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Fears over 84-day detention without charge under new Thai bill

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Try the ISA detention power of Malaysia and Singapore.

And? Last time I checked, this is Thailand.

Ahhh...a non-elected government vs two elected ones...all in ASEAN.

And that's why Malaysia has had the same (elected) government for over 50 years. If you know anything about Malaysian politics, you will know that the ISA is one of the most damaging acts for it's citizens.

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Not to worry Uncle Prayut means no harm, you must trust him!

Actually it is Uncle Too as he liked to be called when giving a speech at parliament house to all the kiddies.

Let's not forget,

84 days in a Thai jail,

Is more than just 84 days in a shity hotel

From what I have seen on YouTube, these are grotesque conditions, in some cases shackled at the ankles and or handcuffed

Sleeping on floors with no mattress no pillow and the feet of the next prisoner where your face is, and your elbows next to the other 59 people in a room made for 4

All these little extras supplied to you as part of Thailand's commitment to human rights.

I look forward to Thailand following Americas stance, Just change the wording to "terrorists"…

Because that is what they are trying to target…Red shirts…Plain and simple.


And for all those idiots who lauded the coup are you now beginning to see the error of your ways?

Freedom is the underlying principle of a humane and civil society and should never be oppressed. This junta will continue to bring out new laws to suit their agenda; which is one of control, often achieved through poverty, the lack of education and above all fear.

Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out ... unfortunately there are many who are unable to do so.

It's time the west stepped in and started slapping on the sanctions ... time to get the rats out of the corn field.

Exactly , If you are a member of an opposition party or speak out against the Junta you could be classified as Non Civillian. These tactics are to put all opposition in its place and stop people from challenging the Juntas "Policies" in their quest to arrange a constitution the keeps them in power despite the popularity of other parties. They may also be concermed about certain factions in the Army , though I think that is red herring


And for all those idiots who lauded the coup are you now beginning to see the error of your ways?

Freedom is the underlying principle of a humane and civil society and should never be oppressed. This junta will continue to bring out new laws to suit their agenda; which is one of control, often achieved through poverty, the lack of education and above all fear.

Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out ... unfortunately there are many who are unable to do so.

It's time the west stepped in and started slapping on the sanctions ... time to get the rats out of the corn field.

Exactly , If you are a member of an opposition party or speak out against the Junta you could be classified as Non Civillian. These tactics are to put all opposition in its place and stop people from challenging the Juntas "Policies" in their quest to arrange a constitution the keeps them in power despite the popularity of other parties. They may also be concermed about certain factions in the Army , though I think that is red herring


"Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out"

​So you are one of the few westerners that wanted to stay when there were daily terrorist attacks under the PTP. BUT when the terrorist tracks stopped you felt unsafe and had to leave?

Can I ask you how martial law has affected you so much that you want to leave?

You seriously can tell me that you will leave Thailand because terrorism has stopped in Bangkok and that people have stopped being killed? You will seriously tell your peers and family that you left Bangkok and your home because the streets are now peaceful and murder free?

​At the end of the day I ask…How has martial law affected you or the average falang?

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With human rights on the improve in Thailand ,the 84 day detention should be a breeze , I shouldn't wonder that western Governments will soon introduce this as it is certainly the easy way to do things, certainly when a terrorist attack is imminent, maybe another way is to place everyone on detention, that's even easier, this has unlimited possibilities, why didn't I think of it , I probably lack that main ingredient Thainess.. coffee1.gif

Just like yesterday Canada introduced a bill which in essence says that anyone damaging or threatening the infrastructure of the country can be charged under the terrorism laws. The opposition is fighting it on the grounds that demonstrating against an oil pipeline for instance could be deemed as threatening the infrastructure of the country and so on and on it goes no matter the country your in.


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And for all those idiots who lauded the coup are you now beginning to see the error of your ways?

Freedom is the underlying principle of a humane and civil society and should never be oppressed. This junta will continue to bring out new laws to suit their agenda; which is one of control, often achieved through poverty, the lack of education and above all fear.

Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out ... unfortunately there are many who are unable to do so.

It's time the west stepped in and started slapping on the sanctions ... time to get the rats out of the corn field.

