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Workers needed for five key industries

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Every skill and the knowledge that goes with them have been available here in Thailand for many, many years.

We are the retired, the married with families, who live here in Thailand.

You don’t need to import anyone, just use what you have here.

40 years ago you education was important in obtaining a Non B visa, now it’s all about MONEY.

In my 30+ years here in “The Kingdom” I was listed on original work permit as a Teacher as well as a Professional Engineer. My work area we “All of Thailand” . Visa renewal was a snap, I did it myself.

My company put 3 of our Thai Employees through university , but none of them work for Thai Companies, why as they have told I am not allowed to think or question, only sign the documents.

Working for foreign companies allow them freedom to learn, question and most of all THINK, they encourage continuing education and they pay well.

We also held weekly training sessions for our employees, with intensives for improvements in both job proficiencies and English language skills.

It worked and worked well, trust me Thais can learn, if the environment and intensive are there.

Over the years my employees moved on, married, went home, but most still call and keep in touch with me, and that is almost 50 of them.

Now many of these available resources are spending most of their time jumping through hoops, trying to keep up with the almost daily changes or more likely the “Whims” of the local officials.

Our time is spent trying to figure ways to get around the ridiculous rules and other B.S. put in our path at almost every turn.

When I first came to “The Kingdom” they wanted Educated, Professional people to help develop “The Kingdom”.

Paper work was very stringent, education, references, technical abilities. That has all gone out the window it seems.

Thailand put your long neglected resources to work, we are here, we are ready.

We have established Professionalism, Knowledge and Pride in our accomplishments.

Most of our Credibility is beyond reproach, if not Check-It.

Why waste talent you have at your finger tips, us what you have here, most of us have a proven track record in “The Kingdom”.

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Assuming Thailand GDP will grow 4% per annum

Well, no fear of that.....so non story. Don't get it, surely these are for exports so what has domestic GDP growth got to do with it.

They want to create 3mn jobs in 4 yerss. Better buy a few machines instead.


unemployment in the country stood at between 0.6 0.7 per cent only. Hmmmm ye right. And how could they possibly know this figure considering there is absolutely no welfare system to compare with. Should they wish to assess the situation i would ask them to offer the official figure of exactly how many people in the country are paying tax. If you are not paying tax you are not in Employment legally. I would suggest 50% of the Thai population are not registered as paying working tax. [/quote

I read somewhere that only 3% of the Thai population actually pay income taxes! I think it was theBangkok post within the past year.


Going around most places you would think most places are well over staffed. many places there are more staff then shoppers.

Most big Supermarkets it hits you as you go in, 1st department is TV and electrical, about 20 staff mostly watching TV's........ right down to the little Moms and Pop stores, of course with most of these it the kids + there wifes maybe even there kids, Aunties and Uncles..

Get rid of 2/3 rds of the staff then Companies would have the money to pay the remaining staff more + would be workforce for all these 3 million jobs


unemployment in the country stood at between 0.6 0.7 per cent only.

Has to be the lowest rate in the world! As far as I am aware there is no health or benefit system, no proper tax collection scheme (except for expats that is) so how do they know how many people are unemployed? Absolute b******t and yet another instance of some half baked official opening his mouth before engaging his brain.

It is not a half baked official opening his mouth before engaging his brain.


Google is your friend.

From the Bloomberg article:

"The informal sector of the Thai economy, comprising anyone who's not covered by formal work arrangements, accounted for more than 64 percent of the total workforce in 2013. It includes street vendors and taxi-motorbike drivers, the self-employed and those operating in gray areas of the economy. They are largely counted as employed."

In other words, those who only work a few hours a day, a few days a week

Also Blumberg article stated that anyone working just 1 hour a week was considered employed!

Counting the Thainess way!


This is true of employers everywhere, but especially countries like Thailand that have spent more than the requisite number of years in the "developing" category.

Employers as a group, and especially as a lobby group conveniently have things backwards, because it suits their purpose to do so. They claim they can't increase wages because workers aren't skilled. They want the government to spend the money to get workers up to scratch while simultaneously demanding low taxes and also tax benefits to hire more workers. Where's the government supposed to find the money to fund the education employers demand? Not their problem. If government can't train workers fast enough, open the borders so we can bring in the workers we need, at the price we want to pay.

Other countries have shown that by mandating higher wages, they've created the incentives the average Joe needs to invest the time and money needed to improve his skills.

With virtually full employment, wages shouldn't be as low as they are.


The average Thai Joe has no motivation to better himself. Just satisfied to make a quick Baht with as little effort as possible!

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So industries will have to find other countries to set up in. 3.3 million workers needed, I really wonder how they come up with these figures. But if they really need that many workers then Thailand is in Trouble.

IMO, they don't know what they are talking about.

I think that the main problems in production enterprises in Thailand will be that they are unable to take responsibility. This would include punctuality, attention to detail, and them being workshy. I taught there 9 years, lived among Thais, not in Farang ghettos. They will always 'pass the buck', never admit to being wrong, it's always someone elses fault. Can you imagine a Thai working for Mercedes in Germany? I can't!


unemployment in the country stood at between 0.6 0.7 per cent only. Hmmmm ye right. And how could they possibly know this figure considering there is absolutely no welfare system to compare with. Should they wish to assess the situation i would ask them to offer the official figure of exactly how many people in the country are paying tax. If you are not paying tax you are not in Employment legally. I would suggest 50% of the Thai population are not registered as paying working tax. [/quote

I read somewhere that only 3% of the Thai population actually pay income taxes! I think it was theBangkok post within the past year.

A massive amount of this 3% would be foreigeners. I know I paid enough to cover 20 Thais.

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