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Australia to tighten immigration laws in counterterror bid


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As usual way to little and way to late , I wish politicians would man up and admit multiculturalism doesnt work and fix this problem the answer is not more control over the law abiding citizens

It DID work. No problem with the Greeks, Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians etc ... Until a "certain group" started arriving. Then the s%*t hit the fan.

Actually when the Greeks and Italians came to Australia post WW2 there was a problem, the problem wasn't with the new arrivals but with the attitudes of the dominant population 'Why do they eat strange food?',.. 'garlic, ugggh', .............

As I said...It DID work...eventually. Australia now loves it's "W*gs" I seriously doubt we will ever come to love violent, destructive, semi civilised Arabs. Anything that "works" can be ruined by an Arabic spanner in the works.

Get in line. I'm still waiting for the Asian invasion, our streets taken over by HK and Vietnamese triads. Communist North Vietnamese sypathisers on the boats were supposed to be undermining government.

Oh wait, one of those boat people was just made Govenor of South Australia.

As Simple 1 said, domestic violence against women is a bigger killer in Australia. More people also died in Australia falling off chairs. So lets have a bit of perspective. That is not to say we don't keep track of the real issue of fundamentalism.

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Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

You can thank Julia KRudd and Kevin Gillard for most of that mess & eventually Scott Morrison for cleaning most of it up, not all but most
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The western regimes should of never created this immigration based economic model in the first place, if their own fertility rates were dropping as a result of the 1960's cultural revolution, they should have just initiated programs to increase birthrates. Immigration from mostly underdeveloped countries to the western world has led to a situation where countries in the developing world lose their most educated and talented people to the west. The rabid rate of immigration to the west since the 1960's has also led too poor race relations between the new immigrants and the 'indigenous' population.

I noticed recently when this american parking space terrorist gunned down 3 muslims- the muslims were from SYRIA, and all 3 had PHDs.. see there's your problem all the intelligent syrians were allowed to immigrate to the west, leaving that country well ..

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Australian Immigration now getting tough and about time.

More than 200 bikies, drug traffickers and sex offenders have had their visas cancelled in the past three months and have started being deported from Australia.


Also any Australians fighting overseas for IS that have duel nationalities, will now have their Australian Citizenship cancelled and they will be deported.

Bad luck if you came over with mum and dad from Afghanistan of the like. The Prime Minister today said that anyone who became Australian citizens and who swore allegiance to Australia, must abide by it's laws and what they agreed to at the swearing in ceremony.

Swearing in as an Australian Citizen should not be taken for granted.

Edited by OZEMADE
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Police have to operate within the confines of current legislation, some gaps have been identified and are being addressed.

The guy had had no known previous connection to terrorism and was primarily concerned media was not 'correctly' reporting his issues. He had aimed to enter the building of a TV station that he was in dispute with one of their reporters, but due to security switched to a cafe opposite to the building...

NSW Bail laws have now been tightened up and his female partner, accused of murder, is now in detention.

Again I am of the opinion the security agencies and police are doing a good job, but only requires one or a few individuals to slip under the radar for major s^@t to happen. To put matters in perspective 52 women are murdered annually in Australia by the current or ex partners with the rate of violent domestic abuse increasing. 10,000 children currently in protective care due to alcohol abuse leading to violence in the household

I think as I highlighted in my previous post. There was plenty of evidence that this creature should not have been walking the streets. I also believe that in the current world climate, his actions should have immediately warranted his incarceration. The 18 phone calls over 3 days is testimony to that. If Agencies had extracted their fingers and got off their collective backsides, innocents need not have died. I am pretty sure that some will say that this is acceptable as one lunatics Human Rights cannot be infringed.

Let me put that into perspective for you. This will not impress the Liberal Luvvies, not that I care. '' Terrorists only need to be lucky once, Security Agencies need to be lucky all the time '' A well known phrase. Luck should not come into it. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Hit hard and fast and to hell with their so called Human Rights.

The thread is not about domestic or alcohol abuse. Nice try at deflection.

Unfortunately, the Security Services and Police dropped a ball lock on this one, the evidence is there for all to see. I truly hope that they learn very quickly, the errors that were made in this particular case, and ensure, by whatever means necessary that it never happens again.

Liberal Luvvies in Australia?

