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Giuliani questions Obama's love of US; Democrats cry foul

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What these Obama lovers and Fox haters seem to be forgetting, or ignoring, is that Giuliani has every right to say what he said.

They don't have to agree with it, but most of them would be happy to take away his right to say it...because they don't agree with it.

If conservatives don't like to listen to what people say or what a network broadcasts, they simply don't watch the network.

Liberals don't think anybody movshould be allowed to watch it...but they can't seem to stay away from it themselves.

They're all hypocrites.

This is all just more deflection from the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare problems that are surrounding this administration.

Any old port in a storm.

before you can disagree with some one you have to hear what they has to say

and possess a broad point of view so that you might understand it

Freedom of speech s the foundation of this country, but there are limits to it, for instance you are not free to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater unless there is a fire, you are not entitled to engage in slander, there are profanity laws, and in a civilized world there is common courtesy and respect for institutions. The presidency, is such institution

The US unlike other countries who are held together by a majority of people from a particular ethnic group, is held together by it's institutions, erosion of these institutions , will undermine it's national integrity.

I agree fully with the concept the office of the President must be respected. I have always agreed with that concept even to the point of trying to never shorten the title to something as disrespectful as "prez" or failing to capitalize the title. You say the Presidency is an institution to be respected and with that I agree. How about the Church? I view the Church as an institution that should be respected but that will get me nothing but catcalls from many (most?) members of this forum.

If I were to meet the current President, I would address him as Mr. President and be polite in my demeanor. However, my respect for the office is not required to extend to the current holder of that office, whomever that might be.

For the past 14 years the US has had two Presidents. You must have been asleep in a cave for eight of those years to miss some of the more egregious comments addressed to and at President Bush. He has suffered through the worst of slander and libel attacks in known memory yet I have heard no outrage from the left concerning a lack of respect for him.

I hardly think the remarks Mayor Giuliani made concerning President Obama have risen to the level of some of the comments made about Bush. My guess is you believe otherwise.

No I do not believe otherwise, I cringed at the disrespect directed towards President Bush also, though I must admite I am guilty of some of it my self,

at the same time , unlike any other president I can think of, President Bush did not do a lot to help him self. Some of his behavior was undignified and went a long way towards inviting disrespect, such as the African dancing, trying to give Angela Merkel a back massage, his butchery of the English language etc .

and as such contributed towards the undermining of the institution.

You might disagree with Obama's policies,I also don't agree with all of them, but you have to agree that he behaves in a dignified , presidential manner.

PS: as far as the church is concerned, Which church? do you mean religion? of which there are many, no reason to respect yours more than others. I would respect them more if they respected my disbelief in them, instead of trying to kill me .

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God help them and the Republican party should anything horrible happen during a shutdown of the DHS.

87 percent of the approximately 230,000 DHS employees would keep working in the event of a shutdown. There is very little chance of a shutdown making a lot difference as far as national defense.

Those 87% are going to be working without pay. Every day that the shutdown continues is a day when parents are thinking about how they're going to pay for braces and new shoes, and everyone is focused on credit card bills and mortgage payments instead of keeping the country safe. This could potentially go on for weeks or even months.

Sitting on the other side of the world affords you the luxury of being so cavalier about the nation's security, but all it will take is one nut to do something crazy in Times Square and we all know where blame is going to be laid.


You might disagree with Obama's policies,I also don't agree with all of them, but you have to agree that he behaves in a dignified , presidential manner.

You've got to be kidding

  • Like 2

You might disagree with Obama's policies,I also don't agree with all of them, but you have to agree that he behaves in a dignified , presidential manner.

You've got to be kidding

I skipped through the vid, did not see anything undignified on the part of the president, perhaps I miss it, if you could please point me to the undignified part i would appreciate it .

The other picture of the Mandela memorial was perhaps disrespectful for the venue, I stress "perhaps"

it is a second taken out of context, I looked to me as the President being Human,

If that's all you guys got,

Thank you, you are making my point


GloZell is "famous" for eating cereal out of a bathtub that she is taking a bath in. Seems like the president could have found ab actual journalist to interview him. laugh.png

  • Like 2

There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


(Regrets, I tried to publish a reasonably sized photo of the NYDailyNews cover but the website domain here would accept only the enlarged one that comes out when I hit "Post".)

