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How much truth to Thailand's bad reputation?


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Outside looking in from USA

I tell people I just returned from Thailand and they mention ladyboys and underage hookers

It doesn't matter what I say about the music scene, the restaurants, the mammoth shopping malls, 2 hour massage for $10.00, or 45 minute taxi rides for $7.00

All they reply with is,

Ladyboys and

Underage sex

This image is permanent as it is all ages, male and female

So you're saying that "most" people in the US believes this way? If so, would that include you? What I mean is if you are one of those folks that believes Thailand is about ladyboys and underage hookers, why did you come to Thailand in the first place?

Not having a dig at you, but it would seem to me that you yourself did not have this image of Thailand, otherwise you may not have come. I find this sort of attitude to be more prevalent in Euro folks. Most Americans couldn't tell the difference between Thailand and Taiwan.

the 1st time I visited was at the prodding of a good friend who suggested a vacation away from the issues of dovirce and business, and I had promised him between wives, kids and girlfriends, I would visit when I was done with my parental responsibilities

it was the best 10 day vacation, that turned in to 6 months, so much so, that I made enough friends to return in Dec, departing Jan 11

I am one of the people who tries to tell people there is so much more,

but they truly, are not interested.

I knew there would be a lot of hookers,

I had no idea there would be an entire industry devoted to it, everywhere you look,

and as far as the ladyboys go,

I am from NYC, have no trouble spotting them,

and, have even had to ask one to let my balls go, so I can walk past, telling her/him, that I know she thinks she is a woman, but she isn't, and I can see that, and, I also dont carry a wallet so, no problem.... another lesson/gift from NYC

but make no mistake,

I came for the massages the girls and the food

I came back for the music, the massags, the girls, and the food

Edited by ScarpoFongness4U
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Outside looking in from USA

I tell people I just returned from Thailand and they mention ladyboys and underage hookers

It doesn't matter what I say about the music scene, the restaurants, the mammoth shopping malls, 2 hour massage for $10.00, or 45 minute taxi rides for $7.00

All they reply with is,

Ladyboys and

Underage sex

This image is permanent as it is all ages, male and female

So you're saying that "most" people in the US believes this way? If so, would that include you? What I mean is if you are one of those folks that believes Thailand is about ladyboys and underage hookers, why did you come to Thailand in the first place?

Not having a dig at you, but it would seem to me that you yourself did not have this image of Thailand, otherwise you may not have come. I find this sort of attitude to be more prevalent in Euro folks. Most Americans couldn't tell the difference between Thailand and Taiwan.

the 1st time I visited was at the prodding of a good friend who suggested a vacation away from the issues of dovirce and business, and I had promised him between wives, kids and girlfriends, I would visit when I was done with my parental responsibilities

it was the best 10 day vacation, that turned in to 6 months, so much so, that I made enough friends to return in Dec, departing Jan 11

I am one of the people who tries to tell people there is so much more,

but they truly, are not interested.

I knew there would be a lot of hookers,

I had no idea there would be an entire industry devoted to it, everywhere you look,

and as far as the ladyboys go,

I am from NYC, have no trouble spotting them,

and, have even had to ask one to let my balls go, so I can walk past, telling her/him, that I know she thinks she is a woman, but she isn't, and I can see that, and, I also dont carry a wallet so, no problem.... another lesson/gift from NYC

but make no mistake,

I came for the massages the girls and the food

I came back for the music, the massags, the girls, and the food

Fair enough. I suppose every country has some sort of reputation. At least expats in Thailand have it better than expats in Cambodia, Land of the Pedos.

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My issue is strictly with Immigration. The sourness, arbitrariness and the indifference. In short the lack of respect. Other than Immigration, I even find the bureaucracy helpful. How about that.

Really enjoy all my wifes family and friends. Our Thai and mixed couple friends. I swear I've been to twenty weddings in five years.

The odd Thai aside, I get along great with them. Far better than most farang - which I judge to be people I by and large don't want to be around either. Pulling a number out of my ass, Id

say 75% of foreigners don't fit and never will and would be gone if it were not for the girls - or even more pathetically, boys. They

have no interests, don't travel, live indoors, eat western food as much as possible, Not married, don't have kids. Will post to this board how all Thai eomen are out to screw farang. Its just a hangout. In short, sex or at least someone paying attrntion to them....paying.

If your life is Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, etc...you do not even have the right to judge Thai people.

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My issue is strictly with Immigration. The sourness, arbitrariness and the indifference. In short the lack of respect. Other than Immigration, I even find the bureaucracy helpful. How about that.

Really enjoy all my wifes family and friends. Our Thai and mixed couple friends. I swear I've been to twenty weddings in five years.

The odd Thai aside, I get along great with them. Far better than most farang - which I judge to be people I by and large don't want to be around either. Pulling a number out of my ass, Id

say 75% of foreigners don't fit and never will and would be gone if it were not for the girls - or even more pathetically, boys. They

have no interests, don't travel, live indoors, eat western food as much as possible, Not married, don't have kids. Will post to this board how all Thai eomen are out to screw farang. Its just a hangout. In short, sex or at least someone paying attrntion to them....paying.