Exactly , If you are a member of an opposition party or speak out against the Junta you could be classified as Non Civillian. These tactics are to put all opposition in its place and stop people from challenging the Juntas "Policies" in their quest to arrange a constitution the keeps them in power despite the popularity of other parties. They may also be concermed about certain factions in the Army , though I think that is red herring


"Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out"

​So you are one of the few westerners that wanted to stay when there were daily terrorist attacks under the PTP. BUT when the terrorist tracks stopped you felt unsafe and had to leave?

Can I ask you how martial law has affected you so much that you want to leave?

You seriously can tell me that you will leave Thailand because terrorism has stopped in Bangkok and that people have stopped being killed? You will seriously tell your peers and family that you left Bangkok and your home because the streets are now peaceful and murder free?

​At the end of the day I ask…How has martial law affected you or the average falang?

Yes I've lived her for 13 years , I don't recall dodging bullets and bombs during that time. I come from London so we are used to being bombed anyway

As I put in a post yesterday, day to day life has not really changed as yet. But without doubt there has been a huge erosion of peoples rights. Freedom of speech, internment without trial , attitude adjustment, un-elected PM the list goes on. Now if all that continues I do not want my children to be brought up in this country I want them to live in relatively free Democracy where their Human rights are respected and protected. On the other had I am in hope that this phase in Thailand Political History will pass and we will return to a free democratic society.

I have no love for former PMs , but I do not appreciate living under Military Rule and Marshall law and the threat, rather than the action of both of those

By the way I did not make the fisrt post in the chain, but I gave you my answer anyway you anyway


Try the ISA detention power of Malaysia and Singapore.

And? Last time I checked, this is Thailand.

Ahhh...a non-elected government vs two elected ones...all in ASEAN.
Allthough I don't think that I would be using Singapore and Malaysia as shining examples of democracy.b
  • Like 1

Try the ISA detention power of Malaysia and Singapore.

And? Last time I checked, this is Thailand.

Ahhh...a non-elected government vs two elected ones...all in ASEAN.
Allthough I don't think that I would be using Singapore and Malaysia as shining examples of democracy.b

So you are saying elections do not equal democracy?

And a law to detain without charges for up to 84 days by a non-elected government is chicken feed compared to the law to detain indefinitely without charge by elected governments?


The most Democratic country in the world also has laws like this one.


Agree with your principle on the basis of the usual flat earthers having a go at Thailand when other countries have the same rules ...but The USA the most democratic country in the world? No actually its away down at about 15 or somewhere. Perhaps its that who can get the most money backing in the run up to presidential nominations where the rot starts that it does not get close. The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries.

" The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries. "

I know but Americans like to think they are the most Democratic. It's a fairly good bet that the posters bleating the most about Prayuth and Junta and Elite are Americans. When in fact their own country is being run by the big corporations and individual families!

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And for all those idiots who lauded the coup are you now beginning to see the error of your ways?

Freedom is the underlying principle of a humane and civil society and should never be oppressed.

Know what you're saying and I'm also done, but do you really think the country was free under T and sis? It was an absolute 'kin mess, totally bent, getting more unsafe by the day and was being bled dry. Hate to say so, but this seems to be the only way to effectively run a developing Asian country.

The most Democratic country in the world also has laws like this one.


Agree with your principle on the basis of the usual flat earthers having a go at Thailand when other countries have the same rules ...but The USA the most democratic country in the world? No actually its away down at about 15 or somewhere. Perhaps its that who can get the most money backing in the run up to presidential nominations where the rot starts that it does not get close. The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries.
" The most democratic are constantly a toss of the coin between New Zealand and the Nordic countries. "

I know but Americans like to think they are the most Democratic. It's a fairly good bet that the posters bleating the most about Prayuth and Junta and Elite are Americans. When in fact their own country is being run by the big corporations and individual families!

Notice, NZ and the Nordic countries do not have large corporations and families pulling political strings.

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I suggest that these types of laws will not promote tourism.....but lol.... this is Thailand

Actually it does promote tourism. Look at Malaysia and Singapore again. Reason - security and stability.


What's new? Most of Thai law is pitifully poorly drafted and made basic so that enough mentally challenged lawyers can pass exams to practice and rip off their clients. There is a lack of definitions and some laws breach basic principles of justice. Thais have a long way to go with their legal system and even further in installing ethics in their lawyers.

