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Russia and US spar over global crises at UN meeting


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Russia and US spar over global crises at UN meeting

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov implicitly accused the United States on Monday of violating U.N. principles by bombing Syria, occupying Iraq "under false pretenses" and manipulating a Security Council mandate to destroy and create chaos in Libya.

U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power implicitly criticized Russia for blocking Security Council action against the Syrian government and accused Moscow of training, arming and fighting alongside separatists who have seized Ukrainian territory.

They traded accusations during a ministerial meeting of the U.N. Security Council to assess the operation of the United Nations as it nears its 70th anniversary. The meeting was organized by China and was the first-ever chaired by a Chinese foreign minister.

Lavrov was clearly pointing at the United States without naming it when he singled out the current bombing of Syria, where the U.S. is targeting extremists from the Islamic State group, the U.S. occupation of Iraq starting in 2003, and the NATO-led uprising in Libya in 2011 strongly backed by the Obama administration.

"This is a result of attempts to dominate global affairs, to rule over all, everywhere, to use military force unilaterally to push one's own progress, one's own interests," Lavrov said.

The Russian minister also implicitly accused the U.S. of using "unsavory methods" such as mass pressure on sovereign states to promote Washington's agenda, and promoting regime change including "open support for the unconstitutional state coup in Ukraine a year ago." And he implicitly accused the U.S. of trying to turn the Security Council into a body which would "rubber stamp" its decisions.

"Unilateral actions of force" in recent months, he said, "have plunged the Middle East and northern Africa into instability and chaos, and to a large extent have created a breeding ground with which extremists thrive."

Power, pointing clearly at Russia — a close ally of Syria which has blocked council action aimed at pressuring President Bashar Assad to end the four-year conflict — decried the escalating death toll and the Syrian government siege tactics that have taken "a devastating toll on civilians, the people the U.N. Charter is supposed to protect."

She accused Russia of violating the Charter, which demands that all 193 member states respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other nations, by its support for separatists in Ukraine which has cost some 5,700 lives and displaced more than 1.7 million Ukrainians.

Instead of locking up political opponents in Syria and elsewhere, "or making ridiculous allegations in pointing fingers at foreign powers," Power said governments should respect human rights and freedoms which are the foundation for peace, security and prosperity.

Lithuania's Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius accused Moscow of trying to redraw Europe's borders by violence and force.

"What we are seeing in Europe today ... is Russia's military might being used in violation of the sovereign rights of states, and in pursuit of a neo-imperial ambition which has no place in the 21st century," he said.

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said "antiquated thinking, such as the Cold War mentality and zero-sum games, should have long been thrown into the trash bin of history."

He called for greater international cooperation, greater democracy and the rule of law.

"No country in the world is entitled to impose its own will on others or to topple the legitimate government of other countries," Wang said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-24

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

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The Brics may not agree with you. Germany is moving away from the US, China has never been near. Russia is right about US manipulation of sovereign countries, but it will not last. The bully tactics of the US will come back to haunt them, their empire will crumble along with the petrodollar. We have all seen the deaths of children in Iraq, Syria and Libya by US bombs.

The assertions haven't ever had any credibility and presently are ever more laughable.

The Brics are in recession and deflation. Russia is a basket case and China is hanging on by its fingernails.

Germany and the EU, Nato, are not about to incorporate as subservient to Putin's new world order that for him begins by controlling the wealth and the riches of the EU in every sense and meaning of the words.

China remains oriented to the USD and Russia remains inextricably connected to the euro and the usd. That's not much for the global right to work from or with. In fact it's nothing as is the global right which lost its dreamy gold referendum in Switzerland by a huge margin.

All the global right can possibly do now and indefinitely in to the future is to post nonsense to the internet.

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The Brics may not agree with you. Germany is moving away from the US, China has never been near. Russia is right about US manipulation of sovereign countries, but it will not last. The bully tactics of the US will come back to haunt them, their empire will crumble along with the petrodollar. We have all seen the deaths of children in Iraq, Syria and Libya by US bombs.

The assertions haven't ever had any credibility and presently are ever more laughable.

The Brics are in recession and deflation. Russia is a basket case and China is hanging on by its fingernails.

Germany and the EU, Nato, are not about to incorporate as subservient to Putin's new world order that for him begins by controlling the wealth and the riches of the EU in every sense and meaning of the words.

