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Discord and discrimination hurt reconciliation: Thai poll

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Discord and discrimination hurt reconciliation: poll
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Having different opinions and discriminating against others is a major obstacle to achieving national reconciliation, according to Dusit Poll results released yesterday.

The poll conducted on 1441 people between February 16 and 21 revealed that 86 per cent of respondents believed reconciliation was not easy to achieve because people held different opinions and discriminatory views.

Another 80 per cent said it was difficult because people were selfish and sought vested interests and 76 per cent believed it was because of economic and social disparity.

Another 75 per cent said the reason for the difficulty was the fact people received distorted information, 75 per cent said a double standard when enforcing the law was the root of the problem.

To bring about reconciliation, 79 per cent said both parties from the political divide must possess an open mind and use reason not emotion to deal with conflict, 70 per cent said Thais must be instilled with a sense of morality and unity, 63 per cent said reconciliation activities should be carried out consistently and 61 per cent said the law must be enforced without double standards.

When asked which organisations they expect would help bring about reconciliation, 77 per cent said every Thai, 73 per cent said the PM, 71 per cent said the Education Ministry or teachers and students, 70 per cent said state or local government and 68 said the family institution.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Discord-and-discrimination-hurt-reconciliation-pol-30254650.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-23


Thais are not different than the other people in the world.

If they cannot compromise, it's not a question of race or "losing face". To compromise is something people can learn. At school for example.

But, of course, it supposes first that every body accept the concept of "equality" between the human beings.


I am very impressed with each and every result in that pole.

I now believe the average Thai does understand good human morality and fairness.

Very good on you Thailand.


Thais as a people have to mature and grow up. They need to understand modern interdependencies and correlations. That's usually achieved by having a proper education system, a stable family/society, and by social interaction when growing up.

A culture that shuns taking responsibility for own actions, a society who is told they are perfect and can't do anything wrong, governments who are clueless on what drives development (or hamper development on purpose)...these are the wrenches in the works, pull them out and maybe the cogs start turning (if you wear the correct amulet)


Thais as a people have to mature and grow up. They need to understand modern interdependencies and correlations. That's usually achieved by having a proper education system, a stable family/society, and by social interaction when growing up.

A culture that shuns taking responsibility for own actions, a society who is told they are perfect and can't do anything wrong, governments who are clueless on what drives development (or hamper development on purpose)...these are the wrenches in the works, pull them out and maybe the cogs start turning (if you wear the correct amulet)

You are very right, but at least the majority of Thais know there's a problem. At least from this pole it's said.


"Another 75 per cent said the reason for the difficulty was the fact people received distorted information"

Maybe these surveys should STOP then? It might help in the reconciliation process.

"When asked which organisations they expect would help bring about reconciliation..."

#1 answer is ALL THAIS, not the NLA/NRC/CDC, not any of the Independent Organizations, not the military, not the Head of State.

#2 answer is the PM but he refuses and certainly is NOT a representative of ALL THAIS.


"Another 75 per cent said the reason for the difficulty was the fact people received distorted information"

Maybe these surveys should STOP then? It might help in the reconciliation process.

"When asked which organisations they expect would help bring about reconciliation..."

#1 answer is ALL THAIS, not the NLA/NRC/CDC, not any of the Independent Organizations, not the military, not the Head of State.

#2 answer is the PM but he refuses and certainly is NOT a representative of ALL THAIS.

Well, you seem to accept the 75% and use it to condemn the poll for distorted information. Seems somewhat illogical.

As for #1 and #2, 'all Thai' is not an organisation, All PMs represent their country and therefore all Thais.

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