Whenever there has been sufficient evidence Oz security forces have 'hit hard and fast'. This year laws were tightened so that 'reasonable suspicion' will be sufficent to act; we will see how this approach pans out.

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Police have to operate within the confines of current legislation, some gaps have been identified and are being addressed.

The guy had had no known previous connection to terrorism and was primarily concerned media was not 'correctly' reporting his issues. He had aimed to enter the building of a TV station that he was in dispute with one of their reporters, but due to security switched to a cafe opposite to the building...

NSW Bail laws have now been tightened up and his female partner, accused of murder, is now in detention.

Again I am of the opinion the security agencies and police are doing a good job, but only requires one or a few individuals to slip under the radar for major s^@t to happen. To put matters in perspective 52 women are murdered annually in Australia by the current or ex partners with the rate of violent domestic abuse increasing. 10,000 children currently in protective care due to alcohol abuse leading to violence in the household

I think as I highlighted in my previous post. There was plenty of evidence that this creature should not have been walking the streets. I also believe that in the current world climate, his actions should have immediately warranted his incarceration. The 18 phone calls over 3 days is testimony to that. If Agencies had extracted their fingers and got off their collective backsides, innocents need not have died. I am pretty sure that some will say that this is acceptable as one lunatics Human Rights cannot be infringed.

Let me put that into perspective for you. This will not impress the Liberal Luvvies, not that I care. '' Terrorists only need to be lucky once, Security Agencies need to be lucky all the time '' A well known phrase. Luck should not come into it. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Hit hard and fast and to hell with their so called Human Rights.

The thread is not about domestic or alcohol abuse. Nice try at deflection.

Unfortunately, the Security Services and Police dropped a ball lock on this one, the evidence is there for all to see. I truly hope that they learn very quickly, the errors that were made in this particular case, and ensure, by whatever means necessary that it never happens again.

Liberal Luvvies in Australia?

Whenever there has been sufficient evidence Oz security forces have 'hit hard and fast'. This year laws were tightened so that 'reasonable suspicion' will be sufficent to act; we will see how this approach pans out.

Poor bloke still thinks they are the liberal democrats.

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Police have to operate within the confines of current legislation, some gaps have been identified and are being addressed.

The guy had had no known previous connection to terrorism and was primarily concerned media was not 'correctly' reporting his issues. He had aimed to enter the building of a TV station that he was in dispute with one of their reporters, but due to security switched to a cafe opposite to the building...

NSW Bail laws have now been tightened up and his female partner, accused of murder, is now in detention.

Again I am of the opinion the security agencies and police are doing a good job, but only requires one or a few individuals to slip under the radar for major s^@t to happen. To put matters in perspective 52 women are murdered annually in Australia by the current or ex partners with the rate of violent domestic abuse increasing. 10,000 children currently in protective care due to alcohol abuse leading to violence in the household

I think as I highlighted in my previous post. There was plenty of evidence that this creature should not have been walking the streets. I also believe that in the current world climate, his actions should have immediately warranted his incarceration. The 18 phone calls over 3 days is testimony to that. If Agencies had extracted their fingers and got off their collective backsides, innocents need not have died. I am pretty sure that some will say that this is acceptable as one lunatics Human Rights cannot be infringed.

Let me put that into perspective for you. This will not impress the Liberal Luvvies, not that I care. '' Terrorists only need to be lucky once, Security Agencies need to be lucky all the time '' A well known phrase. Luck should not come into it. I have said it before, and I will say it again. Hit hard and fast and to hell with their so called Human Rights.

The thread is not about domestic or alcohol abuse. Nice try at deflection.

Unfortunately, the Security Services and Police dropped a ball lock on this one, the evidence is there for all to see. I truly hope that they learn very quickly, the errors that were made in this particular case, and ensure, by whatever means necessary that it never happens again.

Liberal Luvvies in Australia?

Whenever there has been sufficient evidence Oz security forces have 'hit hard and fast'. This year laws were tightened so that 'reasonable suspicion' will be sufficent to act; we will see how this approach pans out.

Australia does not have any Liberal Luvvies ? There are 2 on this thread alone.

Yep, in my posts above, it sure looks like they hit and fast on that one.

18 phone calls to a hotline in 3 days, deemed not a threat and as a result innocent people died. Dress it up any way you like.

It was a ball lock.

