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SB to Bang Sue to catch last train to C M?


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My flight gets in on a Saturday in mid March about 9 pm. What would the consensus be that I can get to Bang Sue to catch the last train to Chiang Mai, which I believe is about 11 pm?

I'd be travelling by Airport train to Phya Thai and Skytrain to Morchit, then MRT to Bang Sue. I have a big bag, so don't want to change at Makassan to MRT, or is it easy to drag a wheely bag between the two?

Also, I wouldn't be booking, so what would be my chances of getting a sleeper? ( I know it probably comes down to luck, but has anyone else done that? )


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The only fixed parameters of your dilemma is your light-rail travel which will take a good hour not taking into account how long you might have to wait for the next airport link train.

As for the rest .... airline punctuality, immigration and baggage claim - time for you to get out your crystal ball.....

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The only fixed parameters of your dilemma is your light-rail travel which will take a good hour not taking into account how long you might have to wait for the next airport link train.

As for the rest .... airline punctuality, immigration and baggage claim - time for you to get out your crystal ball.....

Immigration could be slow: depends a lot on who is in front. Then you have to wait while baggage is loaded onto the carousel and this could take 20 minutes or more. Customs is usually speedy. Then transport to the station, purchasing a train ticket, probably no sleepers at that late stage of things.. I'd allow a good 2 hours as you'd be cutting things too fine..

If I were you. I'd plan on an overnight stay in BKK and take a day trip up to Chiang Mai on the morning train.

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Even if everything on the airport end goes well, you'll be cutting it close. March is not a really busy travel time but sleeper seats do frequently sell out at all times of year.

I would think that you would more likely catch the train if you take a Taxi. ARL trains can be 20-30 minutes apart later at night so if you just miss one, your travel time goes way up.

One hint for speeding Immigration up: there are usually 2 immigration halls in use. If it appears there is a long line at the first one you come to, check the TV monitor at the base of the ramp. That monitor shows the lines at both areas...sometimes worth the extra 5 minute walk to go to the further one.

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an alt. is to take free shuttle to DMK-assuming its not just left with the next in only 59 mins, and catch train from there-travel time (50-60 mins) is roughly same as 3 trains+changes and you thus have 35-45 mins extra time to catch train. ANd its free!

There is now a raised walkway at Makkasan ARL-> MRT.

But that late train is the dead slow rapid-unless you are married with iron horses, just go to Mochit and catch bus.and arr CM some 4-5 hrs earlier

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Why not book a hotel room so you can Bang Sue in style?

Because my Tilac would bang me well and truly, and it wouldn't be pleasant.

Thanks all.

I thought of the bus from Morchit, but they stop about same time.

Was trying to save hotel cost, but I can always go to Soi Cowboy if I stay in the big smoke overnight, so not all bad.

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