If your life is Phuket, Samui, Pattaya, etc...you do not even have the right to judge Thai people.

You appear quite willing to judge other foreigners here.

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When I'm in Thailand I tend to live on TVF from the comfort of my (actually the kids own it) veranda . . . in the morning . . . and then the rear patio in the afternoon.

I feel no ambivalence towards me in Makro or Home Shop which are the only other two places I ever visit apart from the garden centre where I'm made most welcome.

No idea about the rest of the place, not interested.

Yes, that is one way to avoid hassles, severly limit interaction. I prefer to interact. However, I make my stays in tourist traps and farang centers infrequent. I have many Thai friends and enjoy a variety of pleasurable activities. Perhaps a benefit, I do not have a Thai wife or girlfriend. My wife is outgoing and has many more Thai friends than I. We live a comfortable life with little hassle for visas, neighbors, sleaze-mongers, or corruption. My only real complaint is Thai driving.

Sure, Thailand is not as good as it used to be; neither is anywhere else. We have created a world of entitlement, unscrupulous ideology, political correctness, and a severely limited private life. You have to be smarter than the problem, perhaps that is the major problem.

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When I'm in Thailand I tend to live on TVF from the comfort of my (actually the kids own it) veranda . . . in the morning . . . and then the rear patio in the afternoon.

I feel no ambivalence towards me in Makro or Home Shop which are the only other two places I ever visit apart from the garden centre where I'm made most welcome.

No idea about the rest of the place, not interested.

Yes, that is one way to avoid hassles, severly limit interaction. I prefer to interact. However, I make my stays in tourist traps and farang centers infrequent. I have many Thai friends and enjoy a variety of pleasurable activities. Perhaps a benefit, I do not have a Thai wife or girlfriend. My wife is outgoing and has many more Thai friends than I. We live a comfortable life with little hassle for visas, neighbors, sleaze-mongers, or corruption. My only real complaint is Thai driving.

Sure, Thailand is not as good as it used to be; neither is anywhere else. We have created a world of entitlement, unscrupulous ideology, political correctness, and a severely limited private life. You have to be smarter than the problem, perhaps that is the major problem.

I have neither the time or the patience for lots of interaction these days.

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I live in the countryside. I work. I enjoy riding my motorcycles. I enjoy my colleagues, both foreign and Thai. I enjoy BKK but admittedly because I only go there once a month.

Life is always what you make of it.

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how serious is this resentment of foreigners

On a day to day basis the vast, vast majority of Thais don't give us a second thought. They're too busy getting on with their own lives.

On occasion I've met some foreigners who say stuff like "Thais hate us" etc. and after 5 minutes in their company I have to commend the locals for their astuteness. They don't hate us mate. They hate you.

Over the course of my long time here naturally I've encountered Thais who obviously don't like westerners but on the whole they've either treated me pretty well or with complete indifference.

Spot on. There is a 'nob head' factor in every country. Most Thais I've met have been good people. Polite, helpful etc. A few don't even notice you're there (and why should they) and a very small number are nasty pieces of work who can't stand foreigners .

My own country (UK) has a higher percantage of 'nob heads' in my opinion than Thailand. Although the comments about 'it ain't what it used to be' ring true. It's more built up in the resorts and visa abuse and right wing policies have made staying in Thailand for lengthy periods a little more unpredictable than it used to be.

The politcal situation is still the same as it's always been. An election gets won and the army null and void it.

Same as my own experiences over the last 12 years in Thailand thumbsup.gif

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Why would I want to integrate into a country where I can't stay in for long term?

Precisely! Integration by foreigners is the very LAST thing Thailand wants. As evidenced by their unequal treatment of foreigners in every respect. Property ownership. Business ownership. Work & employment. Treatment under the law. Dual-pricing. Someone else here just got finished saying thais don't like foreigners. Why? Because they don't like foreigners doing what thais themselves famously do when they patronize their sex industry! Nope - greed wants exploitation, and exploitation wants short tourist visits punctuated by as large a money drop as possible; not integration.

The Land of Smiles days are just something in the past. And that's a real shame. That aspect of thai culture was a national treasure.

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Personally i live in a small village,the major medium size town is 10km away,and is unusual in that it does not have the main road go through it,the nearest major city,Petchabun is 98km away.I can honestly say i have never encountered hostility or unfriendliness,or ever been overcharged,the locals seem very happy when you speak Thai ,there are quite a lot of falangs around the local area,so it is not as if i am a rarity,so all in all i am very content here,of course the attitude will be different in the major cities and tourist area's,but even then ,speaking a bit of Thai,and establishing you actually live in Thailand,i think you get a more positive attitude than if you are just a tourist[no disrespect inferred to tourists-we all started out as one].

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It's worse.

Some fight everyone that has a different opinion of Thailand, if only their prejudices are supported by some kind of authority - mass media, or doctors.

I tried to repeat Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority.

Some German would torture for 50 Euro per month - against his own attitude, only following authorities.

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