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Get in line. I'm still waiting for the Asian invasion, our streets taken over by HK and Vietnamese triads. Communist North Vietnamese sypathisers on the boats were supposed to be undermining government.

Oh wait, one of those boat people was just made Govenor of South Australia.

As Simple 1 said, domestic violence against women is a bigger killer in Australia. More people also died in Australia falling off chairs. So lets have a bit of perspective. That is not to say we don't keep track of the real issue of fundamentalism.

Yea but to be fair the ones that fell off the chairs were well and truly.....................drunk.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Now I understand why it was 4 wives.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

Now if those folk being detained in PNG for breaking Oz law asked to return home would they be let go? Of course they would, they are being detained by choice. Do you live in Thailand or do you post from outside the country? And if you live in Thailand do you keep your visa current? What do you expect if you enter here illegally and are detained, incarcerated and charged? And if you do live/or visit Thailand here I bet you stay legal. My point is the west will quickly be over run by immigrants if the flow is not deterred. When folks from the 3rd world gain political power in western countries it is a slippery slope until all that the country stands for is turned into the 3rd world these people are coming from. Just look at the politics in the USA, UK, France and other countries today.

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Australia may have missed this one, but in the current world these crazies are everywhere. Australia should be admired for their balls in the current western world that except people from everywhere even in mass relocations. Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp for breaking their laws is admirable, the rest of the west could well learn from this example.

Sending boat people to a PNG detention camp admirable? As the BBC news report last night showed this centre is a disgusting prison, bullying of asylum seekers by guards, one known death already, mental illness on the increase, poor infrastructure. Mainland Australian prisons are better, prisoners there at least know when they are going to get out. All asylum seekers have done is try and seek a better life, how evil is that? And the Australian government can hardy be called heroes for stopping drownings at sea when the ones who have made it to these hell holes are treated the way they are potentially taking their own lives to escape the mental torture. And of course there are still children in Australian centres...very admirable Australia.

yea just give them all the benefit of the doubt. These people knew very well they would end up on manus but decided to come anyway. It's thier fault they are where they are and all the crying from bloody bleeding hearts is going to move the responsibility of thier own actions onto others. If it reduces the chances of inocent people be decapitated in the street or blown up in shopping centres its a good thing. Why the bleeding hearts want to increase the risks only Allah knows.

Abbott saying Immigration were previously permitting people to enter Oz based upon 'benefit of doubt' is extraordinary & is contrary to previous media briefings that all boat people undergo vigorious security assessment - was the govt lying?

Got a link to any reports that boat people knew they would be held in detention on Manus, or elsewhere, with no future access to Oz even if positively vetted?

guess you missed the constant Television radio and media reports that saturated the media. We even saw them in Thailand where people were told they will not get into Australia if they tried.
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yea just give them all the benefit of the doubt. These people knew very well they would end up on manus but decided to come anyway. It's thier fault they are where they are and all the crying from bloody bleeding hearts is going to move the responsibility of thier own actions onto others. If it reduces the chances of inocent people be decapitated in the street or blown up in shopping centres its a good thing. Why the bleeding hearts want to increase the risks only Allah knows.

Abbott saying Immigration were previously permitting people to enter Oz based upon 'benefit of doubt' is extraordinary & is contrary to previous media briefings that all boat people undergo vigorious security assessment - was the govt lying?

Got a link to any reports that boat people knew they would be held in detention on Manus, or elsewhere, with no future access to Oz even if positively vetted?

guess you missed the constant Television radio and media reports that saturated the media. We even saw them in Thailand where people were told they will not get into Australia if they tried.

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Yep & that's when the boats mainly stopped coming. I was talking about prior to the media blitz, caught in very unfortunate timing, but I guess they were the poor bastards used to underline the message. It’s very quiet on transfers of volunteers to Cambodia.

As we know many still turning up at airports, dumping ID / or have false ID, then claiming refugee / asylum status and not being transferred offshore.

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Australia has a migration system, and many thousands enter the country legally each year, from around 116 countries.

If people want to jump the queue and enter illegally, then they have a problem.

Don't tell anyone that people don't know what's happening once they enter Australian waters. They come equipped with satellite phones, numbers to call, and it's all well-organised, to the point where boat people 2 years back were being forced onto wrecks of boats at gunpoint by the police of Australia's northern neighbours.