  • Like 1

There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

NEW YORK DAILY NEWSDaily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of way.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing endsItalian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


I see that article only picks up on what particular uniform one of Obama's grandfather's wore. What uniform did his other grandfather wear? And what about his father?


GloZell is "famous" for eating cereal out of a bathtub that she is taking a bath in. Seems like the president could have found ab actual journalist to interview him. laugh.png

You mean GloZel was being undignified ? if so you are in the wrong Thread, please start a GloZel Thread

The President is interviewed by many journalists of various levels of credibility,

GloZel has an audience, Obviously, and the President was trying to reach them with reasonable discourse, in a dignified maner .

What is wrong with that,

Remember, he is the President of All of America I think this video is a credit to himclap2.gif

Again Thank you for making my pointsmile.png


There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

NEW YORK DAILY NEWSDaily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of way.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing endsItalian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


I see that article only picks up on what particular uniform one of Obama's grandfather's wore. What uniform did his other grandfather wear? And what about his father?

You did read the New York Daily News article, right....

So anybody's got sump'n ta say, say it.....don't be shy......

What, Barack's grandfathers were witch doctors in Kenya??? cheesy.gif

  1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYgOlqinH7A

There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

NEW YORK DAILY NEWSDaily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of way.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing endsItalian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


I see that article only picks up on what particular uniform one of Obama's grandfather's wore. What uniform did his other grandfather wear? And what about his father?

His Grandfather after the Perl Harbor attack joined the US army so I assume he wore an US army uniform, his father

was Kenyan not sure if he served in the Kenyan army

Your assumption that he only had a Kenyan Grandfather because he looks black reveals your racism

So what is your point?Many Americans fathers and grandfathers wore the uniform of a foreign army, are they in your opinion any less American?

PS: Obama is the seventh US President with a foreign born father


Maybe these will help represent your position about a dignified President Obama:




Lame !!!!

all pictures of President being Human and not in the context of presidential business

what's next pictures of him in his pajamas? How dare him he don't sleep in a tuxedo cheesy.gif


There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

NEW YORK DAILY NEWSDaily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of way.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing endsItalian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


I see that article only picks up on what particular uniform one of Obama's grandfather's wore. What uniform did his other grandfather wear? And what about his father?

His Grandfather after the Perl Harbor attack joined the US army so I assume he wore an US army uniform, his father

was Kenyan not sure if he served in the Kenyan army

Your assumption that he only had a Kenyan Grandfather because he looks black reveals your racism

So what is your point?Many Americans fathers and grandfathers wore the uniform of a foreign army, are they in your opinion any less American?

PS: Obama is the seventh US President with a foreign born father

You seem to have trouble reading. I asked about the grandfather the article left out. I didn't introduce the article, you friend, publicus did. Too bad you were reduced to playing the race card so early. You can't even pass a basic comprehension test. A bit early to be slobbering down beer in such quantity, isn't it?


You mean GloZel was being undignified ?

Om other words, you re going to insist that Bush is "undignified" and ignore cases where Obama has been as well. Typical.

President Bush did not do a lot to help him self. Some of his behavior was undignified and went a long way towards inviting disrespect, such as the African dancing

  • Like 1

There seems to be a sudden surge if I might use the word of whimpering and whining about a past president who during his lame duck final two years adopted the mantra that history will be the judge of his presidency, which confirmed his awareness that he had neither accomplishments or credibility.

Giuliani was a washout as a candidate for prez in 2008 because Republican party voters who had held their nose at Prez Bush gave Giuliani the bum's rush to the sidelines and out of the stadium of politics. Now Giuliani has embarrassed himself to all Americans and to the world that might be paying attention to these sort of things.

In Rudy's hometown of New York City here's the response of one respected newspaper....

NEW YORK DAILY NEWSDaily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Daily News covers Rudy Giuliani's bizarre comments about President Obama.

Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of way.

But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.

For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy.

And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform.

OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing endsItalian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.


I see that article only picks up on what particular uniform one of Obama's grandfather's wore. What uniform did his other grandfather wear? And what about his father?

