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Massage parlour operator arrested for pimping

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Sexual exploitation at any age is just wrong, no matter how you look at it. But there is a part of me that has to ask the question, "were these girls actually exploited"? Sukrit said he used the internet to "lure" girls to work, but let's look at the reality of things. In reality, they weren't "tricked" into working and, more than likely, weren't virgins either. Once they found out what the "job" was, then didn't run away, they didn't alert the authorities, or their parents. They willingly went along with it. Before everyone starts flaming me, let me remind you that in the early days of the United States, the overwhelming majority of "men" who helped explore and settle the United States were 17 - 18 years old, and the average age for the "women" was 15.

"Ohhh, different times, different circumstances!" some will shout, to which I agree with, to a point. But only to a point, as those who shout this the loudest are clearly stating that the young men and woman of today are less mature, and less informed than the men & woman of those days were. Really? Sorry, I can't buy that argument. The world was built and shaped by "young people", and they will continue to do so in many ways.

"They don't really understand what they are doing!" Can't buy that argument either. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and did it willingly. They made a conscious decision to enter into the sex industry based on the money they could earn, and what it could buy them. Which means intelligence enough to make a judgment on their own.

Some will say that I'm condoning "kiddie sex", and that is not the case at all. All I'm saying is that at 15, 16, 17 years old, young people are totally capable of making their own decisions on matters. True, it may not always be the right decision, and could have dire consequences, but they have the intelligence to make those decisions.

I'm 66, and my grandparents married when they were 15 & 16, and stayed together their entire lives, built and raised families. My parents were 16 & 17 when they married. Does turning 18 suddenly "enlighten" and "educate" in ways that weren't possible before that age? Various countries have various ages for sexual consent and marriage, and not all of them agree. It is "society" as a whole who have placed "morality" and "right" on the younger generations, but who can say it is truly for the best?

Ok, flame away. lol

I have said for years, a girl of 16 who wants to go on the game as she sees a way of easy money friends and not breaking her back in a rice field is fine with me. But an 18 yo who has been sold by her parents , is exploited and gets trafficked is very very sad.and the perps need locking up or worse. So there !!!

Both are crimes, although like you, I know which one I think is worse.

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Its a fact that one has to be 20 years old to enter go go bars and other entertainment venues, most have very clear signs. Employees have to be 18, and in go go bars are employed to have sex, such as soi Cowboy, soi 22, so yes this case is an odd one.

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Its a fact that one has to be 20 years old to enter go go bars and other entertainment venues, most have very clear signs. Employees have to be 18, and in go go bars are employed to have sex, such as soi Cowboy, soi 22, so yes this case is an odd one.

Actually, I didn't find anything odd about it at all.The Thai sex industry as it is famously known, far and wide, is controlled by various godfathers, whether they be clad in green, brown or expensive suits. There is such a thing as turf and maybe this character had pissed off someone on his patch or next door. Whatever, it could happen anywhere and anytime.

The go-go girls are not employed to have sex, they are employed to dance and lure customers into the premises for further negotiations between the PYs and the patrons. A "bar-fine" is collected if the patron wishes to take the PY, girl out for fine dining or a trip to the cinema. What transpires between the two adults within the walls of a private room is exactly that...private.

Good post. It's amazing what strange ideas some people have about the entertainment industry in Thailand!

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The Police should have waited for all the perverted sex tourists to, they are the guilty ones not the girls

and what percentage of the Thai sex industry is dedicated to foreigners?

So you are advocating that the RTP should round up a few million Thai men?

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This smells

Read This five time real fast: After the two girls were brought into the room and the completion of sexual i(ntercourse) solicitation...............Sgt identified himself as................

Regarding solicitation of prostitution, this generally means that the person must communicate a request that another person engage in sex acts for compensation, and must have the intention to follow through with the request. - See more at: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/solicitation.html#sthash.jGYUalxQ.dpuf
Regarding solicitation of prostitution, this generally means that the person must communicate a request that another person engage in sex acts for compensation, and must have the intention to follow through with the request. - See more at: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/solicitation.html#sthash.jGYUalxQ.dpuf
Regarding solicitation of prostitution, this generally means that the person must communicate a request that another person engage in sex acts for compensation, and must have the intention to follow through with the request. - See more at: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/solicitation.html#sthash.jGYUalxQ.dpuf

Nothing in this story indicated that anything other than solicitation took place. That means prices and terms were discussed. At that point the police officer had sufficient evidence to make an arrest.There was no physical contact (in sexual terms) at all.

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You can get laid on Soi 22 ? cheesy.gif

I consider it the hookers graveyard. Queens Park Plaza and the bars in the beginning of the soi are full of middle-aged, ugly, fat women. Some of them even bring their kids to the bar.

The men I see hanging out in the soi 22 bars look depressed, alcoholic and many of the men have the empty-eyes look.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Under age, is under age and should not be permitted anywhere.

the one's that are young, but legal, do not have a clue of the harm they are doing to themselves.

but the pimps know.

this business of the thai girlsl being able to separate what they do, with who they are, is nonsense, it is who they are, not what they do, what they do becomes who they are, and everything else in between is part of the lie

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So what happens with regular bars where girls are taken off-site after the bar fine. I assume these establishments are legal, and only prostitution on-site is illegal. I apologize for the naive but that is the way it appears to me.

You're right. What you get up to privately is your business (within reason!!).

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"True, it may not always be the right decision, and could have dire consequences, but they have the intelligence to make those decisions. "

This sentence is very contradictory.

15 year-olds are idiots, and they don't have as much common sense as they would 3 years later at 18 years-old. For most teenagers, a lot changes in those years, and i think it is good for them to be protected from their own stupidity as long as possible.

Yes, true, they know what they are doing, so does a 13 year-old, but their perspective changes as they grow up and they get more sensible and can make better decisions.

Edited by Water Buffalo
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Massage parlors in Thailand offer sexual services? Who knew?

As for girls between the ages of 15 and 18 working the sex trade, I have known more than a few working Soi Cowboy and Nana over the years. Not one of them was there under duress, so who is the real victim here?

Not saying it is right, I think they are far too young, and personally I prefer older girls. Ever try talking to a 15 year old (bar girl) for longer than 2 minutes? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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