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just happened: bad motorcycle accident on thappraya at police checkpoint


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One more time just for you.

Speed, Idiots bad Attitude = dead people not drunks and Dogs, a few for sure but not the most.

How many times you been in the car and someone does something stupid in front of you and wife/ Gf says he Big Mao.( drunk ) . its a load of bull, its selfish, bad attitude, idiotic drivers

Are all of pattayas drivers drunk all day and all night long .?

Don't think so,

Of course not all idiots are drunk.. but people who are drunk increase at night and are a real danger. Personally id say drunk drivers are more a risk in Pattaya then elsewhere as its a party town with a lot of expats that think its ok to drink and drive (super idiots who are to cheap to arrange transportation and selfish too)

Speed does not always kill.. it keeps me safe (going as fast or a bit faster as traffic)

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I never ride at night, certainly not at midnight. You can bet 50%+ of other road users are pissed.

LOL! What would you do if you're unavoidably out after midnight? Do you leave your bike somewhere and take a baht bus home? For example, what is the probability of an accident between 23:00 - 00:00 compared to 00:00 - 1:00.

I always ride at night and usually after midnight as it's my favourite time to go out shopping and I'm a night owl. Although there may be more drunk riders/drivers around at that time, due to lower traffic volume your chance of an accident is probably lower.

I think external factors (time of day etc) are overrated compared to riding and observational skills/alertness. Defensive riding skills (always anticipating the worst, riding at safe speeds, staying alert) will keep you alive and healthy for longer.

Most of the accidents do happen at night, according to the statistics. Drunks and stray dogs are a big factor too.

Wrong, speed and Idiots, not drunks and dogs.

Like I said......Statistically, if you want to avoid an accident, stay off the road at nighttime. (Mahidol U study.)

76% of accidents occur at nighttime.

58% involve alcohol.

A large percentage of SVC involve hitting stray animals/dogs.

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I never ride at night, certainly not at midnight. You can bet 50%+ of other road users are pissed.

LOL! What would you do if you're unavoidably out after midnight? Do you leave your bike somewhere and take a baht bus home? For example, what is the probability of an accident between 23:00 - 00:00 compared to 00:00 - 1:00.

I always ride at night and usually after midnight as it's my favourite time to go out shopping and I'm a night owl. Although there may be more drunk riders/drivers around at that time, due to lower traffic volume your chance of an accident is probably lower.

I think external factors (time of day etc) are overrated compared to riding and observational skills/alertness. Defensive riding skills (always anticipating the worst, riding at safe speeds, staying alert) will keep you alive and healthy for longer.

Pattaya has one of the worlds best, and cheapest, public transport systems, the baht bus. Easy to use after dark. A small inconvenience to stay alive.

So let me get this straight. A truck with a steel cage and no safety belts, commonly driven by someone on Amphetamines is your benchmark for worlds best and safe transportation?

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Hope we can get driverless vehicles tomorrow.

Get rid of all baht bus drivers.

Get rid of all Motor cycle taxi drivers

Get rid of all Mini van drivers .

Get rid of all Coach drivers.

Get rid of pointless road blocks.

Get rid of Tea money.

Pattaya would be so much better.

Just think about it, you wouldn’t even need any short time rooms any more.

Just give them the fare back home after . thumbsup.gif

A win win situation. wai2.gif

Do we know if the guy survived the accident ?

Edited by petercool
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Motorbike riders of all nationalities seem to completely lose any trace of common sense the moment they get on a bike here.

Have they no idea that they risk their lives (or permanent disability, or excruciatingly painful skin loss) every time they ride one?

I drive a pickup because it gives me a good chance of walking away from an accident without a scratch on me. You will never see me on a motorbike.

Cars are the biggest danger, not for the occupants but for people around it. I suppose you only care about yourself.

Not a lot of car drivers zipping around in and out of the traffic ,undertaking on corners or not strapped in , and then overtaking you at a u turn and cutting infront because they are not turning but going back the way they came ,silly man

I see cars being driven that way all the time on my regular trips between Pattaya and Ban Amphur. Multitudinous lane changes being the major cause of accidents by cars IMO.

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Speed Kills. If you stay in one place and never move the chances of death by accident are limited.

For an accident to occur you need several factors in place all at one time.

One thing that can reduce an accident is "anticipation". i.e. Think ahead and use the phrase "what if?."

Avoiding any accident is closely linked to intelligence and experience.