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Australia has a migration system, and many thousands enter the country legally each year, from around 116 countries.

If people want to jump the queue and enter illegally, then they have a problem.

Don't tell anyone that people don't know what's happening once they enter Australian waters. They come equipped with satellite phones, numbers to call, and it's all well-organised, to the point where boat people 2 years back were being forced onto wrecks of boats at gunpoint by the police of Australia's northern neighbours.

The myth of queue jumping:





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Hundreds of convicted criminals have visas revoked under Migration Act amendment

By the National Reporting Team's Caitlyn Gribbin

More than 200 bikies, drug traffickers and sex offenders have had their visas cancelled in the past three months and have started being deported from Australia.

The number of cancellations is much higher than in recent years, because Immigration Minister Peter Dutton now has greater powers to revoke visas of convicted criminals.

Since December last year, 203 visas have been cancelled, a high rate of cancellations compared to 372 revocations between July 2011 and July 2014.


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More than 200 bikies, drug traffickers and sex offenders have had their visas cancelled in the past three months and have started being deported from Australia

Excuse my ignorance, but these are common criminals, quite rightly being deported for their crimes.

As the topic refers specifically to counter-terrorism, perhaps someone could be good enough to post a link to the number of passports revoked under the heading of the topic ?

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More than 200 bikies, drug traffickers and sex offenders have had their visas cancelled in the past three months and have started being deported from Australia

Excuse my ignorance, but these are common criminals, quite rightly being deported for their crimes.

As the topic refers specifically to counter-terrorism, perhaps someone could be good enough to post a link to the number of passports revoked under the heading of the topic ?

The report is underlining the current government announcement of stricter implementation of visa laws, proposed tougher citizenship requirements etc.

I believe around 70+ plus Oz citizens have had their passports revoked to stop them travelling to conflict areas in M.E. New laws are being formulated to revoke the passports of dual citizens / suspend Australian citizenship for those who are identified as belonging to terrorist groups.

Australian authorities have cancelled 100 passports belonging to fighters in Syria and Iraq since 2010. But this does not deprive them of the right to return to Australia if they are citizens.


Currently it is contrary to law to cancel citizenship if the outcome makes a person stateless.

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More than 200 bikies, drug traffickers and sex offenders have had their visas cancelled in the past three months and have started being deported from Australia

Excuse my ignorance, but these are common criminals, quite rightly being deported for their crimes.

As the topic refers specifically to counter-terrorism, perhaps someone could be good enough to post a link to the number of passports revoked under the heading of the topic ?

The report is underlining the current government announcement of stricter implementation of visa laws, proposed tougher citizenship requirements etc.

I believe around 70+ plus Oz citizens have had their passports revoked to stop them travelling to conflict areas in M.E. New laws are being formulated to revoke the passports of dual citizens / suspend Australian citizenship for those who are identified as belonging to terrorist groups.

Australian authorities have cancelled 100 passports belonging to fighters in Syria and Iraq since 2010. But this does not deprive them of the right to return to Australia if they are citizens.


Currently it is contrary to law to cancel citizenship if the outcome makes a person stateless.

From your link

Australian PM Tony Abbott has announced a push to toughen citizenship laws and tackle those inciting hatred in an attempt to target domestic extremists.

He said citizenship for dual nationals involved in terrorism could be suspended or even revoked.

People born in Australia could also lose some privileges if they broke anti-terror laws, he added


COULD be suspended or revoked.

COULD also lose some privileges.

Sounds like a really tough message. I am sure that they will be quaking in their collective sandals.

I really have to question the thought process of ANY Australian, who is worried about the legality of making a person stateless who has shipped off to Iraq or Syria to fight Jihad, or indeed has facilitated in ANY WAY, terrorism on Australian soil.

As I pointed out yesterday, the Liberal Luvvies would much rather that they were incarcerated at the taxpayers expense, than receive a short, sharp 5.56mm to the head that they richly deserve.

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A further report from the BBC.

Up to 40 Australian women have either taken part in terrorism or supported terrorist groups, officials say.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has said that an increasing number of young women are joining Islamic State (IS).

She told parliament that more women were travelling to Syria and Iraq to join their militant husbands or to marry a fighter.

Experts are worried about the effect of returnees, and on those who support them, on domestic security


That multicultural dream is starting to fall apart at the seams.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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The report is underlining the current government announcement of stricter implementation of visa laws, proposed tougher citizenship requirements etc.