His Grandfather after the Perl Harbor attack joined the US army so I assume he wore an US army uniform, his father

was Kenyan not sure if he served in the Kenyan army

Your assumption that he only had a Kenyan Grandfather because he looks black reveals your racism

So what is your point?Many Americans fathers and grandfathers wore the uniform of a foreign army, are they in your opinion any less American?

PS: Obama is the seventh US President with a foreign born father

You seem to have trouble reading. I asked about the grandfather the article left out. I didn't introduce the article, you friend, publicus did. Too bad you were reduced to playing the race card so early. You can't even pass a basic comprehension test. A bit early to be slobbering down beer in such quantity, isn't it?

Any one who is confident he has something to say should seriously consider saying it...........................................................................................

or forever hold his peace.........................................................................................................................................

  • Like 1

Publicus, I said what I meant. I asked a question about why the article omitted one of Obama's grandfathers from it calculus. You introduced the article and now you are trying to bait me, which is a violation of the forum's rules.

  • Like 1

Publicus, I said what I meant. I asked a question about why the article omitted one of Obama's grandfathers from it calculus. You introduced the article and now you are trying to bait me, which is a violation of the forum's rules.

are you serious? You asked about Obama's other Grandfather because you were curious of what uniform he wore,

Did we just fall of the turnip truck?

I am afraid it is you who is doing the baiting

What calculus?? is there some math used to determine how american some one is by the number of relatives that wore the US armed forces uniform I am not aware of?

we all know what you meant


A post with a possible virus has been removed and one with oversized graphics has also been removed.

Please post in a civil manner.


Publicus, I said what I meant. I asked a question about why the article omitted one of Obama's grandfathers from it calculus. You introduced the article and now you are trying to bait me, which is a violation of the forum's rules.

are you serious? You asked about Obama's other Grandfather because you were curious of what uniform he wore,

Did we just fall of the turnip truck?

I am afraid it is you who is doing the baiting

What calculus?? is there some math used to determine how american some one is by the number of relatives that wore the US armed forces uniform I am not aware of?

we all know what you meant

An inflammatory, off topic article was introduced into this thread that asked embarrassing questions about Giuliani's grandfather. The simple point is that the reverse can also be easily achieved. Obama's Kenyan grandfather also claimed he wore a prison uniform and was tortured by the British. Alas, it appears that Obama's grandfather was a serial liar who made up stories and changed his religion to suit his circumstances. If you people want to throw stones, don't outfit your houses in glass and then whimper and whinge about racism when somebody calls you on it. Yes, you are baiting and you are introducing the subject of race into this thread. It's typical of people of your political persuasion. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/9339640/Tale-of-British-brutality-toward-Barack-Obamas-grandfather-probably-untrue-book-claims.html

  • Like 2

Publicus, I said what I meant. I asked a question about why the article omitted one of Obama's grandfathers from it calculus. You introduced the article and now you are trying to bait me, which is a violation of the forum's rules.

are you serious? You asked about Obama's other Grandfather because you were curious of what uniform he wore,

Did we just fall of the turnip truck?

I am afraid it is you who is doing the baiting

What calculus?? is there some math used to determine how american some one is by the number of relatives that wore the US armed forces uniform I am not aware of?

we all know what you meant

An inflammatory, off topic article was introduced into this thread that asked embarrassing questions about Giuliani's grandfather. The simple point is that the reverse can also be easily achieved. Obama's Kenyan grandfather also claimed he wore a prison uniform and was tortured by the British. Alas, it appears that Obama's grandfather was a serial liar who made up stories and changed his religion to suit his circumstances. If you people want to throw stones, don't outfit your houses in glass and then whimper and whinge about racism when somebody calls you on it. Yes, you are baiting and you are introducing the subject of race into this thread. It's typical of people of your political persuasion. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/9339640/Tale-of-British-brutality-toward-Barack-Obamas-grandfather-probably-untrue-book-claims.html

Not Off topic

in fact Giuliani and his comments concerning the President is the Topic and as such the article is apropos

all else are Off topic including Obama's Kenyan grandfather,


Wait...don't put Sharpton in with those tools. Not a fan, but he's not in the same league with those two. MSNBC doesn't let its talking heads knowingly lie. Fox encourages it. There are no scruples or journalistic standards at Fox. They make shit up.

Google the 50 Fox Lies Vine as seen on the Daily Show. That's Fox News.