Hence the reason we put the words idiot, stupid and the like into the description of how a person drives.

Try the following out on a friend or relative and judge the reaction yourself. Tell them you think their nose is a bit big or they have some other facial defect that makes them look a bit ugly.... The response will range from being not bothered it is the way they are or a bit upset by your observation.

But try saying the following whilst you are the passenger of a car they are driving. "Good grief you are a crap dangerous driver".

The reaction will be instant anger, coupled with frothing at the mouth and them telling you to get out and walk and never talk to you again.

We all think we are the greatest driver ever....until that tiny tiny moment in time when all the factors come together followed by the sound of the sickening crunch ...........

And the world is thinking about having driverless cars........cheesy.gif Good grief. !!!

Obviously dreamt up by people who have never sat on the back end of a Motorcycle taxi in Pattaya... Not for a gold watch would I do this again.

I hope the guy who had the accident is OK. btw.

I cant wait for driverless cars, its going to be fantastic. It will be safer, because computers will be faster and smarter than people and without emotion. And it will be convenient because the car will just arrive and you get in and it takes you where you want to go. I don't think we will even want to own our own cars, they will just be like a fleet of driverless taxis. We will just ask for one on our mobiles and it will arrive. No parking fuss, no maintenance, nothing. And fewer cars per person means less waste because cars sit doing nothing most of the time. Trials are underway in various countries, on real roads, in the UK, Sweden, the US and others. Thailand will be years behind of course, because of their usual corruption and ineptitude and plain stupidity. But in a decade or so there will be driverless cars for anyone who wants one, in the more advanced countries and eventually even in Pattaya. All thanks to Western innovation, by the way.

Wishful thinking. I'll never put my faith in a "driverless car" computer. My prediction is it will never happen anywhere in the world.

It's already happening.

In Thailand too. I could think of a lot of words to describe the average person sitting behind the steering wheel but "driver" wouldn't be one of them. There would be quite a few with "less" in them though. E.g. brain, clue.

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Today I rode my motorbike on 3rd road, south bound from the North Pattaya road intersection. A huge tourist bus turned onto 3rd just as the light turned green for us, coming from Naklua.

This in no way deterred the motorbike drivers from accelerating as fast as possible as soon as the light turned green. The motorbike drivers were as close as possible to the bumper of the bus without touching it. Then as the bus accelerated, it emitted a long and continuous stream of pitch black exhaust.

The bike riders clung to their spots behind the bus (as passing wasn't possible at the top of 3rd yet) so long as they didn't need to reduce their speeds. All Thais. I hung back out of the exhaust's way laughing out loud as the Thais were so determined not to do reduce their speed while sucking in all the black bus exhaust. Some were couples. Some had children. All drivers were men. Amazing Thailand.

One thing you can be 100% sure of is that there will NEVER be a stampede at western airports of foreign women coming to Thailand looking for Thai boyfriends/husbands. ;)

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No one seems to have picked up on the Police Checkpoint cause. The robber gangs seem to be out in force: one on Suk heading South towards Sattahip after Ambassador. Traffic flowing freely at 70 - 80 then police rope off one lane and funnel 2 lanes into one with little advance warning. I am surprised this police-assisted accident doesn't happen more often.

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Speed Kills. If you stay in one place and never move the chances of death by accident are limited.

For an accident to occur you need several factors in place all at one time.

One thing that can reduce an accident is "anticipation". i.e. Think ahead and use the phrase "what if?."

Avoiding any accident is closely linked to intelligence and experience.

Hence the reason we put the words idiot, stupid and the like into the description of how a person drives.

Try the following out on a friend or relative and judge the reaction yourself. Tell them you think their nose is a bit big or they have some other facial defect that makes them look a bit ugly.... The response will range from being not bothered it is the way they are or a bit upset by your observation.

But try saying the following whilst you are the passenger of a car they are driving. "Good grief you are a crap dangerous driver".

The reaction will be instant anger, coupled with frothing at the mouth and them telling you to get out and walk and never talk to you again.

We all think we are the greatest driver ever....until that tiny tiny moment in time when all the factors come together followed by the sound of the sickening crunch ...........

And the world is thinking about having driverless cars........cheesy.gif Good grief. !!!

Obviously dreamt up by people who have never sat on the back end of a Motorcycle taxi in Pattaya... Not for a gold watch would I do this again.

I hope the guy who had the accident is OK. btw.

