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Giuliani questions Obama's love of US; Democrats cry foul

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Think what u want of the man but the ppl on the right have disrespected the office he holds time and time again while they claim to be patriotic and law abiding. Ppl forget when that azzhole shouted you lie during the state of the union.

Sent from my S4 LTE

It seems only think that really matters is next election. Party is more important than the nation, and "patriots" laugh when foreigners disrespect and insult their own institutions.

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Think what u want of the man but the ppl on the right have disrespected the office he holds time and time again while they claim to be patriotic and law abiding. Ppl forget when that azzhole shouted you lie during the state of the union.

Sent from my S4 LTE

Bill Clinton was a perfect example of how the left uses the office of the President...made his term as US President the laughing stock of the entire world with his antics...


It must be very confusing, for those reading this thread who aren't mainlining the Fox News koolaid. Where does all this hatred of Obama come from? The United States is doing so well.

Let me try and explain. You see, first of all, Obama is a negro...

On the other hand, some would say racists are how the guy got into office.

I think the real problems were noted before the first election, no foreign policy experience, and very little, real domestic policy experience. I don't have any confidence in the man, about the economy, he never owned or managed a company. Did he ever even hold a real job outside of politics? He certainly isn't alone in D.C. but I don't think he really understands who, or what he is dealing with, especially in the Middle East.

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Giuliani says Barack wasn't raised the same as you or I, or as he was which is good, because two books have documented without dispute Giuliani's father was a convicted mob felon who broke legs and people's bodies in the loan sharking business, had shootouts against the police and pursued other vile and evil criminal behaviors.

Rudy!: An Investigative Biography

Rudy Giuliani: Emperor of the City



Village Voice writer Wayne Barrett did a full accounting of Rudy Giuliani, how he supported G.W.Bush then got FBI clearance for Justice Departments jobs after his political career crashed in flames when he withdrew from the Senate race against the successful Hillary Rodham Clinton.

When my biography of Giuliani was published in 2000 (Rudy! An Investigative Biography, Basic Books), I revealed that Giuliani's father, uncle and cousin were awash in mob ties, and that his cousin had actually been shot and killed by the FBI right around the time that Rudy was making his way through deep FBI background checks for Justice Department jobs.


And Giuliani's meltdown against President Barack Obama continues.....


First of all, he is a left-wing ideologue, whose foreign policy is a complete disaster. Calling everyone who disagrees with him a "racist" is a dishonest partisan spin.

Names please thx.......


Names of what? All the hateful partisans who try to claim that critics of Obama are "racists"? That would be a very long list indeed.

In other words, the sensational claims against Barack by his unrelenting opponents are vacuous nonsense, invariably fierce yet unsupportable, as always.


It must be very confusing, for those reading this thread who aren't mainlining the Fox News koolaid. Where does all this hatred of Obama come from? The United States is doing so well.

Let me try and explain. You see, first of all, Obama is a negro...

On the other hand, some would say racists are how the guy got into office.

I think the real problems were noted before the first election, no foreign policy experience, and very little, real domestic policy experience. I don't have any confidence in the man, about the economy, he never owned or managed a company. Did he ever even hold a real job outside of politics? He certainly isn't alone in D.C. but I don't think he really understands who, or what he is dealing with, especially in the Middle East.

The United States is not a color blind society or culture.

It is not post-racial.

And all of that works both ways.

It's the negative ways that get all the attention which on balance is good because it is being corrected as well it should be.


Huh? Where did you get that from - other than from thin air? laugh.png

From six years of 24/7 evidence, Giuliani's current meltdown being the most recent item on self-embarrassing display.


I once was an avid supporter of Obama. Obama, however, has completely lost control or world situations that can actually have a devastating impact on their entire world. No world leaders respect Obama, especially since Syria (where he drew a line in the sand, it was crossed and then slinked away under Putin's threats) and after Snowden (making veiled threats regarding Snowden that Putin simply mocked). Time and time again Obama has made his strong speeches about America's resolve and commitment to situations in the world only to back down and slink away from his statements when it became time to walk the walk instead of talk the talk. Putin knows Obama does not have the balls to do anything and we will now see Putin does what ever he pleases in the Syria, Ukraine, the Baltic states and perhaps now even in Iran. ISIS knows Obama does not have the resolve to actually deal with ISIS in an effective manner.

US and EU can only hope irreversible damage is not done until we get a new President that the world actually respects or fears to some extent.

No, the US got exactly what it wanted and that was a president who was going to move away from being the World Policeman. That's also what the rest of the world seems to want. If you have doubts, just read some of the threads in World News. You know, the US should butt out of everybody's business, the US is responsible for this and that (everything from the creation of ISIS to the situation in the Ukraine).

Obama is exactly what was wanted and he has delivered on that. So, we can all wait with anxious breath for next World Policeman to show up.

I might add that the Republicans made it clear that anything that Obama did they would undermine.

The post is right on exactly and precisely so it merits a special attention and emphasis.

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That was when Obama was trying to sell Obamacare. That guy that yelled might have been right.


The guy was completely out of order.

His disrespect of his political opponent was at the time an early indicator of how the far right has come to disrespect the office of the presidency, which translates to a disrespect of the political process and system, which carries over to a disrespect of the Constitution.

In short, unpatriotic..anti-patriotic.

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Maybe he was just angry that Obama was telling blatant falsehoods n order to sell Obamacare. He did did earn Lie of The Year for telling tall tales and it would hard to listen to, if you realized it already. Exposing those lies, would be patriotic in most people's books.


Until then no member of Congress had shouted at a president in the House chamber during a State of the Union address because he disagreed with the president.