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Thailand, the new Burma. Burma, the new??????

Holiday Destination.

You made a erroneous inference like one of my Thai staff did in 1992.

There was mass protest against an army general named Suchida becoming an appointed PM just after a held election. He ordered a military crackdown on the protesters, and that was when my Thai staff lamented that Thailand is turning into another Burma.

I corrected him, saying, Thailand has something Burma does not - a King.

Two days later, His Majesty called Suchida and the other side for a dialogue live on TV. Suchida resigned and the crisis ended.


Yet another nail in the coffin as far as this place being a viable place to try and live anymore. That the detained don't get to see a judge is hardly any kind of loss, given the apparent preference of judges to regard most cases as a forgone conclusion.

That said, few US citizens seem to realize or even care, even when it potentially applies to them, that the situation as far as detentions is even more draconian in the United States. Can't speak for UK or EU, but I doubt it is much better. But as far as US law, last time I checked,1 year ago, according to recent amendments to the Patriot Act, US military may arrest anyone without cause and detain them indefinitely, not just 84 days. Essentially, as far as I can tell US law has legalized what was once an instrument of state terror in their sponsored right wing dictatorships in Chile, El Salvador, Argentina, Guatamala etc. the act of dissapearing people. Though of course the Thai military can do what they like, I doubt the bit about 84 days and you're free means much.

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And for all those idiots who lauded the coup are you now beginning to see the error of your ways?

Freedom is the underlying principle of a humane and civil society and should never be oppressed. This junta will continue to bring out new laws to suit their agenda; which is one of control, often achieved through poverty, the lack of education and above all fear.

Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out ... unfortunately there are many who are unable to do so.

It's time the west stepped in and started slapping on the sanctions ... time to get the rats out of the corn field.

Exactly , If you are a member of an opposition party or speak out against the Junta you could be classified as Non Civillian. These tactics are to put all opposition in its place and stop people from challenging the Juntas "Policies" in their quest to arrange a constitution the keeps them in power despite the popularity of other parties. They may also be concermed about certain factions in the Army , though I think that is red herring


"Yes, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not delighted at my decision to get out"

​So you are one of the few westerners that wanted to stay when there were daily terrorist attacks under the PTP. BUT when the terrorist tracks stopped you felt unsafe and had to leave?

Can I ask you how martial law has affected you so much that you want to leave?

You seriously can tell me that you will leave Thailand because terrorism has stopped in Bangkok and that people have stopped being killed? You will seriously tell your peers and family that you left Bangkok and your home because the streets are now peaceful and murder free?

​At the end of the day I ask…How has martial law affected you or the average falang?

Yes I've lived her for 13 years , I don't recall dodging bullets and bombs during that time. I come from London so we are used to being bombed anyway

As I put in a post yesterday, day to day life has not really changed as yet. But without doubt there has been a huge erosion of peoples rights. Freedom of speech, internment without trial , attitude adjustment, un-elected PM the list goes on. Now if all that continues I do not want my children to be brought up in this country I want them to live in relatively free Democracy where their Human rights are respected and protected. On the other had I am in hope that this phase in Thailand Political History will pass and we will return to a free democratic society.

I have no love for former PMs , but I do not appreciate living under Military Rule and Marshall law and the threat, rather than the action of both of those

"day to day life has not really changed as yet.

Your peers have been saying that since May the 22nd, 2014. ​It reminds me of those guys with the "End is Nigh" signs. The end never comes, but they continue to walk around stating it is near. So because of a fear that you have that something might happen in the future, but never seems to eventuate you will uproot your life and leave. That ethos makes you a perfect candidate for a cult membership who uproot their lives and live on a farm in South America drinking Kool Aid.

I am glad that you have not dodged bullets. Neither have I and now we can be glad that we will not inadvertently stumble our way into a grenade attack committed with impunity by government supporters. Remember 28 innocent dead and over 700 injured and not one arrest. I want me kids to grow up in a place were governments do not allow terrorism to flourish in its name.

​If you prefer a democracy albeit with terrorist attacks then move to Iraq. If you prefer peace and stability then stay in Thailand.



Some of you people worry to much.....or at the least flap your lips about the simplest things. Relax, get a massage and meet some nice girls......

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