China remains oriented to the USD and Russia remains inextricably connected to the euro and the usd. That's not much for the global right to work from or with. In fact it's nothing as is the global right which lost its dreamy gold referendum in Switzerland by a huge margin.

All the global right can possibly do now and indefinitely in to the future is to post nonsense to the internet.

And of course only the great US has a strong economy, strong growth and healthy balance sheets.

No doubt worthless money printing and unpayable trillions dollar debts is a good indicator of US economic strength.

Now back to reality and planet earth

Edited by konying
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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

I enjoy your posts but with respect you do tend to reflect whatever memes are being peddled by the US Ministry of Truth. Some of them really silly.

The Chinese Foreign Minister said... "No country in the world is entitled to impose its own will on others or to topple the legitimate government of other countries,". (Unless its Tibet).

The US has clearly been doing this for decades. Either through hard power, or soft... colour revolutions... humanitarian bombing.. the responsibility to protect pretext doctrine and of course, one of the biggest frauds of all, the 'global war on terror'. The list of governments overthrown or destabilized is long. Yet, your reply suggests he meant Putin.

Such is the power of propaganda and DOUBLETHINK. The US is a militaristic beast that NEEDS to be fed. Without war and international tension its economy would collapse. It also has to maintain the petro-dollar and is clearly fighting a resource war around the planet. Corporations like Monsanto want to control the global food supply. 'Full Spectrum Dominance' mean anything to you?

US politicians are renowned for accusing others of criminal behaviour THEY are indulging in. For an American to accuse Putin of having 'megolamaniac grand designs', is simply one more example.

Here's one of Putin's designs...


Edited by Choctastic
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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

The Chinese are not comfortable with the Russians.

For all the sabre rattling by Beijing and Washington there is still a mutual admiration society that remains unstated.

The only foreseeable problem stands with just where the Chinese define the borders of China to be.

Remember that North Vietnam always belonged to the king of Wu.

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

I enjoy your posts but with respect you do tend to reflect whatever memes are being peddled by the US Ministry of Truth. Some of them really silly.

The Chinese Foreign Minister said... "No country in the world is entitled to impose its own will on others or to topple the legitimate government of other countries,". (Unless its Tibet).

The US has clearly been doing this for decades. Either through hard power, or soft... colour revolutions... humanitarian bombing.. the responsibility to protect pretext doctrine and of course, one of the biggest frauds of all, the 'global war on terror'. The list of governments overthrown or destabilized is long. Yet, your reply suggests he meant Putin.

Such is the power of propaganda and DOUBLETHINK. The US is a militaristic beast that NEEDS to be fed. Without war and international tension its economy would collapse. It also has to maintain the petro-dollar and is clearly fighting a resource war around the planet. Corporations like Monsanto want to control the global food supply. 'Full Spectrum Dominance' mean anything to you?

US politicians are renowned for accusing others of criminal behaviour THEY are indulging in. For an American to accuse Putin of having 'megolamaniac grand designs', is simply one more example.

Here's one of Putin's designs...



Full spectrum dominance. Really?

Sounds like any number of far flung terrorist groups. One that comes to mind is the Ladies in Comfortable Shoes group.

A few minutes googling the history of Tibet may also give you a different outlook on the Chinese.

But in all honesty and with the deepest respect it does sound like something that America is famous for.........buzzwords.

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

I guess those hundreds of billions of USD bilateral trade agreements, oil pipelines and rail link between Beijing and Moscow are all just a figment of Russian / Chinese imagination... Along with the rest of the 180 country strong BRICS alliance... Keep up the rhetoric, it's usually good for a laugh...

What you should be mentioning is Russia's ratification of the BRICS Development Bank, which has initial capitalization of $100 billion USD, the internal implementation of Russia's replacement for SWIFT and the Chinese purchasing record amounts of gold since the beginning of 2015... Oh wait, that doesn't fit your propaganda model, so it must be a lie, right?

BRICS Bank Ratification


De-Dollarization Continues as Russia Rolls out SWIFT Replacement


China Purchases More Gold Than the World Produces


All of course extremely interesting and enlightening but for me I have a problem with isolating specifics that suit me and me alone.

According to this reasoning, Australia who does multi billion dollar business with China must now be an ally of Russia.

Also there seems to be some very bitter infighting going on between certain members of the forum which leave the rest of us interested parties way out in the cold.

How about getting over the dummy spit and moving along?

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

"Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States,"

They must have turned off Fox News.