I cant wait for driverless cars, its going to be fantastic. It will be safer, because computers will be faster and smarter than people and without emotion. And it will be convenient because the car will just arrive and you get in and it takes you where you want to go. I don't think we will even want to own our own cars, they will just be like a fleet of driverless taxis. We will just ask for one on our mobiles and it will arrive. No parking fuss, no maintenance, nothing. And fewer cars per person means less waste because cars sit doing nothing most of the time. Trials are underway in various countries, on real roads, in the UK, Sweden, the US and others. Thailand will be years behind of course, because of their usual corruption and ineptitude and plain stupidity. But in a decade or so there will be driverless cars for anyone who wants one, in the more advanced countries and eventually even in Pattaya. All thanks to Western innovation, by the way.

Wishful thinking. I'll never put my faith in a "driverless car" computer. My prediction is it will never happen anywhere in the world.

It's already happening. Driverless cars are parking themselves and even driving across the USA.

Crashes will be 99% eliminated.

Drunks and morons won't be out there killing 3,500 people a day.

This will be a good idea when they finally figure out how to make online banking and cell phones secure unable to be hacked, Until they do that this is just another area that will become more a threat to safety then a benefit.

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Of course the robotic cars will have redundant safety systems.

Imagine the insurance savings when cars no longer crash, maim or kill. That alone will fuel the R&D of the safety aspect.

Once the system is proven safer than random people operating vehicles, laws will change. It's inevitable.

Driverless cars are out there now and eventually the manual vehicles will be phased out. 20 years for a complete switchover?

Edited by joesanunu
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I have noticed an increasing trend in Pattaya for middle-aged farangi to wear bicycle helmets to get around the laws on wearing helmets when riding motorbikes. These are better than nothing but offer no protection for face plant type accidents.

Many don't want protection. .they don't want a fine. I bet you these are the same types that drink and drive.

...and don't use condoms either.

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I find when I'm driving the car I'll look in the side or rear view mirrors and motor cycles hang around cars like Ramora to a Shark,which I hate.

Very sorry to hear about this unfortunate chap though, I also hope he pulls through.

Had to google Ramora to a Shark. ​you are correct,

but vehicles do like to cut up the motorcycles and <deleted> about in what would be the motorcycle lane

As long as pesky bloody motorcycles 'remora' around me at a red light then start gaming on their phones or squeezing zits in the rear-view mirror (if they still have them) before farting about after the light has gone green selecting a bloody gear, stall, restart and wobble around cutting from my left side to turn right in front of me while looking back and down at their rear wheel (what on earth is that all about?!), I will relentlessly cut the buggers up on the straight and narrow bits.

Motorcycle lane? You jest Sir!

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I find when I'm driving the car I'll look in the side or rear view mirrors and motor cycles hang around cars like Ramora to a Shark,which I hate.

Very sorry to hear about this unfortunate chap though, I also hope he pulls through.

Had to google Ramora to a Shark. ​you are correct,

but vehicles do like to cut up the motorcycles and <deleted> about in what would be the motorcycle lane

As long as pesky bloody motorcycles 'remora' around me at a red light then start gaming on their phones or squeezing zits in the rear-view mirror (if they still have them) before farting about after the light has gone green selecting a bloody gear, stall, restart and wobble around cutting from my left side to turn right in front of me while looking back and down at their rear wheel (what on earth is that all about?!), I will relentlessly cut the buggers up on the straight and narrow bits.

Motorcycle lane? You jest Sir!

And there's me who thought only car drivers fell asleep at a red light. Seems like drivers of ALL types of vehicles are at fault sometimes. The road belongs to everyone not just those with a certain number of wheels.

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I find when I'm driving the car I'll look in the side or rear view mirrors and motor cycles hang around cars like Ramora to a Shark,which I hate.

Very sorry to hear about this unfortunate chap though, I also hope he pulls through.

Had to google Ramora to a Shark. ​you are correct,

but vehicles do like to cut up the motorcycles and <deleted> about in what would be the motorcycle lane

As long as pesky bloody motorcycles 'remora' around me at a red light then start gaming on their phones or squeezing zits in the rear-view mirror (if they still have them) before farting about after the light has gone green selecting a bloody gear, stall, restart and wobble around cutting from my left side to turn right in front of me while looking back and down at their rear wheel (what on earth is that all about?!), I will relentlessly cut the buggers up on the straight and narrow bits.