This is radical disrespect of the office and it is out of order which is typical of the infantile and juvenile extreme tea party right.


Maybe he was just angry that Obama was telling blatant falsehoods n order to sell Obamacare. He did did earn Lie of The Year for telling tall tales and it would hard to listen to, if you realized it already. Exposing those lies, would be patriotic in most people's books.


Until then no member of Congress had shouted at a president in the House chamber during a State of the Union address because he disagreed with the president.

This is radical disrespect of the office and it is out of order which is typical of the infantile and juvenile extreme tea party right.

We didn't have Obama before. Actually, for disliking someone, I dislike Harry Reid and Pelosi far more.


I once was an avid supporter of Obama. Obama, however, has completely lost control or world situations that can actually have a devastating impact on their entire world. No world leaders respect Obama, especially since Syria (where he drew a line in the sand, it was crossed and then slinked away under Putin's threats) and after Snowden (making veiled threats regarding Snowden that Putin simply mocked). Time and time again Obama has made his strong speeches about America's resolve and commitment to situations in the world only to back down and slink away from his statements when it became time to walk the walk instead of talk the talk. Putin knows Obama does not have the balls to do anything and we will now see Putin does what ever he pleases in the Syria, Ukraine, the Baltic states and perhaps now even in Iran. ISIS knows Obama does not have the resolve to actually deal with ISIS in an effective manner.

US and EU can only hope irreversible damage is not done until we get a new President that the world actually respects or fears to some extent.

" a new President that the world actually respects or fears to some extent."

Which will just provoke new wars and I don't think you want that?sad.png



We didn't have Obama before. Actually, for disliking someone, I dislike Harry Reid and Pelosi far more.

All three are equally dishonest, but the buck is supposed to stop with the president.

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Maybe he was just angry that Obama was telling blatant falsehoods n order to sell Obamacare. He did did earn Lie of The Year for telling tall tales and it would hard to listen to, if you realized it already. Exposing those lies, would be patriotic in most people's books.


Until then no member of Congress had shouted at a president in the House chamber during a State of the Union address because he disagreed with the president.

This is radical disrespect of the office and it is out of order which is typical of the infantile and juvenile extreme tea party right.

We didn't have Obama before. Actually, for disliking someone, I dislike Harry Reid and Pelosi far more.

We didn't have Obama before

Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. That's 43 before.

Nobody hollered at President Ronald Reagan, the professional B movie actor and Iran-Contra arms dealer.

Nobody hollered at G.W. Bush and his Words of Mass Deception that killed hundreds of thousands and destroyed an entire country in the Middle East. Nobody hollered at the criminal Richard Nixon and his Watergate mobsters.

Double standard that is beyond the pale.

Rudi Giuliani has gone into meltdown too.

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We didn't have Obama before. Actually, for disliking someone, I dislike Harry Reid and Pelosi far more.

All three are equally dishonest, but the buck is supposed to stop with the president.

There are no bounds or limits against this president.

There's no valid reason for the extent of the extremism against him which originates from one quarter and that is the tea party extreme intemperate lunatic far right.


Guiliani has a love of war. It's no wonder he dislikes Obama.

2008 GOP debate, Boca Raton, Florida , Jan 24, 2008:

Q: Was the [iraq] war a good idea and worth the price in blood and treasure?

A: I was for it when six out of 10 were for it; I’m for it when six out of 10 are against it. I’m for it not because of polls but because America is in a war, an Islamic terrorist war against us. America has to succeed in Iraq. And the goal in Iraq is an Iraq that’s stable and an ally of the US. To be president of the US, you have to be able to read polls, but you can’t have them push you around.

1) Not really trying to meddle in USA internal politics here.

2) Do not care much for Giuliani one way or another.

3) He does realize and openly admits USA is at war with Islamic Terrorism. Which isn't much.

4) He spells out that opinion polls should not dictate the USA President behavior. Which is true.

Unfortunately this is where my appreciation of politicians like him stops.

You may label me as extreme right, left or just a nut case but, -

1) Western Civilization (including USA) is at war with Islam, Period.

2) West had always been at war with Islam but the truce had been holding for the last 700 years due to Isolationism, Period.

3) In the last 700 years West evolved (softened towards tolerance and liberalization). Islam did not, Period.

4) I am not Religious. But I do not like to die and I do not like to be forced thus I do not like Islam. ISIS shows us what Islam is about, Period.

5) Obama as a phenomenon is the quintessence of the Western evolution - FIRST American President in many ways - Black, Socialist, Muslim.

6) Nothing personal, IMHO he is a very charismatic man. But I prefer Toto and Fernandel.

7) People like Obama especially when prominent in Politics are a deadly danger to the West - by lulling people into illusory safety from Islam.

8) West cannot win against Islam unless it reverses to Isolationism, Period.

9) West cannot even fight Islam with 45 - 50 MILLIONS of Muslims living in its midst, Period.

Whether Obama loves USA or not is immaterial.

Whether USA loves Obama or not is immaterial.

Whether Giuliani is Italian or not is immaterial.

What Politicians say is immaterial.

Whether the West realizes it is in mortal danger is essential.

Whether the West abolishes Political Correctness is essential.

Whether the West will find the resolve to reverse its suicidal politics of the past 40 - 50 years is paramount!

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Giuliani has his own problems which has been more than obvious for a significant period of time now....

For Giuliani, a Dizzying Free-Fall
Chip Litherland for The New York Times

Rudolph W. Giuliani meeting with reporters Tuesday after visiting diners in the Lox Around the Clock restaurant in Delray Beach, Fla.

Perhaps he was living an illusion all along.



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