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The Brics may not agree with you. Germany is moving away from the US, China has never been near. Russia is right about US manipulation of sovereign countries, but it will not last. The bully tactics of the US will come back to haunt them, their empire will crumble along with the petrodollar. We have all seen the deaths of children in Iraq, Syria and Libya by US bombs.

Thank you for using the same words I was prepared to write here.

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

"CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin"cheesy.gif

Your usual delusionary rubbish!

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Publicus you will be telling us next China is building this to accommodate Air Force Onecheesy.gif

We will see eventually whether you are right or wrong about America and China being buddy buddy when China starts determining who and who can’t pass through this shipping channelgiggle.gif


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We may agree that Kadafi was a dictator, that Hussein was a dictator, That Assad is a dictator, like most leaders of Muslim countries....some even with the US support like Saudi Arabia and Kuwai. Who knows if that is the only way to govern in those countries?

The US wants to imposes its "model" and even its "customs" to totally different cultures, already fighting and divided by religion, creating more chaos and death, using all kind of arguments, most lies and demagogy.

These are FACTS.

Many years ago, Clinton punished Kadafi bombing his palace, and killing his son, for the TWA terrorist attack in its plane in London, Only European news told the true, last year, and Obama attacked Libya killing Kadafi. Not only was probed that Libya was not responsible for the TWA event, also Kadafi was asking in court for a big money compensation to the US Government, for the attack, the killing, and the embargo. Big money.

At the same time, Kadafi was signing deal with Russia, China, Syria and Iran in oil exchanges and for the use of a common currency, not the dollar, and "trespassing" the embargo dealing with some EU countries....like Irak did before.

This is not a conspiracy theory, this was news around the world weeks before the Lybia "Revolution".

Coincidence? Again, was not a coincidence. Results...Irak is in chaos, Afghanistan is in chaos, Libya is in chaos, and Syria is the next target...and terrorism is spraying around the world more violent than ever.

Ukrania is on Soviet territory, it is a Russian problem, and the US again got in the middle using it for its convenience.

It is clear now that the US is NOT interested in a peaceful world, starting the Cold War all over again. I any country in the world, MONEY can start a

"mercenary revolution", and that it is what the US is doing for the last 20 years.....with the help of "allies" and NATO, that are nothing more than US puppets.

Putin may have its issues, but he in not a dictator, he is an elected President of a powerful nation. The US is making a big mistake messing with Russia interest and on its own soil...even thinking that can win a war if happens.

It is the US representing the World interest in provoking Russia?

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Publicus you will be telling us next China is building this to accommodate Air Force Onecheesy.gif

We will see eventually whether you are right or wrong about America and China being buddy buddy when China starts determining who and who can’t pass through this shipping channelgiggle.gif


Well that's going to create some problems with ASEAN. But yes I agree PRC is not buddy buddy and in fact chose to be an enemy in 1949, when the same American troops who fought the Japanese faced PLA troops in the Korean peninsula. PRC has very much spit on the grave of the soldiers who died fighting the Empire of Japan, oh well no good deed goes unpunished. I personally believe we will see the rise and subsequent fall of the New Chinese Empire within our lifetimes, and the fall won't be pretty. Same with that Russian gangster.

Edited by squarethecircle
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And I always find Russians and Chinese who criticize the War in Iraq to be hypocrites. I thought the US was too mild in dealing with jihadists, and neither China nor Russia would have used similar restraints. Then again I wasn't there but ROE require you to triple-identify people before you can kill them. Basically a recipe for disaster in a counter-insurgency operation. China and Russia have both been quite brutal in their own in-country insurgencies; I read that when 2 Xinjiang "insurgents"/"terrorists" stabbed 3 people in the west there, the PRC military killed not only the 2 XJ insurgents, but also 6 more of their close friends and family.

Then again, when you rule with a ruthless fist like the feudal lords of China and Russia do, you inevitably end up creating a country NOBODY wants to stay in. It's like they think Russia is a great ruling empire, but send their families out as soon as possible. Where's Putin's b**** daughter by the way?

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We may agree that Kadafi was a dictator, that Hussein was a dictator, That Assad is a dictator, like most leaders of Muslim countries....some even with the US support like Saudi Arabia and Kuwai. Who knows if that is the only way to govern in those countries?

The US wants to imposes its "model" and even its "customs" to totally different cultures, already fighting and divided by religion, creating more chaos and death, using all kind of arguments, most lies and demagogy.

