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Giuliani questions Obama's love of US; Democrats cry foul

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The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.



I know. Democrats are so upset about it that Obama is going to have to fence to border to keep them in. LOL. :)

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I don't care anything about US politics but my money is invested over there so I will give Obama an A+.

My retirement account was devastated by the previous administration but it recovered 100% and doubled again in the last 6 years.

Thank you.

  • Like 1

I don't care anything about US politics but my money is invested over there so I will give Obama an A+.

My retirement account was devastated by the previous administration but it recovered 100% and doubled again in the last 6 years.

Thank you.

Presidents have very little influence over the stock market going up or down. When your retirement account plummeted, that was an incredible buying opportunity. I doubt if Obama ever got an A+ in anything. Obama is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

That "buying opportunity" was Bushs greatest achievement.

Thanks George.


Of course presidential policy has a huge impact on economic performance. Huge.

Obamas policies have generated the best economic performance, ever. Right behind Bill Clintons record. Remember Clintons slogan "It's the economy, stupid." That resonated with voters after the Reagan/Bush economic fiasco.

Curious to me how the Republicans are considered business minded but fail miserably in managing the economy.

According to a Princeton study, real GDP growth the economy grows faster under Democrats VS Republicans, produces more jobs / reduces unemployment, generates higher corporate and turns in higher stock market performance.

As you can see by the chart, Reagan did better than most Republicans but he did run up the debt more than all previous presidents combined.



Of course presidential policy has a huge impact on economic performance. Huge.

Obamas policies have generated the best economic performance, ever. Right behind Bill Clintons record. Remember Clintons slogan "It's the economy, stupid." That resonated with voters after the Reagan/Bush economic fiasco.

Curious to me how the Republicans are considered business minded but fail miserably in managing the economy.

According to a Princeton study, real GDP growth the economy grows faster under Democrats VS Republicans, produces more jobs / reduces unemployment, generates higher corporate and turns in higher stock market performance.

As you can see by the chart, Reagan did better than most Republicans but he did run up the debt more than all previous presidents combined.

attachicon.gifgrowth chart by presidents.png

Actually the president, when discussing economics, is more of a cheerleader than a CEO. We often give the president too much credit when things are going well and too much blame when things are going bad.

Clinton's "it's the economy stupid" was a campaign slogan, nothing more. Every candidate promises that he/she can create jobs etc, but I have yet to see a jobs button in the White House.

And while your chart is colorful and interesting it has about as much relevance as one showing which conference team won the Super Bowl during the terms of each recent president.

The economy pretty much chugs along, the president's economic policies not withstanding.

Correlation does not imply causation.


I don't care anything about US politics but my money is invested over there so I will give Obama an A+.

My retirement account was devastated by the previous administration but it recovered 100% and doubled again in the last 6 years.

Thank you.

Gotta love those who point to a president as the source for the rise and fall of their investments.

Well Prezz Hoover did nothing for four years after Wall Street laid an egg, insisting repeatedly the government had no role and that the invisible hand would work its magical will to restore the economy to make everyone whole again. That idea, belief, thinking, philosophy was however 100% wrong and proved wrong after four years of only intensifying the Great Depression.

This time was the Great Recession and had Prez Obama not acted, and Bush before him at the last minute of his disastrous presidency, there'd be more poor houses in the US than single family houses, and the global economy would have gone south in no time.

Even Prez Nixon said in 1970, "We're all Keynesians now."

Well, still not all of us as the hard core minority continue to insist on giving the rest of us the same invisible hand job as Hoover did.


There are hundreds of examples of obama's actions and words that tell the story about how he does not love American - here is one example of many...

If obama loves American why is he going around diluting America's Christian history with make believe stories about 'Islam woven into fabric of U.S. since founding'?... No lover of traditional America would seek to tear down our history and culture in a vain effort to advance Islam?

This is a mild example of obama's attitude but it is very telling of his mindset. In my opinion - it is not just that does not love America - the whole concept of what America is about as believed by millions upon millions of Americans is just not in his heart or mind. obama is a foreigner in a foreign land - in mind, body and soul...

Historian shreds Obama's claim Islam 'woven into fabric' of U.S. since founding...

While speaking at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism, Barack Obama claimedthat “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” But, The Blaze reported Friday, historian David Barton shredded that claim while discussing the issue with Glenn Beck.


obama is a foreigner in a foreign land - in mind, body and soul...


Even Trump has thrown in the noose towel on the Birther thing although it does remain a favorite out there at the fringe.
And a person's surname is capitalized, not always entirely the same but much the same as many usernames are at general knowledge internet discussion boards.


I appreciate your loyalty to your party, but come on. Oabama is not perfect and he is actually now messing up where it really matters and is potentially dangerous.

Here is how much control Obama has over sensitive world issues now. Russia, China et al pretty much realizes they can do what ever they want and all they will get a stern scolding from our mouthpiece wimp of a President.