Motorcycle lane? You jest Sir!

And there's me who thought only car drivers fell asleep at a red light. Seems like drivers of ALL types of vehicles are at fault sometimes. The road belongs to everyone not just those with a certain number of wheels.

Correct.. I always think car drivers are asleep and playing with their phones. As motorbike rider I often pass them when going to my rightful place in front of the cue. Especially on places where there is a lot of traffic it sometimes takes car drivers 3 turns to pass a traffic light (I know driven the same spots with the car). I just can't stand that so i take either the small or big bike. With both i out accelerate the cars though I make sure I am never the first on the intersection. Too often you see car drivers going through red and they could easily take out a motorbike driver (and often have)

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Motorbike riders of all nationalities seem to completely lose any trace of common sense the moment they get on a bike here.

Have they no idea that they risk their lives (or permanent disability, or excruciatingly painful skin loss) every time they ride one?

I drive a pickup because it gives me a good chance of walking away from an accident without a scratch on me. You will never see me on a motorbike.

How's the view on your high horse today?

The view will be the same as normal, red lights or tail lights!

Particularly today in Pattaya as I just read that the Nua/3rd junction lights are off. Add that to diversions caused by the tunnel work (the big Dig), going will be slow.

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Had to google Ramora to a Shark. ​you are correct,

but vehicles do like to cut up the motorcycles and <deleted> about in what would be the motorcycle lane

As long as pesky bloody motorcycles 'remora' around me at a red light then start gaming on their phones or squeezing zits in the rear-view mirror (if they still have them) before farting about after the light has gone green selecting a bloody gear, stall, restart and wobble around cutting from my left side to turn right in front of me while looking back and down at their rear wheel (what on earth is that all about?!), I will relentlessly cut the buggers up on the straight and narrow bits.

Motorcycle lane? You jest Sir!

And there's me who thought only car drivers fell asleep at a red light. Seems like drivers of ALL types of vehicles are at fault sometimes. The road belongs to everyone not just those with a certain number of wheels.

Correct.. I always think car drivers are asleep and playing with their phones. As motorbike rider I often pass them when going to my rightful place in front of the cue. Especially on places where there is a lot of traffic it sometimes takes car drivers 3 turns to pass a traffic light (I know driven the same spots with the car). I just can't stand that so i take either the small or big bike. With both i out accelerate the cars though I make sure I am never the first on the intersection. Too often you see car drivers going through red and they could easily take out a motorbike driver (and often have)

Correct.. I always think motorcycle drivers are asleep and playing with their phones. As car driver I end up sitting behind them after they swarm a place in front of me (and I am already at the front). Especially on places where there is a lot of traffic it sometimes takes motorcycle drivers 3 seconds to stop zit-picking, texting, yacking, select a gear, look at the back wheel and then to pass a traffic light (I know having driven the same spots with the motorbike). I just can't stand that so i take either the sedan or pickup. With both i out accelerate the motorbikes but only if I am the first on the intersection and stick my nose far enough out that no bloody biker idiot can squeeze in without being side-swiped by cross traffic. Too often you see motorbike riders flying through red and they could easily end up eating the side rails of a truck (and often do)... som nam nah mofo!!!

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As long as pesky bloody motorcycles 'remora' around me at a red light then start gaming on their phones or squeezing zits in the rear-view mirror (if they still have them) before farting about after the light has gone green selecting a bloody gear, stall, restart and wobble around cutting from my left side to turn right in front of me while looking back and down at their rear wheel (what on earth is that all about?!), I will relentlessly cut the buggers up on the straight and narrow bits.

Motorcycle lane? You jest Sir!

And there's me who thought only car drivers fell asleep at a red light. Seems like drivers of ALL types of vehicles are at fault sometimes. The road belongs to everyone not just those with a certain number of wheels.
Correct.. I always think car drivers are asleep and playing with their phones. As motorbike rider I often pass them when going to my rightful place in front of the cue. Especially on places where there is a lot of traffic it sometimes takes car drivers 3 turns to pass a traffic light (I know driven the same spots with the car). I just can't stand that so i take either the small or big bike. With both i out accelerate the cars though I make sure I am never the first on the intersection. Too often you see car drivers going through red and they could easily take out a motorbike driver (and often have)

Correct.. I always think motorcycle drivers are asleep and playing with their phones. As car driver I end up sitting behind them after they swarm a place in front of me (and I am already at the front). Especially on places where there is a lot of traffic it sometimes takes motorcycle drivers 3 seconds to stop zit-picking, texting, yacking, select a gear, look at the back wheel and then to pass a traffic light (I know having driven the same spots with the motorbike). I just can't stand that so i take either the sedan or pickup. With both i out accelerate the motorbikes but only if I am the first on the intersection and stick my nose far enough out that no bloody biker idiot can squeeze in without being side-swiped by cross traffic. Too often you see motorbike riders flying through red and they could easily end up eating the side rails of a truck (and often do)... som nam nah mofo!!!