These are FACTS.

Many years ago, Clinton punished Kadafi bombing his palace, and killing his son, for the TWA terrorist attack in its plane in London, Only European news told the true, last year, and Obama attacked Libya killing Kadafi. Not only was probed that Libya was not responsible for the TWA event, also Kadafi was asking in court for a big money compensation to the US Government, for the attack, the killing, and the embargo. Big money.

At the same time, Kadafi was signing deal with Russia, China, Syria and Iran in oil exchanges and for the use of a common currency, not the dollar, and "trespassing" the embargo dealing with some EU countries....like Irak did before.

This is not a conspiracy theory, this was news around the world weeks before the Lybia "Revolution".

Coincidence? Again, was not a coincidence. Results...Irak is in chaos, Afghanistan is in chaos, Libya is in chaos, and Syria is the next target...and terrorism is spraying around the world more violent than ever.

Ukrania is on Soviet territory, it is a Russian problem, and the US again got in the middle using it for its convenience.

It is clear now that the US is NOT interested in a peaceful world, starting the Cold War all over again. I any country in the world, MONEY can start a

"mercenary revolution", and that it is what the US is doing for the last 20 years.....with the help of "allies" and NATO, that are nothing more than US puppets.

Putin may have its issues, but he in not a dictator, he is an elected President of a powerful nation. The US is making a big mistake messing with Russia interest and on its own soil...even thinking that can win a war if happens.

It is the US representing the World interest in provoking Russia?

While I am open to having fault found with U.S. Actions in the past and present, as an American, I will stand with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, etc. and certainly the Ukraine in saying the Ukraine, including the Crimea is not "Soviet territory". I do not recognize that Ukraine's independence is " messing with Russia on its own soil". Putin overstepped in seizing sovereign territory of another nation. The motivation was a move by the Ukraine to become closer to the European orientated nations.

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While I am open to having fault found with U.S. Actions in the past and present, as an American, I will stand with Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, etc. and certainly the Ukraine in saying the Ukraine, including the Crimea is not "Soviet territory". I do not recognize that Ukraine's independence is " messing with Russia on its own soil". Putin overstepped in seizing sovereign territory of another nation. The motivation was a move by the Ukraine to become closer to the European orientated nations.

I thought the motivation for the violent overthrow of a democratically-elected President, by Neo-Nazis, supported by the U.S. was because the President decided NOT to go with the European bribe offer. You didn't find fault with the years of US and NED destabilization efforts that played on East/West divisions in the Ukraine? Or its current support for the Neo-Nazis or their 'Punisher' battalions?

Is there such as thing as 'Soviet' territory'? I thought the Soviet system collapsed years ago and Russia was a capitalist country, with the same capitalist structure as the US., where the f***s at the top steal from all those beneath them. Otherwise known as a 'Kleptocracy'.

What territory has Russia 'seized'? If you mean Crimea, the Russians were already there and Crimea held an election. Just like Western Ukraine held an election and couldn't wait to be led by violent fascists. Both elections were suspect but hey. That's the beauty of democracy. Doesn't matter who votes. It's who counts them. whistling.gif

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The fact remains that Russua wants BRICS and the others countries simply want a voice in Bretton Woods. Bretton Woods can can stop funding of the NDB dead in its tracks by simply reducing voting share discrepancy and softening conditionality. That is all Brazil, SA, India and presumably China want. Apparently, no one is too worried about BRICs and here is part of the reason why.

BRICS and funding the NDB is difficult will be a difficult proposition at best. The US$100 billion base capital for NDB is currently just a number on paper. The BRICS countries have committed a meager US$150 million each short-term, and US$50 billion over long term or several years because most of the BRICS have cash flow and severe economic problems. The remaining US$50 billion depends on attracting investments from other nations. This may be problematic if the five leaders do not contribute sufficiently..

At the end of the day, the World Bank will still dwarf the NDB even if the NDB manages to fully capitalize through its own and outside contributions.

Economists and analysts also generally opine that the NDB is a positive economically. The NDB would supplement Bretton Woods by providing an alternative when necessary, not supplant it. All of this zerohedge, Russia propaganda dollar collapse hysteria and end of the US nonsense is just that, hysteria and nonsense.

Again, the World Bank can render the NDB dead in the water by simply reducing voting share discrepancy and softening conditionality. Brazil, India and SA would walk away and China would follow suit. This would certainly happen if World Bank thought there was truly this Russian, zerohedge et al. proclaimed global threat to the US or the West. Those running the World Bank and the IMF are not asleep at the wheel and are smart enough figure this stuff out.