What is far more shocking, google Obama's lies. Talk about someone with no scruples, but that's just Obama. Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama.

Since you mentioned Sharpton, it is mind boggling a person like Sharpton would be given access to Obama. What's that saying, "birds of a feather stick together."

What these Obama lovers and Fox haters seem to be forgetting, or ignoring, is that Giuliani has every right to say what he said.

They don't have to agree with it, but most of them would be happy to take away his right to say it...because they don't agree with it.

If conservatives don't like to listen to what people say or what a network broadcasts, they simply don't watch the network.

Liberals don't think anybody movshould be allowed to watch it...but they can't seem to stay away from it themselves.

They're all hypocrites.

This is all just more deflection from the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare problems that are surrounding this administration.

Any old port in a storm.

before you can disagree with some one you have to hear what they has to say

and possess a broad point of view so that you might understand it

Freedom of speech s the foundation of this country, but there are limits to it, for instance you are not free to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater unless there is a fire, you are not entitled to engage in slander, there are profanity laws, and in a civilized world there is common courtesy and respect for institutions. The presidency, is such institution

The US unlike other countries who are held together by a majority of people from a particular ethnic group, is held together by it's institutions, erosion of these institutions , will undermine it's national integrity.

obama has disgraced the office of the president a thousand times ... and deserves no respect... Among other things obama is a pathological liar.... a full length video of an hour can be made of his recorded lies ... not to mention his deceitful actions over six years. obama in not only Un-American -- he is Anti-American. obama is in his heart an Anti-Colonialist ... from Dreams of my Father (Ghost written by someone else).. obama in his heart believes that America is a Colonialist Nation and must pay for the misdeeds of the past... and Americans must be reduced to the level of people of Third World Countries ... Read What obama writes... read the analytic books about him ... but obamabots will not read anything that questions or is critical of 'Dear Leader'... If you want some links to read about obama real motivations -- I will be glad to provide them ...


Publicus, I said what I meant. I asked a question about why the article omitted one of Obama's grandfathers from it calculus. You introduced the article and now you are trying to bait me, which is a violation of the forum's rules.

I am unable to answer your question and I have no idea of your reference, which as I understand it is to "one of Obama's grandfathers" whom you believe was omitted from the article I cited and referenced.

You have made a couple of posts referring to the grandfather, asking why he was omitted from the article, which is your assertion and claim. I reiterate I don't know the nature of your reference to the man, nor can I answer your question of why.

It should anyway be obvious to anyone who might have your question that he would need to contact the author of the article, which may or may not gain satisfaction or resolution, but it would appear to me to be a sound and viable approach either way.

I am therefore pleased to try to assist you in your pursuit of the matter. Here is the Linkedin url of the author of the article, which appeared in the February 21, 2015 New York Daily News, Linda Stasi: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/linda-stasi/a6/522/190. I hope this is a viable link for you should you choose to exercise its new availability to you.

I hope you don't lose any sleep over this tonight and can gain the satisfaction you desperately seek of others who nonetheless haven't the foggiest idea notion of your pursuit.

Wait...don't put Sharpton in with those tools. Not a fan, but he's not in the same league with those two. MSNBC doesn't let its talking heads knowingly lie. Fox encourages it. There are no scruples or journalistic standards at Fox. They make shit up.

Google the 50 Fox Lies Vine as seen on the Daily Show. That's Fox News.

What is far more shocking, google Obama's lies. Talk about someone with no scruples, but that's just Obama. Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama.

Since you mentioned Sharpton, it is mind boggling a person like Sharpton would be given access to Obama. What's that saying, "birds of a feather stick together."

What these Obama lovers and Fox haters seem to be forgetting, or ignoring, is that Giuliani has every right to say what he said.

They don't have to agree with it, but most of them would be happy to take away his right to say it...because they don't agree with it.

If conservatives don't like to listen to what people say or what a network broadcasts, they simply don't watch the network.

Liberals don't think anybody movshould be allowed to watch it...but they can't seem to stay away from it themselves.

They're all hypocrites.

This is all just more deflection from the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare problems that are surrounding this administration.

