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Australia to tighten immigration laws in counterterror bid


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Australia to tighten immigration laws in counterterror bid

SYDNEY (AP) — Australia will strengthen immigration laws and crack down on groups that incite hatred under a raft of counterterrorism measures introduced Monday in a bid to combat the threat from home-grown terrorists.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the nation's new anti-extremism strategy following the release of a government review into December's deadly siege at a cafe in Sydney's busy Martin Place plaza.

Man Monis, an Iranian-born, self-styled cleric with a long criminal history, took 18 people hostage inside the cafe, forced them to hold up a flag bearing the Islamic declaration of faith and demanded he be delivered a flag of the Islamic State group. Monis and two hostages were killed.

The government review found no major faults with multiple agencies that failed to detect Monis was a threat, despite the fact that he was out on bail on sexual assault and accessory to murder charges. But Abbott acknowledged the system itself had failed, saying Monis should never have been allowed into Australia, should not have been out on bail and should not have been able to get a gun.

"It's clear that in too many instances, the threshold for action was set too high. And that the only beneficiary of that was the Martin Place murderer himself," Abbott said. "We cannot allow bad people to use our good nature against us."

The measures announced Monday would revoke or suspend Australian citizenship for dual nationals who fight alongside terror groups overseas, axe welfare payments and consular services to those involved in terrorism and clamp down on "hate preachers," or groups that incite religious or racial hatred.

Australia's government raised the country's terror warning level in September in response to the domestic threat posed by supporters of the Islamic State group. In September, the group's spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani issued a message urging attacks abroad, specifically mentioning Australia.

Abbott warned that the terrorism threat in Australia has escalated, noting that one-third of all terrorism-related arrests since 2001 have occurred in the last six months. At least 110 Australians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside extremists, and the nation's security agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago, Abbott said.

Earlier this month, two men were charged with planning to launch an imminent, Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack in Australia after Abbott said they appeared on a video threatening to stab the kidneys and necks of their victims. And in September, a man arrested during a series of counterterrorism raids was charged with conspiring with an Islamic State leader in Syria to behead a random person in Sydney.

"The terrorist threat is rising, at home and abroad, and is becoming harder to combat," Abbott said. "Today's terrorism requires little more than a camera phone, a knife and a victim."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-23

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Abbott warned that the terrorism threat in Australia has escalated, noting that one-third of all terrorism-related arrests since 2001 have occurred in the last six months. At least 110 Australians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside extremists, and the nation's security agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago, Abbott said.

Not 4 months ago, I was castigated on another thread for suggesting that Australia had a problem and had better face up and deal with it PDQ.

Utter cr@p was the call. Its all good in the hood. No idea what you are talking about.

Hell yeah. More than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations ongoing.

I hope that humble pie doesn't choke you too much.

Are you going to post us more links to protests happening on the streets of Australia 'right now' which are based on 6 month old news stories?

Or are you going to tell us our PM is a member of the Liberal Democrats again, rather than a conservative PM that he is?

We are talking about Australia, not Austria....you know dear chap. Just in case you were still confused about all things Australian, which your posts clearly demonstrate time and again.

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Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

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As usual way to little and way to late , I wish politicians would man up and admit multiculturalism doesnt work and fix this problem the answer is not more control over the law abiding citizens

As a product of it, I say it works just fine.

And if you don't agree with Multicuturalism, i take it you read speak and write fluent Thai and have given up speaking English and eating strange western food on all but the odd occasion.

Touche Sam!

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Abbott warned that the terrorism threat in Australia has escalated, noting that one-third of all terrorism-related arrests since 2001 have occurred in the last six months. At least 110 Australians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside extremists, and the nation's security agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago, Abbott said.

Not 4 months ago, I was castigated on another thread for suggesting that Australia had a problem and had better face up and deal with it PDQ.

Utter cr@p was the call. Its all good in the hood. No idea what you are talking about.

Hell yeah. More than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations ongoing.

I hope that humble pie doesn't choke you too much.

If I recall correctly you were suggesting that Australia was in dire threat from Islamic radicals and basically all Muslims are a threat to national security. I believe I am correct there have been twenty people arrested in Australia in the past twelve months on terrorism related charges. Contrary to the numbers in the OP, today in parliament estimated about 90 Australians have travelled to Iraq / Syria to join terrorist groups. It is thought approx 20 of the 90 who have travelled to the M.E. have been killed. Within Australia people have had their passports cancelled to stop them from travelling. In the past twelve months one Australian has been murdered by an extremist within our borders.