Edited by F430murci
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Looks like this story is now being picked up by major media outlets.

I sure hope Dimitry Muratov went on vacation outside of Russia before this story ran.

. . . and the NY Times does, unlike Russia, set forth Russia's version or explanation and acknowledges that the Kremlin spokesperson calls it a hoax. Big surprise there.

I imagine we will start hearing more of these leaks as things starting getting worse in Russia, perhaps originating from some of the oligarchs. Things are bad there now. Mass layoffs and prices are getting very high. People are growing impatient.


Kremlin Was Advised to Annex Crimea Even Before Ukrainian Government’s Fall, Russian Paper Says

MOSCOW — The Kremlin was advised to annex Crimea and a large swath of southeastern Ukraine weeks before the Ukrainian government fell, a Russian newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing what it said was a memo that was presumably presented to the presidential administration.

Russia has long contended that it acted without premeditation in Crimea, and was only seeking to protect Russian speakers who it said were under threat of attack, and to stave off what it suspected was an attempt by NATO to move its forces into the region.

But a report in Novaya Gazeta, one of the few independent voices still publishing in Russia, said that well before the Ukrainian government fell in February 2014, the memo the newspaper had obtained advised the Kremlin to adopt the policy it has since pursued in Ukraine. The memo appears to have been drafted under the auspices of a conservative oligarch later suspected of funding the separatists, the report said.

The memo lays out what it says is the inevitable disintegration of Ukraine and suggests a series of logistical steps that Russia should take to make sure it remains in control of the situation, steps not far off from what actually occurred.

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Interesting article and very familiar with the concept having handled security litigation for many years now.


At first glance, President Vladimir Putin's Russia may seem like a traditional rogue dictatorship whose actions are impossible to predict. In reality, it's a crony capitalist state with relatively open markets. That means you can always know what's going to happen slightly in advance by following the financial dealings of insiders.

Two Ph.D. students at Cornell, Felipe Silva and Ekaterina Volkova, recently confirmed that after analyzing Russian stock trades ahead of Russia's annexation of Crimea. In a yet unpublished paper, they show that insiders began selling stocks while outside observers, even sophisticated ones, were still struggling to accept the possibility of an armed Russian attack on Ukraine.

Silva and Volkova's research is based on the concept of probability of informed trading, originally developed in the mid-1990s by David Easley and Maureen O'Hara, also of Cornell. . . .

. . .

On Feb. 26, four days after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev to escape a revolution against his corrupt rule and two days after Ukrainian authorities attempted to apprehend him in Crimea, Putin put troops in western Russia on high alert. At 6 a.m. on Feb. 27, men in unmarked uniforms quietly took control of the local parliament and government buildings in Simferopol, Crimea. No one in Simferopol, including the local government, immediately made the connection: Putin's war methods weren't yet widely understood.

The mysterious "green men" would only say they were "with the people." . . .

. . .

In retrospect, there were clues if you knew where to look -- and had the right access. For weeks prior to the assault on Crimea, conservative Moscow think tanks had been laying groundwork, peppering the Kremlin with reports calling for intervention in Ukraine if Yanukovych was overthrown. One such "analytical paper" from February 2014, was published yesterday in the anti-Putin weekly Novaya Gazeta


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Interesting article and very familiar with the concept having handled security litigation for many years now.


At first glance, President Vladimir Putin's Russia may seem like a traditional rogue dictatorship whose actions are impossible to predict. In reality, it's a crony capitalist state with relatively open markets. That means you can always know what's going to happen slightly in advance by following the financial dealings of insiders.

Two Ph.D. students at Cornell, Felipe Silva and Ekaterina Volkova, recently confirmed that after analyzing Russian stock trades ahead of Russia's annexation of Crimea. In a yet unpublished paper, they show that insiders began selling stocks while outside observers, even sophisticated ones, were still struggling to accept the possibility of an armed Russian attack on Ukraine.

Silva and Volkova's research is based on the concept of probability of informed trading, originally developed in the mid-1990s by David Easley and Maureen O'Hara, also of Cornell. . . .

. . .

