on whatever finger you like, and any ring can be called a wedding ring, including a washer if you so choose.

Why would having 3 rings be illegal ? blink.png ... mind you in Thailand nothing would surprise me.


peterb17 has made a very relevant and pertinent point, how easy is it for all of us to sit here and pass judgement on those around us?

Have we all been here so long that it is now acceptable to "buy" what pleases us with no regard for the person supplying the service?

I can hear the comments about it being the "oldest profession" or that they are "supporting their families" Does this then give us the high moral ground when handing over a few dollars to allow someone to debase themselves?

Yes these two women are criminals and should be punished, there can be no argument over that, but next time you are engaged in a negotiation with a female (or male) young enough to be your child give it a bit of thought. That is another person you are dealing with, are they so worthless as to put them below your gratification and pampered ego for just a few fleeting moments?

I suppose the issue of self respect comes into this as well, if you have no self respect or any sense of self worth, how can you possibly show the same to others?

Well my Beautiful Thai wife of 11 years will not allow me to touch, only look. Anyway, at 80 all the babes out that are young enough to be my child, with few exceptions, Have a laugh !!

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peterb17 has made a very relevant and pertinent point, how easy is it for all of us to sit here and pass judgement on those around us?

Have we all been here so long that it is now acceptable to "buy" what pleases us with no regard for the person supplying the service?

I can hear the comments about it being the "oldest profession" or that they are "supporting their families" Does this then give us the high moral ground when handing over a few dollars to allow someone to debase themselves?

Yes these two women are criminals and should be punished, there can be no argument over that, but next time you are engaged in a negotiation with a female (or male) young enough to be your child give it a bit of thought. That is another person you are dealing with, are they so worthless as to put them below your gratification and pampered ego for just a few fleeting moments?

I suppose the issue of self respect comes into this as well, if you have no self respect or any sense of self worth, how can you possibly show the same to others?

I think I know why you are called: "BIGNOSE"...


My last orgy in Thailand was with 2 twenty year olds who called me Mandingo, as we showered.

How many warnings must be posted that you must stay away from the freelancers in Thailand?

BTW, wondering what they consider old men,/as I near 55?


Strangest thing about this topic are the references to a 39 and 40-year-old woman being "over the hill". Says a lot about the kind of guys that come to Thailand, and sadly confirms the stereotype to some degree. When I was late twenties I found 35-40 year-old women much more exciting and appealing all round in the sack than women of 21-25. Surely a 50+ guy would be flattered to have an attractive 40 something crack on to him. But I guess that's why most come here, because impoverished hookers aren't fussy where the cash comes from. So guys get spoilt and figure sleeping with twenty somethings when you're 50+ is the norm.

I saw a photo of these two earlier today on one of the newspaper websites. They was nothing attractive about either of them.


It reads:

"Sukthat said the Chon Buri police chief ordered him to form a special team to hunt the two women down after tourist police in Pattya have received complaints from several old foreign men that they have been drugged and robbed by two women during the past few months."

It should read:

"Sukthat said the Chon Buri police chief ordered him to form a special team to hunt the two women down after tourist police in Pattya have received complaints from several old foreign men that they have been drugged and robbed by two OLD THAI women during the past few months".

And the men were ancient.


Luckily 22 is my age limit for orgy sisters.

Well still keep your guard up, these girls have been at it for 20 years now!


Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

Almost everyone in Thailand considers sleeping with prostitutes a normal daily occurrence.

(except you and Soi Biker)

Why pick on TV members?

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i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

done the police report...and thats it

i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

many thanx

Mate sitting back and waiting for the Thai police do actually do something is a waste of time. Go to the station and check these women out and see if it is them at least.

I would be annoying the stuffing out of them, even offer a reward if you want some action....

Erm He's in the UK.......


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Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

Exactly, if these guys thought with their big head instead of their little one then they'd not get in trouble. Ironic that sex pats think it's merely a business transaction, even though it's illegal in most countries.
Who are you guys trying to impress ?? It's usually the the preacher who fails to pray every night.....

I'm happily married thanks and I'm not trying to impress anyone. What these women did was illegal, what the men were willing to pay for was equally illegal. If I had 10thb for every hypocritical post I've seen on here I could buy an island next to Richard Branstons.


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peterb17 has made a very relevant and pertinent point, how easy is it for all of us to sit here and pass judgement on those around us?

Have we all been here so long that it is now acceptable to "buy" what pleases us with no regard for the person supplying the service?

I can hear the comments about it being the "oldest profession" or that they are "supporting their families" Does this then give us the high moral ground when handing over a few dollars to allow someone to debase themselves?

Yes these two women are criminals and should be punished, there can be no argument over that, but next time you are engaged in a negotiation with a female (or male) young enough to be your child give it a bit of thought. That is another person you are dealing with, are they so worthless as to put them below your gratification and pampered ego for just a few fleeting moments?

I suppose the issue of self respect comes into this as well, if you have no self respect or any sense of self worth, how can you possibly show the same to others?

I think I know why you are called: "BIGNOSE"...

Because I have a conscience and I can spot a self centered user a mile away???

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Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

nothing new here, happens all the time when dirty old men come here looking for sex. can't blame the ladies, it's a living! at least all the old men have is a headache!

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they should be in jail for attempted murders

murders? do you mean murder? who was murdered? when you dance with the devil. be prepaired to pay the price!

Attempted, as in could have resulted in murder and murders,as there was more than one victim involved.

Why is that so difficult to understand?

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