I gladly let you pass me.. I won't be the first over a crossing without making damm sure nobody is running a red light (bikes or cars) and then let you eat dust. No way you could out accelerate me in either you sedan or pickup.

But I grant you this there are idiots in both bikes and cars. Though I do wonder if you ever ridden a motorbike because selecting a gear.. that is only done by a minority of bikers here. Maybe less as 20% as most are automatic scooters. Plus then seeing someone selecting a gear.. for me it just takes a small barely noticeable push of my feet.

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I gladly let you pass me.. I won't be the first over a crossing without making damm sure nobody is running a red light (bikes or cars) and then let you eat dust. No way you could out accelerate me in either you sedan or pickup.

But I grant you this there are idiots in both bikes and cars. Though I do wonder if you ever ridden a motorbike because selecting a gear.. that is only done by a minority of bikers here. Maybe less as 20% as most are automatic scooters. Plus then seeing someone selecting a gear.. for me it just takes a small barely noticeable push of my feet.

There's red-light runners and green-light jumpers of all sorts. I find it scary that the 2-wheel version with 3 or 4 passengers somehow think that laying on the (sheep farting in a barrel) horn as they scream through the red light is safer than slowing down or... this may be difficult concept for a nation of perpetual 'me first' people, stopping.

You are right, there are plonkers on 2 and 4 (and 6, 10 and 18) wheels. I guess the ones that I see frantically toe-and-heel the shift are the newbie riders since as you say, the majority of bikes are auto, step-through, crotch-rockets that just need throttle. Badly serviced ones won't though and I would wager the average Click or Scoopy doesn't get serviced much.

I strive to drive safely but when surrounded by muppets...

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I gladly let you pass me.. I won't be the first over a crossing without making damm sure nobody is running a red light (bikes or cars) and then let you eat dust. No way you could out accelerate me in either you sedan or pickup.

But I grant you this there are idiots in both bikes and cars. Though I do wonder if you ever ridden a motorbike because selecting a gear.. that is only done by a minority of bikers here. Maybe less as 20% as most are automatic scooters. Plus then seeing someone selecting a gear.. for me it just takes a small barely noticeable push of my feet.

There's red-light runners and green-light jumpers of all sorts. I find it scary that the 2-wheel version with 3 or 4 passengers somehow think that laying on the (sheep farting in a barrel) horn as they scream through the red light is safer than slowing down or... this may be difficult concept for a nation of perpetual 'me first' people, stopping.

You are right, there are plonkers on 2 and 4 (and 6, 10 and 18) wheels. I guess the ones that I see frantically toe-and-heel the shift are the newbie riders since as you say, the majority of bikes are auto, step-through, crotch-rockets that just need throttle. Badly serviced ones won't though and I would wager the average Click or Scoopy doesn't get serviced much.

I strive to drive safely but when surrounded by muppets...

If the coppers really cared about road safety they would go after those red light jumpers instead of their bullying of motorcycle riders (and yes get the red light jumping m/c too). But probably too much work for them.

You might be right about the servicing.. but seriously the cost of servicing one of those scooters (got one for shopping close to home) is really low just under 500bt or so. Then again many people never service anything. Now my bigger bike.. that is a lot less fun when i bring it to service (I do of course) those prices are higher. The car is also not that expensive to service as we bought it new and then lot of service included.

But sure many idiots in traffic and on a bike I have to be extra careful, but its worth if for me as I enjoy it plus a 2 hour car drive is often a 45 minute bike drive. (some fishing lakes I visit). Also for an idiot like me who often drives wrong the fact that you can pass traffic means that if you make a mistake it does not cost you too much time to U turn. Unlike with a car where every mistake ads up time wise. I just feel better on the bike when I need to find my way.. easier to stop it and look for directions, make U turns (legal ones) ect.

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