I believe around 70+ plus Oz citizens have had their passports revoked to stop them travelling to conflict areas in M.E. New laws are being formulated to revoke the passports of dual citizens / suspend Australian citizenship for those who are identified as belonging to terrorist groups.

Australian authorities have cancelled 100 passports belonging to fighters in Syria and Iraq since 2010. But this does not deprive them of the right to return to Australia if they are citizens.


Currently it is contrary to law to cancel citizenship if the outcome makes a person stateless.

From your link

Australian PM Tony Abbott has announced a push to toughen citizenship laws and tackle those inciting hatred in an attempt to target domestic extremists.

He said citizenship for dual nationals involved in terrorism could be suspended or even revoked.

People born in Australia could also lose some privileges if they broke anti-terror laws, he added


COULD be suspended or revoked.

COULD also lose some privileges.

Sounds like a really tough message. I am sure that they will be quaking in their collective sandals.

I really have to question the thought process of ANY Australian, who is worried about the legality of making a person stateless who has shipped off to Iraq or Syria to fight Jihad, or indeed has facilitated in ANY WAY, terrorism on Australian soil.

As I pointed out yesterday, the Liberal Luvvies would much rather that they were incarcerated at the taxpayers expense, than receive a short, sharp 5.56mm to the head that they richly deserve.

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Here in Australia you seem not to understand that amended / new laws are under review to be documented for enactment. The passing of new / amended legislation is subject to parliamentary approval. The LNP does not necessarily have the majority to get stuff enacted, therefore the use of the word "could".

Some people seem to have no concern whatsoever with the erosion of the democratic principles of enacting legislation in our societies and tend to lean towards facism.

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off topic but maybe someone knows, ive been in thailand nearly 10 years and would like to go bricklaying in australia to top up the bank account. im a qualified english brikkie and the uk is to far away to leave my children in thailand. what visa would i need? would i need a work invite? i know nothing about it. any help appreciated

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Posts removed to enable reply.

Here in Australia you seem not to understand that amended / new laws are under review to be documented for enactment. The passing of new / amended legislation is subject to parliamentary approval. The LNP does not necessarily have the majority to get stuff enacted, therefore the use of the word "could".

Some people seem to have no concern whatsoever with the erosion of the democratic principles of enacting legislation in our societies and tend to lean towards facism

I fully understand the process of getting Laws reviewed and enacted. That was not my point.

There is currently a need, for Australia to Review / Amend current anti-terrorism Laws. Which suggest that the current Laws are no longer sufficient for their intended purpose.

If the current PM has to use language such as '' Could instead of Should '' because he might not have a majority to get the required Laws passed, Laws which deal with National Security, then there is a problem in Parliament. One wonders why Politicians would veto Laws that affect National Security of the Country that they are supposed to represent.

On your point of some people having no concern for the erosion of Democratic principles, you are indeed correct. That would be those people that myself and others have continually warned you about. I will give you a hint. They do not want Democracy, they want Sharia.

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off topic but maybe someone knows, ive been in thailand nearly 10 years and would like to go bricklaying in australia to top up the bank account. im a qualified english brikkie and the uk is to far away to leave my children in thailand. what visa would i need? would i need a work invite? i know nothing about it. any help appreciated

Whilst it is off topic, check out the Oz immigration website for qualifying skills for work visas. You may qualify for a 457 visa, more info at:


You would need to do some homework on the major construction companies in Australia and approach them or a brokerage that are registered with Australian immigration. However, suggest you start a new topic in the relevant visa section of TV for more responses

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On your point of some people having no concern for the erosion of Democratic principles, you are indeed correct. That would be those people that myself and others have continually warned you about. I will give you a hint. They do not want Democracy, they want Sharia.

Australia will not support the implementation of a pluralistic legal system in my lifetime, nor I suggest in the foreseeable future; some examples:

A quote from an Australian government website:

Freedom of religion and worship is protected, but religion is to play no part in the formal legal system. Australia's former treasurer, Peter Costello (2006), argued, "there is one law we are all expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. If you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for"


Attorney-General Nicola Roxon (2012) said that "there is no place for Sharia law in the Australian society and the government strongly rejects any proposal for its introduction.