Any old port in a storm.

before you can disagree with some one you have to hear what they has to say

and possess a broad point of view so that you might understand it

Freedom of speech s the foundation of this country, but there are limits to it, for instance you are not free to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater unless there is a fire, you are not entitled to engage in slander, there are profanity laws, and in a civilized world there is common courtesy and respect for institutions. The presidency, is such institution

The US unlike other countries who are held together by a majority of people from a particular ethnic group, is held together by it's institutions, erosion of these institutions , will undermine it's national integrity.

obama has disgraced the office of the president a thousand times ... and deserves no respect... Among other things obama is a pathological liar.... a full length video of an hour can be made of his recorded lies ... not to mention his deceitful actions over six years. obama in not only Un-American -- he is Anti-American. obama is in his heart an Anti-Colonialist ... from Dreams of my Father (Ghost written by someone else).. obama in his heart believes that America is a Colonialist Nation and must pay for the misdeeds of the past... and Americans must be reduced to the level of people of Third World Countries ... Read What obama writes... read the analytic books about him ... but obamabots will not read anything that questions or is critical of 'Dear Leader'... If you want some links to read about obama real motivations -- I will be glad to provide them ...

Please explain the meaning of being Un-American.

  • Like 1

Maybe these will help represent your position about a dignified President Obama:




Lame !!!!

all pictures of President being Human and not in the context of presidential business

what's next pictures of him in his pajamas? How dare him he don't sleep in a tuxedo cheesy.gif

I hate to mention it but you're the one that said President Bush's dance in Africa was demeaning to the office and you had never seen President Obama do anything like that.

Well, now you have.

  • Like 1
Wait...don't put Sharpton in with those tools. Not a fan, but he's not in the same league with those two. MSNBC doesn't let its talking heads knowingly lie. Fox encourages it. There are no scruples or journalistic standards at Fox. They make shit up.

Google the 50 Fox Lies Vine as seen on the Daily Show. That's Fox News.

What is far more shocking, google Obama's lies. Talk about someone with no scruples, but that's just Obama. Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama.

Since you mentioned Sharpton, it is mind boggling a person like Sharpton would be given access to Obama. What's that saying, "birds of a feather stick together."

What these Obama lovers and Fox haters seem to be forgetting, or ignoring, is that Giuliani has every right to say what he said.

They don't have to agree with it, but most of them would be happy to take away his right to say it...because they don't agree with it.

If conservatives don't like to listen to what people say or what a network broadcasts, they simply don't watch the network.

Liberals don't think anybody movshould be allowed to watch it...but they can't seem to stay away from it themselves.

They're all hypocrites.

This is all just more deflection from the IRS, Benghazi, Obamacare problems that are surrounding this administration.

Any old port in a storm.

before you can disagree with some one you have to hear what they has to say

and possess a broad point of view so that you might understand it

Freedom of speech s the foundation of this country, but there are limits to it, for instance you are not free to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater unless there is a fire, you are not entitled to engage in slander, there are profanity laws, and in a civilized world there is common courtesy and respect for institutions. The presidency, is such institution

The US unlike other countries who are held together by a majority of people from a particular ethnic group, is held together by it's institutions, erosion of these institutions , will undermine it's national integrity.

obama has disgraced the office of the president a thousand times ... and deserves no respect... Among other things obama is a pathological liar.... a full length video of an hour can be made of his recorded lies ... not to mention his deceitful actions over six years. obama in not only Un-American -- he is Anti-American. obama is in his heart an Anti-Colonialist ... from Dreams of my Father (Ghost written by someone else).. obama in his heart believes that America is a Colonialist Nation and must pay for the misdeeds of the past... and Americans must be reduced to the level of people of Third World Countries ... Read What obama writes... read the analytic books about him ... but obamabots will not read anything that questions or is critical of 'Dear Leader'... If you want some links to read about obama real motivations -- I will be glad to provide them ...

Please explain the meaning of being Un-American.

Almost impossible to have a discussion with a FOX news viewer with the hyper hate that they generate. That's why they have no friends except for their fellow FOX viewers. Sad.

This is from ONE Paragraph:

"disgraced the office a thousand times"

"deserves no respect"

"pathological liar"

"deceitful actions for six years"




"He believes America must pay for the misdeeds of the past"

"America must be reduced to the Third World levels"

"Obama bots will nor read anything critical of their Dear Leader"

If you happen to sit down with a FOX viewer, this is the kind of crap they go on and on and on about.

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