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Now This Was A Shocker...


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I think people who say this is Thailand, get used to it are wrong. People need to speak up about this kind of thing. To put yourself at risk is one matter to put children at risk is quite another. The authorities need to enact legislation about children traveling in motor vehicles if it is not already on the statute books and it needs to be enforced. I know that therein lies the problem but for people, both Thai and foreign, to say and do nothing is letting down the very people we should be protecting, the very young who cannot protect themelves.

Indeed, though this is classic newbie type stuff. You do realise said 'authorities' are also the very people doing this kind of thing? You cannot change anything here and any attempt to, no matter how good your intentions are, will not be appreciated.

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Costas2008, on 21 Feb 2015 - 18:15, said:

The youngest one is 2 years old and she was asleep in her mothers arm while she was driving the motorcycle with one hand

She will be in a dilemma if her mobile rings........ sad.png

Nope, no problem.

I've seen several instances where one of the offspring riding pillion have been holding the phone clamped to Mum's ear so she can keep on driving with both hands on the tiller. Unreal!!

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Doesnt take long to become anathematized to that and many other wierd and wonderful and often crazy instances you would never dream of "back home", but here's the thing, you aint "back home", as they Thais say "up to them" !

correct CharlieH....but I just couldnt come to grips with at first....

Know what you mean mate, the family of four on motorcycle with a baby in Mum's arms doing 60kph is just as crazy to me.

And that's the farang.

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Your are in thailand so put up with it I just shake my head when I am in thailand drive around it is a shit place to drive and the poor kids in the cars I can't stand it but not much I can do .

Sorry to reiterate, but Dino's Law applies. Again.

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In Australia this is illegal and you would be fined. However, remember that this is Thailand, how would everyone feel about the PM if they changed the rules as in other countries. Of course it wouldn't work as the government wouldn't last one month... people can't afford tomorrows meal let alone paying fines.

I realize this is not safe, but it is what it is.

BS - people have money for amulets. lotterytickets, temples, iPhones, giant photos of the King, lanterns, kratongs etc. etc. Safety is just not a priority.

Edited by Mr Somtam
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Personally I would have pulled the guy over and told them off about the baby in the pram in the back of a pickup! It is about time, in my opinion, that if you see something that terrible and a real danger to the healthy, certainly the safety, and welfare of a minor child we adults have a responsibility to stand up for the rights of said minor child.

There is enough of this crap going in in this country that wants to be a member of the rest of the world and spouts on about being a first class country that has the best interests of their people firmly in their minds. The hypocrisy here in LOS is beyond the comprehension of anyone with a even a basic western education.

So, as I see it, enough is enough and if it requires us to say something to others then we should. The fact that the Thais have no scruples at all to have unsecured child/children in a car/pickup shows how little they care about anyone's safety let along the lives of their most precious.

Thailand has to wake up and smell the coffee! Thailand's police are not going to do anything about it as is their usual way of doing their jobs. So maybe it is up to us. I have done this in the past, with a smile gently yet with conviction. I managed to get the parents to understand and move their kids inside the cab of the pickup (that had 4-doors with two empty seats in the rear!).

This subject gets to me and so I feel I have to say something and maybe, just maybe, I can get things changed one situation at a time. At the very least I can walk away feeling that I tried and spoke out for the kids!

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Personally I would have pulled the guy over and told them off about the baby in the pram in the back of a pickup! It is about time, in my opinion, that if you see something that terrible and a real danger to the healthy, certainly the safety, and welfare of a minor child we adults have a responsibility to stand up for the rights of said minor child.

There is enough of this crap going in in this country that wants to be a member of the rest of the world and spouts on about being a first class country that has the best interests of their people firmly in their minds. The hypocrisy here in LOS is beyond the comprehension of anyone with a even a basic western education.

So, as I see it, enough is enough and if it requires us to say something to others then we should. The fact that the Thais have no scruples at all to have unsecured child/children in a car/pickup shows how little they care about anyone's safety let along the lives of their most precious.

Thailand has to wake up and smell the coffee! Thailand's police are not going to do anything about it as is their usual way of doing their jobs. So maybe it is up to us. I have done this in the past, with a smile gently yet with conviction. I managed to get the parents to understand and move their kids inside the cab of the pickup (that had 4-doors with two empty seats in the rear!).

This subject gets to me and so I feel I have to say something and maybe, just maybe, I can get things changed one situation at a time. At the very least I can walk away feeling that I tried and spoke out for the kids!

So you would pull the guy over would you ??? it's unbelievable how self righteous some are. In our modern day world not many years ago it was legal to ride in back of pick-ups in the states. Oh my god, what absolutely terrible people we were. I'm only happy the foreigners in Thailand can't change anything.

Take care of yourselves and mind your own business.

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idiots here make me sick with their treacherous driving, yes thais are really bad and stupid but some farangs not far behind. i cannot for the life of me understand why in this late stage the thai government do not introduce proper traffic laws ie zebra / pelican crossings where people can actually feel safe to cross and cars actually stop at lights. the idiot cop i seen the other day blowing his whistle at on coming heavy traffic coming at him at 90 kph really made me smile.

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idiots here make me sick with their treacherous driving, yes thais are really bad and stupid but some farangs not far behind. i cannot for the life of me understand why in this late stage the thai government do not introduce proper traffic laws ie zebra / pelican crossings where people can actually feel safe to cross and cars actually stop at lights. the idiot cop i seen the other day blowing his whistle at on coming heavy traffic coming at him at 90 kph really made me smile.

Pattaya has plenty of pelican crossings. Unfortunately most of them don't work. For those that do drivers ignore them and go charging through when they are on red. Pedestrians ignore the zebra part of them also choosing to cross some meters away from them and then walk up the street to where the crossing is and past. Is that daft or what? The mayor of Pattaya must be really happy with the kick backs from the crossings if not the crossings themselves.

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Costas2008, on 21 Feb 2015 - 18:15, said:

The youngest one is 2 years old and she was asleep in her mothers arm while she was driving the motorcycle with one hand

She will be in a dilemma if her mobile rings........ sad.png

Nope, no problem.

I've seen several instances where one of the offspring riding pillion have been holding the phone clamped to Mum's ear so she can keep on driving with both hands on the tiller. Unreal!!

Not as skilled as around my patch,one hand on handle bar,one one phone and one holding the umbrella.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are you really surprised?

You've been in Thailand long enough to know these things are common hear.

The other day saw my neighbour coming on her motorcycle with her 3 daughters.

The youngest one is 2 years old and she was asleep in her mothers arm while she was driving the motorcycle with one hand while the other 2 were siting behind her.

I really wanted to say something.....but at the end kept my mouth shut.

Unfortunately we are going to see things like that every day, here.

Yeah it is after all not our place to say anything is it... Best to keep it uncomplicated with the Thais right ? This is one of the first things I realized was to keep it uncomplicated and you will be fine....??

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