In summary, so far, the Oz police and security agencies IMO are doing a good job. With todays’ announcement of intent to firm up relevant laws and policy, Federal politicians were praising the support agencies are receiving from within the Muslim community to identify threats.

Abbott wants to put in place further restrictions, but is prone to put his foot firmly in it with banal statements. He will have to get people and parliament on side to pass the necessary laws; it is by no means certain all aspects of his agenda will be enacted.

Edited by simple1
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As usual way to little and way to late , I wish politicians would man up and admit multiculturalism doesnt work and fix this problem the answer is not more control over the law abiding citizens

As a product of it, I say it works just fine.

And if you don't agree with Multicuturalism, i take it you read speak and write fluent Thai and have given up speaking English and eating strange western food on all but the odd occasion.

Touche Sam!

A product of multiculturalism?

From the tone of your snide comments I would say that in your case it did not work all that well did it?

Before you even think to call me intolerant you should know that none of my 4 wives were from my own culture and before the word racist crops up you should also know that none of my 3 kids are white.

One real Aussie would never be so quick to attack another.

If there is multiculturalism in Australia then it was created by Australians who had no obligation to accept other cultures in the first place.

If pointing out hypocracy is snide, then so be it.

Love how you drop in you 'real aussie' comment. Dog whistle par excellence.

Edited by samran
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The movie V for Vendetta sums up neatly how the fascist state controls the population: through fear and false flag events.

Anyone without the MSN blinkers on can see this is being used throughout the West: 9-11, Charlie etc

Muslims indeed to not integrate well into Western culture and the flow of immigration from them has been a bad idea. However that aside it has been the West led by the US that has declared war on Islam, and that ferments hatred.

It becomes a viscous circle, if no terrorist actions then they are false flagged to create fear in the population to allow an even harsher police state. Then idiot politicians like Abbott in leau of any actual useful policies then use this for domestic voter support.

We are being manipulated.

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Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the nation's new anti-extremism strategy following the release of a government review into December's deadly siege at a cafe in Sydney's busy Martin Place plaza

More mis- direction from Tony. The guy is a total embarrassment for Australia.

Some nutbag takes hostages in a siege. 2 people die. Not even a terrorism act. But Tony and other politicians and media are intent on whipping up a storm

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Abbott warned that the terrorism threat in Australia has escalated, noting that one-third of all terrorism-related arrests since 2001 have occurred in the last six months. At least 110 Australians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside extremists, and the nation's security agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago, Abbott said.

Not 4 months ago, I was castigated on another thread for suggesting that Australia had a problem and had better face up and deal with it PDQ.

Utter cr@p was the call. Its all good in the hood. No idea what you are talking about.

Hell yeah. More than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations ongoing.

I hope that humble pie doesn't choke you too much.

Are you going to post us more links to protests happening on the streets of Australia 'right now' which are based on 6 month old news stories?

Or are you going to tell us our PM is a member of the Liberal Democrats again, rather than a conservative PM that he is?

We are talking about Australia, not Austria....you know dear chap. Just in case you were still confused about all things Australian, which your posts clearly demonstrate time and again.

Nah I will just post the link to the thread.


People can re-read it if they desire.

Hope that humble pie tastes good.

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Abbott warned that the terrorism threat in Australia has escalated, noting that one-third of all terrorism-related arrests since 2001 have occurred in the last six months. At least 110 Australians have gone to Iraq and Syria to fight alongside extremists, and the nation's security agency is juggling more than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations — more than double the number a year ago, Abbott said.

Not 4 months ago, I was castigated on another thread for suggesting that Australia had a problem and had better face up and deal with it PDQ.

Utter cr@p was the call. Its all good in the hood. No idea what you are talking about.

Hell yeah. More than 400 high-priority counterterrorism investigations ongoing.

I hope that humble pie doesn't choke you too much.

If I recall correctly you were suggesting that Australia was in dire threat from Islamic radicals and basically all Muslims are a threat to national security. I believe I am correct there have been twenty people arrested in Australia in the past twelve months on terrorism related charges. Contrary to the numbers in the OP, today in parliament estimated about 90 Australians have travelled to Iraq / Syria to join terrorist groups. It is thought approx 20 of the 90 who have travelled to the M.E. have been killed. Within Australia people have had their passports cancelled to stop them from travelling. In the past twelve months one Australian has been murdered by an extremist within our borders.

In summary, so far, the Oz police and security agencies IMO are doing a good job. With todays’ announcement of intent to firm up relevant laws and policy, Federal politicians were praising the support agencies are receiving from within the Muslim community to identify threats.