On Feb. 26, four days after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev to escape a revolution against his corrupt rule and two days after Ukrainian authorities attempted to apprehend him in Crimea, Putin put troops in western Russia on high alert. At 6 a.m. on Feb. 27, men in unmarked uniforms quietly took control of the local parliament and government buildings in Simferopol, Crimea. No one in Simferopol, including the local government, immediately made the connection: Putin's war methods weren't yet widely understood.

The mysterious "green men" would only say they were "with the people." . . .

. . .

In retrospect, there were clues if you knew where to look -- and had the right access. For weeks prior to the assault on Crimea, conservative Moscow think tanks had been laying groundwork, peppering the Kremlin with reports calling for intervention in Ukraine if Yanukovych was overthrown. One such "analytical paper" from February 2014, was published yesterday in the anti-Putin weekly Novaya Gazeta


That's awsome.

So US did not have anything to do with illegal government over throw in Ukraine ?

US does not meddle in Syria, Iraq or lybia?

U.S. did not bomb Pakistan ?

Did not invade Iraq?

Edited by konying
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Interesting article and very familiar with the concept having handled security litigation for many years now.


At first glance, President Vladimir Putin's Russia may seem like a traditional rogue dictatorship whose actions are impossible to predict. In reality, it's a crony capitalist state with relatively open markets. That means you can always know what's going to happen slightly in advance by following the financial dealings of insiders.

Two Ph.D. students at Cornell, Felipe Silva and Ekaterina Volkova, recently confirmed that after analyzing Russian stock trades ahead of Russia's annexation of Crimea. In a yet unpublished paper, they show that insiders began selling stocks while outside observers, even sophisticated ones, were still struggling to accept the possibility of an armed Russian attack on Ukraine.

Silva and Volkova's research is based on the concept of probability of informed trading, originally developed in the mid-1990s by David Easley and Maureen O'Hara, also of Cornell. . . .

. . .

On Feb. 26, four days after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev to escape a revolution against his corrupt rule and two days after Ukrainian authorities attempted to apprehend him in Crimea, Putin put troops in western Russia on high alert. At 6 a.m. on Feb. 27, men in unmarked uniforms quietly took control of the local parliament and government buildings in Simferopol, Crimea. No one in Simferopol, including the local government, immediately made the connection: Putin's war methods weren't yet widely understood.

The mysterious "green men" would only say they were "with the people." . . .

. . .

In retrospect, there were clues if you knew where to look -- and had the right access. For weeks prior to the assault on Crimea, conservative Moscow think tanks had been laying groundwork, peppering the Kremlin with reports calling for intervention in Ukraine if Yanukovych was overthrown. One such "analytical paper" from February 2014, was published yesterday in the anti-Putin weekly Novaya Gazeta


That's awsome.

So US did not have anything to do with illegal government over throw in Ukraine ?

US does not meddle in Syria, Iraq or lybia?

U.S. did not bomb Pakistan ?

Did not invade Iraq?

Is lybia some part of a woman's body. Was US meddling there? Nevertheless, I am sure it has some relevance to Russia's involvement in the Ukraine, oh wait . . . Russia has no involvement in the Ukraine, in fact Putin does not even know where Crimea or the Ukraine are much less put troops or weapons there. Assuming he did, however, it would be all US's fault for meddling with some chick's lybia.

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Interesting article and very familiar with the concept having handled security litigation for many years now.


At first glance, President Vladimir Putin's Russia may seem like a traditional rogue dictatorship whose actions are impossible to predict. In reality, it's a crony capitalist state with relatively open markets. That means you can always know what's going to happen slightly in advance by following the financial dealings of insiders.

Two Ph.D. students at Cornell, Felipe Silva and Ekaterina Volkova, recently confirmed that after analyzing Russian stock trades ahead of Russia's annexation of Crimea. In a yet unpublished paper, they show that insiders began selling stocks while outside observers, even sophisticated ones, were still struggling to accept the possibility of an armed Russian attack on Ukraine.

Silva and Volkova's research is based on the concept of probability of informed trading, originally developed in the mid-1990s by David Easley and Maureen O'Hara, also of Cornell. . . .

. . .

On Feb. 26, four days after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev to escape a revolution against his corrupt rule and two days after Ukrainian authorities attempted to apprehend him in Crimea, Putin put troops in western Russia on high alert. At 6 a.m. on Feb. 27, men in unmarked uniforms quietly took control of the local parliament and government buildings in Simferopol, Crimea. No one in Simferopol, including the local government, immediately made the connection: Putin's war methods weren't yet widely understood.