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On your point of some people having no concern for the erosion of Democratic principles, you are indeed correct. That would be those people that myself and others have continually warned you about. I will give you a hint. They do not want Democracy, they want Sharia.

Australia will not support the implementation of a pluralistic legal system in my lifetime, nor I suggest in the foreseeable future; some examples:

A quote from an Australian government website:

Freedom of religion and worship is protected, but religion is to play no part in the formal legal system. Australia's former treasurer, Peter Costello (2006), argued, "there is one law we are all expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. If you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for"


Attorney-General Nicola Roxon (2012) said that "there is no place for Sharia law in the Australian society and the government strongly rejects any proposal for its introduction.

Whether the Australian Government supports or condones Sharia Law is not the issue.

Whilst I agree with you that there should be one Law for all.

This is clearly not the case. Aspects of Sharia Law is being practised in Australia.

Taken from the same page as your quotes above.

The case for official recognition Sharia law is already operating in Australia


The fact that it is being discussed, debated and practised says it all.

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On your point of some people having no concern for the erosion of Democratic principles, you are indeed correct. That would be those people that myself and others have continually warned you about. I will give you a hint. They do not want Democracy, they want Sharia.

Australia will not support the implementation of a pluralistic legal system in my lifetime, nor I suggest in the foreseeable future; some examples:

A quote from an Australian government website:

Freedom of religion and worship is protected, but religion is to play no part in the formal legal system. Australia's former treasurer, Peter Costello (2006), argued, "there is one law we are all expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. If you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for"


Attorney-General Nicola Roxon (2012) said that "there is no place for Sharia law in the Australian society and the government strongly rejects any proposal for its introduction.

Whether the Australian Government supports or condones Sharia Law is not the issue.

Whilst I agree with you that there should be one Law for all.

This is clearly not the case. Aspects of Sharia Law is being practised in Australia.

Taken from the same page as your quotes above.

The case for official recognition Sharia law is already operating in Australia


The fact that it is being discussed, debated and practised says it all.

Being a democractic society it was debated; a decision reached it would be contrary to the Constitution i.e. establishing a parallel legal system. Private 'cultural' arrangements are not recognised by the Courts in Australia.

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Being a democractic society it was debated; a decision reached it would be contrary to the Constitution i.e. establishing a parallel legal system. Private 'cultural' arrangements are not recognised by the Courts in Australia

Nice try at deflection. No one mentioned Courts.

A simple question. Are aspects of Sharia Law being practiced in Australia ? A 1 word answer will suffice.

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Being a democractic society it was debated; a decision reached it would be contrary to the Constitution i.e. establishing a parallel legal system. Private 'cultural' arrangements are not recognised by the Courts in Australia

Nice try at deflection. No one mentioned Courts.

A simple question. Are aspects of Sharia Law being practiced in Australia ? A 1 word answer will suffice.

deflection? just confirming not recognised under Australian law.

yes some for civil matters such as marriages & I assume some business matters between Muslims. Same applies to some Jews in Australia who practise Beth Din for family and business matters within their community. I have Thai Buddhist friends who marry at a Wat, they make business arrangements within their community outside of the Australian legal system.

Edited by simple1
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Being a democractic society it was debated; a decision reached it would be contrary to the Constitution i.e. establishing a parallel legal system. Private 'cultural' arrangements are not recognised by the Courts in Australia

Nice try at deflection. No one mentioned Courts.

A simple question. Are aspects of Sharia Law being practiced in Australia ? A 1 word answer will suffice.

deflection? just confirming not recognised under Australian law.

yes some for civil matters such as marriages & I assume some business matters between Muslims. Same applies to some Jews in Australia who practise Beth Din for family and business matters within their community. I have Thai Buddhist friends who marry at a Wat, they make business arrangements within their community outside of the Australian legal system.

There was no need to confirm it was not recognised under Australian Law. That is not in question, by me or anyone else.

I do not think that Jews or Buddhists are the reason that Australian is having to revise / amend its Anti-Terror Laws, as per the topic, so why the need to mention them ? More deflection perhaps ?

Yes, elements of Sharia Law are taking place in Australia. Contrary to the Laws of the Land and against the constitution as you put it. Which then begs the question as to why it is not stamped on immediately.

I will give you a 1 word answer. Appeasement. Just like I said months ago, when I said that I hoped that Australia would not follow in the steps of the UK.

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