Abbott wants to put in place further restrictions, but is prone to put his foot firmly in it with banal statements. He will have to get people and parliament on side to pass the necessary laws; it is by no means certain all aspects of his agenda will be enacted.

I do not care one jot about Tony Abbott or any other Politician.

Neither do I care how many have, or have not been arrested. I am more concerned with the 400 ongoing active terrorist investigations.

You also remember wrongly.

I suggested that Australia take a long hard look at the UK / EU and not follow the same path.

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Simple 1

In summary, so far, the Oz police and security agencies IMO are doing a good job

Really ? You think so ?

The document says that the 18 calls to the national security hotline were made between 9-12 December - three days before the cafe siege.

It says Australia's security service and police considered that the Facebook posts by Monis "contained no indications of an imminent threat".

"On the basis of the information available at the time, he fell well outside the threshold to be included in the 400 highest priority counter-terrorism investigations," the review says.

18 calls between the 9-12 Dec. Yet, despite the following, he was still walking the streets.

It adds that Iranian-born Monis - who first came to Australia as a refugee in 1996 and was granted citizenship in 2004 - was "the subject of many law enforcement and security investigations" in the country before the attack.

He had a history of religiously motivated activism and called himself a cleric, but officials have said there is as yet no evidence his actions were linked to international Islamist militant networks.

He was on bail after being charged with dozens of sexual assault charges and with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife, who was stabbed to death and set alight


Gotta disagree with you. Any sane person would say the Security Agencies and the Police dropped a ball lock on this one.

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As usual way to little and way to late , I wish politicians would man up and admit multiculturalism doesnt work and fix this problem the answer is not more control over the law abiding citizens

It DID work. No problem with the Greeks, Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians etc ... Until a "certain group" started arriving. Then the s%*t hit the fan.

Actually when the Greeks and Italians came to Australia post WW2 there was a problem, the problem wasn't with the new arrivals but with the attitudes of the dominant population 'Why do they eat strange food?',.. 'garlic, ugggh', ...'why don't they learn to speak proper English and later a similar attitude to the Vietnamese, 'Watch them, they'll have a knife and use it'...'They all sell drugs'....'They're taking all our jobs'. Go back further and the treatment of the Chinese, and the Afghans in the 19th century was appalling, but eventually all of these nationalities fitted in. Likewise with Middle Eastern and Muslim Australians, they are already fitting in, running businesses, in public life, as sportspeople and not all wear beards and burqas. Twenty or thirty years from now Aussies will shake their heads and wonder why Muslims especially were treated so bad and the hysteria around them. 400,000 or so of them in Australia and 200 or 300 of them on the ASIO watch list, roughly a tenth of 1% if my arithmetic is correct. Not that much to fear unless you believe the shock jocks and Murdoch media, enough to fear to be of concern, but more women are beaten and killed by their spouses every year in Australia yet that problem gets a fraction of the media coverage that perceived Muslim terror in Australia gets.

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wish the United States would tighten it's immigration as well. Too late for Great Britain and Londonstan. S

Successive governments all over Europe have also been deaf and blind for DOZENS of years. Muslims do not integrate. They try their damnedest to grab power. They succeed too thanks to those irresponsible governments across Europe. The local populations never wanted muslim immigrants and certainly don't want more. Yet the Chamberlain-like European politicians keep on ignoring their own people year after year after year. Even now their ostrich policy has not changed. They will live to regret it once shariah law is in force in their countries. However, by then it will be too late... Soon the native Europeans will have to start emigrating (perhaps to arab countries or deserts, which will be empty by then). Those native Europeans will have no choice but to leave their home lands to the muslim unbelievers i.e. the immigrants. Shame on those generations of politicians! They are responsible for untold misery. It will be much worse than the misery people experienced during World War 2.

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Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

yea just give them all the benefit of the doubt. These people knew very well they would end up on manus but decided to come anyway. It's thier fault they are where they are and all the crying from bloody bleeding hearts is going to move the responsibility of thier own actions onto others. If it reduces the chances of inocent people be decapitated in the street or blown up in shopping centres its a good thing. Why the bleeding hearts want to increase the risks only Allah knows.
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Simple 1

In summary, so far, the Oz police and security agencies IMO are doing a good job

Really ? You think so ?

The document says that the 18 calls to the national security hotline were made between 9-12 December - three days before the cafe siege.

It says Australia's security service and police considered that the Facebook posts by Monis "contained no indications of an imminent threat".