The mysterious "green men" would only say they were "with the people." . . .

. . .

In retrospect, there were clues if you knew where to look -- and had the right access. For weeks prior to the assault on Crimea, conservative Moscow think tanks had been laying groundwork, peppering the Kremlin with reports calling for intervention in Ukraine if Yanukovych was overthrown. One such "analytical paper" from February 2014, was published yesterday in the anti-Putin weekly Novaya Gazeta


That's awsome.

So US did not have anything to do with illegal government over throw in Ukraine ?

US does not meddle in Syria, Iraq or lybia?

U.S. did not bomb Pakistan ?

Did not invade Iraq?

Is lybia some part of a woman's body. Was US meddling there? Nevertheless, I am sure it has some relevance to Russia's involvement in the Ukraine, oh wait . . . Russia has no involvement in the Ukraine, in fact Putin does not even know where Crimea or the Ukraine are much less put troops or weapons there. Assuming he did, however, it would be all US's fault for meddling with some chick's lybia.

Do not give up your day jobthumbsup.gif

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The CCP Boyz in Beijing have moved substantially and significantly away from Putin and his megalomaniac grand designs, which now means Putin and Russia are completely isolated.

Indeed, China continues to prioritize developing good and mutual working relations with the United States, Germany and the EU whereas Putin goes out of this way to stomp his feet cuss and spit.

Russia has no support from anyone at all unless we want to include Kim Jong Un.

I guess those hundreds of billions of USD bilateral trade agreements, oil pipelines and rail link between Beijing and Moscow are all just a figment of Russian / Chinese imagination... Along with the rest of the 180 country strong BRICS alliance... Keep up the rhetoric, it's usually good for a laugh...

What you should be mentioning is Russia's ratification of the BRICS Development Bank, which has initial capitalization of $100 billion USD, the internal implementation of Russia's replacement for SWIFT and the Chinese purchasing record amounts of gold since the beginning of 2015... Oh wait, that doesn't fit your propaganda model, so it must be a lie, right?

BRICS Bank Ratification


De-Dollarization Continues as Russia Rolls out SWIFT Replacement


China Purchases More Gold Than the World Produces


What have the CCP Boyz in Beijing done for Russia and Putin throughout 2014? Sign deals Putin suddenly had to have to try to double back from becoming isolated from Europe and Nato, that's what. Signed deals at Chinese prices.

The Brics Development Bank will not come online until 2020 at the soonest and it remains grossly under capitalized with less money than the money changer down the street. The Brics countries are in recession, deflation, under sanctions or divided from themselves as India is apart from China due to its competing interests in the Indo-Pacific Strategic Region.

What have the Brics done for Russia...beans, that's what. Where are the Brics leaders in Moscow to stand by their man Putin. Brics countries have their own problems at home and want nothing to do with the globally isolated Putin and his coterie of oligarchs running Russia.

The posts here are always and every time "wait until Putin" does something that never happens, e.g., cuts off natural gas and oil to Europe which hasn't happened. The posts are "Putin is going to" yet something else like break the USD by showing all his gold, or yet again "Putin will" something else not ever done.....threats, threats, threats that have long since become more than laughable.

Putin's SWIFT system for Russia is masturbation. Putin needs access to a global system and the SWIFT system based in Belgium does $6 Trillion of financial actions each day. Once Nato cuts Russia off from SWIFT it will have to use Chinese banks which will over burden the PRChinese banking system that is already flapping its arms to try to keep its head above water.

Putin's gold, Putin's SWIFT, Putin's cutoff of energy to Europe and all other threats threats and threats give way to the reality of Putin's cancellation of the Southern Stream Pipeline because the EU shut him down, Putin's demolished rubble ruble, Medvedev warning Russia will withdraw its ambassador from Washington and vice-versa, Putin waving the flag and singing while he disappears into the rathole in the KGB of the former Soviet Union that made him the little squeaker that he is.

Guys who box over their weight can hang on for only so long before comes the barrage of blows to the body and the final big punch to the glass jaw.

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A typical scenario of a fight East vs West to the glory of Islam!

The wolf is inside the pack of dogs and the dogs are fighting between themselves.

1) Americans right - Russians wrong;

2) Americans wrong - Russians right;

3) Americans right - Russians right;

4) Americans wrong - Russians wrong;

No matter which combination you chose - Islam is the Winner!

Remember who is the Enemy...

Edited by ABCer
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