(Reuters) - Russia has offered Iran its latest Antey-2500 missiles, the head of Russian state defense conglomerate Rostec said on Monday according to media reports, after a deal to supply less powerful S-300 missiles was dropped under Western pressure.



Egypt acts as middleman for Russia-Libya arms deal



[Obama is] Paralyzed By Ukraine, Dumbfounded by Russia

. . .

From all indications, the president and his aides are downright torn over how to proceed, mindful of the consequences of both action and inaction. Meanwhile, Putin-backed rebels consolidate their gains.

. . .

McCain and Graham simply don't believe Obama has the stomach for the fight. (Neither likely does Putin.)

The evidence suggests they might be right. It's become increasingly clear that the president has serious reservations about arming the Ukrainians, even as some members of his administration – his secretary of State, John Kerry, and his new Pentagon chief, Ash Carter, to name two – are in favor of it.

"President Obama can't come out and say Ukraine is not a vital interest. It's politically inadmissible," says Simon Saradzhyan, assistant director of the U.S.-Russia Initiative to Prevent Nuclear Terrorism, an institute at Harvard University. "But if you look at what he's really been doing, it shows that the U.S. does not want to get dragged into a military conflict."



The Conservative crazy train in the US just keeps going off the cliff. They consistently run people away from their party with their craziness. Keep on talking.

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Posts in which the member's name had been used in an aberrant and inflammatory manner have been removed. Posts making comparisons to certain media sources as to a member's knowledge level have been removed.

I believe earlier in this topic Scott warned about doing this. Continue to do so and suspensions may ensue.

  • Like 2
No doubt about it. Our economy is doing well. New construction is booming in both places I live. That is not Obama. That is old fashion hard work of American peoe and the resolve of the American people not to fail.

I spent 08 on working with 2 of the 5 largest banks, the Fed and the FDIC to nurse my client banks back to health. There were some very smart people running that show and Obama was not one of them. Our economy was going to cycle no matter who was President from 08 on.

I voted for Obama and was an avid supporter until the IRS, AP and then Putin schooling him embarrassingly in Syria and with Snowden. Went downhill from there.

The situation in Eastern Europe is dangerous. Writing Putin off as a "paper tiger" is a mistake. Obama obviously does not because he is terrified of Putin. Every time Putin says "Don't you dare," Obama backs down.

We have serious problems if Putin screws with any NATO States/countries because Obama will back down and then what? Putin will likely use a similar hybrid attack throughout the Baltics now that he has seen the West's utter inability to deal with that approach in the Ukraine.

I watch more HGTV and weather channel than news. I watch more CNN than Fox. You don't have to be a bigot or a Fox News watcher to see that Obama is weak and impotent to deal with the big issues.

removed posts because I did not like themtongue.png Ok ok, to allow reply

I don't get it. everyone is ready to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong, Yet anything that goes right, was going to happen anyway.

If it was going to happen anyway, why did it not happen in Europe yet?

Ohh yea I forgot it is the hard work of the American people,Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. too bad the European people can't be as hard workingwhistling.gif

No doubt about it. Our economy is doing well. New construction is booming in both places I live. That is not Obama. That is old fashion hard work of American peoe and the resolve of the American people not to fail.

I spent 08 on working with 2 of the 5 largest banks, the Fed and the FDIC to nurse my client banks back to health. There were some very smart people running that show and Obama was not one of them. Our economy was going to cycle no matter who was President from 08 on.

I voted for Obama and was an avid supporter until the IRS, AP and then Putin schooling him embarrassingly in Syria and with Snowden. Went downhill from there.

The situation in Eastern Europe is dangerous. Writing Putin off as a "paper tiger" is a mistake. Obama obviously does not because he is terrified of Putin. Every time Putin says "Don't you dare," Obama backs down.

We have serious problems if Putin screws with any NATO States/countries because Obama will back down and then what? Putin will likely use a similar hybrid attack throughout the Baltics now that he has seen the West's utter inability to deal with that approach in the Ukraine.

I watch more HGTV and weather channel than news. I watch more CNN than Fox. You don't have to be a bigot or a Fox News watcher to see that Obama is weak and impotent to deal with the big issues.

removed posts because I did not like themtongue.png Ok ok, to allow reply

I don't get it. everyone is ready to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong, Yet anything that goes right, was going to happen anyway.

If it was going to happen anyway, why did it not happen in Europe yet?

Ohh yea I forgot it is the hard work of the American people,Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. too bad the European people can't be as hard workingwhistling.gif

Oh don't worry, the big deficits early on were all Obama's fault.

The recovery is all down to the Republican "feelgood effect".

You're never going to win with these chumps, they'll believe anything Fox News tells them.


  • Like 2
No doubt about it. Our economy is doing well. New construction is booming in both places I live. That is not Obama. That is old fashion hard work of American peoe and the resolve of the American people not to fail.

I spent 08 on working with 2 of the 5 largest banks, the Fed and the FDIC to nurse my client banks back to health. There were some very smart people running that show and Obama was not one of them. Our economy was going to cycle no matter who was President from 08 on.