"On the basis of the information available at the time, he fell well outside the threshold to be included in the 400 highest priority counter-terrorism investigations," the review says.

18 calls between the 9-12 Dec. Yet, despite the following, he was still walking the streets.

It adds that Iranian-born Monis - who first came to Australia as a refugee in 1996 and was granted citizenship in 2004 - was "the subject of many law enforcement and security investigations" in the country before the attack.

He had a history of religiously motivated activism and called himself a cleric, but officials have said there is as yet no evidence his actions were linked to international Islamist militant networks.

He was on bail after being charged with dozens of sexual assault charges and with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife, who was stabbed to death and set alight


Gotta disagree with you. Any sane person would say the Security Agencies and the Police dropped a ball lock on this one.

Police have to operate within the confines of current legislation, some gaps have been identified and are being addressed.

The guy had had no known previous connection to terrorism and was primarily concerned media was not 'correctly' reporting his issues. He had aimed to enter the building of a TV station that he was in dispute with one of their reporters, but due to security switched to a cafe opposite to the building...

NSW Bail laws have now been tightened up and his female partner, accused of murder, is now in detention.

Again I am of the opinion the security agencies and police are doing a good job, but only requires one or a few individuals to slip under the radar for major s^@t to happen. To put matters in perspective 52 women are murdered annually in Australia by the current or ex partners with the rate of violent domestic abuse increasing. 10,000 children currently in protective care due to alcohol abuse leading to violence in the household.

Edited by simple1
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Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

yea just give them all the benefit of the doubt. These people knew very well they would end up on manus but decided to come anyway. It's thier fault they are where they are and all the crying from bloody bleeding hearts is going to move the responsibility of thier own actions onto others. If it reduces the chances of inocent people be decapitated in the street or blown up in shopping centres its a good thing. Why the bleeding hearts want to increase the risks only Allah knows.

Abbott saying Immigration were previously permitting people to enter Oz based upon 'benefit of doubt' is extraordinary & is contrary to previous media briefings that all boat people undergo vigorious security assessment - was the govt lying?

Got a link to any reports that boat people knew they would be held in detention on Manus, or elsewhere, with no future access to Oz even if positively vetted?

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Police have to operate within the confines of current legislation, some gaps have been identified and are being addressed.

The guy had had no known previous connection to terrorism and was primarily concerned media was not 'correctly' reporting his issues. He had aimed to enter the building of a TV station that he was in dispute with one of their reporters, but due to security switched to a cafe opposite to the building...

NSW Bail laws have now been tightened up and his female partner, accused of murder, is now in detention.

Again I am of the opinion the security agencies and police are doing a good job, but only requires one or a few individuals to slip under the radar for major s^@t to happen. To put matters in perspective 52 women are murdered annually in Australia by the current or ex partners with the rate of violent domestic abuse increasing. 10,000 children currently in protective care due to alcohol abuse leading to violence in the household

I think as I highlighted in my previous post. There was plenty of evidence that this creature should not have been walking the streets. I also believe that in the current world climate, his actions should have immediately warranted his incarceration. The 18 phone calls over 3 days is testimony to that. If Agencies had extracted their fingers and got off their collective backsides, innocents need not have died. I am pretty sure that some will say that this is acceptable as one lunatics Human Rights cannot be infringed.

Let me put that into perspective for you. This will not impress the Liberal Luvvies, not that I care. '' Terrorists only need to be lucky once, Security Agencies need to be lucky all the time '' A well known phrase. Luck should not come into it. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Hit hard and fast and to hell with their so called Human Rights.

The thread is not about domestic or alcohol abuse. Nice try at deflection.

Unfortunately, the Security Services and Police dropped a ball lock on this one, the evidence is there for all to see. I truly hope that they learn very quickly, the errors that were made in this particular case, and ensure, by whatever means necessary that it never happens again.

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As usual way to little and way to late , I wish politicians would man up and admit multiculturalism doesnt work and fix this problem the answer is not more control over the law abiding citizens

It DID work. No problem with the Greeks, Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians etc ... Until a "certain group" started arriving. Then the s%*t hit the fan.

Actually when the Greeks and Italians came to Australia post WW2 there was a problem, the problem wasn't with the new arrivals but with the attitudes of the dominant population 'Why do they eat strange food?',.. 'garlic, ugggh', .............

As I said...It DID work...eventually. Australia now loves it's "W*gs" I seriously doubt we will ever come to love violent, destructive, semi civilised Arabs. Anything that "works" can be ruined by an Arabic spanner in the works.

Edited by Fullstop
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