I voted for Obama and was an avid supporter until the IRS, AP and then Putin schooling him embarrassingly in Syria and with Snowden. Went downhill from there.

The situation in Eastern Europe is dangerous. Writing Putin off as a "paper tiger" is a mistake. Obama obviously does not because he is terrified of Putin. Every time Putin says "Don't you dare," Obama backs down.

We have serious problems if Putin screws with any NATO States/countries because Obama will back down and then what? Putin will likely use a similar hybrid attack throughout the Baltics now that he has seen the West's utter inability to deal with that approach in the Ukraine.

I watch more HGTV and weather channel than news. I watch more CNN than Fox. You don't have to be a bigot or a Fox News watcher to see that Obama is weak and impotent to deal with the big issues.

removed posts because I did not like themtongue.png Ok ok, to allow reply

I don't get it. everyone is ready to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong, Yet anything that goes right, was going to happen anyway.

If it was going to happen anyway, why did it not happen in Europe yet?

Ohh yea I forgot it is the hard work of the American people,Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. too bad the European people can't be as hard workingwhistling.gif

Oh don't worry, the big deficits early on were all Obama's fault.

The recovery is all down to the Republican "feelgood effect".

You're never going to win with these chumps, they'll believe anything Fox News tells them.


And Fox tells them what they want to hear. There are more right wing nutters in Thailand then there are in Alabama.

  • Like 2
No doubt about it. Our economy is doing well. New construction is booming in both places I live. That is not Obama. That is old fashion hard work of American peoe and the resolve of the American people not to fail.

I spent 08 on working with 2 of the 5 largest banks, the Fed and the FDIC to nurse my client banks back to health. There were some very smart people running that show and Obama was not one of them. Our economy was going to cycle no matter who was President from 08 on.

I voted for Obama and was an avid supporter until the IRS, AP and then Putin schooling him embarrassingly in Syria and with Snowden. Went downhill from there.

The situation in Eastern Europe is dangerous. Writing Putin off as a "paper tiger" is a mistake. Obama obviously does not because he is terrified of Putin. Every time Putin says "Don't you dare," Obama backs down.

We have serious problems if Putin screws with any NATO States/countries because Obama will back down and then what? Putin will likely use a similar hybrid attack throughout the Baltics now that he has seen the West's utter inability to deal with that approach in the Ukraine.

I watch more HGTV and weather channel than news. I watch more CNN than Fox. You don't have to be a bigot or a Fox News watcher to see that Obama is weak and impotent to deal with the big issues.

removed posts because I did not like themtongue.png Ok ok, to allow reply

I don't get it. everyone is ready to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong, Yet anything that goes right, was going to happen anyway.

If it was going to happen anyway, why did it not happen in Europe yet?

Ohh yea I forgot it is the hard work of the American people,Obama's policies had nothing to do with it. too bad the European people can't be as hard workingwhistling.gif

Oh don't worry, the big deficits early on were all Obama's fault.

The recovery is all down to the Republican "feelgood effect".

You're never going to win with these chumps, they'll believe anything Fox News tells them.


And Fox tells them what they want to hear. There are more right wing nutters in Thailand then there are in Alabama.

True, but to be fair also true in the other end of the political spectrum,

I am afraid, that with cable TV and the hundreds of channels, people gravitate, toward venues that cater to their predisposition,

and are fed a steady diet of what they want to hear, "Drinking the Kool-Aid"

creating a public with a vary narrow point f view ,

in essence radicalization.

This radicalization exist in both the right and the left and there are those who are willing to exploit it.

That's where we get such actors as, Giuliani, Trump Al Sharpton, etc.

  • Like 1

Wait...don't put Sharpton in with those tools. Not a fan, but he's not in the same league with those two. MSNBC doesn't let its talking heads knowingly lie. Fox encourages it. There are no scruples or journalistic standards at Fox. They make shit up.

Google the 50 Fox Lies Vine as seen on the Daily Show. That's Fox News.


Wait...don't put Sharpton in with those tools. Not a fan, but he's not in the same league with those two. MSNBC doesn't let its talking heads knowingly lie. Fox encourages it. There are no scruples or journalistic standards at Fox. They make shit up.

Google the 50 Fox Lies Vine as seen on the Daily Show. That's Fox News.

I personalty know Sharpton back when he was on Atlantic .Av in Brooklyn from my work with HPD, NYC Housing Preservation and Development

He wore jogging pant and a huge medallion, and was a neighborhood organizer. He used the Tawana Brawley rape legations incident to rise to national prominence Brawley had falsely accused six white man of rape since then he has incited unrest in every racial incident, and used the event for self promoting He does not need MSNBC to tell him to lie, he is very comfortable doing it on his own.

Remember with all this people , it is not what they tell you, it is what they dont, everything they tell you has the sound of truth,

it is what Colbert termed Truthines

  1. the quality of seeming or being felt to be true, even if not necessarily true.

they are not stupid , they know what they are doing,


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